Good Bye Democrats

avatar for skibum609
The lying mainstream progressive news would have you believe that all women and minorities hate the racist, misogynistic Republicans. In fact, many of the stupider posters chime in by agreeing with this. What do the facts portend for the future for these "americans'? Let us take a look:4 of the 7 statehouse seats in Virginia, flipped by Republicans, were won by women or minorities; First Hispanic to ever win a statewide race in Virginia? Attoerney General Jason Miyares: Republican. First Black person elected in a statetwide election in Virginia's 400 year history? Lt. Governor Winsome Sears, American, Marine, Republican - Black female.
Ahh but it is purple virginia you impotently weep progressive? Right, in ultra Blue New Jersey, where the democrat speaker of the house lost to a republican truck driver who spent $2,500.00 on his campaign and all but one seat by the republicans in their amazing comeback was won by wome. Of course Texas Hispanics will turn Texas Blue...right? Well John Lujan, a republican in a district won by Biden in double digits, that is 75% Hispanic would disagree, seeing as the Republican won. The number of Republican women in the House Caucus is the highest in history.
This is where it all started; where the spineless, weak, victim Democrats of the left, killed off the party. This is the ordinary american from all walks of life looking at Chuck Schumer, nancy peolosi, AOC, Cori Bush, et al and saying buh bye losers.


last comment
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If there's another social spending package democrats will win.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago

You should know by now that;

“It’s never been about left vs right (or Democrats vs Republicans or whites vs blacks or pro-vaccine vs anti-vaccine etc)

More like 0.1% of regular ass humans tricking the rest of us into fighting among ourselves while they rob us blind.”

~ SanchoRG, Texas
~ Joined Aug, 2017 Last Seen Nov, 2021

“This f-ing country is hopeless. The political divisions in the US are almost as bad an Arab country”

“I mean for fuck's sake, is there anything in this country that we can just fucking agree on? Such as, I don't know, not spreading a deadly virus to other people? Nope, apparently deadly viruses are a liberal hoax. Even a pandemic becomes a left-right issue.”

~ CC99
~ Possibly the youngest PL TUSCL has ever seen.
~ Massive f-ing weeb who loves cute girls and ecchi.

Wrong is wrong, no matter when, where or who does it or says it...
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Democrats have gone along with the COVID hysteria and that has really hurt. But there has to be accountability for this. People need to be fire and people need to be prosecuted.

Overall though, on economic and taxation issues, I think the electorate has moved a good ways to the left.

avatar for misterorange
3 years ago

That scumbag Sweeney (actually President of the Senate in NJ) who got beat by the truck driver should have been a shoe-in, yet he spent over $1 million on his campaign. He must have known he was facing serious headwinds, not so much because of the $2,500 truck driver, but the changing political climate in general. Even the million dollars he spent couldn't save his dumb ass.

That piece of shit has been fucking NJ up the ass for over 20 years and losing the way he did must have been really fucking embarrassing for him. Hopefully he goes away and never comes back. If I ever saw him on the street I'd spit in his fucking face.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
2022 is gonna be a bloodbath for Democrats. Special elections usually go poorly for the Big D's but with a moderately unpopular sitting president and a lot of infighting delaying what progress the Democrats and their razor thin Senate majority could make, Republicans are gonna have a wave in 2022 leading to gridlock.

And then 2024? Who knows? Trumpism is the big wild card. If he's dead or has faded by then it probably is better for the Republican brand than a bloody primary battle. Predicting one old man's health two years from now is nearly impossible. On top of that assuming Biden doesn't run again you're looking at a fight within the Democrats for his successor.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
In case SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade, Democrats can run on that because the rage level in women is extremely high.

The Democrats made a mistake and committed a huge injustice by promoting COVID hysteria.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
CJ_Kent, there is no way of isolating people from COVID. Most of the population has been exposed to it over and over again, including yourself. The idea that we could isolate people is what has made the COVID response completely irrational.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
3 years ago
The power elite will find away to kick that NJ $2500 truckdriver out of office. Watch.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Ed Durr is awesome we need more people like that running for office.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
The democrat party is desperate to get COVID under control so that it's just a memory in October 2022. Expect them to throw every brutal set of mandates they can to try and get it in the rearview. They cannot go into a midterm while having failed on Uncle Joe's centerpiece promise. They will fail, of course, because they are typical idiot liberals who are still pushing defund and inflation and green everything and still trying to blame Trump for their failures and their communist ideologies are self-defeating and proven failures. Losers. Democrats are liberals are losers. You're fucked in the midterms. This is going to be epic.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago

That's a very logical assessment. But I beg to disagree. "Logic" is not part of the Democrat playbook.

