Your Taste In Girls As A Kid vs Now.

avatar for Eve
Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]

Has your preference in girls really shifted or changed growing up?

I think the overall style and fashion I liked has remained the same (since I was a young teenager, any kind of alternative look fascinated me - tattoos/piercings, unnatural hair colors, and cuts, etc. I remember when reality tv shows were very prevalent at the time and the Rock of Love series was my favorite because I thought most of the girls on it were hot. Dumb to an extent, but hot.).

But I think the main thing that changed with me was that back then, I was more attracted to the petite/skinny/spinner girls. Visible hip bones, thigh gap, and the nonexistent waist circumference were what I thought was attractive when I was around 13 - 16 years old (the golden age of overbearing beauty standards.)

But now... my taste has definitely matured. Not that I'm opposed to spinners now, but I've seen a lot of different sized girls that I found attractive so as long as the ratio is phenomenal. So no matter how small or big her overall body is, if the boob to waist to hip difference is quite contrary, I'm for it. I find myself peeping at the girls with the bigger assets a lot more now compared to who I thought was attractive 10 - 15 years ago. Back then I didn't really care for proportions because a lot of kids linked wide hips, huge bust, or both as 'fat', but I can definitely say now that that's not always the case - especially with some dancers that have caught my attention over the last several years.


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avatar for wallanon
4 yrs ago

It's about the same, other than I'm less picky about small boobs now.

avatar for NAAAASTY
4 yrs ago

My favorite type's the same. Except my love of blondes have gotten stronger. Used to be having that one hot blonde was enough, now I have multiple. Brunettes was always into variety and still am.

Younger days mainly looked for the 9s and 10s, nowadays more open to the 7.5s and up. Personality matters more now too.


avatar for boomer79
4 yrs ago

I’ve always tended to like very pretty spinner types. I’m not as picky as I was when I was younger but fundamentally what I like hasn’t changed.

avatar for Muddy
4 yrs ago

Actually when I was a kid I had thing for milfs and the teacher thing. I also was into bigger girls for a bit. Now I’m mostly into 20 something latinas with nice asses I’m happy. Not really into milfs anymore at all. I’ve never been into the super thin thing though, she’s gotta have some meat.

avatar for Muddy
4 yrs ago

I’m still very into rocker chicks. And I’m still into girls with hairspray (you don’t see it anymore but when I was younger EVERY girl had it)

avatar for rattdog
4 yrs ago

ay mudd,

remember the club l'amours in brooklyn during the 80's to early 90's? if those types of girls would work at the strip clubs i go to i would be fucking broke.

avatar for winex
4 yrs ago

Being with the kind of girls that attracted me as a kid would get me arrested as an adult.

But that’s alright. For me, attraction has always been more than physical characteristics alone. There has to be something on an interpersonal level as well. And frankly, I am unlikely to have much in common with a woman who is in her twenties - yet alone younger than that.

As far as physical chacteristics, what I find attractive varies widely.

Generally spwaking, I think that women between about 5’0 and 5’8” are most attractive. But I am 6’2” and have been with women taller than my ideal.

Physical fitness is a must.

But things like breast size, or hair color don’t matter to me.

An upbeat personality and intellectual curiosity are essential.

As far as ATFs in a club environment, my ATF is about 5’2”, 110 lbs. blonde hair, and G cup breasts.

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

Its pretty much the same.

avatar for mike710
4 yrs ago

Probably like anyone else, my age range has widened. I have a preference for a certain body type but know well enough to be open minded to just about any female body type other than super heavy.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

"... Back then I didn't really care for proportions because a lot of kids linked wide hips, huge bust, or both as 'fat' ..."

That's what happens when you grow up with white-people

avatar for EastCoaster
4 yrs ago

As I've matured, I find I'm attracted to a much broader spectrum of body types, and Eve, the way you described how your tastes have changed very closely mirror the changes I've seen on my own tastes.

One thing is certain: Though I find women of all races attractive, over the years I've discovered, much to my delight, just how much I really love black women.

avatar for Muddy
4 yrs ago

@rattdog little too young to remember the clubs but I do remember women in general on TV/ on the street. Oh shit I loved a girl in a denim jacket chewing bubble gum.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Pre-puberty - I was attracted to the girls w/ the pretty-face and/or bubbly personality - I assume mostly b/c at that age girls were not developed yet (w/ some exceptions).

By puberty is when a girl's bod started to outweigh her face - I would be more attracted to the most-developed girl vs "the prettiest one" - also post-puberty I was really attracted to "women" vs "girls"; I was more attracted to women in their 30s and 40s than teens or 20s; again likely b/c post-puberty I was by default attracted to the more voluptuous women and MILFs tended to often be more voluptuous (tits; ass; hips; thighs).

