What is a tip walk?

avatar for BaggerRider
I've been reading reviews of clubs in southeast Wisconsin and I see tip walks mentioned a lot. I'm not sure what exactly that is, would someone explain it?

Also, for anyone familiar with Milwaukee clubs, would you go to On The Border or Heartbreakers?


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The only clubs I have been to with a tip walk were in San Diego. Girl dances on stage, then walks around the room to collect tips for her stage set. Annoying as fuck.
A tip walk is when I walk I walk around the club and go cow tipping... 🐄🐄🐄
^That’s what it is. In SD, unfortunately it’s a club policy. Also happens in FL too. I was told by one of the dancers it’s a clubs way of trying to keep the lookie loos out. But it’s very annoying.
My ‘^’ was intended for RH, not the unfunny troll.
Some clubs seems especially in New Jersey/ PA in my experience have stages that are behind the bar, so after they finish dancing the girls will walk around for tips.
Jersey clubs are known for the tip-walk - as mentioned, the tip-walk is when a dancer walks the entire club after her stage-set soliciting a tip - it can get a bit expensive if you're spending a couple of hours in the club - and one is also spending $ on dancers that don't interest you.

The biggest problem with the tip-walk is in some clubs the dancers get very aggressive with it and try to milk the tip-walk and they'll walk the club all night long asking for tips even if they haven't been on stage - in clubs like this a customer can get hit by 4 or 5 different girls during the course of one song asking for tips and many guys don't wanna look cheap or rude and just pay up and the girls know this and exploit it - Russian girls in NJ and Cuban girls in Miami are notorious w.r.t. milking the tip-walk.
tip walk tends to be annoying.
if she gives you feels then maybe ok.
avatar for Sinz
4 years ago
In Wisconsin clubs after a dancer finishes her time on stage she will walk up to every patron in the club and you are expected to tip her $1. Not expensive by any means but it is annoying. I was at a busy club that had a large stage with 3 dancers staying up for 2 songs, considering how short they cut the songs $3 in tips for every rotation meant you were tipping out around $30/hr just for sitting at the bar. Years ago, the first time I went to a Chicago area club I didn't realize the dancers didn't do the tip walk down there so the first dancer that approached me had just gotten off the stage and so I assumed she was coming for her money. She just stared at me when I tried to give her what I thought was the customary tip.
In Miami not all clubs have a tip-walk but many do - these clubs are mostly filled with Cuban dancers and the tip-walk gets annoying and many times I won't hit those clubs bc of the annoying tip-walk - the tip is by no means mandatory in the clubs I hit and when I hit these clubs I tip certain dancers and others I don't - but these clubs I hit are large clubs with lots of custies where one can blend in - in small clubs one stands out more as the guy not tipping every girl - it can get uncomfortable bc many girls will give you the stink-eye bc you don't wanna tip them - some dancers will think you're cheap bc you don't tip and think you don't have $ but those are usually the dumb ones.
It's especially irritating when you have just walked into the club and a string of girls hit you up that you never even saw on stage. I just tell them that I just got there and didn't see her on stage. It pisses some them off, but too bad.
As @IME mentioned - clubs in places like NJ and Philly often have the stage inside the bar where dsncers can't be tipped bc she's far away - so the dancer will walk the club after her set so she can get tipped and it's sorta expected - for me it's not so bad if it's only one or at max 2 girls per song, but when I'm having to reach into my pocket evey 30-seconds to give $ then it's way too much
also true in Tijuana. tropical bar (during pre covid times) so annoying.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
Never experienced this. Hella lame. If I wanted to tip her, i'd tip on stage. For clubs where it's not possible, I'd only tip those I'm interested in.

Otherwise no thanks didn't see your stage set.

if you have five peso (or a us quarter...) that’s ok. otherwise it adds up.
avatar for NIPfan
4 years ago
Man, I really hate when they do this. I'm more than happy to tip rather generously. I even tip out of courtesy if a girl is on stage and not getting any. But if you don't show me the pussy, I'm not showing you the money. If I pay to play, I better get some play.
In Miami about half the girls will grind on you a bit and let you feel them up a bit during the tip-walk and it can be fun in that respect but you also burn thru $ bc you're tipping them multiple singles when they do this and it adds up throughout the night especially if you're also buying dances - but half the girls will just stick their hand out and ask for the tip.
In Miami - once the girls notice you're not an easy target, they tend to leave you alone (but not always) - the guys that feel too awkward to say no are then bombarded and most just keep tipping.
I hate the tip walk! I see bitches put in the least effort possible and then walk around collecting dollar bills. No thanks.
I am going cow tipping!🐫
This has never been a thing in Jacksonville. I'd be too socially anxious to ask for a tip from everyone even if it's considered club etiquette.
When I was in London about a decade ago, this was very common. A lot of the clubs lacked private dances and most of the performers went around collecting a pound or more from each customer in the club (no matter where you sat or stood) after her stage show.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
I've seen them in clubs around Maryland and North Carolina, too. If a dancer is just getting off stage and I think she's cute, I'll still tip her and ask who she is. If the dancer's not really my type it depends on how she approaches as she makes her rounds. If she takes time time to speak and be friendly that's an easy tip.
Most COI and LA clubs I visited did not do the tip walk, though I have seen a few dancers try it, and I usually just told something to the effect of "no thank you" because I did not care if I appeared cheap.

