
Real Dancing ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I'm not one to pay that much attention to the stage nor be into the stage-thing a lot - sure, I like to look at the stage when I'm not busy getting-dances b/c it's much-better than twiddling-my-thumbs and who doesn't like looking at naked-women - but I'm not really into fancy pole-tricks nor gymnastics on stage.

w.r.t. the title of the thread - there *are* times when the way a dancer dances on stage *does* catch my eye - in the context of the this thread-title I don't necessarily mean she's dancing super seductively/sexually although that *does* catch my eye - in the context of this thread's title I mean a dancer that has rhythm and one can tell she knows how to move and has true dancing ability and moves-well to the actual beat of the song, vs doing the typical dancer-moves that may not necessarily match the beat of the song (many times I noticed a dancer just doing typical stripper-moves that don't match at all the beat of the music).

I'm not a good-dancer at all but do appreciate people that can dance-well - and IME black-dancers can often dance well in terms of dancing to the actual beat of the music to where if she was dancing in a nightclub as a civvy she'd look well doing it - there are times a dancer not necessarily my type will catch my eye/interest on-stage based on how well she dances to the beat of the music.

I was at a somewhat upscale mixed-club last weekend and a dark-skinned ebony-dancer got on-stage - she had a petite/barbie bod thus not PCM (Papi-Chulo-Mode) but she was dancing so well and smooth to the song being played that she caught my eye and I was really enjoying her stage-set/dancing vs just looking at the stage b/c I had nothing better-to-do or b/c she was naked (she actually caught my eye while still being fully-dressed on stage during the first-song of her set) - the more I looked at her and her dancing the more sexy she became; got up and tipped her on stage and eventually got dances from her and her attitude was as good as her dancing (seemed to go hand-in-hand).

Ever noticed a dancer that caught your eye b/c she danced very-well; and by very-well not necessarily sexually or b/c she was showing you her tits which of course is always appreciated.


  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    If it’s especially good I’m be like “cool” but otherwise I’m more concerned with how she does on my lap. For the record most are absolutely abysmal anyway ime.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Totally agree x1000

    A new baby stripper dancing like she is just having fun is amazing to watch.

    I have seen a few girls who banked as baby strippers on stage and then their stage money fell off as they started dancing more "strippery", doing pole tricks and/or twerking.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Although I do remember Nice being really good up there.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    There was a dancer named Li'l Bit at the Memphis Platinum plus that put on such a good show that you could not get near the stage. The guys were all on their feet throwing money at her. I did catch her later walking past me and I was compelled to stop her and give her another tip.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    At the COI nude (extras) club most dancers just prance around to show you the good but at the one topless (non extras) club there a few dancers who really know how to dance.

    It's the type of dance where it mesmorizes your senses and you just want to "dance" with her.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    With some its good to see them dance on their feet, and using the pole, especially if they are wearing a little more, like a dress.

    But others are really good at giving a crotch centric performance. Its just a few that are like this.

    And then some are really great with the stage side contact.

    And I have been there when $1 got you a good DFKing, girl seemed to want to get guys into the back room. She wanted quick results.

    PCM should be in our glossary.


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  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I was going to sign up for online lessons soon to improve. Not because I think it will do a lot for my income, but mostly because I don’t want to be so bored. And gives me something to focus on when customers aren’t tipping me or otherwise give me any signs he might spend on me later.

    I find this girl mesmerizing.

  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Well actually that’s not completely true. On weekend shifts with LOTS of mixed gender tables, actual dancing skills is very good to have.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    The link @spice posted is not exactly what I was referring to and not what catches my attention personally - the girl I was referring to was dancing like one would see a civvy dancing at a nightclub but dancing well and correctly to the beat of the music.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^although I know many SCers do like the pole-dancing and polo-tricks on stage; but it doesn't do much for me personally
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Nicespice, the girl in your pics is great. Stage dancing is all high heels and the pole.

    About the co-ed tables, I assume that you mean that stage dancing is more important because you can't just jump on guy's laps. Have to lay back a bit and wait till they approach.

  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Thanks for the kind words, Muddy. But as I recall, you were also drunk. 😝

    ->“I have seen a few girls who banked as baby strippers on stage and then their stage money fell off as they started dancing more "strippery", doing pole tricks and/or twerking. “

    A mixed bag for sure haha. I don’t think it’s stricly speaking to a dancers advantage though. Here is one such thing that happened almost a year ago at Bucks:

    Him: You seem quite young. How old are you? 18?
    Me: I’m 19.
    Him: And how long have you been dancing?
    Me: (lying) oh...a few months
    Him: Oh, well we know that isn’t true.
    Me: 😅 Oh, why do you think that.
    Him: because your moves on stage are very awkward. You can’t have her doing it very long. Have a drink with me.
    Me: Aaaah...It’s almost 7. I don’t have much time left before they kick me out. Let’s get a dance.
    Him: Have a drink.
    Me: I have to drive soon. I can’t.
    Him: Have a drink.
    Me: Have a good night.

  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    *can’t have been

    Also in my biased opinion, that dancer *is* quite in sync to the music. 😝

    I’m trying to remember the last time I saw a dancer dance completely civie-like. Seems strange. There is one BBD dancer who does line dancing shuffling moves, but she also wears a cowboy hat and boots so it’s part of her overall style. But since that club has no poles, it’s not that weird there.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    She could start civie style, with her dress on. Then take the dress of and go more floor work and spreading her legs, etc.

