That the creep is posting from the San Jose library?
Background: I just showed up here a few minutes ago and was surprised to see a post from the creep that appeared to be after library hours.
Turns out it isn't, they increased their branch Wednesday hours to 7PM PT so now all of you TUSCL regulars have the honored privilege of an extra hour of the creep's insight every Wednesday night. .
Cheers, Lol
last commentYou can only get a library computer for an hour or 2 at most depending on how many people are waiting to use them
Library wifi is 24 hours. I have a friend living a block from a library and he uses the wifi
San Jose has public wifi hot spots
And you're also wrong on his access to public wifi, the creep doesn't have a device to access wifi moron.
Plus he's posted on his own forum at various times.
Your obsession with him is sick
We know what you look like, lulz
You know what? Even the people that hated Dougster liked your Dougie account more than your current clown account.
If someone is missing this afternoon, it will be quite telling.
This obsession you have with him makes it seem like you want to suck his dick. I don’t think he swings that way, but if you really want the 411 on whether Mr. San Jose will let you taste his wang why don’t you just ask.
Grown men obsessed with whether or not Aman uses a library computer. But you're so fucking stupid you don't even know how a library works 🤡🤣😭
Which one do you think it is moron?
Don't fret though, you can still practice your moves with fakephildot. lulz
BTW, did you have some lettuce today in honor of the Cesar Chavez holiday?
And now it's perfectly clear.
Sick fuck
I mean really, Mr. San Jose has a tenuous grasp on reality, but he is harmless. Mr. OSU is acting likes he’s going to drive down to San Jose, hunt poor Mr. San Jose, and eat Mr. San Jose with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
Fortunately, Mr. San Jose is safe because Mr. OSU is a loser that lives in a one-eyed Mercury Bobcat without a muffler. Ain’t no way that car’s making it to San Jose. Also, he’d probably mistake a cheap Merlot for a nice Chianti.
I hope you are right, but honestly, how comfortable would you be, if say, your daughter lived 3 doors down from him? You sleeping well at night?
Look, you can never 100% know anything about anybody. Somebody who appears to be a pillar of the community could be Ted Buddy. But the reality is that Mr. San Joseis a bit, shall we say, neurodivergent. But there is a 99.99% chance he’s a harmless weirdo.
On the other hand, Mr. OSU is obsessed with randos who say shit he doesn’t like on a titty club web site. And not in a funny “get them weirdo to say something hilarious” way. That guy’s far more likely to turn out to be dangerous. Watch out for any one-eyed Mercury Bobcats without mufflers that you might see in Ohio!
You’re welcome
Why would poster #2 become so masochistly obsessed with poster #1 that in lieu of his desire to get butt fucked by and suck the dick of #1 who is no longer posting here transform his prurient
obsessive desires to other posters on TUSCL?
Why would poster #2 subliminally but obsessively plead with RickDugan, Skibum, Mark, OSU, the list goes on to ass fuck him, suck off their dicks, and finish up on the receiving end of gang bukkake?
How could fakephil's low self esteem manifest itself to lead to the delusions that he s the reincarnated DrPhil whereas in fact he's that child from the past that was ignored by a mother who had the family dog breast feed him then suffered the abuse of being beat and molested by his father, brothers, uncles, the milkman, plumber, and his priest?
Let's face it TUSCL, fakephil has had a horrible life and he needs love and support but granting him his obsessive fetish of ass fucking him and finishing on his face with gang bukkake like all the previous men in his life did is not the answer as it would only enable him to plead for more.
What fakephil desperately needs to be introduced to a new experience that he has yet have in his pathetic life, a woman with a real pussy for him to touch.
But let's not tell him about this plan as it will likely lead to a panic attack and cause him to bolt from TUSCL.
Of course we know that no lucid self respecting woman would want fakephil anywhere within restraining order distance of herself so we need to find a female version of fakephil, is there a modern day version of Typhoid Mary out there?
Members of TUSCL, let's band together and repair the pathetic loser behind the fakephil mask so that someday we can all get together and proclaim...
your welcome!
Did you know that the dog that fakephil's mom used to breastfeed him was an Afghan hound? Of course it makes so much sense when you think of it.
After all no self respecting bitch would want fakephil's mouth anywhere near her teats so fakephil's mom chose an Afghan, a dog world renowned as being the dumbest dog breed ever so the poor animal didn't know the difference while fakephil suckled. She just thought that she was breastfeeding a horribly disfigured ugly puppy.
Unfortunately what the dumb yet generous hound didn't know was that she was transferring her dumbness to fakephil through her milk. Yes friends another step in the saga that led to fakephil's obsessive fractured ignorant psyche.
Till this very day fakephil still perks up and cocks his head when he hears a dog whistle.
Oh excuse me, I should have used another world besides cock as to not trigger fakephildot but what's done is done, no edit button. Lol
Get a fucking life homie!
Another impotent lame comment to add to the encyclopedia of lame comments that make the creep king of the creeps.
It's been fun but I have actual work to do, just wishing you a belated Happy Cesar Chavez day!
Ask an adult Afghan hound (a Tāžī Spay or Sag-e Tāzī) the same question and their response would be “Not since I was a puppy. I mean really, do I look like some Ohio weirdo that shits in the house?”