
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 44)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What do you think of Donald Trump as our President ?
    3.) but then who wasn't.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SA question, is premium required to send/receive messages?
    Dominic--not a problem. I think we all are correct but we all also are coming from our own perspective of what we experience and what we have seen in our lives. I tried in my answer to you to site certain places and perceptions that were common knowledge to the area. I don't live in Cleveland but I know the area well--very well. But I also know DC, Baltimore, NYC and Richmond just as well and few other cities too. The fact that I travel as I have for almost 30 years makes something like SA a good fit.for me. "anywhere in the USA on any given day" isn't just a tag line for me. Strip clubs for me are something I have only in the last couple of years re-acquainted myself with and I use the same principles in them as I do with women I meet --good eye contact, a smile, and as the board sage as stated "not being a little bitch"if things don't go your way. I'm not sure I am any different than anyone else on here but I seem to have a different style and approach. It seems to work for me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    She likes me, she really likes me
    There are different levels of being involved with a stripper......ice cream isn't only vanilla or chocolate and any time you have interaction between two people, especially of the opposite sex you nothing is clear cut. There is no doubt that a fair amount of scamming goes on as well as posturing. It's given --and Bj99 is correct on multiple counts if the woman's ability to make a living revolves around her selling a fantasy than baring an outright deception or ROB it's on the guys to determine their level of comfort and or belief in what they are being told and sold. As far as a dancer not accepting money I can't impress upon other readers here it presents a whole other set of issues that you don't want--in many cases you don't want to wish on your worst enemy. The original questions ask had to do is it possible a stripper really likes you?--to me at least the answer is still yes. Can there be a strong attraction or even love? yes there can Does that necessarily equate to marriage or even living together or Happily Ever After? Not that I have ever seen.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Why aren't we talking more about the "Hey" Text
    I get the Hi Sweetie text.......haven't see the "Hey" one yet. --normally it is followed up with when I am coming to their town next since most know I travel a lot. The few times they are looking for cash immediately they will text to ask if they can call.......those are the ones to brace yourself.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SA question, is premium required to send/receive messages?
    LOL--actually no. Although I am older I can still go into a bar/club ( excluding strip clubs) high end restaurant and meet women but since I travel often and have a home life it doesn't make much sense to try and date-SA makes sense on multiple levels. And since you are in Northeast Ohio you should understand this comment --going into a place blind,not knowing who is there on a given night is a crap shoot--be it at the local casino or even a place like Magnolia. ( or any of the places on 4th) Also I don't need to worry about their baggage or as a late friend of mine from your area called it the married, divorced, two kids on a solid 7 who feels she is a 10 syndrome. Yes, if they are on SA they could be an ex and have kids but for the most part it's removed from me--and I know before I head out to meet someone I am interested she is going to be there. There isn't the three date tango some feel the need to go through and everything is defined quickly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC dates
    ^ Please tell me that after a shag, you say "Oh, behave!--lol ( Subraman is Mike Myers) larryfisherman---my ex worried about that all of the time. She swore people were staring at us and I admit we did get some looks but I also believed it had to do with her good looks as much as anything. She really was a remarkably good looking woman. With other women from SA or from clubs I haven't noticed it and not so in bars at all. It depends on the type of bar and where. In DC no one bats an eye.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is the ebony a little too-thick - yes/no ?
    My taste in ebony runs more along these lines https://www.instagram.com/p/BfLDRRil0na/?taken-by=bossladyhaley
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Seekimg those arrangements
    Subraman--my first date is typically meet at a place of their choice ( for their safety as I point out to them) for a drink. At that point I don't expect anything on the first meeting and the only out of pocket expense I have is the cost of a drink or two. I'm typically traveling and not home so the choice is sit in my hotel room or at the hotel bar or drive a few miles and get out to meet a woman. About 25% of the time the meeting turns into dinner and again the same conditions apply. On a handful of occasions the meeting then turns into sex and in all of these situations I allow her to make the first move. I recall you and I discussing this before but the sheer amount of guys that flake on women on SA or don't know how to act around them turns into a benefit for me once I can have a face to face meeting. One of the other things I'll point out from your comments is that some of the strippers play peek-a-boo with their account. They only activate it when they need money and then deactivate it so that they remain UTR. I've seen a few of the girls from Hustlers in Cleveland that I know have some wealthy guys as clientele --and for whatever the reason they are on SA one day and gone the next, only to reappear a few weeks later for a day or two. To me as I mentioned this morning the ROI for SA is pretty good--my cost is minimal in terms of time and money both and I might be fooling myself a bit but I'd like to think my radar is pretty good about who is really a college student, a teacher and or a nurse and who is a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    She likes me, she really likes me
    Since the weather is miserable here today and no one else but me seems to be in the office I am spending an inordinate amount of time on here but twentyfive has it right ( again) In my case it wasn't a change in my finances as much as a physical change in me. I never disclose what I am worth or what I make on SA or to woman and most times I underplay my wealth. But I did drop the weight of an average five year old and got a lot leaner, and physically fit after nearly a decade of not exercising. Some of how younger women responded to me afterwards I am sure had to do with my confidence level but I always was a cocky SOB and I admit it. Most people unless they really know me have a hard time guessing my age ( good gene pool as well)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    on SA, "NSA FWB" arrangment?
