No power at the strip club

I went to Baby Dolls and there was no power. I wrote a review about it just because I wanted VIP so I could read the Reverend’s reviews 😁 He has been posting some great stories that remind me of JohnSmith69’s DS-phase erotica.
I went there to see a dancer I met previously at a BYOB club I frequent. She’s very good looking and not shy about spreading her butt cheeks. Damn I love it when she does that. The only drawback with her is that depending on her mood, the dances can be hot or just going through the motions. It also sucks that the dances are now topless instead of full nude.
Needless to say my experience at Baby Dolls with no power was pretty tame. It was uncomfortably warm and the dances were pretty standard. No boundaries were pushed.
So how about you guys, have you been at a strip club with no power? What was your experience? Did you get naughty with the right dancer knowing that it was darker and there was less staff and PLs around?
last comment2 years ago post Hurricane Irma the area my go-to club is in is closer to the ocean and got hit harder and was w/o power longer - went by the club since most of the city already had power but when I got there I found out that area still didn't have power - the club was open (dayshift visit) but too dark; looked like a cave, plus hot inside - decided not to stay (I think there may have been 3 or 4 dancers but I could barely make them out)
I do most of my clubbing in south Florida. So the idea of going to a club without AC does not sound appealing to me at all.
I still remember going to bars in post-Katrina New Orleans and drinking room-temperature (90deg F) American beer. That was bad enough with all the doors and windows open. Add in sweaty BO dancers and PLs, and most strip clubs don't have windows or more than a front door and a back door... no, thank you.
I have never been to a strip club without power. But I visited a strip club in Detroit in January that had no heat. It was about -6 F outside, and when I arrived at the club the valet told me that there was no heat. I went inside anyway. I hoped I could warm up some of the dancers with friction. The club was completely empty and the regular lights were on, making a familiar club almost unrecognizable. Eventually, the manager came out and told me all the dancers were huddled in the dressing room for warmth. He did not expect the furnace to be fixed that day. Without any dancers to keep me warm, I left.
I've never been to a SC without power. I've been in a few during some brief outages, but that's it. For those, everything basically stopped for a few minutes & it was really awkward.
After Irma a number of clubs in Pompano had power well before a lot of the homes of strippers. So, there was a surplus of strippers. It wasn't a bad situation.
I've had an experience similar to jackslash's: a now-closed club in central PA had its back door open when it was below freezing outside. Being central PA, there were people outside smoking and whatnot. I think I stayed about an hour before deciding that a cold club was not the move.
I was in Dallas and driving during that storm on Sunday that knocked out the power and it was crazy so I'm not surprised there was damage and long term power outages. The big orange drums on side of freeway separating roadwork from freeway lanes were blowing all over in the lanes. On sidestreets there were trees splitting down the middle from the wind and big branches were flying all over the place. Right in front of me the big parking lot sign from a fast food place blew down and shattered the sign all over the roadway. News reports later that day showed a construction crane toppling into an apartment building, killing 1 and injuring 5.
Texan thunderstorms still better than Calif earthquakes or southeastern US hurricanes but it was nuts.
I was there Monday night when there was no power. Quite the experience. I will post stories as time allows. But I do have to disagree that no boundaries were pushed. To the contrary, lap dance areas with no lights are a fantastic idea as far as mileage goes.
Yep. Was at a club when the power grid went down. Didn’t stop nothin, had some dances and the only light was from her cell phone playing Pandora. It was super hot.
@JS69 I was there on Monday as well. Late afternoon. Like the Reverend says, did you find any Desploogination Service Professionals to your liking?
At Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, used to use candles. Custies on one side of bar, girls behind bar. Some candles on bar, girls having one of their own each.
Votive candles, in the glass holders.
Worked okay.
Only strip club power outage I was ever part of was about 15-20 years ago at the Cincinnati Deja Vu. As soon as the power went out management put a stop to all dances because the cameras weren't working. It did lead to an OTC offer from a girl that was counting on a good Friday night to pay her car payment so it wasn't too bad.
^^^^ That makes the best sense, immediate OTC, or even TLN OTC. Make the girl feel good.
Damn TV!