
Bond, James Bond

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Every guy deserves at least one “James Bond moment” in his lifetime.

Mine occurred at 37,000 feet when I was 34 years old.

I was on a Singapore Airlines flight somewhere over Asia. The first class cabin on that aircraft could have accommodated 20 passengers but on that day there were only two passengers in first class. I was fortunate to be one of the two.

It was dinner time. I enyoyed some blinis and caviar with chilled vodka as an appetizer. Then I feasted on an excellent boeuf bourguignon accompanied by vegetables I didn’t recognize and an excellent, fine red wine. Dessert featured a rum raisin crème brûlée and a sweet after dinner liqueur.

I felt so fucking sophisticated! For a moment I forgot that my parents had raised my sorry spic ass on the high plains of West Texas.

In case you’ve never had the pleasure of flying on Singapore Airlines, allow me to describe some of its hallmark features.

Singapore Airlines is widely reputed to be among the finest airlines in the world. It has often been cited as the #1 airline by a plethora of international travel magazines and travel industry critics. Their safety record is among the best. Their airplanes are spotless. Their service is impeccable and their flight attendants are clearly chosen for their youth, grace and beauty.


After dinner in the first class cabin, the last item on offer is a selection of chocolates made available by your lovely flight attendant who presents them on a tray from which you make your selections.

My gorgeous Singapore Airlines flight attendant smiled warmly at me as she approached my seat. She was carrying the tray of assorted chocolates. As she presented the tray of chocolates, she held it oddly high. The back edge of the tray was pressed against her abdomen immediately below her delicate Asian muchachas. She bent forward toward me so I could get a better at what she had to offer. In this position, from my vantage point her creamy smooth Asian tits were far more noticeable than any of the chocolates on the tray.

“Do you see anything you like?” she purred.


I glanced up at her face. She was smiling at me, making sustained eye contact.

I didn’t know what to say. Was my beautiful flight attendant purposefully trying to raise my blood pressure and inflame my libido? Or was she just innocently doing her job, being nice to her passengers in the first class cabin?

I couldn’t be sure.

I was young. So was she. It was the perfect time in both of our lives for this kind of sexual innuendo and intrigue.

If I hadn’t become so flustered I might have come up with a brilliant reply like, “Yes indeed! I do see something I like! And the chocolates don’t look too shabby either!”

But the chilled vodka, the red wine and the after dinner liqueur dulled my normally piquant wit.

I finally managed to mutter something like, “It all looks so tempting but I think I will just quit now and read for a while.”

What I really meant to say was, “I’d love to have a taste those two puppies in the back, the ones with the brown noses!”

Despite it being an overnight flight, I didn’t sleep very well. Maybe I ate too much for dinner. Or maybe I was too busy fantasizing about what might have been if I had not become so tongue tied at a crucial moment.


I really botched what was probably a golden opportunity.

With a stroke of clumsy ineloquence, I had managed to transform my one and only “most James Bond moment” into yet another one of my “most Mr. Bean moments.”


  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Before I became the jaded roué you see today, I only visited strip clubs occasionally and did not understand everything that was available. Once--I must have been in my 30's--I had a conversation with a very attractive dancer. I asked her what she liked to do, and she said "make money." I did not pick up on her obvious pay-to-play offer.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    This was the story of my life in High school. Girls would put themselves in my orbit. And I just didn’t catch on/or didn’t know what to do. These girls were super hot too. If I could just go back.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Stories like this make me think I gotta start traveling internationally
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    Those Singapore Air stewardesses are so hot in the body tight, tailored outfits the airline has them wear. @reverend, with your penchant toward Asian girls those stewardesses must drive you nuts
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Rev: Your story reminds me of something I haven’t thought about in years. I was on a Thai Airways flight in 1988 bound for Seoul, a few days before the Olympics were to open. Thai Airways also selects there flight attendants based on factors that would be illegal here, such as pulchritude and nubility.

    I and a buddy were returning from military leave and, of course, being soldiers, couldn’t afford first class. Luckily, the flight was overbooked in coach and we got bumped to first class. First class on Thai Airways is everything you said about Singapore Air.

    Midway through the flight we stretched our legs in the space by the entry door and galley area. A couple of the flight attendants came over to chat, dressed in the traditional Thai garb they wear while in flight. They were gorgeous. They asked what we did, and when we told them we were soldiers, they said, “Oh, we thought you were athletes going to games.”

    Ok, so at that time I was, thanks to training provided by the U.S. government, at my peak physical condition, but I don’t think I could possibly have been mistaken for an Olympic athlete (maybe a curler, but the summer games were about to start). Were they flirting with us? Were they disappointed we weren’t Olympic athletes? I guess it doesn’t matter. We had our Mr. Bean moment too, mumbled our thanks, and went back to our seats.

    Thanks for dredging up a pleasant, long lost memory.
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    Seriously, rvh, you should be writing these as articles. They are well above our usual discussions.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    @gammanu95 -

    Thanks. I tried posting articles a few months ago. It takes forever for an article to be approved and published on the TUSCL website. By contrast, “discussions” are immediately accessible to all without any review by the wizard.

    Readers read and respond to articles and discussions in the same way.

    There is no motivation to post articles rather than discussions.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Eva Airlines also has hot as fuck stewardesses. I like them better than Singapore.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    @SirLapdancealot -

    You will probably like this new Vietnamese airline. I’ve never flown it but it looks fascinating.

  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LOL @reverend it does look fascinating. Raises questions like does 1st class get a private dance and can you use the call button for such? I would much rather it be a Swedish airline, though.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Nothing like that ever happens to me on Southwest. Oh well. I guess I'll have to make due with a coke and some peanuts.
  • Kajohnston
    5 years ago

    Thanks for the story and helping me find my new favorite airline!

  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @Warrior15 I'm surprised a gay male Southwest attendant hasn't propositioned you on a flight before. Are you sure he wasn't offering you a line of coke to sniff off of his nuts in a subtle way?
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    "Excuse me but would you like some complimentary coke and nuts?"
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I've had a few of those James Bond moments in the civvie world because in p4p world Pussy Galore is always scheming.
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