    Thanks I found a stripper I know on SA...that was on her profile...I sent her a message just to say hi anyway--welcome to Northeast Ohio. :--). You'll find more than a few.. Same goes with Baltimore and the surrounding area.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC dates
    Never done C or E...all the other choices or some combination of I have. E -I would be bored to tears. Movie dates are fine if you've know her for some time otherwise I could see where it would have a weird feel.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    She likes me, she really likes me
    All commentary aside I've had a couple of strippers do things for me that there is no doubt at the very least appreciated me and probably like me on some level beyond the normal good customer relationship. Oddly I've had more escorts than strippers fall into this category over the years. When I was in my 20's, 30's and even 40's I dated my fair share of good looking women without the business relationship in play but as you continue to age but your taste in women doesn't I think you need to be realistic. Even Charlie Sheen in Two and Half Men eventually aged out of getting anything but strippers and escorts. It does happen but I've learned not to look for it to and to never expect any special treatment.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SA question, is premium required to send/receive messages?
    "I'm not exactly sure other than nothing pertaining to sex...etc.. I'm classy, I'm not a prostitue and will not sell myself, that's disgusting and I have morals." The irony is I got a look from her. (small world)..........but I didn't respond due to the above line in her profile.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SA question, is premium required to send/receive messages?
    I just looked and I noticed we are up to 89.95 per month for a single month membership. The rate seems to move up and down at times and I've seen it as low as 69.95. But I would point out to you 89.95 is about what I spend in the first hour of a club visit one time. For that amount depending on how your profile is written and how you approach the women on the site you can expect an estimated 15 likes, looks, responses in the first week and at least from my experience that translates to 3-5 meetings. --89.95 is not that much for the ROI as I measure it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    She likes me, she really likes me
    i.e. if a guy has to go to strip clubs to find a GF/date, then the reality should be obvious--no truer words have been written.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SA question, is premium required to send/receive messages?
    Yes--if you are a guy.....girls get to play for free
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Ranking all 32 NFL teams by cap space heading into free agency
    Last week when I was in Cleveland I heard Baker Mayfield state the Browns are only a player or two away and he is one of those players...........I had a hard time not spitting my coffee out all over my laptop.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    She likes me, she really likes me
    Well I'm a bit older than him and I tend to believe there are strippers that like me---doesn't mean they still don't expect me to bring along my friends Grant, Jackson, and Franklin. I've also thought there are girls that could be the one......the one that meets up with me outside the club. The one that comes back to my hotel with me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Seekimg those arrangements
    Subraman it's like real estate. Location, location, location. As a rule I start with a per meet of 400.00 and see how it goes from there. That rate seems to work everywhere with the exception of inside the DC Beltway ( the DC area yes but once you get inside the district it's about a 60% positive) I don't use SA in NYC---mostly because I've found too much flaking out ( no shows) I started using SA again after the first of the year after taking a 7 month break. I found a good match in the one area I travel to often--Grad Student, really pretty although a little thicker than I typically like but she is a keeper. Dates typically last five hours on average--drinks, dinner, and then private time. Last week I had planned on going to a club on Friday night but she sent me a text during the afternoon--her power was out due to the weather. So she spent the night with me and I didn't get much sleep. :--)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Oscars
    There's three hours of your life you can never get back.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: 11 signs that you lack emotional intelligence
    From what I have observed the people who are touting high EQ don't seem for the most part to be the most successful people in the world. It fits in with the other topic we had about social media---people who I term as posers more so than doers. Oddly I;ve heard a few dancers talk about the concept and state they know they have a high EQ--maybe they do. I don't doubt they need to be able to read people to be successful. Here is an interesting read---and although it is harsh it tends to fit with what I've heard from plenty of the HR types I know. http://axtschmiede.com/emotional-intelligence/
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    Jaded, so jaded...but who's the one that jaded you?
    I blame it on Jade ;)-----this was going to be my line until I saw twentyfive used it. I certainly could --repeat could blame it on the bad experience I had in NYC with the troglodyte that wouldn't take no for an answer and eventually turned to my friend to guilt him into spending wads of cash on her but if anything would have jaded me it would be watching my ex turn into what she has become since she started stripping for a living.....and while suffice it to say I don't feel that I am jaded she has become what all of us advise keeping clear of both inside and outside the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Location, Location, Loca... Wait, what?
    Look up BSS and ESS online--it will explain how the site can track your whereabouts. You can turn off some of the tracking information and limit other info.......most people use Google---turn off the Geotracker and it will minimize the tracking
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Strippers Estimating Up Their Sex Number
    Maybe I am buying into the SS but there are a few I have met that probably are not all that experienced with numerous partners........and it typically shows up in the bedroom, especially when it comes to oral sex. --either way. In today's culture even most young civie girls don't think as much as about giving a guy a BJ as they did 10-15 years ago....so when a girl really doesn't know how it shows a lack of experience --stripper or not.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Compliment you receive from dancers
    I get the eyes thing a lot......always have........although the comments are not always the same. The other is why don't I look my age--which really is not a compliment as much as one to my parents and genetics.