
Comments by DaOnion (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    I get that Rick. If I tip at the stage, I just walk up to her, hand her my money or put it in her g-string, and then tell her to stop by later if she's free. It's just a set up to get lap dances later. I don't stand at the stage fawning over her or groping her in front of the whole club. i was referring to people paying for lapdances and then turning their back on the dancer and looking in the opposite direction to "look cool". I think that's idiotic.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    [{[{[{ 10 Questions For Poledancer83: Getting to Know TUSCL Members Series Episo
    We need a moderator for the SJG interview, so he sticks to the questions and doesn't go off on various other tangents. But, yes, that one should be interesting!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The one and only time I was offered OTC was....OTC, by a stripper, and I didn't
    Interesting Shailynn. That makes sense. The scary thing is that heroin is probably the most dangerous and addictive drug out there. I'm so glad I never tried that in my younger days. I've heard and read that if you try it once, you could become so hooked that it wrecks your life forever. After seeing The Basketball Diaries with Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg, I've been forever terrified of heroin.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    getting to know me
    Hey PoleDancer, how about the bonus question: Bonus Question: Have you ever had sex with one of your managers ITC? Or a bouncer or DJ or something? Was curious if the sexual tension between co-workers ever built up so much that you just had to do it and it couldn't wait until work was over. Thanks for answering!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    Ha ha. I wasn't referring to Rick placing money on the stage and walking away, as much as I was referring to this scenario that Papi described: "the guy, even though he’s paying her, is not even acknowledging her nor even looking in her direction while she’s dancing for him right next to him – it comes across as a “I’m too much of a man that I’m not even going to look-at/acknowledge her while she’s dancing for me and I’m even paying her”.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The one and only time I was offered OTC was....OTC, by a stripper, and I didn't
    To be honest, I don't know JS. It's the only time I ever tried that. My guess is this though: blow is more expensive and a little less common than weed, so for a stripper that likes to do coke, it may be an enticing offer for them. Plus, coke is a rush, so for a stripper who likes to party, they may be excited to do it, if they haven't had any in a while. Be careful with the white stuff though. It's highly addictive and a lot more dangerous than weed. Too much can kill you. I would never do it these days. You have no idea what you are getting.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    [{[{[{ 10 Questions For Poledancer83: Getting to Know TUSCL Members Series Episo
    Bonus Question: Have you ever had sex with one of your managers ITC?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    New Idea (thank you Mary Jane)
    There once was a girl from Nantucket....... whose vag was so sweet you could...
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The one and only time I was offered OTC was....OTC, by a stripper, and I didn't
    Yeah, Mikey, the white stuff can be addicting. Glad I only did it for a short period of time in my life. Good to know Shailynn. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Next Question
    Say "I had a nice time and I really thought long and hard about fucking you. After a lot of thought, it was a tough decision, but you are just a little too fat for me. You are a great girl though and I wish you well." Seriously, maybe say "I had a nice time, but I realized I'm not completely over my ex yet and I need some more time, before I start dating again." That's usually worked for me in these situations.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    To fuck or not to fuck, that is the question
    Corvus, you must have been really out of shape in college, if you got tired from a fat girl chasing you. They don't run that fast!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    [{[{[{ 10 Questions For JUICE: Getting to Know TUSCL Members Series Episode One
    Motorhead again for the win.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    @s88 Funny. Yeah, no reason to keep buying her cat filet mignon. At least it was her cat that was fat and not her kitty. Sorry for talking about your ex's kitty.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Live in LT BF has left me for a stripper - Want to move out, no Money - Should I
    Troll or not, this thread was worth it for Motorhead's comment alone. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. It's like going to a fancy restaurant, ordering steak and lobster and not taking a single bite of it. Then, you pay the waitress and tip her $100 on top of the bill, and walk out, leaving the steak and lobster untouched on the plate. Yeah, you'll draw attention, but for the wrong reason. You look like an idiot.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    SC recommedation in Reno
    Here's a photo of that sign: http://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/shooters-saloon-reno?select=HRk4LZX5HRDFe_kZknhuEQ
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    atf fired
    You should also have her get completely naked, so you can do a full body cavity search. Those bedbugs can hide anywhere!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    [{[{[{ 10 Questions For JohnSmith69: Getting to Know TUSCL Members Series Episod
    You're coming up with good questions Shailynn. This is interesting.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this song still happening?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I'm just getting started
    I thought you said there was a John Legend song coming out a couple of weeks ago with P-Nemesis on it. Is that still going to happen?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    To fuck or not to fuck, that is the question
    Now that sounds like a good strategy. Hold out for a better MILF and enjoy your strippers until you find her.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    [{[{[{ 10 Questions For JUICE: Getting to Know TUSCL Members Series Episode One
    We need the details for answer #3, along with any video from the incident.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    My fav just quit. What should I do?
    You could always send her a text that says "I'm watching you. I know where you are." Kidding. Maybe she got a boyfriend who wanted her to stop stripping. She may return and you'll see her again. Until then, listen to CrazyJoe and enjoy the adventure of finding a new fave.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    A SC visit like no other
    I actually feel bad for her. It sounds like she is at the end of her rope and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Hope she gets through it okay. At least you were good to her and had some great sex in the process. Sounds like she just needs a break from the club.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    To fuck or not to fuck, that is the question
    I agree with K. If you decide to go through with it, you may back out once you see all the rolls in the bakery. Or, you may do the deed and realize you can't do it again. It may not be worth the drama, because she probably wants to date you.