And You Thought Josef Mengele Was Dead

avatar for san_jose_guy
Biden explains how at Nuremburg they said that silence is complicity. And he sounds good. But what is actually happening today?

There is no clinical data showing what these vaccines do when you go to booster shots. And no one knows what the long term effects are. And there is no data to support the claim that this would be good for children. No one knows that what the vaccine triggers is anything like the natural immunity you get when you are exposed to the COVID virus. It is really very unusual, what they are triggering in our immune systems.

How does it feel now to know that you are a white haired lab rat? They are experimenting on the general population, and they are not disclosing just how much is unknown. This violates accepted rules for experimental medicine.

What makes this criminal though is simply the fact that there is no legitimate medical need. COVID is a virus which causes an illness roughly comparable to the flu. The reason we have a higher mortality rate than some other countries is simply the fact that we do not have Universal Health Care and so we have higher rates of the big chronic conditions. And then they are still reporting all deaths where there was a positive COVID test result, as a death caused by COVID.

The reason they are trying to impose vaccination and to keep us living in a state of rear is simply to discourage the sort of rational discussion, as that would turn into a discussion about Universal Health Care.




last comment
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Survey: which poster above is more of a retard?
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Yes
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
And go away, Cacaplop.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
You know what I heard? It turns out vaccinated guys shed spike protein in their sperm. Mr. SJG and Mr. Yarise should get their stomachs pumped before the spike protein turns them int black-eyed demons.

As always, you’re welcome.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
More likely to become sick if you are vaccinated. UK data.…



BBW action uniform, plus light bondage…
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
And so could any of this hysterical response to COVID to said to be "putting people over profits"?

No, the hysterical response has destroyed people's livelihoods. Anything retail or cooperative got smashed. And then people are facing foreclosures and evictions.

We went through 2020 with Pelosi and Trump bringing blow driers to stand at the printing press and trying to make the green ink dry faster for this bailout money and this paycheck protection act. All this did was sustain the real estate market, landlords and mortgage lenders.

And the Biden Budget, that is all needs tested programs. So that give people like Joe Manchin a ready made high horse.

What Biden is trying to do is okay, but what we need is an economic restructuring. We need universal programs, not needs tested programs.

1. Universal Basic Income
2. Strong Public Housing Offering, price set at 1/2 the UBI rate, no needs test, but could be an age test if there is not enough built yet
3. Medicare for all
4. Free College

The COVID hysteria is being promoted to discourage talk about these economic restructuring issues.

avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
"No one knows that what the vaccine triggers is anything like the natural immunity you get when you are exposed to the COVID virus".

Pfizer has 932 lobbyists in Washington, Johnson and Johnson has over 600 lobbyists in Washington and natural immunity has zero lobbyists in Washington. There is a lot of money to be made by mass vaccinations. In the first half of 2021 Pfizer's net income was 10.5 billion dollars, 7 billion dollars more than the same period in 2020. In addition to the government trying to make the vaccines mandatory for everyone, thereby increasing vaccine company profits, the vaccine companies were also given legal immunity by the government from lawsuits related to negative side effects of the vaccines.

Since the beginning of this epidemic, the government has tried to herd people in the direction of profitable vaccines and expensive drugs to treat Covid. For example, the only antiviral drug approved by the FDA was Remdesivir, which is still under patent, costs three thousand dollars and requires an expensive hospital stay since it is given by IV. Studies show it has little effect on reducing deaths. This is because Covid is a two stage disease, with stage one being an increase in the viral load and stage two being an increase in inflammation. Most people don't go into the hospital until they are in the inflammation stage. At that point, instead of an antiviral drug like Remdesivir, patients need steroids and antioxidants like vitamin C and n-acetyl-cysteine. Cheap antiviral drugs that are no longer under patent like Ivermectin or HCQ that are available in pill form and could be used while people are still at home going through the viral increase stage have been blocked by the government, with doctors being threatened with the loss of their licenses if they prescribe them. Gilead, maker of the expensive Remdesivir, also has hundreds of Washington lobbyists. Merck, maker of Ivermectin, has hundreds of lobbyists too but has been using them to help get FDA approval for a new patented antiviral drug they can sell for seven hundred dollars. The Japanese discoverer of Ivermectin tried to get Merck to do trials on it for Covid treatment but Merck showed no interest since they can make little money off a drug no longer under patent.

