
Ban san_jose_guy

How’s this for an idea?

Like many others on TUSCL, I agree that SJG has become a major detriment to TUSCL. However, it seems unlikely to me that the flame war is unlikely to rid us of SJG anytime soon.

Here’s what I propose:

Everyone change the tagline in their banner to “Ban san_jose_guy”.

This message will be reflected on every post, every photo, every review. Past and Future.

This action has the following advantages:

1. It spreads the message far and wide with very little effort.
2. It lets new members who may be put off of participation that SJG is widely rejected. Perhaps new members would be more inclined to ignore SJG and participate.
3. And hopefully, when one way or another, SJG leaves TUSCL, everyone can easily revert their taglines to their former setting.

Your thoughts?


  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Why not just all message Founder that his recent turn towards the rapey is subpoena-able, and he needs to be expunged for the good of the board?
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    Founder sees what's being said so I'm in with the tagline and hope everyone follows!
    Others have been punted for less, It's long past due that he gets kicked out!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    This isn't lord of the flies. Mob intimidation doesn't work.

    The nasty rapy right wing bigots should be cancelled.

  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ How sweet, a white knight who knows something about getting banned.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
  • WiseToo
    3 years ago
    How do you change your tag line? I don't know how I even got my tag line.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Interesting idea. But I'm not so sure banning him will solve the problem. Yes if all his years of posting (some 37,000 comments) were to be deleted, it would be a big blow to him and might give us some degree of satisfaction. But he can just create a new user name and be back doing the same disruptive shit 5 minutes later, and will probably redouble his efforts.

    Not sure what the answer is, but I'm thinking something like when you ignore someone then they can't comment on threads you've initiated. And of course you wouldn't see threads initiated by the asshole you've ignored. That would really fix a jerk like SJG. He could continue with his ridiculous antics, but only on his own threads or those created by people willing to tolerate him. When he tries to comment on a thread where he's been ignored, he gets a pop-up that says "You're not authorized to comment." That would drive him fucking nuts.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Or, just block him if you are tired of him. Why do we need a coordinated effort the size of the Normandy invasion if a simple click solves the problem for those offended.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    @mister Orange
    We had that for a while it worked well it was the two way ignore but for unknown reasons founder decided he didn’t like so he took it away.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Well I guess he had his reasons, but something has to be done about this little prick. Putting him on "ignore" doesn't prevent the chaos he's been creating lately.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    He's only number 4 most ignored, with less than half the ignores of number 1: https://tuscl.net/top40.php?id=11

    He's generally only hostile to other members in reaction to their hostility and teasing. In contrast to many members who seem incapable of disagreeing without being nasty about it. But it's hard not to think there's a chance he has or could rape someone. He's into tying women up. Some people of course are into being restrained/tied up. But SJG is very delusional, he could delude himself that somebody consented when they didn't. Banning him obviously would not address this problem. He might post on here if had plans for particular woman, which could help in preventing anything bad happening to her.

    Also, how many "ban SJG" threads do we need" Duplicate threads are even a little worse than reanimated zombie threads.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    He said he dislikes censorship but I don’t think of that two ignore as censorship I think people should have the right to not speak to any they want, along with the fact that most folks are quite tolerant of opposing POVs as long as they are presented with civility it’s actually a good idea to separate yourself from folks that are intentionally offensive like SJG and Icee, let’s not forget that pimp troll is also aggressively involved in using terminology for the sole purpose of insulting people
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Whatever his cooky opinions are idc it's not like read it anyway. But we've pleaded with this guy repeatedly just to respect the community and not spam. He makes it all about him. If he continues and he no doubt will, he's got to go. Enough already.
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    to san jose guy,

    your views and presence are not welcome on this here site, in case your demented head hasn't registered any of the above that's been posted. here's an idea that might appeal to all: how about starting your own youtube channel?

    whatever thread you're going to initiate here is not going to go through to anybody here. you're just beating a dead horse with whatever it is you're trying to do over here.

    however, with youtube you actually may get some kind of a following. having your own youtube channel can be potentially life altering shit. you'll have a much better chance there of being an influencer, or an over glorified troll, whichever you choose.

    think about it. 20-40 people here or hundreds, maybe thousands? on youtube?
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    ban SJg is the fuck joe biden of this board
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    So... that mass SJG thread bump by "SJGTHREATENSWOMEN" was only useful in that it gave me the opportunity to hide a lot of his threads that I would have hidden eventually anyway.

    Aside from that, I guess it was the equivalent of an online "dirty protest" (Google it) or just a temper tantrum. Anyway, as much as I don't like SJG, I'm also not a huge fan of swamping the discussions.

    I legitimately think that SJG is incredibly creepy and possibly dangerous. I'm not sure that giving him an online haven is a great idea. It's also not great that he's often the first impression provided to new customers and dancers here.

    And at this point, he is (like his spoof troll) swamping the discussions. He's also hijacking other people's threads. For certain topics, it's essentially impossible to post a thread and not have it be dominated by his posts.

    So, yeah, I think he should be banned, and banned again if he returns. But if not that, then throttle his posting volume and/or fix the "ignore" function such that it actually works.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    When are you people going to learn to NOT feed the troll's?
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago

    Shadowcat is right. Simply ignore him, you do not even need to put him on ignore; but do not respond to him and do not create threads about him.

    Others have tried and failed to bring cancel culture to TUSCL. Man of them are no longer here, nor do they deserve to be here. SJWs and the liberal cancel culture mob are the worst trolls. If anyone should be banned it is them.

