
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 43)

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    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Why We Fight
    They are important but if you are looking to keep a guy happy it seems to me sex is very important. You can name all the other things more important as you phrase it ( and I don't disagree) but from examples I have seen in failed marriages or even marriages that survive but have problems the common denominator is a lack of a physical relationship followed closely by how each partner views money.
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    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Why We Fight
    Some of the content makes a lot of sense looking back over the years at friends and how their relationships turned out and it also fills in a few blanks I've had over the years on my own behaviour. I make good money and I have for years and I'm in the same boat as jackslash for the most part with the exception I still help out my kids and my grandkids a lot. ( not saying he isn't but his comments don't reflect it) and I still have money left over at the end of each and every month. I've hit all my retirement goals--granted I don't have a few things I could have if I didn't monger ( monger being a universal term for SA, clubs, and occasional escorts) I remember when a good friend of mine got married for a second time we all joked at his party the weekend before that the key to his second marriage working out is if his future wife screwed his brains out every night of the week and twice on Sunday. If she did he wouldn't have the desire or the energy to go looking elsewhere. She did......for the first five years. He was divorced in seven. The other point I would say and this is more my own history--I was more into sports when I was in HS and even college than chasing girls and when it came to dating I really didn't hit my stride until my very late 20's. And I started to make decent money a few years later and started to travel all over the US for my job. So I do fit the criteria -- I have the money and I have the freedom and I admit I have always been bored easily.
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    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Dancing and hypocrisy - could a loved one be a dancer?
    If I found out there would be an interesting discussion at the very least and I would hope that I haven't deluded myself into believing I have the basis of a solid relationship with the family member to have the conversation. If you recall some of my past comments on here my one and most recent ex became a dancer after I met her and broke off the relationship. When we got back together ( Both times) I convinced her to stop dancing although it became a flash point for heated discussions each time during the relationship. I suspect she is back dancing now from what little I have heard and I also suspect in her case it will further cause her harm both physically and mentally. All dancers claim when you see articles on line or when you talk to them they are the mythical unicorn and can keep it together. Also there seems to be a book somewhere written with the standard pat answers to give when asked why they dance, etc. but in most cases I suspect it is never as great as they think it is going to be, seldom do they dance, save the money as fast as they think they are going to and get out without a few scars if they ever get out at all. I've known a few girls who are dancers for an extended period of time. It's changed all of them and not in a good way. I'm sure the counter point would be it's too small of a sample set to draw a conclusion but from what I have observed its conclusive enough to know I wouldn't want any of my family to be a dancer.
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    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Grocery Store - Pick Up.
    I do, but I still go in and buy my produce because they usually fuck that up in my experience Milk/Dairy....produce.....and maybe most importantly seafood. If it has an expiration date on it I want to be the one that picks it out. I saw the same report this morning on the CBS Morning Show about Walmart. I suspect we are going to see them and Amazon going toe to toe over the next three to five years for market share on just about everything.
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    7 years ago
    elhuachinango----a nice ass and legs are a prereq for me being interested at any level. Subraman--as a rule I go with a total amount to spend and I never have used the ATM. Part of the reason I try to establish a repore with the bartender is so that he is more of an ally than someone looking to run up the tab. I've yet to have any dancer at the bar try go for the top shelf on me. Maybe I've been lucky.
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    7 years ago
    Nope, no, nadda................you better have a test certificate stating you are clean--dated the day of our meet up for me to give it a second thought. ( and still the second thought due to risk of a nine month surprise is no)
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    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Lucky me.....not ....pulled Vegas, DC, and NYC for my next months travel schedul
    Well I've added Palomino's and Caesar's to my list. The women on SA in Vegas are almost too good to be true so there might be more days needed to try everything. I've never been a big fan of Las Vegas--not just the clubs but the city overall but anymore most of the conventions/shows are either there or Florida and this year what I need to do for work is definitely in Las Vegas.
