Meet Desertscrub’s ATF!

avatar for JimGassagain


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avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago…

Scrub’s favorite vantage point!!
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Skittles. I bet you have a few of those between the seats in your minivan Jimmy.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Jim stop being an asshole.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Thats the type of dancer in some of the most popular tuscl rated clubs 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭 like play it again Sam's in vegas
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^^ I like them to your preference Scrubby, cured and aged to perfection! Like pastrami, so go get your St Patty’s day on Thursday and don’t forget to play hide your salami!

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I can't imagine why more dancers aren't active on here...
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Mr. Jim, you should totally follow Mr. Dugan’s advice not to be an asshole. Being an asshole is Mr. Dugan’s signature move and he doesn’t want you getting all up in his jammy.

Everybody: among my many specialities I am a life coach. My life coach is to never get all up in Mr. Dugan’s jammy. You might catch the herpes simplex XIII.

You’re welcome.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Why don’t you post a picture of yourself douchebag?
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
@phil, using a dancer's photos as a source of amusement is a special form of asshole. I wouldn't expect an Internet troll to understand given their place on the societal ladder just one notch above pedophile, but almost everyone else knows that there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^ Let me go all out Gaffigan on you, except you lack any sign of understanding nuance due to an inability to pick up on social cues leads me to understand you are one lonely man with no friends! It’s apparent you lack any amount of what normal people call a sense of humor.

This form of amusement wasn’t at the cost of the dancer. She willingly left material to fodder to a certain type of clientele, and the joke was that it is of one that Desertscrub has commented on. But Ricky boy is just white knighting, or trying to protect one of his homegrown dancers he frequents. What a virtue signaler he is. Where’s that article Dougster wrote about Rickyboy’s childhood growing up in his formative years, craving attention for a male role model, yet dominated by single females? We’ve got to bump that thread to remind us how big of a sicophant pussy he is to women, to use them for sexual services.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago…

Here is the discussion thread for easy reference to Rickyboy’s youth. It is also appropriate to title as an article. Enjoy reading, everyone! I sure will.

avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Jim, at best you communicated like shit and now are blaming others for misreading your shitty post. At worst you're lying now and did exactly what I suspect. Either way be better than that.

Even your avatar screams "emotionally stunted retard." What a jackass.

avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
My guess is scrubby is getting trolled because he was shit talking Mustang from Sugar 44. So Jim chose a photo of another mature blond as part of that
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I'm generally down for trashiness, but that's a hard cringe for me when people are nasty about a particular dancer's appearance when she's not their cup of tea. Many of my favs, even magazine-pretty ones, still got mild stage fright, even after years of dancing. You may think dancers learn to shrug off criticism or mocking, but that's not the norm, and I doubt anyone can shrug it off 100%.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
Dugan trolls this thread and claims too be the great communicator?

avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
^ Just shutup now Jim. Next time you want to make fun of desert by pointing to an older woman as his GF, consider not using a dancer who posts on this site. The Internet is full of pics.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
No ... really. It's amazing that more dancers aren't active here.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Explain to us Gassbag why is it that people sticking up for what’s right are wrong, and being a bully on the internet is acceptable to morons like you.
SMH what do you expect from a jerk like Gassbag.
avatar for EndlessSummer
3 years ago
I just read the comments that Skittles has made in response to reviews of her club... she sounds awesome- has an attitude of gratitude and clearly has a service-driven heart. She appears to be the antithesis of the type of dancer so many complaints are made about here on this site.
She seems like a real sweetheart that truly enjoys her job and I, for one, would be happy to work alongside someone with such a happy and positive outlook. 😘🔆💋
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
Is there a market for caca-coated bacon?
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
Virtue signalers on here get nothing, except brief periods of validation for their lonely old shriveling life in the form of paying women to be their campanion. Go get married and then divorced again, Rickyboy Dugan and 25!! You guys are two sides of the same coin and have no ability to pick up nuance. So focused on providing cover for your pathetic lies you tell yourself so you can feel better than you are, a sensitive white knighting pussy. This thread was about Scrub, not your ATF!

avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ turd
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^ keyboard cowboy.

avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ turd
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Uh huh. It's interesting to see the temper tantrums that get thrown here when a "funny" post totally misses the "funny" target.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^ I hate Rickyboi so much because he reminds you too much of who you are as a person.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^ I hope that at least made sense in your head...
avatar for gSteph
3 years ago
OP gives bacon a bad name.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Although TUSCL actually stands for The Unanimous Scrubby Condemnation League, let's avoid collateral damage to innocent third parties.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Actually this ain't on scrubby, this is on that turd Gassbag, and his lack of decency, I don't know Skittles, but she did nothing to bring this on, this was just an entitled fake macho bully.
avatar for EastCoaster
3 years ago
I agree with anything said here in support of Skittles. I met her once, and she is a wonderful person -- as EndlessSummer surmised, a real sweetheart. As much as I think Arizona Turd Blossom deserves all the trolling we can muster, it should not be done at the expense of any of the ladies who post here in good faith.
avatar for NIPfan
3 years ago
When imbeciles collide... Perfect example of a bigger asshole trolling a big asshole.

