
Damned Cubans

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Thursday, March 30, 2017 11:50 AM
It would be to hear some of the crazy shit you've seen with the Cuban invasion. I went to Lookers a couple of weeks ago to see if what I had read on another site about the hotter dancers and higher mileage was true. It wasn't, really. There were one or two 7+, but not mileage so much as pushing for me to buy VIP time, which I declined. At one point, a cute-ish girl was grinding on me a little at the bar, but I declined her request for a dance and pit a dollar in her bra cup to make her move on. Suddenly, four Cubans surrounded me out of nowhere and pulled open their bra cups as if I was going to tip them for nothing. "No" is the same in both languages. But the kicker was, after the dance with the high pressure VIP upsell attempts, I went back to the bar to finish my beer and decode to stay or go. This huge, ugly, coal black beast lumbered into me. She was every ounce of 275 lbs or more. Imagine a shorter, uglier, fatter-assed Nicki Minaj covered in cellulite. Even Papi would have run screaming, but I was trapped. Wordlessly, she wraps her stubby little arms around me, places my arm on her ass and begins front-to-front grinding. I begin to push her off and she puts my arm back on her ass and pulls me in closer. I push her off firmly and repeat "no" several times. She begins to lumber off, but decides instead to shine me on. With her back to me, she bends forward what little she can, and spreads her humongous ass cheeks. Letting them slam together before lumbering away. I can't unsee it


  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Why all the negativity towards the cubanas? When I started clubbing regularly in Miami (early 90s), they were what got my blood flowing. I became so attracted to them that I married one (a cubana, not a stripper).
  • ime
    7 years ago
    I enjoy them.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    No negativity towards Cubans as a nationality or culture, I married one as well. But I like diversity and conversation with my strippers. When all the dancers only know "wanna dance" and "yes/no", it get boring and tiresome. Of course, I speak Spanish as well as English, but figuring out how to say what I want to say, and then translating back what they said is not conducive to my relaxation. Furthermore, the Cuban style is distinctly more transactional and businesslike, there's little in the way of charm, exuberance, or seduction. I go to strip clubs for fun, variety, and interaction - those things are missing with the current crop of dancers.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Latinas Rule the world!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    " This huge, ugly, coal black beast lumbered into me. " More racism from our number one Alt. Right winger.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    My biggest complaint with the Cubans working at Follies is that they don't want to take their bottoms off until the second song. Now some of the other dancers are starting to follow suit. Bad precedent. Although I can speak enough Spanish to get laid, I wouldn't call it fluent and refuse to negotiate with them. In fact I am boycotting them.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    The two Cubans I encountered at Follies were unattractive, no boycott necessary.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I blame Papi_Chulo. When he left Cuba, all the strippers followed him.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Then I thank Papi.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Fidel got even with us. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ fuck you Jackie :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^^ that was mean for slash
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    * meant
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Most Cuban-dancers are not exactly laidback - actually most Cubans in-general are not exactly laidback (that's why there's hardly any Anglos left in Miami), particularly the ones that have not been here too long (less than 5-years) - part of it is an innate cultural trait but a bigger-part of it is being a product of the environment - in Cuba one needs to hustle; lie, cheat, just so one can have a loaf of bread to eat; this is a bi-product of a totalitarian government where one has to learn to pretend to be one thing to not get in trouble but do another just to survive; this is also similar to what one sees in Russia (the Russian mafia; etc, due to the former totalitarian Soviet Union gov; and can also be seen in China where people are very corrupt and cheat all the time). Thus many Cubans that get here come w/ the shady mindset of "working around the system" in order to get what they want - that's why Miami was (and probably still is) the Medicare fraud capital of the U.S.; and the Cubans also specialize in other "exploit the system" white-collar type crimes such as auto-insurance fraud (fake accidents); etc. Thus many Cuban-dancers have that "do what you gotta do to get that loaf of bread" type mentality - and why Miami is very corrupt similar to many Latin American countries and why I'm careful of doing business in Miami (personal or o/w) and often avoid it. (of course this does not apply to all Cubans; there are def many honest hard-working Cubans and they are the majority; it's just that there are too-many of the hustlers). w.r.t. Latinas; I like the Colombians the best and have found them to be the best dancers in the way they treat me and in their demeanor - I like Colombian people in general - I often avoid the Cuban-dancers - they are too cutthroat, pushy, and a bit emotionally volatile - not all are like this of-course and some clubs are worse than others.
  • Bavarian
    7 years ago
    I wish there were more Colombian dancers. There's hardly any here in the Dallas clubs. There was one at Baby Dolls but I have not seen her lately. Beautiful face and nice booty.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    There aren't that many Colombian dancers in Miami either - the Cubans have driven everyone out. Also - the situation in Colombia is much better these days than back in the 80s and 90s thus it seems much less people are leaving the country and why it seems harder to run into as many Colombians these days vs back in the day. But yeah - Colombian women normally have great attitudes (IME) and are very attractive IMO (they often have the face *and* the bod).
  • eyeamlong
    7 years ago
    1961 Cuban Refugee Program.... It will explain the Entitlement mentality of Cuban people ...And you can see it in those follies dancers..
  • Mainster
    7 years ago
    I second the wish for more Columbians. The few I've spent time with have been fun and not very damn shy. The local Cubanas are their polar opposite- businesslike, mechanical, and as apt to be ROBs as not.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Brazilians are mighty fine. I've had the pleasure of a few dances with them.
  • goosman
    7 years ago
    Eh, I know what I'm dealing with & know how to handle them. Cubanas have a thing about them that I can't deny. But Papi is right Colombians, Venezuelans put Las Cubanas in their place on a one to one level (Dominicans too btw).
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Once you go Eskimo, you never go back.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Not many Cuban dancers here in LA but we sure got lots of Mexican beauties. For the most part they are easy to deal with. For me I detest the cold, pushy businesslike Russian dancers that seem to have infiltrated some of my favorite clubs. NYET!
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    ^^^ They'll be in LA by 2018. By the dozens. Cuban wave already arrived in Texas. Gammanu95 - good discussion topic. I feel the same way as you. Papi - great low down on cuban dancers. Also the new wave of dancers have to pay around $20K to get smuggled into USA and often have a pimp taking his cut. Lot of pressure to produce income. They live 10-12 to an apartment and don't come out of the spanish zone. As Papi said majority are honest, hard working and my experience is some cuban dancers can be fun. I'll look out for colombian dancers.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    No matter where a dancer comes from, if she isn't fluent in english, I have no interest. Thrilled that after a year the lovely Ivanna (poland) at Desires is fluent in english. Makes the rest of the experience better and it was great to begin with. True rarity that a top 1% dancer in looks is also top .00005% fun in the club.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Thanks, rogertex. I also really love Colombians and Venezuelans. I haven't found a strip club Shakira, but the search actively continues.
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