1st time here?

avatar for Playademan
So how do you guys answer this question. I just instinctively say no, I’ve been here before. And sometimes I kinda regret it thinking it would’ve been nice to get a little rundown of the club but don’t wanna look like a mark either. So I was wondering what y’all do. Sometimes I go yes, but it’s been a while so I can ask for prices and shit.


last comment
This is usually a set up question with the hope of getting as much money from you as possible. I normally respond it's been a while because I don't recall (something) being there last time I was here.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
If the answer is yes, I say yes. New money to a club is like a new girl to a regular. The best way to not look like a mark is to not act like a mark.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
Truthfully. But not as a mark. Answer first time at --this-- club. Gives me the chance to find out more about how things are like here, and same time let's her know it's not my first rodeo.

Don’t ever tell them it’s your first time. If you need the rundown just ask. If they question it just say you like going over prices to avoid potential drama.
Yeah - it seems many use it to gauge if you know the deal so they can ROB you if you don't know the deal - so I usually answer with it's been a while - IMO answering yes just opens you open to the potential ROBs
Say youve been there. And always make sure you read tge signs with posted prices or ask management what prices are if you don't know
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I don't lie. I'm honest about what I'm doing. This is me often because I'm in a new club so often but I use it all start conversations and connect better with dancers. It's always so easy to chat when your from out of town. I could be wrong but I just flex that shit instead of thinking of it as a weakness.
It is a weakness. Makes you an easy mark
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
^^^Only if you let it. Just be a man and it all works out.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
If only there was a website where you could read review of clubs and no the cost of floor dances and VIP before going there.....
^ yeah - and if that website had reviews which consistently offered that info instead of just talking about how much they like their fave Bambi
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
^^^Hey Bambi and me have something special
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
Hey, i like Bambi! 😜
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
Lol, ninja'd me. 😎
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Just want to give a caveat. If it’s a heavy regulars-oriented place, I’m suspicious of dudes who seems knowledgeable about the club, but don’t have girls quickly walking up to them.

Maybe if you’re at a more touristy club, lie? Idk

Idk, if you feel like you very easily “blend in” with the crowd go ahead and say what you want. Otherwise, I’d probably just tell the truth

avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
But one nice things about clubs is all the rotating bodies at all times, could be nice to try out just saying random stuff whether true or not just to see how the reactions go. I’ve had lots of fun over the years doing/saying stuff like that.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
In my experience, the first time here question is simply a springboard to a conversation. It isn’t an attempt to gauge your potential as a mark.

But by knowing something about the club ahead of time, you have an easy way to judge the integrity of the dancer. Someone who lies about the prices/mechanics of the club is far more likely to overcount dances.

Like in most areas of life, honesty is the best policy.

On another note, I like Bambi too!
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Some of the perspective is going to be shaped by the clubs that are around, too. If you're a customer surrounded by tourist traps you're going to get dancers with a different mentality.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
On the other hand, I’ve had situations at my regular club where the dancer is new, but claims to have worked there “ for a year”. I think that’s her way of saying she knows how things work.
I use a technique that I have honed over years of going to strip clubs. If it’s my first time at that club, I say “yes, this is my first time here.” If not, I say “no, I’ve been here before.” I find this technique works well, but be careful as you should only use it I’d you are an experienced strip club goer.
So the way to avoid being looked at as a mark is to start off by showing her that's what you fear? Lying is what a mark does. Also, being a first timer gives you space ,as in I need some time to check the place out, it's my first time here, whenever a dancer you don't want comes over.
I say yes this my first time if it actually is. I’m a real nigga, I don’t lie, and if you gotta lie in a strip club where men pay for pussy, u a pussy. Tell it like it is, and if u been to any strip club before, they’re all the same, they can’t finesse u In any way. Plus the women love new dudes, they hate those lame ass regulars after a while.
I hate to agree with skibum but I agree and I also agree with doctorevil 🤷🏾‍♂️
“ if you gotta lie in a strip club where men pay for pussy, u a pussy”

I’m honest. If it’s my first time, I say yes. I avoid the quick/hard sell dancers in all clubs. Those dancers just aren’t my type.

Unless I’ve come to a club to see a particular dancer, whom I’ve texted in advance, I want to take my time to survey the club and the dancer selection.

If I’ve been to a club before, I’m honest if asked.

It’s kinda simple.
avatar for prevert
4 years ago
When I first started clubbing I probably would have said something like “a few times” whether I had ever been there or not but now I’m more inclined to just tell the truth.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
"try out just saying random stuff whether true or not just to see how the reactions go. I’ve had lots of fun over the years doing/saying stuff like that." -- nicespic

a troll on this site, but a gnome in real life ;)

You’d be surprised at what happens when you tell the truth in a strip club. People like that shit and it goes a long way.
I never lie. What’s the point? I might refuse to answer some questions, but anything I say will be truthful.
Truth builds trust. Trust opens doors and spreads legs.
Lying implies that I care about their opinion of me.
Marks gonna mark, first time in the club or not.
Pretty sure that I've been to every SC within reasonable driving distance of my home at least a couple times, so unless I'm out of town, it's never my first time. That said, for many it's been a long time, years in some cases.
I agree with winex that the question is nothing more than an attempt to start a conversation. Whether or not you've been to that particular club before says nothing about your previous clubbing experience, negotiating savvy or willingness to spend money. Personally, I think those simplistic questions (like, "where are you from?") are used as a crutch by girls who either don't speak English well or just aren't witty or confident enough to engage you on a more personal level.
For example, I recently had a girl begin by asking what I'm drinking and then move into a conversation about the difference between scotch and bourbon. I was intrigued and interested before she even told me her name. However, the most effective opening line ever used on me was a couple years ago. The girl whipped out her tits and asked, "Whaddaya think of these?"
I'm in the tell the truth camp on this one. There's plenty of shit I lie about in a club, my name, my job, where I live, etc. I do that mostly for privacy purposes, but also for nicespices "just to see how the reactions go" kinda thing.