I've met and had the great fortune of having a lot of mutual fun with Skittles. I hope to get to Florida soon to see her again. Those aren't the most flattering pics of her, but I appreciate ladies who let us enjoy their beauty. Everyone has unflattering pics taken at some point in their lives. In person she's beautiful and one of the sweetest, most honest, most sincere people I've ever met. She's absolutely the opposite of the type of dancer everyone here complains about and reviews on her and her club demonstrate that.

So while DS deserves every bit of crap thrown at him, Skittles absolutely doesn't. Very douchey of you, Asshatigan. I vote that he be banned from TUSCL for posting this, then doubling down when called out on it instead of being mature enough to apologize.

And for the ladies on here, please don't judge us all for what this pipsqueak says and does.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
Gasball should either explain why he attacked skittles, or apologize profusely.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. When dancers participate in the forum- especially when they attack other posters, make up hilarious lies about successful day jobs and incomes- there is an implicit consent to be drawn into these stupid flame wars.

To my knowledge, Skittles hasn't done that and doesn't deserve that. I love mature dancers, and she is a must see the next time I'm near New Smyrna Beach.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
How big of an all hat no cattle assclown do you have to be to claim Skittles is a victim? Did she tell you she was upset? Did she post anything to the contrary in response? No, this is all made up in virtue signalers head in an attempt to white knighting something that isn’t there.

This was all about Scrub, in a most humorous way. Skittles posted photos, and I simply attached links to those photos she chose to
Put on here to show the type of dancer Scrubby approves. SMH!! We got some real live simps on this board. The lot of you need a good lesson from Rick the Lion before you get the wildebeest treatment.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Telling someone who's being a dick to stop being a dick isn't "virtue signaling". It's just telling someone to stop being a dick.

But I guess eating a small portion of crow and then not being a dick (or at least less of a dick) is a bridge too far.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^ no. You’re like a SJW. Scrubby has t objected to this and neither has Skittles, so the only ones who got that panties tied up in a knot are those who signaled their virtues onto something that doesn’t concern themselves, unless they have a personal attachment to either Scrubby or Skittles. So I guess that makes you an ass gaping Desertscrub lover, or skittles admirer. Which is it?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
There's no personal investment required to observe a behavior and point out to someone that they're being a dick. Which is exactly what's happening here, and by a majority of individuals on this thread.

But it's interesting watching you double down on being a dick over and over again, because your ego got dinged.

But hey, keep going, man.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^ sooooo you’re saying you’re an ass gaping Desertscrub lover…..

avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
Why you gotta be disrespectful of Skittles that way?
avatar for rickthelion
3 years ago
Look Gassagain ape, I ain’t gettin’ in the middle of this fight. So no wildebeest from this rick.

The essence of rickness is to be an asshole, but not 100% a dick. This is because normies - non-ricks - deserve a lil’ asshole-itude shoved in their faces. But being 100% a dick is just…dickish. Not rickish mind you.

You know what you did that’s dickish? For every female you consider less than appealing there is another male that finds her beautiful. Y’all know what your choices are when you see a photo female hairless ape in a sexy pose that you find unappealing? Two choices buddy: you move on or you drink some whiskey ‘til you find her appealing.

So just apologize to the lady and move the fuck on. Or you’re gettin’ the wildebeest treatment. ROAR!!!
avatar for rickthelion
3 years ago
As for Scrub ape…yeah he’s a dick. But he’s the kind of you ignore, not go all wildebeest on. Unless you just happen to come across him.

Well, I suppose you might go after him if you could do it in an amusing manner. Y’know, so sort of Rube Goldberg wildebeest machine.

Scrubby, you better pray to whatever God or Gods you worship that I don’t come out of my alcoholic fog long enough to devise a really funny way to go wildebeest on your ass. ROAR!!!
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
Wildebeest it is then, but before anyone claims Skittles was disrespected you have to define how she was disrespected. I simply pointed out how she is someone’s type; nothing more or nothing less. Seems pretty cut and dry considering I wasn’t the one who posted the pics.