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    7 years ago
    A lot of this has to do with your approach. I sit at the bar and I make it a point to know the bartender. For me it is one of the keys to what I feel has been my success. If the bartender realizes you are a decent person he will introduce you to the dancers, to the managers, and almost all cases whoever is running the place the night /day you are there. I eat at the bar about 2/3's of the time as well and I yet to have a visit to any club regardless of where it is located not had it pay off. The girls will come to you. Sometimes I'll ask the bartender what the girl drinks and simply nod to him. Very rarely does the dancer not sit down.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I sit at the bar and hopefully next to an empty chair. If I find a dancer I am attracted to I want t buy her a drink and have her sit and talk for a bit.
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    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Stripper Boyfriend
    Is it possible to fail at being a total failure?---Instagram is full of them ....they are the motivational guru's spouting out wisdom for likes...
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    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Stripper Boyfriend
    You have to play video games impala and a good supply of weed or coke.
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    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Going to Clubs on off days--early in the week.
    Subraman--Dominic happens to be located in one of the three main regions I visit clubs so that could be why I have the perception I do, especially from what I have read on this site about the reviews of places but also what staff have told me directly. But the same goes for the Mid Atlantic Region overall. When you read the reviews and when I am in the clubs talking to the staff it just seems like the days are slow, with 3-5 women on average. Right now I am probably more into SA than the clubs because of some recent meetings but when I do go I tend to arrive sometime between 7:30 and 8 PM. I leave around 11-11:30 PM on weekdays and a little later on a Friday. No matter how many guys are there or how much money is flowing I've yet to feel as if the night was a bust. --girls will come to the bar and sit with me, sometimes have a drink or two, a couple of my favorites will have dinner with me and we then head to the back room for dances. Not VIP but whatever private area the club might have. I don't look for ITC although I am looking for contact with the dances. I'll ask about OTC directly after I have spent time with a woman a couple of times. They know me by then. I at the least have an inkling of how they think.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    Time for Multiple Choice Quiz ;)... When you find out a girl is a Stripper: Do y
    I've dated two strippers in my life and two escorts and by dating it means money didn't change hands to spend time together although in the case of both of the girls who were strippers I originally met them through SA. The one told me she was a stripper by inviting me to the club and told me it was a bar--when I got there I found out it was a strip club and she was a dancer. She sent me a text a few weeks ago out of the blue after not seeing her for well over a two years--really odd. I don't think it changed my impression of her for the good or bad. She was a nice kid but we were different people. For her the answer is C. The second is the ex I reference on here in my comments. She started stripping after we broke it off a couple of years ago. I kind of knew something was up with her, occasionally she would send me a text and she was different. For whatever the reason she wasn't the same person ( and this was before I knew she had started stripping) I had actually gone back to clubs after not being inside of one for years and she put the full court press on me to take her back--spent a weekend texting me --at the time she had moved away because she didn't want anyone to know she had started stripping for a living but wanted to move back home. In her case it changed things although I would state it had more to do with the changes in her than how I viewed her. So in her Case D
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Going to Clubs on off days--early in the week.
    I'm actually shocked that anyone on here doesn't hear that and say to themselves: "okay, I better avoid those nights, since they're the best for the dancers. I want the best days for the PLs." Really, for me it's crazy to go to the club during the shark feeding frenzies that are saturday nights.--- I'm not much of a Saturday night guy either but Thursday and Friday seems to be my slots of time. Normally I agree with you but there always had to be a first time---just because it is a good time slot for the dancer doesn't mean it also isn't a good time slot for a PL. Rest assured if it wasn't I would adjust my style and timing. I'm not at all interested in the higher hustle, sausagefest atmosphere, seller's market, that is thursday through saturday night-- I've yet to be high hustled on a Thursday night and by doing a few things I have mentioned on her previously the few times I do get the hard sell on a Friday I've had staff run interference for me. Monday afternoon won't have nearly as many pretty girls as Saturday night, but there typically will be a few hot girls, and those hot girls will hang out with me for hours and hours, for the type of money that might last 30 minutes on Saturday night. I specifically go on the slowest shifts on the slowest days. From what I have read on line in some of the reviews most places are lucky to have a total of 3 to 5 girls working which means if there are any clients at all in the club the ratio isn't any different than if there are 25 girls working and the chances are at least for me if there are 25 working there are two or three I am going to find attractive. In fact the most mileage for lack of a better term I have ever gotten ITC happened on a Friday night in downtown Cleveland at I would guess to be prime time for even the prime time hours. The worst time I have had personally is the previous mentioned afternoon in NYC with a friend that because there were only a handful of girls we made the mistake of saying hello to one of the older dancers who was more like a rottweiler than a dancer. I hope everyone understands I'm asking to learn--and only to learn. Although I am older in years I've only come back to the strip club scene two plus years ago ---and even then I took a break for about seven months due to getting back with my ex. Mostly I am curious as to why my experience is different than what I read on here.