What has been surprising to me is that liberals are normally for the little guy and against big corporations but have mostly lined up on the side of Big Pharma here.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I agree with you that it is the liberals who have failed her, really they are neo-liberals, like Biden, Pelosi, and Gavin Newsom.

Protecting the drug companies from law suits is of concern. But mandates and near mandates just to have our basic rights, that is completely wrong.

Thank you very much for your post.

avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Please someone cut off the internet access to the San Jose Public Library. SOMEONE PLEASE!!!!! I will mail over a goat dressed in lingerie for compensation.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^^^ Your mom probably wouldn't go along with that.

avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
You like spamming my threads
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avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Keep it up you stupid fucktard
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Way Life Should Be…

avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
fuck you ^
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
fuck you ^^
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Fucking all the time is what will be happening in the organization I am building.


The Way Life Should Be…
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Planning to vaccinate children 5-11yo.…

Clinical data, where is it? If it works as well as vaccinating adults, there is a serious problem.

And what is the medical need?

3 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Unusually high death rate, not correlated to COVID, in a number of industrialized countries, seems to correlate to the vaccine.

Alex Berenson, last night…

3hrs ago:
Pfizer and BioNTech announce their vaccine is USELESS 11 months after dosing…



the ankle strap makes all the difference, good colors too…
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Josef Mengele fucked Ilhan Omar in the ass while AOC chanted.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
And sjcreep licked up the creampie!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Thanks Yarise9, I know questions are being asked about Faucci and about how things went in Wuhan. I don't know what to make of it.

avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
I wonder if yarise is still letting cattle fuck him in the ass?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Shocking! Government data shows more people aged 20-50 are dying due to possible mass vaccination…

could be another upload of the clip from a day ago


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago

URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER


“N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.”

This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE (or more than once, probably).

It also means the virus is likely to select for mutations that go in exactly that direction, because those will essentially give it an enormous vulnerable population to infect. And it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust long-term immunity post-infection.

This is really serious, and it comes out of the UK data.

Pfizer and BioNTech announce their vaccine is USELESS 11 months after dosing…



avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
A vaccine-evading variant is here


This vaccine does not do what it was expected to do. It might even be making things worse.

And it is fulling the hysteria. We are on the very edge of turning into a medical police state.

And there is no medical need for this vaccine! We have gone far enough that COVID will run out, most people have already been exosed. FL had the most cases, and so guess what, today it has the least.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
But yesterday the Centers for Disease Control, America’s not-at-all-politicized public health agency, released a new study purporting to show that vaccination protects against Covid infection better than natural immunity. Of course, a wave of stories about the benefits of mRNA vaccination followed.

To do this, the CDC used some magic statistical analysis to turn inside raw data that actually showed almost four times as many fully vaccinated people being hospitalized with Covid as those with natural immunity - and FIFTEEN TIMES as many over the summer.

Get that, four times as many fully vaccinated people being hospitalized as those with natural immunity.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
URGENT: Worrisome paper about the spike protein's impact on DNA and DNA repair

Remember, the reason vaccine fanatics insist that the mRNA vaccines are NOT gene therapies is that they supposedly have no impact on the nucleus of the cell, where we store our DNA, our core genetic material. Instead, the mRNA is degraded in the cytosol, which is outside the cell’s nucleus.

Some scientists have argued that under certain unlikely circumstances the mRNA can make its way into the nucleus - but that debate is actually irrelevant here. The authors were looking not for the vaccine material but for the presence of the coronavirus proteins, including the spike, in the nucleus.

And - to their surprise - they found the spike.

