
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How do I politely tell dancers say no?
    Don’t listen to these guys Mr. Blonde Lover. The best way to tell a girl “no” is to start acting really creepy so she just goes away. Read some of the posts by Mr. OSU and Mr. Dugan and then act like that. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex the Mormon way...soaking.
    ^ Wow Mr. OSU. You’re obsessed with Mr. Icee too. Do you want to soak with him? Why don’t you just post a thread asking if he want to engage in perverted acts with you? Nobody here will care. As long as we don’t hear about you stocking up on fava beans and chianti it is all ok!
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    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Need more proof?
    WTF Mr. OSU? Now you’re stalking Mr. San Jose? This obsession you have with him makes it seem like you want to suck his dick. I don’t think he swings that way, but if you really want the 411 on whether Mr. San Jose will let you taste his wang why don’t you just ask.
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    3 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    Getting Mask Mandates Lifted in Schools
    Well, actually it is up to millennials and Gen Z to fix things. Gen X’ers will just make sarcastic comments about how much everything sucks. But at least Gen X’ers aren’t constantly bitching about how America sucks out of one side of their mouths while praising America out of the other side of their mouths. Fucking boomer assholes.
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    3 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    Getting Mask Mandates Lifted in Schools
    Alas, Mr. twentyfive, most boomer are complete assholes. You seem to be one of the good ones, but a the reality is that boomers fucked America up and now they bitch and moan and whine about how much it sucks. At the same time, boomers talk about how America is the best place in the world. Like Mr. Gamma. Which is it? Is America a shithole or a utopia? Boomers never seem to realize that there is a lot of room between shithole and utopia. Of course, the reality is that boomers did their best to make America a shithole while claiming that they were making it a utopia. Hopefully, Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z will fix the damage and America will actually be great again!
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    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Messed up club favorite
    Mr. Dougster said => “ Then again the fact that RickyBoy is constantly lying is unlikely to generate a Fox New Alert now isn't it?” A guy that lies about his fictional wife leaving him as sole caregiver for his fictional children just so he can weasel out of a fight with Mr. Daddillac will lie about anything and everything. That said, I think we have found a thread where Mr. Dugan really is honest. I think he was very much trying to pursue some poor drug-addicted woman with rods in her back and a sad sad life. Then he started lying by trying to make himself look like less of a douchebag predator when other people pointed out how fucked up his behavior was. I can’t believe I missed this thread. This is some fucked up shit. Even for Mr. Dugan.
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    3 years ago
    The White Suit
    Good point Mr. Motörhead. However, the coolness of the white suit depends on the individual wearing it. Also, Mr. Dugan’s white suit has a yellow crotch from where he pissed himself contemplating the fight with Mr. Daddillac
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Why all the Colorado hate?
    ^^ The fictional family also helped you get out of the fight with Mr. Daddillac. ‘member how he was going to kick your ass and you were so frighted that your fictional wife left you as fictional caretaker for your fictional children? That was some funny funny shit!
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    3 years ago
    The White Suit
    Mr. Meat, you’ve only scratched the surface of Mr. Dugan’s mental illness. Did you realize the guy has made up a fictional family. Remember how he was trash talking Mr. Daddillac or Mr. Daddillac’s girlfriend or goldfish or something like that and Mr. Daddillac let him know that he was going to be in Mr. Dugan’s neck of the woods? Now, what did Mr. Dugan do when Mr. Daddillac said he would defend his goldfish’s honor by kicking some Dugan ass? Yep…Mr. Dugan made up a story about his fictional wife going insane and leaving him to be sole caregiver for the fictional children. That was a really convenient temporary insanity on the part of Mrs. Dugan, wasn’t it? Kind of saved Mr. Dugan from getting his ass kicked by Mr. Daddillac. That’ll learn Mr. Dugan to stop calling another man’s goldfish a whore!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Why all the Colorado hate?
    ^^ Then stop discussing your fictional family. I’ve always thought the way you would incessantly bring up your family was kind of creepy when I still thought you might actually have a real family. But you just multiplied the creepy factor by 100 by making up said family.
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    3 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Creeps in Cars
    Mr. Scrub, you have an interesting writing style. specifically, THE way YOU use CAPITAL LETTERS for certain WORDS. Did anybody notice that the guy who RESPONDED to Mr. Skibum’s CREEPY COMMENT: “A dancer at desires I know well told me a bout a guy who followed her three shifts in a row. The third time, instead of losing him, she drove to her home and called her neighbor before she got there. Last time she saw the creep he was on his knees with an ak-47 in his face and seemed uninterested in her. Good neighbors like hot women” the RESPONSE indicated that said CREEPY CUSTOMER was indeed the ONE AND ONLY MR. SKIBUM and said it in a very MR. SCRUBESQUE STYLE. All I can say Mr. Scrub is that I am shocked SHOCKED I TELL YOU that you might be TROLLING MR. SKIBUM and if that is you my RESPECT for you has increased at least 100-FOLD. BRAVO MR. SPIRIT OF SCRUB BRAVO
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    3 years ago
    Why all the Colorado hate?
    ^^ “… or what it cost me to buy lunch for my FICTIONAL family of five at Chik-fil-A…” FTFY You’re welcome!
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    3 years ago
    Watch what you wear
    Wait…wait… I just thought of another possible explanation for Mr. Skibum’s accurate sense of time: it could be an alien implant. There are two places the aliens put their implants: behind the ear and up the butt. Finding an up the butt implant is easy. Just put something really big up there and use that as an excuse for an emergency room visit. Be sure to share the news article about “local divorce lawyer visits ER to remove model airplane from ass”. For the behind the ear implant search you’ll need a melon baller and a friend. But not a close friend. After all, said friend will be wielding the melon baller. On second though, just hire a homeless guy. I am a helpful Phil that just wants to save Mr. Skibum from the aliens of Zeta Reticuli. You’re welcome!