    I hope that, because someone tried to bring cancel culture to TUSCL again, that Founder sees that and never bans him. Cancel culture is amongst the worst liberal behaviors and must not be rewarded.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago

    It's not this guy's warped views on things or the fact that I don't like him. There's plenty of people I disagree with and don't like here, but they don't bother me. I don't mind seeing their posts, even if they directly challenge my ideas on my own threads. I don't even care if they attempt to insult me. The problem with SJG is he hijacks the entire board with no other goal but to cause chaos and make the board dysfunctional.

    Imagine if you owned a retail store and someone came in every single day for 3-4 hours, spends the whole time going from salesperson to salesperson asking questions and making statements that have nothing to do with your business or the product you sell, with absolutely zero intention to ever buy anything. On top of that he rudely cuts in line in front of legitimate customers who then can't get any service.

    Another example: You own a radio station and some nut job finds a way to override your broadcasting signal so your listeners hear nothing but gibberish.

    I'm 100% opposed to "cancel culture" where people are shut down because of their ideas, but that's not what this is. The guy is a disrupter and nothing more. He doesn't even have a discernible opinion on anything.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Regardless of what resident intellectuals Cacaplop and ICEE believe, this isn't "cancel culture." This is a private forum that he is an active detriment to. There is no right to be free from the consequences of one's actions.

    Even blocking everything SJGTHREATENSWOMEN has bumped, it's difficult to scroll past the block of ignored threads. I doubt I've looked at 3 pictures here, but aficionados of the picture forum say he's ruining that too.

    He needs to be blocked, repeatedly if necessary.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    If we are going to do anything about anyone I vote we all bitch slap Icee the little impotent bitch, assigned male at birth. I'd marry fucking SJG before I'd piss on Icee, that dirty rat.
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    so where you and SJG go for the honeymoon? his basement? is icee invited? you and SJG can take turns pissing on him. i'm sure SJG will find ways to have him restrained.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    “Or, just block him if you are tired of him. Why do we need a coordinated effort the size of the Normandy invasion if a simple click solves the problem for those offended.”

    I’m going to take this once in a lifetime opportunity to say I 100% agree with @mark. SJG was the first account I ever put on ignore. I also preferred the two way ignore but I respect founder’s opinion that he wanted the ignore function to be a shield and not a sword even though I disagreed in cases like SJG. It’s founder’s site. He’s given us multiple ways to isolate the trolls: ignore, hide threads, VIP and verified forums. Use any or all of those. Or better yet, don’t feed the trolls and find a better way to spend your time online by looking at tits.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    “ When are you people going to learn to NOT feed the troll's?”

    Because troll feeding is fun. Do you really think Mr Damned wants Mr. San Jose banned? I suspect he just wants to fuck with Mr. San Jose and get a San Jose response for shits and giggles.

    I do have a question though: what did Mr. San Jose say that was rapey? Was it really rapey or was it “Skibum rapey”?

    “Skibum rapey” is when somebody that Mr. Skibum reads a post someone from someone he believes to be liberal and then has verbal diarrhea that is identical to SJW bullshit. You know, the Mr. Skibum “wah wah wah libruls be so hateful wah wah wah ur da real mysoginist wah wah wah” act.

    Just asking because I usually get bored with Mr. San Jose’s posts about one sentence in and, let’s face it, many of you are snowflakes that are really easy to troll. I’m not saying that Mr. San Jose is trolling. In fact, he’s the least trolly person on here. He believes the shit he posts because he is 100% sincerely nuts. And you’ve gotta have at least grudging respect for his sincerity!
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    @shadowcat: "When are you people going to learn to NOT feed the troll's?"

    When it works. :D

    In the case of this particular troll, it doesn't. Most trolls do it for the rise they get out of the trolled. This one is actually mentally ill; his brain doesn't work right, so he'll never get the point.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    I had him unignored for a while after he came back, but this latest bullshit of 2 year old threads filling up the main page made me ignore him again. The problem is that *new* members won't know about that option right away, and will think that's OK.

    It would be nice if the "Ignore" option were back next to a user's name in the discussions, rather than having to click through to their profile page.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    I blocked him and now I see you guys arguing with his ghost in threads. Which feels like a metaphor for something I can’t quite put my finger on.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    ^^^ That's the core problem with "Ignore" in its current state.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Think "both/and," not "either/or."

    He says my posting intimidates people from "topical diversity" (i.e. posting on his threads), in which case I count it as a mitzvah.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    "When are you people going to learn to NOT feed the troll's?"

    It doesn't matter with him. I rarely read or even enter most of his threads anymore but I have entered some of his multiple post threads and the '0nly' poster in those threads is him, nobody else, yet he continues to bump and post in those threads. Not feeding him doesn't make a difference he just continues posting and talking to himself.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    BTW, after the stunt he pulled overnight filling 2 pages by bumping old threads SJGTHREATENSWOMEN should also get the boot!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    I'm with the price's right guy...

    Blocked him a long time ago. On a very short list of users I blocked (maybe the only one?).

    See all the rest of you complaining about him and reacting to him.

  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    If we're not going to get 2 way blocking back, maybe those of us who really post club information and reviews should just stop. I sure as hell don't need information from anyone on where to go, so why even bother.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Whew! That was a lot of threads to ignore this morning
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    He’s back at 11 am pacific time! Shut down for the next 6 hours before SJGoatfucker continues to spam up this website until the library closes at 5:00
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Boycott TUSCL!!!!
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