  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    There was a girl at my favorite club who had been a college-lev gymnast. She could flat out work a pole. Watching her do a full split up the pole was a life changing experience!

  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I just don't personally find pole-tricks or acrobatics sexy - I *am* impressed by their skill on the pole but not usually turned-on by it - again personal-taste as I know there are SCers that eat that up.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    For me, pole climbing no, but the pole can still help them do things which would otherwise be very hard, especially in extreme high heels.

    One girl was going around the pole, and then on all fours doing doggie gyrations, with her dress still on. She made me feel old just watching her. She had the right music for it too, Metallica. I wanted to see more, to see up her dress, to see her pull her dress up. I think that was her idea.

    Very few people in the club, so the money was going slow.

  • joatmon
    5 years ago
    I haven't seen a 'dancer' who could/would actually dance in decades. If I did, however I would definitely get dances from her (if she was my type). My theory is the better the stage dance the better the (non extras) lap dance and it usually proves true.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    When the mileage is lower and the front room more restrictive, I think girls go more to the stage. But when they can just start climbing on guys, why waste time on the stage.

  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    🥴 I was good!
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Several years ago at the Goldrush in Atlanta I saw a customer ball room dancing with a totally nude dancer out on the floor.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Papi - Totally agree that pole tricks/acrobatics are not at all a turn on. Twerking for me is a big turn off. Sexy nightclub style dancing is a major turn on. Floor work is a turn on. Slow sensual movements are a turn on.

    NiceyMcSpicey - So there was this hot really young waitress that showed up at bucks a while back. She was clearly super crazy shy and seemed to just stand in the corner of the club with her hands clasped. I saw her off and on for a few weeks and wondered how she was making any money as a waitress since she seemed too shy to talk to anyone. Then one day she starts stripping and on stage she transformed into this totally other person with tons of stage presence. She was genuinely having a ton of fun enjoying the attention (and massive amount of stage tips) just dancing in a sexy nightclub style way.

    I think because she had been a hot waitress for a while she made insane money in the first few weeks of stripping. I caught her on her second day and she literally couldn't walk across the room without someone grabbing her off the floor for dances. She would do a few dances then walk back to the dressing room and a different guy would intercept her. I waited around for a while and then finally caught her but she needed to go to the dressing room first, before she made it to me another 2 guys tried to grab her.

    Her lap dance was terrible so I left her alone for a few months. Once she started stage dancing in a way that was similar to every other stripper her stage money tanked. And I think she seemed to think that her initial experience stripping would last forever so she still to this day never approaches anyone. Just sits in the corner and plays on her phone.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Personally, I love watching a dancer who works the pole in acrobatic fashion. I will always stage tip them well if they can show poise, rhythm, energy and strength on the pole. I also enjoy dance moves that show strength and flexibility, particularly slow posing flexible motions. I like watching it because I know the dedication that is required for those movements and when a dancer performs them like it is second nature with apparent ease, I am awestruck.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I knew a gal whose stage presence was awesome, she was pretty and generally the center of attention wherever we went, not much for pole tricks or a great dancer, rather average, but for some reason she would get on stage and the club would watch her, she did great on stage tipping and only interacted with a few regulars, but she could draw a crowd with her personality and stage presence.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Yeah a lot of strippers like to say girls should dance like strippers, but the odd girl here and there I've seen who really dances her ass off (as in dancing ability) does seem to make good stage money if she is attractive.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    -->@O.P Papi: "Ever noticed a dancer that caught your eye b/c she danced very-well; and by very-well not necessarily sexually or b/c she was showing you her tits which of course is always appreciated."

    In the SC, I equate dancing well with dancing sexually and don't separate the two. Sensual performance generates bigger tip by me to dancer. Impressive acrobatic pole work also generates bigger tip because I find it entertaining and want to reward the effort. Twerking does nothing for me, and neither does lazy prancing around the pole with no sensuality.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    It's not that important but I actually pay attention to real dancing when a stripper is onstage. First I check and see if she is dancing to the beat and has actual rhythm. Then I look for advanced moves that take physical skill. If she has both of these I will always give her a tip regardless of her looks and body. It's an appreciation of her dancing skills as opposed to her stripping skills. And then it's best when she is doing well at both.
  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    I'll notice a dancer's moves if she's really good: I can think of maybe five times this has happened. I'm more of a regular dancer than most SCers, so it's something that sticks out - mostly because dancers usually try to look sexy and/or get money as opposed to actually dancing. If a girl can really dance then I think she might be fun and my interest level goes way up.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Girl on girl action does much to loosen everyone up.



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  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    The number of really good stage dancers is declining.
    As "extras" get more common - stage dancing becomes an obligation for the dancer. She bides her time, swaying around the pole.
    3 songs up - quickly back to extras land for extra money.

    I tip good dancers.
    If anyone is in San Antonio - there is an exceptional and sexy stage dancer named Harley in Tiffany's Cabaret.
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    Some women are good dancers and some women have a body that moves!
  • Prim0
    5 years ago
    I usually check them out on stage to get a sense of their attitude. Lazy on stage generally translates to lazy on the lapper. I'm also attracted to dancers that seem to be having fun. They're usually in a good mood and can end up giving really good dances in private. Who wants to hang out with some woman that's going to complain to you more than your wife does.

    Attitude, sexiness, style....I think you can get a good idea of what they've got by watching them dance on stage.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ Buying dances is a chumps game.

    Front room makeout session.

    Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.

    Then take her home with you, and continue to see her regularly.

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