Was Alex Berenson Right On Joe Rogan?! What Is Happening With Waning Immunity? (I Was Wrong)…


TJ Street…
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
This is this Dr. Bryan Ardis. Sounds like a guy with conservative views, but I still think it important to listen to him and understand what he is saying:
COVID has made Death Traps out of Hospitals…………

The Anti-Berenson Article…


Pfizer’s CEO is getting scared


And he should be.

This over-the-top screech is not how an executive who is confident in his company’s products sounds.

Trust me. I’ve sent a couple to prison.

No (mRNA/DNA) vaccines, no epidemic (vaccine seems to be the main reason this pandemic continues. Countries without it are already beyond the pandemic. )
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Indonesia collectively have 2 billion people... and essentially no access to advanced Covid vaccines.


It’s almost as if Covid-19 infection waves have a predictable natural course over a two- to three-month period - a sharp rise and nearly equally sharp decline.

It’s almost as if the virus then disappears as many, many people gain natural immunity - including many younger people who never knew they were infected at all because the coronavirus is barely dangerous to them.

It’s almost as if an English epidemiologist named William Farr noted the way epidemics waxed and waned more than 150 years ago.

Speaking of England, let’s take a look at the United Kingdom, which vaccinated more of its citizens with advanced vaccines against Sars-Cov-2 more quickly than any other big Western country.

The epidemic must be done there, right?

Well. This is weird.

Britain’s post-vaccination wave just doesn’t seem to want to end. New cases have been stuck at a very high level for five months. And deaths - although lower than they were at the peak of the winter wave - have not gone away and in fact are now rising.

It’s almost as if mass vaccinations of powerful but imperfect vaccines have made the epidemic worse in the United Kingdom (and across Europe and the United States) by interfering with the natural course of the epidemic and the development of natural immunity.


I’m sure Pfizer and Moderna and the public health gurus have a better explanation, though. Roll up yer sleeves for that booster!

Do mRNA Covid vaccines interfere with the development of natural immunity following Sars-Cov-2 infection?


Last week, JAMA published a paper comparing natural-plus-vaccine Covid immunity versus vaccine-only immunity in over 500,000 people in Qatar.

Researchers looked at about 140,000 people who had received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines after a previous Covid infection and 400,000 who received the vaccines and had no prior infection.

No surprise, they found combined immunity is far superior to vaccine-only immunity.

After adjusting for age and other factors, people who had received vaccines but didn’t have natural immunity were about SIX times as likely to be infected with Covid as those who had a base of natural immunity.

It is important to understand this finding does NOT prove that the vaccines offered ANY additional protection beyond natural immunity to people who had already been infected.

First, the researchers did not include a third comparison group - people who had natural immunity but didn’t receive vaccines. Doing so would have been an obvious step, and I’m not sure why they didn’t. Perhaps they couldn’t find enough people, as Qatar has very high vaccination rates.

Second, the 6x rate ratio is in the range of what Israeli researchers found when they directly compared natural-only and vaccine immunity in a similar large study in August.

Third, the study found a notable trend towards a WIDENING gap between the natural-plus-vaccine group and the vaccine-only group in months five and six - when we know vaccine efficacy fades.

Infections in the natural-plus-Pfizer-vaccine group remained roughly steady throughout, at about 5 per 10,000 per month. But after starting at about 20 per 10,000 month in the first four months, infections in the Pfizer-vaccine only group doubled in month five and doubled again in month six, to 80 per 100,000 per month. (The researchers didn’t have six months of data on Moderna, which was used later in Qatar.)

The fact that the natural-immunity-plus-vaccine group didn’t see a similar rise in infections in later months is strong circumstantial evidence that the vaccine was NOT helping them early on.

The obvious inference is that their immunity remained strong throughout, because the vaccines weren’t helping it.

But the researchers hardly commented on their MOST interesting finding:

Vaccinated individuals with prior infection 6 months or more before dose 1 had statistically significantly lower risk for breakthrough infection than those vaccinated less than 6 months before dose 1 (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.62 [95% CI, 0.42-0.92]; P = .02 for BNT162b2 and 0.40 [95% CI, 0.18-0.91]; P = .03 for mRNA-1273 vaccination).