Try this on for size:

Every vulnerable Democrat (and even not-so-vulnerable) knows they're toast in 2022. Unless COVID gives them the chance to insist on mandatory mail-in balloting again. Why else would they be playing Chicken Little with this so-called "omicron" variant?

They're gonna milk this thing for all it's worth, even though it doesn't seem to present any more danger than original COVID or the "delta" variant. So far, it seems "omicron" has very mild symptoms comparatively. But that's irrelevant to them. The Dems and their media lap dogs are already presenting this discovery as the worst thing since COVID was first discovered. Maybe even worse. It's COVID 2.0 for them.

Mark my words. Unless "omicron" is unequivocally exposed as bullshit to the point where they can't possibly deny it, they're gonna ride this thing all the way through 2022.

And keep in mind... Biden is just a pawn in this game. If he gets ousted or forced to resign, that doesn't mean shit to them. Harris will just be the next pawn.

Biden keeping his promises would seem important to the logical thinker, but trust me, it's irrelevant.
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
"The democrat party is desperate to get COVID under control so that it's just a memory in October 2022."

really? funny - i don't get that impression at all. if anything i think the dems want co19 to linger as long as they can. it 's a real good way for them to control the masses.

anybody want to wager that co19 is still going to be around 2 years from this date?
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago

I won't take that bet. No way. The Dems see COVID as their saving grace. Never let a good crisis go to waste, and this is the greatest crisis in our lifetime.
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
just like blackjack double aces - keep doubling down - on shit like 1/6, co19, kids shooting up schools. anybody want to add to this list?
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
In blackjack, you always split aces and 8's. Lol.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
Just sayin'
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
The US ended forever in January 20, 2021. President Trump was the last Hail Mary to save this sinking ship. He tried but it far too little, far too late.

There is no political solution to this mess. Parallel cultural and economic structures are the only hope to mitigate any of this now.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Yeah more women running things! As long as they have an "R" by their name. Lol.

Look at what women did to the public schools over the past 50 years. Now we want them running the entire world?

Obviously that's not to say some women aren't competent and excellent but as a group they mess things up. Thats just reality.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
A lot of us would agree on spreading the virus to CJ and Icee
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
A couple of bad election cycles will not destroy the Democratic Party. Just as it would not do so to the Republican Party.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Progressives will destroy the Democratic party.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I've seen liberals and conservatives predict that Trumpism would destroy the Republican Party. It hasn't, regardless of anyone opinions as to whether or not it should.

A couple of bad election cycles will not destroy the Democratic Party.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
But if that's the bedtime story you want to read to yourself before you go to bed, go for it.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I scoffed at the Trump candidacy, but he was elected and did a fantastic job.

I scoffed at DeSantis lining up right behind Trump, but he was elected and is doing a fantastic job.

There are a lot of great, true, conservative Republicans working to keep the party moving along the path Trump created. The Trump presidency also revealed a lot RINOs and big-government establishment fake conservatives who are being forced out of office. "Trumpism", which the liberal media still likes to use as their Kaiser Soze, actually worked as chemotherapy to cure the Republican Party of spreading progressives in its ranks. It also exposed the globalists in our own government and military (Mattis, Kelly, et al). Even our freeloading allies were held accountable. Four more years may be exactly what this country needs.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I love progressivism, too. It's showing the democrat party as he true commie scum they are.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
There are a lot of sources for news and information now. The propaganda of the MSM does not have as much influence anymore.