If a girl is sizing me up to ROB me, I'm not compelled to act a certain way to avoid looking like a sucker. A ROB's a ROB, she gonna try no matter what. If me saying its my first time there sets her on that path faster, that's good for me. I waste less time figuring her out and can move on to a more suitable dancer.
It was my first time at a club in Paterson last January - Sunrise. As I entered the bar, I got the uncomfortable feeling of what it’s like being a bleeding swimmer in shark filled waters.

It was a Friday night in the frigid part of the winter. There were three other guys in the club - and one was the bouncer.

The dancers hit me up one after the other.

Hi baby.

You been here before?

You sweet baby...

Wanna dance...

I got a beer and sat at the bar. I chatted a bit with the dancer I came to see. The girls stopped the hard sell when they saw I wasn’t a mark.
avatar for Hannathedog79
4 years ago
I don't mind admitting that. Mainly, because I know how much money I'm willing to spend on this trip. I also know that, based on experience/percentages, if there are 20 dancers working, there are probably only 2 that I'm interested in spending money on. If they hit me up and things are working out in my favor, they get my money. If they don't, it's possible I'll drop a twenty on a another dancer or two, but the big bucks will stay in my pocket until I find what I like.

I guess I have no problem walking into a place with $300 in my pocket and walking out to try another place with $260 still in the pocket.
avatar for DeclineToState
4 years ago
I perceive the "You been here before" question is lazy or uninspired marketing gab to break the ice, but I don't get uptight about it.
When I was still a little bitch (Subraman term, from his advice article - https://tuscl.net/article/4968…), I probably lied but that was a long while ago so don't really remember.
Like most of you, I just respond with truth. Seems though that when the honest answer is something like "Ya, and I like this place" or "Ya, and I've had a lot of fun here" it results in less SS and sometimes increased mileage
I always tell the truth and it makes the girls more trusting when I tell them which rules can safely be broken (with me).
I’m on the “tell the truth” side of this discussion. I’m not sure that being honest labels one as a “mark” as others have stated. And if the dancer with whom you are speaking is quoting prices that are “outrageous” - you have the choice to pay that or not. As we all know, the club “norms” are quite often negotiable with any given dancer.
avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
> If it’s a heavy regulars-oriented place, I’m suspicious of dudes who seems knowledgeable about the club, but don’t have girls quickly walking up to them.

Why are you suspicious? The only club I regularly went to the girls should have known not to approach me because because I had previously already turned them down.

I don't like to be approached and will approach the one I want.
avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
I would just answer honestly. Don't feel like playing games.
I've been skimming the daily reviews for several years and although "not the norm" I've read my fair-share of reviews where PLs got charged 50% more if not double-per-dance bc they didn't know any better - not saying that if you lie about being the 1st time that you won't absolutely not get overcharged, but I think it increases the chances.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Yahtzee said—>Why are you suspicious? The only club I regularly went to the girls should have known not to approach me because because I had previously already turned them down.

Well if you have something that works for you, then keep going with it. 🙂

Most times a customer is avoided for a reason. In your case, it seems to be because that’s what you want. For other individuals, it’s for being unpleasant for some reason. Others, they are just simply and unknown.
And since when is honesty all of a sudden such a high-virtue in strip-clubbing? I assume most PLs are not completely honest about their SCing whether it'd be with dancers (telling dancers your real or full name or what company you work for) or telling folks about your SCing habits - not to mention when an extras-girl asks "do you do this with anyone else (other dancers)?
Papi You make a good point. I think strip clubs provide a bizarre set of circumstances for both customers and dancers - and most everyone involved.

Being honest can be a very unusual practice depending on the question and who is asking.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Papi - when I have a dancer ask my name and I don't want to give it to her, I tell her "Well my stage name is .... " and just make up something ridiculous.

It always gets a laugh.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
Sometimes being direct beats being clever. It's the clever guys who are too smart to figure that out. Either that and more likely, too timid to even try.

avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"Sometimes being direct beats being clever."

Sometimes being the key word. The thread was about how customers deal with one question commonly asked by dancers, not a TUSCL referendum on telling the truth in strip clubs.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Now that I think about it again, if it's my first time in a club I'll often tell dancers and waitresses about it to see what they share on the place. A question I get about as much if not more than "first time here" is what other clubs do I go to in town.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
@ wallanon agree w/ you, sometimes and context matters. My response was to papi's expansion "And since when is honesty all of a sudden such a high-virtue in strip-clubbing?"

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