
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    PSA for TUSCL
    ^^ Mr. OSU, you sure spent a lot of time figuring out when Mr. San Jose posts and when he does not post. Are you attracted to Mr. San Jose? I’m not defending Mr. San Jose, but you seem a bit obsessed. Like you’re stalking him because you want to suck his cock. My advice is to PM him and ask him whether he’d be into that. You’re welcome.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Chrysler, Vintage and Modern
    ^^ What is your issue Mr. OSU? Sure, Mr. San Jose prattles on posting about shit i don’t care about. But he does. And you’re shitting on his posts. That’s kinda like stealing the retarded kid’s homework and wiping your ass with it before he can turn it in. So I ask again, what’s your issue. Still upset over the school bullies that would use your homework as TP?
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    3 years ago
    Ban san_jose_guy
    “ When are you people going to learn to NOT feed the troll's?” Because troll feeding is fun. Do you really think Mr Damned wants Mr. San Jose banned? I suspect he just wants to fuck with Mr. San Jose and get a San Jose response for shits and giggles. I do have a question though: what did Mr. San Jose say that was rapey? Was it really rapey or was it “Skibum rapey”? “Skibum rapey” is when somebody that Mr. Skibum reads a post someone from someone he believes to be liberal and then has verbal diarrhea that is identical to SJW bullshit. You know, the Mr. Skibum “wah wah wah libruls be so hateful wah wah wah ur da real mysoginist wah wah wah” act. Just asking because I usually get bored with Mr. San Jose’s posts about one sentence in and, let’s face it, many of you are snowflakes that are really easy to troll. I’m not saying that Mr. San Jose is trolling. In fact, he’s the least trolly person on here. He believes the shit he posts because he is 100% sincerely nuts. And you’ve gotta have at least grudging respect for his sincerity!
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    3 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Bummed. You think having an 8 inch member is cool. Trust me, it sucks!
    Nothing to see here folks. Just an attempt to brag. Would have been more convincing if the OP had specified “inches”. Dead giveaway that he’s using centimeters. Totally understandable that a Korean AMP girl wouldn’t want “BOOM BOOM” with an 8 cm chode. You’re welcome.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Strippers who bring snacks to OTC
    It’s all good as long as the snacks ain’t Dugan chocolate.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    And You Thought Josef Mengele Was Dead
    You know what I heard? It turns out vaccinated guys shed spike protein in their sperm. Mr. SJG and Mr. Yarise should get their stomachs pumped before the spike protein turns them int black-eyed demons. As always, you’re welcome.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thoughts from a former teacher
    Come now Mr. Cowboy. You should really embeded some errors in your posts to help Mr. Skibum. If we come together we can use his inchoate rage to further his education. . Please help Mr. Skibum. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    RAPE - The left's definition of success.
    Now now Mr Icee. Most people just don’t understand. Like I said, all the folks on here will do the right thing now that I’ve explained things.
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    3 years ago
    Song suggestions
    I hear that Mr. Dugan is really into Liza Minnelli. You should ask him for his recommendations. But you shouldn’t ask Mr. Mark. He really digs Milli Vanilli. He PM’ed me with a really disturbing Milli Vanilli fantasy. You don’t want to go there. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thoughts from a former teacher
    Bonus points if you can spot the errors in my posts on this thread. Just trying to hep you with your remedial reading. I like being a nice guy. Your welcome!
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    3 years ago
    Thoughts from a former teacher
    Riddle me this Mr. Skibum, if you’re education was so good why did this political shit get posted in the front room? Almost seems like you can’t read well enough to know that the front room isn’t for political shit. You should really consider a remedial reading class. Might help you with your job. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    RAPE - The left's definition of success.
    But I know all of you folks care and wish to be good citizens. You were probably just ignorant regarding the situation. Well, now y’all know about this pandemic so I’m sure you’ll behave appropriately. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    RAPE - The left's definition of success.
    Wow. If you people think folks should step up to help their fellow citizens I’m going to tell you about something REALLY fucked up. You see, there was this pandemic that shut down the whole country and killed more than 700,000 people. And - get this - folks got all bent out of shape about doing anything to mitigate that pandemic. A huge number of stupid selfish fucks didn’t even want to do something as simple and innocuous as wearing a fucking mask. Can you believe how fucking selfish people are? You shouldn’t be surprised shit like that happens. A country will become a failed state when its citizens care so little for their fellow citizens that they will prolong a fucking pandemic. You just happened to find a small scale example of how fucked up America is...SAD!!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Cooking at Home
    Two Phil Phacts(tm) about Mr. Dugan the “foodie”: Do not believe Mr. Dugan’s restaurant reviews. Restaurant food is better when you can afford something better than “whatever is in the dumpster behind the Waffle House”. Most of Mr. Dugan’s “specialties” are bullshit. Except the Alfredo sauce. But you should stay away from Dugan Alfredo. It’s really his cum. Juice told me and Juice wouldn’t lie. In summary: if Mr. Dugan tells you something about food you should consider the source and believe the exact opposite. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Very mean strippers
    ^ Tell that to Mr. OSU. He’s the one that thinks Mr. Poopdeep needs to talk like Apu. You keep being you Mr. Poopdeep. Don’t let the racists get you down. See if Mr. OSU has a daughter and then offer her a free red slurpee for some Poopdeep loving. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Having your ass eaten?