What does this mean?

The scientists divided people with natural immunity into two groups. One group had been infected and recovered well before they received their mRNA shots (at least six months). The other had been infected sooner.

They found that people who had been infected more than six months before being vaccinated had were much less likely to be reinfected as those vaccinated sooner.

So? Why should we care?

Other scientists have found that natural immunity from Sars-Cov-2 continues to strengthen for at least six months after Covid infection and recovery - perhaps more than a year

The Qatar paper at least suggests that the vaccines may hinder that evolution of memory B-cells. In other words, they may actually damage the body’s ability to build broad protection against reinfection.

Otherwise, why would people who received the vaccines SOONER after infection and recovery be more likely to be reinfected than those who received them later?

And why would the Qatar study find a SMALLER gap in infection rates (6x) between combination immunity and vaccine-only immunity than the Israel study did between pure natural immunity and vaccine-only immunity (13x)?

These are not rhetorical questions, by the way. All thoughts welcome.

SOURCE: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go…

NOTE: Several of you have pointed out that this:

“Vaccinated individuals with prior infection 6 months or more before dose 1 had statistically significantly lower risk for breakthrough infection than those vaccinated less than 6 months…”

appears incorrect.

You are right. “Vaccinated less than 6 months” should be “infected less than 6 months.” The error is in the original paper, in the abstract; another explanation lower in the paper makes clear what the authors meant. I should have explained that they’d made a mistake, or cut and pasted the lower and correct explanation.

(In my humble layman's opinion, it would not be surprising if these vaccines are shown to cause Cancer, Birth Defects, and Sterility)

URGENT: Worrisome paper about the spike protein's impact on DNA and DNA repair


Remember, the reason vaccine fanatics insist that the mRNA vaccines are NOT gene therapies is that they supposedly have no impact on the nucleus of the cell, where we store our DNA, our core genetic material. Instead, the mRNA is degraded in the cytosol, which is outside the cell’s nucleus.

Some scientists have argued that under certain unlikely circumstances the mRNA can make its way into the nucleus - but that debate is actually irrelevant here. The authors were looking not for the vaccine material but for the presence of the coronavirus proteins, including the spike, in the nucleus.

And - to their surprise - they found the spike.

They then went on to examine how the spike protein might impact the repair of damaged DNA in the nucleus.

Over time, radiation, chemicals, and other molecular-level insults can introduce errors into our DNA, which can cause a cascade of catastrophic consequences, including cancer. To prevent this, our cells have mechanisms to repair their own DNA.

But - at least in the experiments these two scientists ran - the spike protein appeared to interfere with our own DNA repair proteins: “Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.”

To be clear, the scientists did NOT prove the spike protein was causing these problems in people, or even animals. Nor did they show they had found the spike protein in human nuclei following the administration of Covid vaccines. Their research was confined to cells - in vitro, not in vivo.

Nonetheless, at a time when advanced countries that have high mRNA (and DNA/AAV) vaccination rates are seeing unusually full hospitals and higher-than-normal death rates, they are yet more cause for concern. As the authors explained:

“Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.”


The Pfizer Covid drug results look very, very good


And we know this drug class can be effective even against HIV (which vaccines have failed against completely for 35 years).

The comparison to HIV/AIDS is incredibly instructive - even though HIV was hugely lethal and was primarily spread by people without symptoms, we did not attempt to quarantine or restrict in any way even people we knew had it. We did not insist on mass testing even in high-risk groups. Our public health authorities DISCOURAGED rather than encouraged panic. We tested vaccines carefully (and found they failed despite promising early results).

Despite early panic, we treated HIV as a medical problem to be solved piece-by-piece with therapeutics, not a society-ending threat that needed a this-second magic bullet (though, again, HIV is far more dangerous and has killed far more people and especially young people than Covid ever will). And we did.

Unfortunately we learned NOTHING from our experience.

Fortunately the scientists may yet bail us out from the mess we - and they - have made. Certainly that’s what today’s plunge in Moderna stock suggests.

