Trump will be “re-elected” by the “Electoral College”; the “deliberative body” o

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
Title couldn’t say it all.

Trump will be “re-elected” by the “Electoral College”; the “deliberative body” of the 1%.

“We the people” don’t elect the president directly, the electoral college does “selects” the POTUS to benefit the 1% in America.

The 1% is the wealthy collusion of business and politicians along with celebrities that benefit from the “American System of Government”.

In America It is the sufferings of the many that pay for the life of opulence and luxuries of the few.


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avatar for SanchoRG
4 years ago
Interesting, did they change up the rules this year? No?
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 years ago

To answer your questions:


avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Cheaters always cheat is the progressive mantra. The electoral college works perfectly, as the constitution should.
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Skibum might have given Trump head in the past. I wouldn’t doubt it at this point.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 years ago

You are correct on agreeing, “The electoral college works perfectly” for the 1%, the wealthy collusion of business and politicians along with celebrities that benefit from the “American System of Government.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Breh fucked his neighbors german shepard in the ass. Unsurprising that he made the male dog wear a wig.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Well CJ if you bitches didn't whine until you lost. Your plan to import foreign welfare cases in Democrat controlled states failed. Electoral college made this country and without it many states won't stay.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
The electoral college is antiquated. We need to go to direct popular elections.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Really Icey and yet you left wing simps just whine about it and say it needs to go while you do nothing at all about it. Its in the Constitution so maybe you should start now whiner. Direct popular elections end the country. Not having a bunch of poverty stricken fucks in blue states running the show.
avatar for DeclineToState
4 years ago
The electoral college works fine. Yes, it causes some states to be over-represented or under-represented disproportionate to population, and there is the theoretical problem of unfaithful electors that has not had any practical impact on outcome though it could. But the system causes the candidates to campaign more nationally than would be the case if presidential election were based on simple majority and thus disenfranchise regions whose voices should be heard through election process but wouldn't be via simple majority - I'd rather have a parliamentary system than that.
The 1% contention is inaccurate. Yes the actual electors sent may be mostly in the 1% as a donor spiff, but ballots cast by the electors are consistent with the election results under the electoral system.
Yay electoral college, hope it never changes.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
If Hillary had won in 2016, the media and Democrats would praise the electoral college. If she lost the popular vote - it wouldn’t matter.

This has more to do with losing the election than fairness. Many of the rich folks are democrats.

If you look at the concentration of Trump supporters - they are mostly in the less affluent parts of this country. The truth is - the system works - but the democrats lost because their candidate was not popular and didn’t appeal to many blue collar Americans.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
1 citizen 1 vote 1 voice. Elections should be that simple.

avatar for RandomMember
4 years ago
"If you look at the concentration of Trump supporters - they are mostly in the less affluent parts of this country"

Exactly. Trump corporate tax cuts did benefit the top 0.1%, but he has (had?) Huge support among the rural poor.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Trump supporters are pretty much hicks. Tuscl demographics reflect that as does their geographic distribution
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
1 citizen 1 vote 1 voice. Elections should be that simple.
Yeah, in your fucked up idealist socialist utopia that doesnt exist, sure. Only then would it make sense. Moron.
avatar for Richard_Head
4 years ago
I suspect that if Hillary Clinton (or Al Gore) had lost the popular vote by 3 million votes and won the Electoral College, Republicans would be all for the elimination of the electoral college.
avatar for DeclineToState
4 years ago
^Probably true
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Pistola. Youre saying direct elections are evil communist tnings 🤣🤣🤣🤣 most democracies have direct elections
avatar for winex
4 years ago
The electoral college exists for a reason. It combines a popular vote with geographic representation. Doing so helps eliminate biases that are innate in the system. In mathematics, this is called data smoothing.

If you don't like it, quit whining and change the Constitution.
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
Yes, direct elections are less desirable than a constitutional republic. We have a beautiful system, with people that whine like a little bitch when the resulta dont turn out the way they want. In a democracy, politicians can just buy votes by promising people free shit. The founders knew this and hence the system. Please stop being a retard.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Pistola - you just said the magic words "Constitutional Republic".

The United States is not a democracy.

It never has been a democracy.

And hopefully it will never be a democracy.

I would say that I am astounded by how stupid liberals are. But they wouldn't be liberals if they weren't stupid.

avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
"Trump will be “re-elected” by the “Electoral College”; the “deliberative body” of the 1%. "

And cj will be “re-elected” as the president of the dick pic collectors association of San Francisco the “deliberative body” of the .00001%. "

Congrats cj, nobody is more deserving! 👍

avatar for Hannathedog79
4 years ago
In 2016, my worst nightmare was Trump getting elected. I knew what we were getting and it's turned out that way. However, my second worst nightmare, by a slim orange hair, was Hilary getting elected. IMO, she was basically the left version of Trump.

I think the electoral college is only a problem for people when it costs their choice an election. Kinda like the national debt. It's only a problem when the other party is in office. Then, it's a major issue. Otherwise, we ignore it.

Seems like every election year, we eliminate all the decent candidates and leave ourselves the two worst possible choices. It's embarrassing! I'm probably gonna have to leave the top line blank again this year. Don't want to have to admit I had anything to do with the awful President we'll inaugurate in Jan.
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