
Bummed. You think having an 8 inch member is cool. Trust me, it sucks!

Avatar for Nidan111
Nidan111Somewhere in MO.

None … and I mean none … well, only one AMP provider will actually climb on. 8.5 x 8 is apparently “too big”. Me just “suckie suckie. No boom boom.” $200 and no boom boom really SUCKS. but, the SUCK is not too bad. Korean women definitely know that craft well.


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Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

It's just a way for them to not put in more work without hurting feelings

Avatar for Nidan111

Actually, they do not. Seriously. They do not.

Avatar for Nidan111

My current wife has answered her boyfriends’ questions as such ,,,, “um, actually … um, my husband is at least twice your size, but you are younger and possibly able to make me fantasize more”. That is an actual text sent from her to “him” or “him(s)”. She is 20 years younger than I, so I do understand.

Avatar for shailynn

8 1/2 - is that your shoe size?

Avatar for Nidan111

Lol. Close. Shoe is only 10.

Avatar for shadowcat

A stripper was bragging to me about how big her boy friend was. I asked if she was trying to make me feel bad and she said "Don't worry about it. You're adequate".

Avatar for skibum609

No one is ever happy about anything.

Avatar for Cashman1234

No homo.

This seems like a nice discussion to talk about cocks - in a no homo type of way…

I’m no homo-ing in and out of this one!

No homo.

Avatar for Tetradon

If I had an 8 inch cock, I'd wonder where the rest of it went.

Avatar for RTP

Nidan, your current wife has a boyfriend?

Avatar for Warrior15

I never have any complaints about the size of my cock. But then again, I can lick my eyebrows. So maybe they don't care how big it is.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

My dick is really thick and girls always love it. The more petite girls are the ones who have gotten off on trying to take it the most.

I've never had a problem with it.

I have a friend who is pretty much abstinent because he feels embarrassed that his dick is curved. He looked into surgery for it but the Dr said he'd lose an inch or so from it. I don't know how that works.

Avatar for motorhead

My dick is only 4 inches

….from the ground

Avatar for nicespice

lol good to see you still around Nidan 🤣

Avatar for skibum609

Let me translate Icee's post - if she were able to get it hard it would be a very think 1.25" long nothing.

Avatar for DoctorPhil.

Nothing to see here folks. Just an attempt to brag. Would have been more convincing if the OP had specified “inches”. Dead giveaway that he’s using centimeters. Totally understandable that a Korean AMP girl wouldn’t want “BOOM BOOM” with an 8 cm chode.

You’re welcome.

Avatar for Nidan111

I have forgotten how much more fun this social media is compared to all the others. 😂

Avatar for BBBC

I feel your pain Nidan111. I have a huge cock too! Do you get calluses on the tip of yours because it drags when you walk?

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