Getting Mask Mandates Lifted in Schools

Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies…
Just Admit it, Gen Z is way smarter than boomers. We are way better at getting mask mandates lifted, while boomers are asking to speak to a manager.
Just Admit it, Gen Z is way smarter than boomers. We are way better at getting mask mandates lifted, while boomers are asking to speak to a manager.
At the same time, boomers talk about how America is the best place in the world. Like Mr. Gamma. Which is it? Is America a shithole or a utopia? Boomers never seem to realize that there is a lot of room between shithole and utopia.
Of course, the reality is that boomers did their best to make America a shithole while claiming that they were making it a utopia. Hopefully, Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z will fix the damage and America will actually be great again!
But at least Gen X’ers aren’t constantly bitching about how America sucks out of one side of their mouths while praising America out of the other side of their mouths. Fucking boomer assholes.
There a bunch of whiny folks here on this website but there’s also a bunch of good folks too, many of those that you mentioned aren’t boomers as a matter of fact except for skibum I don’t think most of the targets of your sarcasm are boomers, Dugan isn’t, neither is gamma, nor many of the others that I enjoy watching you skewer those millenals and gen Xers, so there’s that, but it’s ok by me I laugh often and loud, my life is good.
When it comes down to it, the other members of your generation lol could give a fuck about you.
Heck I remember my at the time boyfriend making a comment at me back then along the lines of “I don’t like you dancing, but at least you work unlike most lazy millennials ” Then I looked up the age cut off ranges and laughed at him since he was born in 1985…yeah how are you liking being considered a millennial by all the different demographers HAH 😎
If you find out that the 2024 Presidential Race is between John Stossel and Andrew Yang, that's when you should get really worried. That would indicate America is no long respecting your constitutional right to be a bumfuck idiot.
Though they don't stop the spread of the disease, the vaccines do appear to provide a personal benefit by reducing deaths among older people. We should have put more focus on people in high risk categories like the elderly, getting them vaccinated and developing early home treatment programs to help keep them out of the hospital. Since the vaccines provide a personal benefit, it should be a personal decision on whether or not to get them. People should have a right to decide what they are going to do with their own bodies and everyone should be free here to do a risk-benefit analysis involving their own personal situation.
This. Every country has something to complain about, but there's a reason why people are trying to flood into the U.S. faster than we can stop them. Here in the good 'ol U.S., if you are motivated and have a little something between the ears, chances are that you will live a good life.
In a sense though we are victims of our own success. We have it so good here that there exists a significant soft and self-entitled component to our population with far too much time on their hands to search for reasons to feel offended or victimized. People in other countries laugh at the shit that we fixate on now.
But again, even with the silly stuff happening nowadays, I cannot imagine having it better anywhere else.