Democrats will try to leverage mail-in voting (rife with fraud) and illegal immigration/open boarders (illegals can’t vote, but they are counted in the census which results in more electoral college seats and more congressional representation) to try to rig elections. May be hard to stop.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
We have seen liberals predict the end of the Republican party, starting in the early 90s. Wrong every time. This is the first claim about seeing the end of the democratic party so to assume its similar, given the fact they're not is no way to make predictions. Conservatives can hold their noses and get along with the left if need be. Leftists cannot get along with anyone, even themselves.
As far as making me feel better? I feel great every day and always will. As far as the future of this country with all the leftist craps going on? It could end, today, tomorrow, or never and it makes no difference to me. I will spend my money, enjoy my life and try to leave nothing behind for the left.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Well, I guess if America is a one-party government in 2024, you'll be able to say "I told you so."
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
The Democrat party is corrupt. The Republican Party is corrupt. Federal bureaucrats are corrupt, including the DOJ, FBI, State Department, IRS, CDC, NIH. Now, even the Defense Department. The teacher’s unions are corrupt. Media is corrupt. The entertainment industry is corrupt. College administrators are corrupt. The Race hustlers, like BLM, are corrupt. Many local school boards are corrupt. Big city mayors are corrupt. State legislatures are corrupt. Big corporations are corrupt.

Basically, we are fucked unless enough people get sufficiently angry to clean all these Augean Stables.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
avatar for RamPaige
3 years ago
Instead of fixing this country, the only play book the Democrats used was anti-Trump. Well now Trump is gone, and Biden have failed just about every campaign promise. Well I have zero faith in the Republican party, this upcoming mid term election will be a blood bath for the Dems.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
The conventional narrative is that Trump came along and created the MAGA populist movement. The reality is that the populist movement was there before Trump. He simply recognized it and became its figurehead. If Trump doesn’t run in 2024, someone else will be smart enough to step in and use the movement.

Five years ago, there were 70 million Americans who were pissed off at those in power. Thanks to Biden, that number is 100 million and growing.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago
The undeniable truth is that most people, skibum609 included, are in denial of the fact that:

“The American so called “Two Party System” is really two sides of the same coin”.

Both political parties serve the interests of the corporate robber barons and politicians, who have become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices.”

“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ Though he's a creepy shit-stirring idiot, CJKent is not entirely wrong here.

The people who want the Democratic Party to survive just as much as the Democrats is the Republican Party.

Because both parties form well over half of their messaging around having an enemy to defeat, and both spin their failures around interference from the other party.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Both parties have tried to carve up the vote and build their majority by targeting specific races, religions, classes etc. Some years, they cobble together 51% of the vote and win. Other years, they get 49% and lose.

The populist movement ignores all that and represents people who work for a living and resent government telling them how to live their lives. People who are tired of all the lies from politicians of all stripes. That’s about 80% of the population. Trump, with all his flaws, tapped into that. Imagine if a more likeable candidate takes his place with the same “ drain the swamp” policies.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Republicans won in Virginia because they were able to get more old white people out to vote. The main issues were scare tactics over democrats wanting kids to learn about systemic racism in schools. Scare tactics about prisoner reentry reform and marijuana. It was based on local issues not a referendum on biden.

Not sure that's something to be applauding.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ Getting more people out to vote is typically how elections are won. If the Democrats had done a better job at it, they would have been the ones to win.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago
Skibum609 you should be aware that a large number of the American people, you included, seem to be a homogeneous group of ignorant, racists who blindly and eagerly support the un-progressive economic and colonialist policies of their government; ie imperialism, genocide, sanctions, war, discrimination, racism and exploitation...perpetrated by the so-called one percent of Americans...
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Newshour Today…

President Biden expertly handles the greatest security threat since 1962, as he leads his party into a November landslide comparable to Johnson v Goldwater 1964.


X- Live At The Whisky A Go Go…
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Biden is double digits underwater. 30 house Democrats retiring. You're dreaming.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Biden's steady calm handling of this is impressive. It will show in November, at the ballot box


X- Live At The Whisky A Go Go…
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Asserted without evidence
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
You just have to listen to the guy in press conferences:

Biden speaks in Brussels after meeting with allies on Russia-Ukraine war | full video…

He has foreign policy experience. As Senator he was sent once to talk to the people in Taiwan.

And then a former Public Defender, he has selected an outstanding SCOTUS nominee.

This will eventually bleed through, even to the people who just listen to Right Wing Nonsense News.