    You folks sure are judgmental for a bunch of demented perverts. And before you accuse me of being judgmental I’ll just add that calling y’all demented perverts is a description, not a value judgment. Indeed, it’s just a PhilPhact(tm) that many of y’all are demented perverts and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. Anywho, assplay has a long history and many folks are into it. If the OP likes a tongue in his butthole he should go for it. And if y’all are offended by that you should go back to demented pervert school because you ain’t demented enough. Or maybe you ain’t perverted enough. Regardless, you need to up your demented pervert game. Just don’t go full Dugan. I hear that he has put all sort of crazy shit up his ass. Emulating Dugan is baaaaad! You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Plague moral dilemma
    But Dugan don’t do no masks. He may endorse the bleach injections, internal sunburn, and eatin’ the horsey paste. But no masks. No siree Bob. FREEDUMB!!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Plague moral dilemma
    Listen to Mr. Dugan. That guy could have been patient zero on at least twenty different STDs but he selflessly avoids spreading said diseases. He always goes to his doc for a good cleaning. You know, the ol’ bleach injections plus a UV light up his keister. Hell, Mr. Dugan has started to like the UV light in his colon. You should try it. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Very mean strippers
    Mellow out Mr. Scrub. Mr. Poop isn’t going to invite you to the gangbang. He already promised to supply the red slurpee to pay the girls. How about this Mr. Poop. I spring for red slurpees and you find some hotties willing to party for said slurpees. He’ll, I’ll even spring for cheap vodka to spike the slurpees. See Mr. Scrub, that’s how you make friends. You’ve got to play nice! You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Z is for Zebra
    Rick Dugan. Beloved on stripperweb and utterly despised on this website
    BTW, have you guys seen the BOOK documenting what an enormous slut Mr. Dugan’s meemaw was back in the day? https://www.pulpinternational.com/pulp/entry/Tijuana-bible-based-on-the-comic-Dixie-Dugan.html No wonder the guy is suck a warped sicko!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Z is for Zebra
    Rick Dugan. Beloved on stripperweb and utterly despised on this website
    Why has nobody given the Zebra person props for finding a photo of a zebra wearing a suit. That kind of attention to detail is magnificent. That is far more energy than I would put into insulting Mr. Dugan given how easy he is to bait. But I still admire the craftsmanship. Actually kind of makes me want to make an image of Douchebagolos, the demon that possessed Mr. Dugan before he was born. The demon left but, alas, Mr. Dugan was so damaged that he became a permanent douchebag. Whoever is behind Mr. Zack, whether it is Ms. Spice or somebody else, all I have to say is that I salute you! BRAVO!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    European Union Forces Apple To Change Its Charger
    As usual Mr. Skibum’s is wrong. Mr. Jobs was not the worlds biggest douchebag. The worlds biggest douchebag prize was given Mr. Dugan’s within minutes of his birth. Did you know that Mr. Dugan’s spoke his first words within minutes of his birth? As soon as the doctor slapped his ass he turned around to the nurse and said “hey baby, how ‘bout you get addicted to heroin and let me slap your ass”. Then his head spun 360 degrees and the demon that possessed him in his mommy’s womb exited his body. Unfortunately, the demon Douchebagalos had destroyed lil Dugan’s brain. That is how Mr. Dugan became gibbering douche that we all love to hate. Now that you know better you can go back to playing with crayons Mr. Skibum. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    REAL WORLD PROBLEMS: Lunchables Shortage
    Oh put-leeze Mr. Dugan doesn’t have kids. His whole “I’m a demented pervert who is also a family man” act is just that: an act. He’s just a demented pervert. But if he did have kids he’d send the lil’ Dugans to school with some gummy worms and a can of Bud Light Toasted Marshmallow seltzer https://www.econotimes.com/Bud-Light-unveils-falls-Pumpkin-Spice-and-Toasted-Marshmallow-seltzers-nationwide-1616475
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Hey guys my name is Frankie
    At least Mr. Scrub is fantasizing about women. A little weird that it is some rando’s mom, but it’s still better than fantasizing about Mr. Juice’s asshole.
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    3 years ago
    White Girls Who Rap Along to Rap Songs
    PHIL PHACTS(tm) FOR YOU WEIRDOS: Mr. Dugan does the pointing thing all of the time. Just in his normal speech. Mr. Skibum wants a house with a lawn so he can ask you kids to get off of it. Mr. Mark is spending time combing the internet for articles proving that the pointing thing is a liberal conspiracy. He will soon be starting 20 different threads about how Obama invented it. Thanks for nothing Obama! BACK TO OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED IDIOCY