Ja, fellow members of the Reich, you must take zee medicine. It is for zee economy you do zis!


And if you do not, ve punish you. Maybe put you in a special place. A ghetto.


Seriously, wtf?

Jew to Jew, Jared: you may not know anything about medicine, or science, or anything else, but you should know better than this.

Where's Gavin Newsom? (always been a fucking creep, going back to when he was San Francisco Supervisor)


Governor White Teeth was last seen eight days ago getting his Covid booster shot.

He was supposed to go to Scotland for the “how do we get heating oil to $10 a gallon to show the peasants who’s in charge?” conference, I mean the United Nations climate summit. (No points for guessing if he planned to fly private.)

But he didn’t go to Scotland. Something about “family obligations.”

Dude hasn’t been seen since.

Those are some serious obligations!

I’m sure he’s fine. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the booster.


Ireland: 75% Covid vaccinated (90+% of adults). Alabama: 44% vaccinated.


Virus: gonna virus.

Roll Tide.

The Anti Bryan Ardis message…

JUST IN: Rand Paul Tells Fauci He Changed Website To 'Cover Your Ass' On Gain-Of-Function Research (11/4/2021)…


Gain of Function Research…


TJ Street…
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
This vaccine is a total fraud:

No (mRNA/DNA) vaccines, no epidemic

Do mRNA Covid vaccines interfere with the development of natural immunity following Sars-Cov-2 infection?

Dr Bryan Ardis Approaching 1M Deaths from Remdesivir & Ventilator…

And they are doing it to children:…

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
This report, while still echoing the official line of getting everyone vaccinated, it has cracks which could support the idea that the vaccine does not work, and in fact it is making this worse.

1. They don't know what is causing the present case surge.
2. Lots of young people far sicker than you would expect, like maybe the vaccine has harmed them.
3. Denver has a higher vaccination rate than Los Angeles, but only Denver has this case surge.

Worldwide vaccine failure
From Singapore to the Netherlands to Iceland to Vermont. And coming soon to the entire northern half of the United States.


Taiwan blocks second Pfizer doses for teens
And they aren't even CONSIDERING allowing kids 5-11 to get Covid vaccinated at this point

Because of myocarditis.

Rare, mild myocarditis.

Except it’s neither of those things.

Imma say it again: if you let your healthy teen - much less your healthy child - get this vaccine, you are insane.

The public health frenzy to vaccinate kids is the ultimate example of process at all costs, the flywheel spinning ever faster, unmoored from reality.

I believe the children are our future… Because, you know, they are the future.

So why are we subjecting them to even the tiniest smidgen of risk over this illness, which essentially can’t touch them?

We aren’t just eating our seed corn. We’re eating it while we’re on line for the all-you-can-eat $94 Bacchanal Buffet at Caesar’s (which is all by itself no doubt part of the reason American Covid numbers are so terrible).


COVID has made Death Traps out of Hospitals…

COVID-19 and kids: How mRNA vaccines work…

Police Arrest Man Outside COVID Vaccine Clinic In Manchester NH…

When Your Family Is Divided By The Covid Vaccine!…

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Bigger piece coming soon, but I wanted to share this:

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - the University of Washington modelers, Bill Gates’s pets (their motto: almost as dumb as Neil Ferguson, but without the English accent, so not as good at getting publicity) has a new Covid forecast out for the winter. They now expect almost 1 million additional deaths from the end of October through March 1.

But weren’t the vaccines supposed to end the epidemic?



Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on supply chains: 'There will be disruptions'…


Drive My Car - MonaLisa Twins…

Remastered from Rubber Soul, w/ piano and funky stereo mix…
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Another major red flag about Covid vaccines and death

JUST IN: House Republicans Demand End To Vaccine Mandates, 11/18…


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago

*************************** mRNA vaccines ***********************************

These really are unusual vaccines, very different from the polio and influenza vaccines. These former types use deactivated viruses. So they have to cultivate these in human cells. There is no other way, and this is complex and time consumptive. But the vaccine immunity which results seems to be very close to natural immunity, so there is no conflict.