X- Live At The Whisky A Go Go…
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"He has foreign policy experience."
The experience of being repeatedly, critically wrong.

"he has selected an outstanding SCOTUS nominee."
Outside of politics junkie circles, people are silent. She will get approved on a nearly straight partisan split.

All this is priced into his approval and he's way underwater. Dems know they're getting pounded, that's why 30 are retiring. They don't do this when they expect victory.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Wacko Right had lined up against him before he even took office, and now that he is really delivering, the Wacko Right will be loosing credibility in the months between now and November when the Democrats win a huge landslide.


X- Live At The Whisky A Go Go…
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Again asserted without evidence. He's delivering surging prices. That, more than anything else, is the story.

Average of polls -12.2. Oh, and he's trailing a hypothetical 2024 matchup against Trump.

They're going to get creamed.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Long time till November, and he is handling the economy very well, as he is this major world crisis, and as he will when it is over and a new security arrangements are set up.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Long time till November could be a long time for things to get worse. Economist Mohammed El-Erian says we're at a point of trading off inflation or recession. Presidents, right or wrong, take the blame.

Americans are tired of foreign entanglements. The best Biden could do is resolve this without incident, and that's table stakes. If anything goes wrong, this is going to be Afghanistan on steroids.

Not since 2002 and George W. Bush has a party with the trifecta not gotten spanked in the midterms. That's highly unlikely to repeat.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Americans admire what Biden is doing in Ukraine and they like what his doing with the economy. The anti-Biden sentiments are just the same Republican Right which tried to stop him from getting elected and which will always be against him.

But as time goes on, they are loosing credibility and they will continue to.

Biden does not seem to be provokable. So he is very impressive taking it all in stride.


X- Live At The Whisky A Go Go…
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Polls say you're wrong.
36% approval on Ukraine.
Biden is taking the blame for inflation.…

The "Republican right" is half the country. Specifically, the more motivated half of the country.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The anti-Biden sentiment is not based on job performance, it is a constant which has existed since the 1920 Republican Landslide, when the reactionaries got in.

But as the weeks and months go by, it will lose credibility, just as LBJ got a 1964 landslide. Biden is the epitome of cool even temper.


X- Live At The Whisky A Go Go…
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Again, speculation without evidence.

The buck stops at the presidency, even as Biden has tried to place it all on Trump's shoulders.

Most inflation forecasts are in the high single digit%. Biden will take the blame.

Republicans are motivated, like the out-of-power party always is.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
That's what you think. I say BIden is looking stronger than a Democrat has in a long long time.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ That's what you can't muster a single piece of evidence to back up.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Tetraplop. You're on here promoting bidens war 24 7 then claim democrats are looking weak 🤡
avatar for wld4tatas
3 years ago
I don't agree with Biden on every topic but I'm generally happy with the job he is doing. It's great to have respect, class and dignity back in the White House. I'd pick him any day over Trump who is clearly a threat to democracy.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Democrats, at one time, were the party of the working man. No longer. We are seeing a shift much like we saw with Reagan Democrats. This is especially revealing in poll numbers among Hispanics.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
^^^ da hole world is ending tonite Mark
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
". You're on here promoting bidens war 24 7 then claim democrats are looking weak"

Icee having a hard time grasping that MULTIPLE issues drive a president's approval or disapproval
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Anybody want to see a video of Mr. Skibum’s brother teaching high school?…

You’re welcome!
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Icey also thinks a grown man attacking a 3 year old child is ok.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Trump - good policies but, unfortunately, his public persona is too obnoxious for most people to take. (I know a couple middle class guys who met him before he was President while they were working at his NJ golf course who said he went out of his way to say hello and talk to them - they talked about golf - they liked him).

Biden - slightly less obnoxious than Trump but still a pompous ass. I think most of his policies are poorly conceived and executed. Though I approve of his handling of the Ukraine invasion so far. (Delaware State Troopers I know all despise him from their personal interactions)

Can’t we find better candidates?
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
Skibum609 has the Guinness World Record for longest skid mark on a slope.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
Can’t we find better candidates?

No. Look at how the leftist media monopoly vilifies and destroys honest conservative Americans, while simultaneously rallying to protect and cover all democrat hacks of the most heinous crimes.