In TJ I saw a few Adelita's BG try it and one of them I was glad to tip because she allowed groping and she would do a quick standing grind, so it was worth the $2 tip.
avatar for DeclineToState
4 years ago
Only place I've experienced tip walk was at The American Bush in Salt Lake City. Understandable I suppose because sitting at rail is worthless there. Girls weren't aggressive, and just gave each one $2, no big deal, but it was mildly annoying though perhaps just because it was unique to me.
Tip walk in San Diego clubs? Haven't experienced that at the San Diego TL clubs Pure Platinum (the one by the airport, now closed) or Pacer's. Maybe it just happens at San Diego's FN clubs, haven't been because no alcohol and FN is not a requirement for me.
^^^ San Diego does have different rules for their topless and nude clubs, at least the time I was at either they did. Topless had the tip walks.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
San Diego, including Pure Platinum's formerly numerous locations, have always had a tip walk. When it's busy you might not notice because girls get snatched for VIP before they make it all the way around.

I "grew" up with this in strip clubs so had to learn this wasn't the norm when I started traveling the country and visiting strip clubs. Now that I travel extensively, I've learned that different areas have different traditions.

This also goes for how much you can touch. In San Diego, it is usually sit on your hands. The first time I got a dance in Tampa, the girl pointed out that I can touch her. Now my rule is if the girl grabs my junk, her junk is available too.
My local club uses it. They sell less rooms at the club so it’s a significant part of the way the girls get paid. It will cost a customer $6-10 an hour. As long as you know ahead of time it’s not that big a deal. The club has plenty of other food and beer specials that it evens out. It’s also a good way to ensure you get a chance to talk to most of the girls.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"In San Diego, it is usually sit on your hands."

It's still strange to read this, even though it's been this way for years now. You figure at least one club would have tried to push the envelope again.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
The rule was sit on your hands. Since I was a regular, I got away with more eventually. However, before Covid, there were only 2 clubs remaining that were topless with alcohol, Pure Platinum and Pacers. Pure Platinum was hanging on by a thread and I wonder if it will survive the latest shutdown. It was bought out from longtime owners about 2 years ago.

San Diego got some crazy vice squad leadership that decided they were going to shut down every strip club and internet friendly hookups in the early 2000's. Before some clubs finally died, they had lost their liquor licenses in "undercover" operations busting girls for not following the 6' rule. Who knew these fucking vice cops were innovators for rules during Covid times.
San Diego County Clubs seem to be satisfied with the business they get. before i was introduced to tijuana i simply accepted it after my disappointment at cheatas ice box. i simply didn’t do anything in san diego county after that. simply showroom interaction.
A dollar won't hurt you
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
It's the devil incarnate.
In one club in FL they had all the girls line up on stage and shake their asses, then they all walked around the club in a line asking for $1. Not sure if they did this every 30 min or 60 min, I didn't stay that long, lol.
What's wrong with tipping every girl on stage a dollar? It's not a big deal
It’s fairly common in NJ clubs. There are many clubs where there isn’t easy access to tip dancers on stage.

The dancer will go around the bar looking for tips - after she’s been on stage.

In many NJ clubs - dancers don’t do stage sets - they just parade around a small stage giving a look at their bodies - and surveying the PL’s. After they get off stage - they will go around and attempt to collect tips. This can also be called the Dollar Parade - as most PL’s give the dancers (they aren’t interested in) a dollar to go away.

Some clubs are notorious for this practice. If you want a dance - this is your opportunity to chat with the dancer - and get her to come by and negotiate a trip to the back room.
===> "As @IME mentioned - clubs in places like NJ and Philly often have the stage inside the bar where dsncers can't be tipped bc she's far away - so the dancer will walk the club after her set so she can get tipped and it's sorta expected"

Most of the clubs in Queens NY operate like this as well.

I have mixed feelings about tip walks. I don't mind it when it's done in modertion, but all too often it gets out of control.
- In places like G2K in Long Island City, when there are 4-5 dancers on stage at one time, it gets crazy, especially when some of them try to double dip.
-In some of those Jersey clubs the chicks will do 3-4 tip walks during each stage set, which is also annoying.
-In Wisonsin, I've encountered situations where girls who were not even on stage will do a tip walk like they just got off, relying upon guys who were busy with other girls to be unaware and just hand over cash. This can be especially bad in larger clubs with multiple stages.
avatar for prevert
4 years ago
I’m glad the clubs here don’t require tipping on a tip walk. I’d probably be thrown out. There’s one club downtown where the stage is behind the bar so I understand it there but even there the club doesn’t require you to tip.

As far as I’m concerned most of the time if I didn’t tip you on stage it was on purpose.
Should add it to the glossary.
I kinda think the tip walk makes sense in Wisconsin as those are some of the worst customers I have ever dealt with lmao.

Also if the stage is hard to tip because it is behind the bar then a tip walk makes perfect sense.

Overall I'm not really into the idea of doing it myself or dollar dances for whatever reason 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I totally get the idea
I've only experienced this once in a club in Anahiem, CA. After the girl did a stage show where some did tip her, she walked around soliciting tips.

This was the only time I've experienced this first hand. This wasn't an LA Club, this was "Behind The Orange Curtain" (Orange County) where things can be done a bit differently. This particular girl was not appealing to me so I didn't tip as I wasn't really paying too much attention to the stage show.
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