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    3 years ago
    Watch what you wear
    Mr. Skibum sez => “Without a phone or a watch, I am usually accurate within 15 minutes just by "feeling" so I didn't wear one pre cellphone and with cellphones don't need one” I have head that the CIA mind control beams carry information about the time and they are set by an atomic clock in Bill Clinton’s basement. Have you assessed your highly accurate sense of time wearing a stylish tin-foil covered fedora? If the uncannily accurate sense of time disappears I would have to say it is due to CIA mind control beams. I am a helpful Phil and would hate for you to be subjected to CIA mind control. You’re welcome!
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    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Mr. Icee, it is in poor taste to make light of the dead. You should emulate Mr. Skibum and find somebody to focus you hate on. Then you can buy a sex doll and have fun maintaining a rage boner 24/7 while you face fuck said doll. Mr. Skibum does this with Ms. Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman “Bojangles” Thunberg and Ms. Nancy Patricia “Softshoe” Pelosi. You want to stay away from those two because, frankly, Mr. Skibum weird sexual obsession with both is just plain disturbing. But you need to find a doll you can use to channel your rage into harmless sexual activity. My suggestion is that you just buy an off the shelf sex doll and dress it in a Ukrainian military uniform.
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    3 years ago
    The White Suit
    “ I wanna have the next tuscl meet up somewhere in Jacksonville FL. And EVERYONE attending will be required to wear a white suit 🥳” Don’t bother doing this in JAX. It is pointless to do so. Yes, Mr. Dugan will say he’s going to come to the meet up so he can beat up all the white suit wearing attendees. Then, one day before the meet up, he will announce that he cannot attend because his pretend wife left him and now he is the sole responsible adult in the lives of his pretend children.
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    3 years ago
    Good Bye Democrats
    Anybody want to see a video of Mr. Skibum’s brother teaching high school? https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=79011 You’re welcome!
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    3 years ago
    Sheep vs goats: vaxxed far more likely to support pro-Ukraine hysteria
    When I saw this thread I thought I might have a laugh by fucking with Mr. Anderson’s head, but what’s the point? You do you Mr. Anderson. Actually, I think it’ll be better for your mental health if you try to be somebody else. But not somebody crazy, like Charles Manson.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The Organization vs. The System
    Mr. Ishmael has provided links to “The System”. Anybody want to provide links to “The Organization”? I’m sure it’ll provide some shits and giggles.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    Why aren’t you perverts discussing Ms. Marina V Ovsyannikova?
    New TUSCL tagline: Just say no to the novichok in the sexy sexy panties.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Meet Desertscrub’s ATF!
    Mr. Jim, you should totally follow Mr. Dugan’s advice not to be an asshole. Being an asshole is Mr. Dugan’s signature move and he doesn’t want you getting all up in his jammy. Everybody: among my many specialities I am a life coach. My life coach is to never get all up in Mr. Dugan’s jammy. You might catch the herpes simplex XIII. You’re welcome.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    life coach services available
    Mr. Scrub, it disappoints me that you were unable to notice my misspelling of “suede”. I occccasionally embed misspellings and grammatical errors in my posts to improve the literacy of TUSCL posters. Sort of a test. Emerson, Lake & Palmer are a band from the 8-track era. Since you didn’t seem to be able to infer that I will let you in on a secret: the members of the band are a guy named Emerson, a guy named Lake, and a guy named McDougal. Just kidding…the third guy was named Palmer. The fact that you couldn’t spot a simple spelling error or figure out who Emerson, Lake & Palmer are is a clear sign that you aren’t using enough hot sauce when you are jacking off. Try spreading the Frank’s Red Hot all over your nether regions. You’ll feel it when it is working. Or better yet, dip your dick in a vindaloo! You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    life coach services available
    Mr. Scrub, I offer to help you Mr. Scrub and that is how you thank me? Phear not, phor Phil will still help. Remember, there are two paths ahead. You can continue to be yourself, a man that wears fringed scede jackets and plays a single Emerson, Lake, and Palmer 8-track over and over 24/7, or you can choose to heal yourself. I prescribe a 48 hour course of staring at a photo of Renee Olstead using a vibrator wile you listen to the 2 Live Crew. No sleep. Just Renee and Luke. Eat nothing but Frank’s Red Hot to cleanse your system. Trust me… you will heal. The healing will feel like you have become a diseased armadillo that shits fire. Lean into that. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Gen Z and millenials are useles
    ^ But…but… Mr Skibum, didn’t you just say that fear of the draft is what made your generation all tough and manly? I guess some bad Seafood Fra Diavolo went your head when you wrote that. Okay… okay… I know the Fra Diavolo was actually a mixture of Frank’s Red Hot and Ragu poured over expired oysters, but that is my point. You aren’t an epicure. You’re a dork. Own up to it. You can heal your wounded soul. All you have to do is admit that your generation is useless and everything you’ve ever thought is wrong. Please apply for Doctor Phil’s Life Coaching Service. I will help you heal your soul.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Gen Z and millenials are useles
    Mr. Candyman/Cacaplop, what you don’t understand is that JLaw’s butthole is a thing of beauty whereas your strange obsession with all things butt is just plain disturbing and disgusting. My advice to you is to find psychological help. That is also my advice to Mr. Gamma. Maybe the psychologist can help him hate American less. I had hoped my tales of future heroism would inspire him to love America, but he still appears to be in hate America mode. Sad 😢