Our best and brightest know better than to run for office.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
We will never have better candidates because mainstream fake news pumps up one side and denigrates the other, under the pretense of reporting news. Everyone at Cnn is named Winston Smith if msnbc were honest, their name would be Pravda. The other problem is the American people and how ignorant we are about history, especially our own and current events. We pretend to care, but don't. No different than other countries where more than 50% of the populace relies on government, instead of themselves and family.

Everyone, well a lot of people loved Colin Powell and he could have been President. He chose not to run, despite being qualified, because his wife had a mental health history, and he wasn't going to subject her to the "media' here. Instead, we get people like Biden, who had to run for President three times before he won his first primary. Look at a superstar like Condoleezza Rice and ask why she would never run? Easy, she is a conservative black person, like Clarence Thomas and nobody hates a conservative black person more than a white progressive and the national media. If the bullshit from the left was truly about race and not their anti-american politics, they would cheer on the two named above and be in love with Doctor Ben Carson, who has actually done something special, instead of loudmouth nothings like Corey Booker.
Racism is all about white progressives running the show and using black people as cannon fodder to attain their goals. This theory was originally called Helter Skelter.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
To become President, you must be willing to sacrifice every other aspect of your life. The only people willing to do that are those with an infinite lust for power. They will break every rule, tell every lie, and compromise every virtue to obtain power.

In fact, that pretty much defines every elected, and non-elected, person at a high level in the federal government.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Biden is proving to be an exemplary leader and an exemplary President.

avatar for TBaggins
3 years ago
Pissed off Republicans are hilarious. You need some extra salt for those crackers Grandpa?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Pissed off Republicans will stay pissed off even if they destroy this country.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
One guy who describes himself as long in the tooth, vising our troops close to the front, in Poland.

WATCH: Biden meets with 82nd Airborne Division service members, and with Defense Secretary Austin…

avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Jesus. You really drank the koolaid. By almost every measure, Biden’s a terrible President. He was under house arrest as VP and as a Presidential candidate so he wouldn’t say or do something stupid every day - and the lame press let him get away with it.
Now we have a tired, weak willed, pandering “leader” who gets pushed around by the fringe left.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
He is cool and measured, exactly the kind of a President we need to dismantle the idiocy Trump promoted, and to deal with the crises in Ukraine and Poland.

avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
I don’t mind him dithering and under reacting to Russia’s invasion because its a no win situation for the U.S, but he precipitated it by suggesting a “limited incursion” would be tolerated during his unscripted 2 plus hour press conference. His bosses will never let him do that again lol. He sucks.
Plus I can’t stand a life long politician who never worked in the private sector who somehow made himself incredibly rich. His family is corrupt as Putin’s.
avatar for TBaggins
3 years ago
It's just sad to me that so many working people fall for the trap of political polarization and get talked into hating their neighbors for voting differently or having different conclusions about social issues.

The wealthy elites don't do this. They write the same checks and get the same earmarks and have the same line item lobbyist edits over the same legislative bodies regardless of which party has a majority. The idea that corruption in government or bias in media is somehow isolated to a side is manifestly false. And really the idea that are sides at all except at the street level is pretty dubious. Follow the money. Who are the GOPS biggest donors? Now guess who the biggest Democrat donors are.

Be mad about the leftist media if it helps you but compared to what? The outrage du jour of Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity who are clearly just combing Twitter for arbitrary hysteria? Do you not appreciate that recreational outrage is funneling money into the same accounts regardless of whether its an angry old man in a MAGA hat waving his guns around or a fourth wall feminist spraying blood on fur coats. This is a perpetual motion machine in both cases. Neither will ever be happy because there is no objective thought process present. It's an ego stroking personality contest in both cases and the choice of words makes it obvious.

This is just playing ball with the people that steal from you and repeating tired cliches that everyone already knows by heart. What's interesting and elevating and worth devoting time are those folks who take personal responsibility instead constantly blaming some abstraction of political opposition. Thanks to everyone with the attention span to be specific and solution oriented and self reflective. It's pretty rare.

Or, we can just continue the endless bitch fest. It's anyone's choice.
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