By the way, Scrub ad of the day.

avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Bullshit
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
You didn’t say she was his “type”, you said “ATF”. That designation implies a certain level of interaction. Someone with Skittles’ demonstrated personality would never be interested in someone like scrub. Implying she would is an insult.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^ Bullshit
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Typical of the smartest guy in the room syndrome, invent a word salad to cover up your actions, I called bullshit on you gasbag
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You forgot to call him a vonce. Or did you Google a new word to learn today?
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Rapist
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago

Yeah, it’s what you’re full of.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^^ Fatshit. That’s what you’re full of.

avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
Still better than bullshit. And I can *lose* fat.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^ yet you choose to be fat. Nice life choices you’re making; fat drink and stupid is no way to go through life. In your case it shows what you value yourself as. Just keep eating your emotions piggy, and hope that Obamacare can take care of you when you’re in a diabetic coma. Oink! Oink, piggy!

avatar for NIPfan
3 years ago
Assclownigan is a perfect example of things douchebags say from the safety of the internet. If you're ever in my area, come say hi. 😉
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^ I’m sure your area is the only part of the nation you can afford to be. I’ll make sure to make note of your stolen white knight valor and report it to your ATF, tough guy!

avatar for MajorBoobage
3 years ago
Gassbag, you say none of this "is at the cost of the dancer." Yet your joke -- to the extent someone can even call it that -- relies on the dancer being generally undesirable; otherwise it wouldn't be funny to you that someone else would be interested in her. How in the world is that not at the cost of the dancer? I'm on Team Skittles on this one, along with almost everyone else who posted -- she did nothing to deserve you dragging her into your weak attempt at humor. The fact that she posted the photos has nothing to do with it.

And if you're too dense to understand this or anything else that everyone here is trying to explain to you, can you at least look through the thread and understand that you're in an extreme minority on this one and stop trying to defend it?
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^ Did Skittles slide into your dm’s and tell you how much it affected her, or are you secretly an ass gaping Desertscrub lover and don’t want to see him get butt sore over here? Funny how you projecting your thoughts are my fault. Go back inside your trailer you hillbilly. The jokes on you!

avatar for NIPfan
3 years ago
Thanks for proving my point, Gasbag.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
avatar for EndlessSummer
3 years ago
There was a gross injustice done here because, despite the OPs attempts to insult the intelligence of everyone here by trying to convince us that he wasn't being disrespectful to the girl he claims is the ATF of a member he has zero respect for, his efforts were futile and we all agreed that what he did was in extremely poor taste.

However, I'm encouraged by the collective rally to Skittles' defense, hopeful that her business only increases from the exposure of this thread, and regretful that I'm not able to stop by to buy that girl a drink and drop a big tip on her just for being an awesome inspiration to all dancers.
Instead, I'll raise a toast to her at work today... Cheers Skittles! 🥂
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
Hey Mackie, you’re not da king of trolls! Desertscrub has more ignorances than you and me combined.

avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
I da KAANG OF DA TROLLS mr gassman
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
And dont you forget it! or I dumpa load in your basement
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^ you da Kang of shit dumping, mane! Scrub’s da troll boss, and he’ll get angry if you try to dethrone him.

avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
Scrub is da kang of da grumps

avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
"regretful that I'm not able to stop by to buy that girl a drink and drop a big tip on her just for being an awesome inspiration to all dancers"

Oh, I am _THIS close_ (my fingers are thinly spread apart) to buying a ticket for EndlessSummer and (separately) booking a weekend for myself in New Smyrna Beach.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I’m impressed this discussion continues. Skittles has a hot body - and she doesn’t photoshop her photos.

I appreciate her posting photos here. I hope this doesn’t discourage her from sharing more of her photos.
avatar for Dr_Rainmaker
3 years ago
JG should feel lucky that a woman like Skittles would even give him the time of day. Just went to her page and Dauummnn!! She is smoking hot. Not sure what JG would like in a woman….maybe a pulse would be sufficient? @Skittles…..more pics please!!!
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago…

^^ here’s the answer to your question, dummy! All you had to do was read the discussion board, but I see filtering your need to emotionally validate yourself takes priority over simple logic and reading comprehension skills. Now go back to your trailer you hillbilly!

avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago…

Where’s the outrage for my atf? Desertscrub gets all the sympathy. SMH tuscl, I thought you were better than that.

avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
3 years ago
“Desertscrub gets all the sympathy.” @JG: You’re an idiot. Nobody on this thread expressed sympathy or defended Desertscrub. Most everyone on this thread stood up for Skittles. Rightfully so!

Get a clue before posting.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ gasbag is a fugazy
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^^ mezza finook

avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Asino
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
^^ jabroni

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