When I first heard talk about making a COVID vaccine, it was described as "closing that door". Right away I suspected that this would be making too much of a change in human physiology. And now I have learned that it immunizes you against these spike proteins, instead of against the virus. Does this work, and what are the possible side effects? No one knows.

It is attractive because you can make these spike proteins in a test tube, synthetically. So it could be made quickly and easily. But it is strange and it has to be stored at very low temperature. We really do not know what its effects are.

They should have done more research and then had at least 3 years of careful clinical trials. But they approved it in 108 days. And now they are injecting this into 5 year olds.

China is the most populous nation in the world. If they wanted to do some kind of virus research they would not be dependent on money from the US. If they were doing something really nefarious, they would not even want the US to know about it.

That they did get money suggests that it was some sort of a shared project, and that they were exchanging data and that US personnel were involved in it. They may have been exchanging biological materials too. And there could be parallel work going on in the US.

The public has a right to know what they are doing and why, and to have outside scientists scrutinize it.

If there is anything irregular about this, or in the vaccine qualifying data, then this will make Watergate look like a tempest in a teapot. What the vaccine looks like is just wreckless medical experimentation on the general population. It looks like there are probably other motives than health and well being, and that is what kicks it into Josef Mengele territory, Crimes Against Humanity. People will be demanding the death penalty.

Biden spoke so eloquently in Connecticut on behalf of Thomas Dodd. Well Dodd had been a Nuremburg prosecutor. COVID and the vaccine could be the tip of something which far exceeds the crimes of Nazi doctors.


Pandemic of Hysteria…

Alex Berenson
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
OMG, now someone else is invoking the horrors of Josef Mengele, this Lara Logan on FOX. And she is equating Anthony Fauci with Mengele.…

Because Simon Wiesenthal did not forget, the Statute of Limitations had been lifted. But Mengele was still able to beat it by suffering a stroke and drowning at the age of 67.

After the war, Mengele fled to South America. He sailed to Argentina in July 1949, assisted by a network of former SS members. He initially lived in and around Buenos Aires, then fled to Paraguay in 1959 and Brazil in 1960, all the while being sought by West Germany, Israel, and Nazi hunters such as Simon Wiesenthal, who wanted to bring him to trial. Mengele eluded capture in spite of extradition requests by the West German government and clandestine operations by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. He drowned in 1979 after suffering a stroke while swimming off the coast of Bertioga, and was buried under the false name of Wolfgang Gerhard. His remains were disinterred and positively identified by forensic examination in 1985.

Forensics experts examining Mengele's skull in 1986…

In 1992, DNA testing confirmed Mengele's identity beyond doubt.

Besides his medical degree, Mengele also held a doctorate in anthropology.

Mengele used Auschwitz as an opportunity to continue his anthropological studies and research into heredity, using inmates for human experimentation. His medical procedures showed no consideration for the victims' health, safety, or physical and emotional suffering. He was particularly interested in identical twins, people with heterochromia iridum (eyes of two different colors), dwarfs, and people with physical abnormalities. A grant was provided by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ('German Research Foundation'), at the request of Von Verschuer, who received regular reports and shipments of specimens from Mengele. The grant was used to build a pathology laboratory attached to Crematorium II at Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Miklós Nyiszli, a Hungarian Jewish pathologist who arrived in Auschwitz on 29 May 1944, performed dissections and prepared specimens for shipment in this laboratory. The twin research was in part intended to prove the supremacy of heredity over the environment and thus strengthen the Nazi premise of the genetic superiority of the Aryan race. Nyiszli and others reported that the twin studies may also have been motivated by an intention to increase the reproduction rate of the German race by improving the chances of racially desirable people having twins.

Jewish twins kept alive for use in Mengele's medical experiments. Liberated by Red Army Jan. 1945…

Alex Berenson

COVID is over

Omicron is likely to give us the herd immunity which the mRNA vaccine has screwed up.

PJW Paul Joseph Watson’s response to new Covid-19 coronavirus hysteria… Swivel on it…


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avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
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