
What Social Media Do You Use ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Monday, September 21, 2020 10:51 AM
I'm curious. The answers to this will probably vary depending on the person's age. What social media do you use ? And how much do you use it ? Could you live without ? Here are the one's I use: Facebook - My oldest son entered high school about a dozen years ago and he signed onto the Facebook. So like any nosy parent, I signed on so I could watch what we did. It has become a way to reconnect with old acquaintances and keep up with family. I think it's funny that Facebook has become the old people's social media. I rarely post anything. And only look at it when I get some notifications. LinkedIn - I actually need to become more active with this one. Lots of tools to use for business needs. I need to have someone at my business to update my profile so we get more hits on this. Instagram - Yes, I'm on Instagram. But only to look at the pictures. I have never posted a picture on it nor have I ever direct messaged someone on the site. A couple of the sugar babes I have dated has pages on this site so I wanted to see their photos easily. I only Follow a handful of people on its. I do not Twitter. No one wants to hear about my boring life. Or maybe I dont' want to publicly talk about the exciting things I do. How about you ? What Social Media are you on and how much do you use it ?


  • GoVikings
    4 years ago
    facebook, that's it. and i don't use it that much. i mostly like it because its a great way to keep in contact with people--especially those who are out of town
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    I created a Facebook account mainly to see what is going on at businesses I frequent or see a business I might visit while traveling for work. I used my real name and got hit with a bunch of friend requests from family, friends and coworkers. Immediately, I thought this is too much work. I didn't disable my account but created one with a random email and name. I really don't even log into the account under my real name. I also did the same with Instagram. I don't really want to be an active participant but see the advantages to be able to see content businesses post.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    Facebook - I wish I could delete this but its pretty much the only way some distant relatives can make contact with me. I hardly ever post or browse it. Twitter - Just for business and looking at other pretty girls. Instagram - modeling portfolio/semi-business. It's collecting dust. I'm still salty that my last Instagram got deleted with over 8k followers cause it took around 3 years to build that following up. Don't browse it as often. Reddit - Probably what I use the most, even though I hardly post anymore (used to post on a lot of GW subreddits. lol). Still lurk all my fav. subs. Does TUSCL itself count as a social media? Lol.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    TUSCL is Fight Club.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    LinkedIn and Twitter - both are essential for work.
  • Bavarian
    4 years ago
    I don’t post, just follow on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Reddit
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Just LI and Tuscl. While FB is a good way to keep tabs on family and friend stuff, I deleted FB years ago when I realized Zuckerberg is a genius at coding but a complete buffoon when it comes to business and protecting users. I didnt like how FB would automatically opt you in to new updates.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Snapchat & Instagram: main way I keep in touch with my stripper hoes and sugar baby hoes, not to mention keep an eye on which sick kix will keep my fit drippin LinkedIn: Because also, I'm an adult with a job
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Facebook but I don't post often. LinkedIn
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    I use IG but not for anything specific. I'm rarely on. I keep in touch with yhe people I want to be in touch with on my phone.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    My problem with social media is how invasive it is and how your privacy is compromised
  • founder
    4 years ago
    I deleted all social media.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I am registered on Face book and Instagram with a bogus name but have never set up a profile or posted anything. I surf there once in awhile to to check up on some strippers.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    My problem with social media is how invasive it is and how your privacy is compromised - Can’t let your bitches know about your hoes, right? Or is it can’t let your hoes know about your bitches?
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    FB, but haven't posted in years, occasionally view to see what's up with friends IG, but have never posted, same as FB just look to see what's up with people I know or see posts from users I follow LinkedIn - created a profile years ago, but have found its primary use is me being targeted with connection requests from users I have no intent on doing business with, and have never received any legit business lead from it, but perhaps that's because haven't tried to use a marketing tool. Why such little use? Privacy concerns
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    i have business and personal accounts on FB, LinkedIn, Yelp, Instagram, and twitter. I closed my personal FB to all but close friends and family, and use very strict privacy settings. Cancel culture is too fucking dangerous. I don't tweet personally, just professionally , and only to share immediate business notices. I have reddit, but I just read. I also probably have a myspace account gathering dust somewhere. I heard about a website called TUSCL that will help you get laid in strip clubs. I checked it out, but it seems to be mostly impotent old men and millenial incels arguing politics and having flame wars. Not really my thing.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    omg I forgot all about Myspace. That was my shit before it went to shit. (Like, between 2005 - 2009, I think.)
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Facebook is the main one. I use it to post about my "exciting" life and follow family and friends and stripper friends. In the past year or two I have started to join Facebook groups. I don't know if this is a good idea because groups keep descending into political bickering. It's almost as bad as TUSCL. I have a Twitter account and I follow some people. But I never tweet myself. I have a Linkedin account which I should delete. I'm retired and have no need to network.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Snapchat: I peek at it and post once in a blue moon. Instagram: I have lurked once in a while but haven’t posted anything ever. Facebook: I participate in a few groups, but don’t really do status updates. Occasionally I’ll troll a particular ex-boyfriend and find some way to remind him that he is a hoe. Doesn’t stop him from occasionally hitting me up on Snap saying he misses me and we should hang out sometime. Apparently, many people on my feed are experts on politics so scrolling can be a drag. 🥱 Reddit: venture on there once in a blue moon. Reddit is weird tho. I browsed the r/sugarlifestyle section ONCE (I think cause of something Rando said on this site) and lately I get push notifications of what’s trending on there. Gonna disable that because wtf
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Oh yeah and LinkedIn, where I get occasional emails that somebody browsed through my profile. I don’t think I’ve logged in in over a year. And at this point idk if I’ll get around to using that site. Oops.
  • SmashingHoes
    4 years ago
    LinkedIn - Business opportunities and as I'm an adult with a white collar job. I will still receive spam or opportunities from people that I have never met in real life, but it's an efficient networking mechanism overall. Facebook - Have one under my real name but I will logon quarterly or semi annually. Sometimes i would use it just to see local events in my area but I'm rarely on there. I don't have other social media accounts.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    Smoke signals and gun shots. It’s hunting season now so I’m not my usual, sociable self. Otherwise Snap and twitter but I don’t use them much.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I have almost all mentioned but I’m not active on any except Reddit if that even counts. I just have them in case strippers need to contact me or whatever.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago
    @Warrior15 I use all the social media available in my professional life, to share knowledge and insights with colleagues and educate students. I use all the social media available, in my separate “hobbies” life to share knowledge and insights with people. And to invoke philosophical thoughts from the readers; to eventually change, for the better, the social order and the structure of society. And, yes I could live without all the social media available and just interact directly, have conversations to share knowledge and insight with people.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    No facebook; no twitter; no instagram; no Reddit; no alignable; no linked in; no yelp; no snap chat; no myspace; no interest
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    None at all.
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