I grew up in an almost all Hispanic city w/ very few AAs in my neighborhood or the school I attended - that was until high school where my high school was about 1/3 AA and I was exposed to black-girls on the regular - that is when my chocolate lust started - again, being attracted to the voluptuous/developed/built look, the black high-school girls were often better endowed (tits and ass) - prior to being exposed to AAs on a regular basis, I tended to be attracted to brunettes and always preferred tanned vs pale and the more tanned the better.

My pref has remained the same since high school, voluptuous black women - I've always been attracted to voluptuous and the dark-look even b/f I was exposed to black-women - I also prefer older vs younger; late-teens to early-20s has never been my strong pref although I don't dismiss them if I like their look but prefer women vs girls.

avatar for BBBC
4 yrs ago

Never liked the girls, yuck

avatar for oscarlomax
4 yrs ago

I used to be into athletic, gymnastic type women. From Misty Copeland to Flo-Jo. I played ice hockey, studied dance (jazz, tap, ballet), wrote plays, wrote music and played and sang in bands. Loved standing behind those incredible, shapely women in dance class.

Guess I was always into big butts sculpted and maintained through hard work. It was also wonderful being one of the few "straight" guys in the mix.

I was and still am attracted to the way certain women move through the world. Chest up, gently swaying from side to side, leading with her pelvis. Sexy.

avatar for dr_lee
4 yrs ago

I remember when most dancers didn’t even have tattoos. It’s one of those things that I just accepted over time. Tats don’t really turn me off. A bad attitude does! I used to not care about personality if a female was hot, but I will turn her away quickly if she’s annoying with bad habits and attitude. So it’s more my acceptance of behavior that has changed. I just can’t with a girl being loud and obnoxious or slamming down drinks or not being able to shut up for 5 seconds. No longer interested. Give me quiet, subtle, charming.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

"That's what happens when you grow up with white-people"

y e p .

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 yrs ago


Standards of beauty on women have changed so much over history, this fact makes these standards “temporary ideals”.

Our individual concept of beauty is based in our unique experience we have “learned” it from society, movies, schools, family, etc; and sometimes changes along our life...

I was 13 years old when I first saw the picture of 22 years old Marilyn Monroe naked, in which she poses with her legs curled beneath her and her arm raised up on a red velvet sheet, along with other poses.

In my humble opinion Marilyn Monroe is, and forever will be the gold standard for class, sex appeal, and feminine beauty.

avatar for WavvyCain
4 yrs ago

I used to care about boob size when I was a boy but when I got older that went out the window.

avatar for Cashman1234
4 yrs ago

My preference has moved about 180 degrees since I was younger.

I was very enamored with Asian girls when I was in my teens. My high school gf was Asian, and she was a beauty.

I branched out in college and started enjoying athletic girls more. I dated several girls who were athletic and fit. I still found Asian girls highly attractive too.

Now, I’m mostly into older strippers who look old - who can’t hide years of use. Bad tattoos and tits that sag - difficulty holding that belly in - holes that look rough. You get the idea!

avatar for Huntsman
4 yrs ago

I’ve always preferred an athletic build but my definition of that has expanded over the years.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

I’ve always had a preference for tall slim girls that were fit and exotic, enjoyed swimming and beach venues, personality also plays into it I like to have fun and generally get along best with outgoing types, many strippers fall into that last category so it’s not that big of a reach to say I get on well with strippers very often.

avatar for Tetradon
4 yrs ago

As a kid I loved the buxom blondes, it was Jenny McCarthy and Pamela Anderson in their primes. Typical all-American hotties. Then as I went away to university, my preferences spread out. Now I'm partial to dark skinned with a bubble butt and slightly disproportionate tits. The other night, I saw an amazon black girl, like 6'2" in heels (maybe 5'10" without) and G-cups at one of my clubs, and instantly fell in lust. Usually black Caribbean or African women, I like them and they like me.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Spinner with a pretty face since I was little. Usually brunette, but not always.

avatar for WavvyCain
4 yrs ago

Damn skibum that sounds like u love little girls like your daddy trump. Skinny ass undeveloped spinners 😭

avatar for Studme53
4 yrs ago

I was a runner when I was young and always loved fit women. I remember going to a HS track awards banquet and the were tons gorgeous women runners in tight dresses and high heels - I was blown away. I still love fit women with great lean strong legs in heels

avatar for Dolfan
4 yrs ago

The body type hasn't changed much. I still prefer slim/petite, tight bodies. Don't get me wrong, I like some waist to hip ratio but I find the excessive ones off putting. I prefer smaller, firmer tits to big soft ones.

