Reno area pricing

avatar for unsatisfiedhubby
I'm going to the Reno area for a night in July. I'm trying to figure out how much money I need to squirrel away for an hour of fun with a beautiful woman. The thought of going to a brothel just makes me very nervous as I've heard the stories about how expensive they've become. Many guys on the forums have said that you're better off getting an escort/stripper to your hotel room.

So my question is what does this typically cost?

How does one go about finding one? I'm not sure where to find them online because most sites are getting shut down.

Appreciate the advice.



last comment
avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
About $2500-4500 per hour is what many of the pretty ones ask ... And I was there last month. That was at the Bunny Ranch. You can talk some of them down to $1000 an hour. Other places might be cheaper, and of course, the uglier and older are cheaper.
avatar for unsatisfiedhubby
6 years ago
Are those prices for strippers or escorts that come to your room (whether pre arranged online or met somehow at the hotel) or for the brothel women? I've heard brothels are very expensive anymore. I'm just thinking 1/2hr to an hour in my hotel room.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
How about OTCing with strippers, and how about these "casino girls"?

avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
You can pull OTC out of the Fantasy Girls club but if you're only there for one night and are looking for a sure thing it may not be worth it to wait she gets off shift at closing time which is 4 AM.
No experience with its sister club Spice House across the I've heard you can pull OTC out of there too.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Fantasy Girls, Reno…

avatar for unsatisfiedhubby
6 years ago
Is Fantasy Girls a good place to go? Are the girls generous with their affections? High mileage? What does the tip cost look like?
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^^^ Are their front room makeout sessions?

Never been there, but as I have heard, I would not expect it to be too good ITC.

But lets here from any who have been there.

avatar for captainfun
6 years ago
$2,500 for an hour?? Why? No answer required. Always amazed at the outlier situations out there.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
A strip club would always be better, cause you are starting out with a f2f meeting, and in a strip club there is the possibility of front room friendliness.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Spice House is more ratchet.... Especially day shift. Wild Orchid is the best club there. But the thing is, you pretty much get a lot of the same girls working all of the clubs, its not a big city.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^ more ratchet?

Which would be best for Front Room Makeout Sessions, then back room FS, then walking your girl out the front door?

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
No front room makeout sessions...

Best bet for P4P full service is the Atlantis hotel/casino. Lots of stripper hoes hang out there if they leave early because of a slow night or after a slow night.

Also Wild Orchid has a lot of hoes, has a reputation for girls with links to northern Cali gangs.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Wild Orchid…

Above people were suggesting Fantasy Girls.

avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Reno has never appealed to me
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Fantasy Girls and Men's Club have a reputation for being stuffier....
avatar for pensionking
6 years ago
This is a serious reply to what, I presume, is a serious question.

Before I discovered TUSCL, years ago, when I traveled (often for business), I had no other means of mongering than to TOFTT in city after city. I'd examine the hotel yellow pages and hit the road in my rental car with nothing more than an airport map of the city. Sometimes I came up empty. Many times, not.

Maybe an old school approach is your best bet. Without firm intel in a place like Detroit or Tijuana, your best approach (assuming you have a rental car) is to head to a brothel with a firm idea of the maximum you are willing to pay. Probably best to avoid the most well know brothel (Moonlight Bunny Ranch) as you are most likely to encounter GPS (Golden Pussy Syndrome) there.

Hit the brothel and be a discerning shopper. Your willingness to enter, peruse and walkout without making a purchase is your greatest weapon. If they are having a slow day and are wanting to make bank, they'll come down to your offer -- if not, tough tittiies for them.

Make conversation. Have the name of another nearby brothel to name drop. Ask her how long she has worked where you are. Ask her if she is happy there. Then, ask her if she has heard of the other place and ask her how they compare. That discretely lets her know that you know you have options.

Later, when she offers her services for $$$$, you simply say, "I'm so sorry, but I was not planning on spending anywhere near that much . . . would you consider $$$ for 30 minutes of xxx?" If she declines, ask if there is anyone else in the house that she thinks might consider your offer? If not, thank her for her time and get up to leave. NBD I had one such experience at a Reno area brothel and got what I wanted for $150, but that was pre-Y2K -- haha

Worst case -- you spent an hour or so rubbing up against some pros.

Then, hit the strip club and run your OTC game there.

All you have to lose is a bit of your time, if you refuse to overpay.

Then, report back here with your experiences in detail and we are all better for it. Good luck!!!
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Discerning buyer in a legal brothel? You're getting old hookers at premium, inflated rates.

If you want a hoe, hang out at the Atlantis.
avatar for joatmon
6 years ago
I know that most on this side turn then noses up at Nevada brothels, but I have been there many times. The fact that they are completely legal is worth something IMO. Way more expensive than an extras strip clubs but not as bad as some purport. Avoid moonlight bunny ranch. their prices are ridiculous and the quality is not worth it. I have been to the mustang ranch (http://www.mustangranchbrothel…) many times and a very good time can be had there for under $1k.
avatar for joatmon
6 years ago
*site (not side) and URL is:


avatar for Icey
6 years ago
SJG Atlantis is a hotel/casino where a lot of stripper hoes go after work or when its a slow night at work. Plus lots of regular hoes. You get the best looking ones there coz its the nicest casino in Reno standards...

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
The objection I have to NV Legal Brothels, as it appears to me are:

1. No front room friendliness. That is, you need a front room unstructured and non-committal makeout session, in order to build rapport with you girl, before committing to the back room. Screwy Nevada laws make it hard for the operators to allow this. DV tried in Pahrump, but they got all entangled in NV laws. So they gave up and turned their attention to TJ and spent $4 Meg. They insist that they have studied all aspects of the HK Bar (a very hard job) and that they have it the same. And they insist that they do not regulate the women in any way. So front room friendliness should be unrestricted. But this is what they had wanted to have in Pahrump.

2. Very difficult to get a girl freelance. Have to pay huge fees to the house. Stupid. If you session with the girl once, should be able to see her freelance. But NV laws treat the women as a social menace.

3. Some prostitution advocates have advocated the Amsterdam Model, but now most just want de-criminalization. But none have ever advocated the NV model.


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avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Most prostitution is a stupid waste of money. If someone really wants P4P the same hoe charging $500 will fuck for $40 worth of coke.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I don't go for the drugs, but I do agree with, "Most prostitution is a stupid waste of money."

avatar for rl27
6 years ago
Reno is kind of a dead zone for adult fun. Over a decade ago you could get a semi-reasonable rate at one of the brothels, but not any more. The three times I visited Reno strip clubs I was severely disappointed. Overpriced, with few customers, fewer dancers, and average at best looks and dance quality.

Escorts and after shift strippers working the hotels was slim, and the few times I was propositioned she didn't appeal to me.

The best bet was to look for escorts who advertised online, but most didn't appeal to me. The two I recall who did were way unavailable, and one was extremely overly cautious on screening. Lake Tahoe based escorts seemed the be the hottest, but were also more expensive.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Reno actually has a reputation for wild clubs.You're getting a lot of northern Cali girls on the weekends, lots of gang affiliated shit, anything goes. Lots of hot Latinas.

SJG you don't have to use with them, but as currency they're worth more than cash
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^^ still not going to deal with drugs. Don't want to encourage girls to think that I am their enabler.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Marijuana is legal. You can get them that.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Still don't want to deal with drugs. Legality makes no difference.

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