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    7 years ago
    Strip club bartender
    Bj99--sometimes they tell us that even when we don't ask. Just from my own knowledge of being a bartender I don't see trying to bed one as being very successful in a Strip Club.
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    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Lucky me.....not ....pulled Vegas, DC, and NYC for my next months travel schedul
    Shailynn--I almost always use escorts when in DC and when I do not it's SA. Sapphires has the best rep for finding OTC from what I can tell. Never been there. Max I appreciate the tip. I've had some luck inside the Wynn properties as well.
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    7 years ago
    Strip club bartender
    As an ex-bartender ( many years ago) I would think it is near impossible to get next to one in a strip club for an OTC Meeting unless she knows you as consistent long time regular and she knows--not think but knows you can keep your mouth shut. Otherwise it isn't going to happen---her shields are going to be up to the maximum level and the amount of effort it will take to soften her up is will chase most guys away. A second point from what I have seen and heard the progression seems to go the other way--not bartender to dancer but dance or waitress to bartender.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much "Stripper Shit" can you take?
    I can roll with a lot but there are certain things that will eventually make the choice to walk easy. ---typically for me it has something to do with wasting my time.
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    7 years ago
    With Daylight Savings Time...
    It probably matters in places like Vegas and New Orleans where 4 AM becomes 5 AM
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    7 years ago
    Ethnic Diversity Among Partners
    I like variety---but long legs, tiny waist, and well shaped butt are what I look for in a dancer.
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    7 years ago
    New York
    Strip club to go to
    If your downtown and want to stay there--Christies in the flats is my first choice. Overall Bedford Crazy Horse is my first choice in the area. Secret's is not my type of place but I do know other strippers go there when they want to be customer and not a dancer. I'm not a fan of Hustler Club.
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    7 years ago
    "The Block" area of Baltimore
    I'm in Baltimore often but I have to admit it has been a long time since I set foot on the Block for any number of reasons, most have been mentioned on here in the reviews. 20 years ago it was a fun place. I'd go with a group ( which I don't do anymore when going to clubs) and we'd make a day and night of it. Those days are long gone. Of the clubs mentioned in this discussion head to Fells Point and go the Ritz.
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    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    More Neurotic People Supported Trump
    I voted for Trump basically because I would not vote for Hillary if you put a gun to my head. I gave the 3rd party candidate a look until he blew his chances up by having a brain fart not once but twice on national TV Everything isn't about race ( although liberals as rule play that card any time they can't logically explain why an election or a theory doesn't go their way. )
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    7 years ago
    How to hustle
    As a bit of an amatuer electrician--and still alive-the problem with switch flipping is eventually the ability to flip wears out and the lines between the two lives are not so easy to distinguish.
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    7 years ago
    National Rating Scale
    I'm not so sure my perception changes as much as the old Stephen Sills song applies with the change of a word or two--If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with "........ I also believe sometimes the during the initial meeting and early on you find a dancer more attractive than a few months after seeing her in the club. Her looks might not have changed ( than again they could) but the novelty with her has faded.