I used to have a narrow scope in terms of dress, hair color, skin tone, body decoration, etc. When I first started finding women attractive, they kinda had to have the right hair color/length, dress a certain way, all that. The target changed in high school, but it was still specific. As I got a little older, I started to appreciate them all. At this point, none of that matters to me in the least.

avatar for shadowcat
4 yrs ago

I didn't taste the girls when I was a kid but I do now with hot ones. :)

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

I am sure obese pigs are Breh's favorite, just like George Floyd loved em.

avatar for RandomMember
4 yrs ago

My tastes haven't changed very much. I like athletic girls with perky breasts and ethnicity doesn't matter. I've has some unbelievably gorgeous SBs that fit that description.

avatar for WavvyCain
4 yrs ago

@skibum I actually like an adult sized woman. I’m not a 63 year old pedo like you and your daddy

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

My Dad is dead. Go do a drive by and kill an innocent kid then cry racism. Be the star of your community.

avatar for WavvyCain
4 yrs ago

Good he’s dead he was scum anyways. George Floyd died a hero? Your dad died a racist piece of shit with a piece of shit son 😂. I’d kill a cracka like you before I pull off killing an innocent kid. Seeing the body types u described I think you love kids tbh.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

@Ski @Breh, do me a huge solid and take that discussion elsewhere.

avatar for boomer79
4 yrs ago

I will say that despite the fact that my tastes haven’t really changed a lot more girls do seem to meet it. That is despite making no conscious decision to that effect.

avatar for SaltyNuts
4 yrs ago

Trending more Asian and smaller boobs (good thing those 2 features naturally occur together)

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago

My idea of the ideal girl has remained exactly the same. With regard to the line between acceptable and not, that bar has been lowered substantially.

avatar for gSteph
4 yrs ago

When I was a kid I liked girls for different reasons. I liked JoAnn because she was smart in all subjects and could hit the softball far as any guy. I liked Rhonda because she had long straight blond hair; was tall and pretty, talked quiet and nice.

As an adult, I like women for different reasons. At work, I liked Kaylin for her friendly, flirty way, and I liked Sheila for the easy way we had bantering about most anything.

Preference, looks wise, hasn't changed much, most women are worth an appreciative look.

I seem to most prefer medium. Height, weight, curves. Hard to describe, but I know it when I see it. Add in a sparkle in the eye and responsive nipples - and there - that's it.

avatar for Hannathedog79
4 yrs ago

I'm old, but cursed with "21 year old me" eyes. When I was that age, anybody 35 or so looked pretty old. When I see somebody for the first time, one of the very first things I notice is whether they look old or not. Something about the skin, especially around the eyes, neck and arms. It literally jumps out at me. The last time I thought anybody close to my age was really attractive is when I was about 27. So, my taste in that area hasn't changed a bit since then. Still prefer very fit spinners. 5' 100 pounds.

The only thing that's different is that I tend for a bit of an exotic look a little more these days. Probably because when I was younger, I was mainly around white girls. I still love hot, young, fit white girls; but if a similar black, asian or hispanic (sucker for dark eyes) girl comes around, I'm starting to fall in love.

Not a fan of extra curves, stretch marks, or a not-so-cute-face. Yup, very picky and constantly looking for girls so far out of my league that it boggles the mind.

avatar for loper
4 yrs ago

When I was 21 I liked fit, smart 29-year-olds, now that I'm 63 I still like fit, smart 29-year-olds. I'm more into exotic (to me) than I used to be.

avatar for Player11
4 yrs ago

Remained about same / Really like housewife whores. Like 1950-s cheesecake solid figure gal w big tits. Skinny gals turn off, especially small tits. Positive personality, no drama, not a druggie, happy ending every time a must. Open to modeling / photos b4 sex a plus.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

^ Well you certainly were a wild child.

avatar for wallanon
4 yrs ago

"With regard to the line between acceptable and not, that bar has been lowered substantially."

For you, too? lol. Not always in a bad way. Some body types I never really saw the appeal in turns out do some pretty sexy things in the right situations. The hobby's been a great way to try out all 31 flavors and more.

avatar for Liwet
4 yrs ago

I've always liked implants and over time I've preferred more athletic and submissive girls.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 yrs ago

My preferences have stayed the same, but they're pretty broad. Natural and reasonably healthy looking. Need at least a little junk in the trunk. Substantial boobies are a nice bonus but not strictly necessary. I've pitched a tent for women from 100 - 160 lbs. If a woman smiles and laughs a lot, definitely helps big-time to roil my loins.

Seems like the guys whose tastes change are the type who get turned on by being envied for the woman they're with. So they naturally follow the current beauty standard.

avatar for DeclineToState
4 yrs ago

Through middle school, was a prefer blondes guy. From high school forward have been a prefer brunettes guy, and from college forward have eyes for sexy AA. Always naturals, will never be a bolton guy.

avatar for kingcripple
4 yrs ago

My first two crushes that I remember were Cindy Crawford and Cindy Margolis. So as a kid, that was my type. Now, Latinas are my go to

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