My fav just quit. What should I do?

avatar for reignfire
I hadn't seen my fav girl in a month and a half. I sent her a text last night to see when she'll be back. I got a text back from her telling me that she's now waitressing and back in school, so she's out of the game. I've never had any OTC or ITC action with her and I never LDK with her. I haven't texted her back yet so any suggestions on how should I play this?


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avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Yeah- find a new "fave" and move on with your life, just like she is doing.
First, trace her phone number using any of the multitude of completely legitimate sites offering such services on the Internet. Then, when you have her address, stake it out for a while and follow her to find out where she's working.

Then go there to eat and act surprised when you see her there. I'm sure she'll be overjoyed to see you, so that should be an easy in.

Then make your move. Good luck!
sclvr is probably correct.

The most you can do is text back and wish her well in her future. Tell her you enjoyed your time with her in the club and (slyly) offer to get together with her outside the club if she ever runs short on cash and wants to party a little on the side. Wink wink, nudge nudge. Try not to come across too pervy.

You never know . . .
George has good advice, I would just add to make sure you loudly refer to her by her stripper name when you see her, and within earshot of her coworkers.
No seriously though, do what pensionking says.
Squawk! George the dickless one is a major league psycho. No wonder he's on the lion's wildebeest list. I recognize that as being over the line like to eat rotting meat and put my beak in John Smith's dream stripper's hoo-ha. That's the ticket! Squawk!
Find a new ATF, and this time, make sure you OTC and/or LDK her
What should you do? Spank the monkey, choke the chicken, butter the corn, slam the salami, flog the dolphin, wrestle the weasel, bow to the bishop. There's a lot you can do.
If you had done ITC or OTC extras w/ her in the past; the door may not be completely closed – you could sorta leave it open by texting something like “wish you the best of luck and if you ever need anything let me know”; w/ “anything” meaning P4P if she needs money.

But since you never saw her OTC then probably doubtful you will now that she’s out of the game – perhaps the best you can do is tell her to let you know if she decides to come back to dancing which she may do at least part-time once she sees how hard she has to bust her butt for peanuts in a vanilla job.
Or you can just abduct her and lock her in your basement.
Either she's a crappy fav or you were far too passive in developing your relationship. Learn from the experience, and next time be more assertive in getting some value for your money. Another lesson to learn is the value of having multiple favs. This happens all the time so never put all of your eggs in one basket.

Neverthelews, the fact that she responded to your text is unusual. Most strippers who quit totally ignore messages from any customers that they don't want to see again. Therefore, there is a tiny chance that what pension king suggested might work. But don't in any way count on it. It's time to move on.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
She'll probably be back dancing in a month or so. Wait awhile then send a follow up text. This is a great opportunity to find a great new favorites.
Time to move on.

Looks like someone forgot that strip clubs are fantasy land and fell in love.

My current co-favorite (#2) disappeared around New Years. Happens all the time. This is why I try to cultivate 2 favorites at a time. I'm looking for another to fill in for her now as my new number 2. I'm glad #1 is still around.

I would bet she will be stripping again soon. Maybe at the same club.

Now for my cynicism... I doubt she is "back in school." That's a common line to make us PLs think higher of them. There is a possibility, but she may just have changed clubs.

Nothing wrong with trying to keep her, but realize the probabilities and try not to let yourself get hurt more than you already have been.

Damn. This post is so long I feel like SJG.
Got to get to know them civi style or some other way, or this will always be happening. Even with civi style, women make and break relationships all the time. Need to find some even better way, if this is what people want.


Moussorgski/Asselin - Tableaux d'une Exposition - Organ arrangement…
Transcription et exécution par Pierre-Yves Asselin, aux célèbres grandes orgues Rudolf von Beckerath de l'Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Construit de 1957 à 1960 il fut inauguré par l'organiste français André Marchal et Raymond Daveluy, le premier titulaire et à l'origine de la construction de cet orgue allemand à traction mécanique, 5 claviers, 78 jeux avec montre de trente-deux pieds complet en façade, en terre canadienne. Il est classé parmi les 10 instruments les plus prestigieux du monde pour son immense qualité sonore. Enregistrement lors du concert de juin 1985 dans le cadre du 25ème anniversaire de l'inauguration de ce prestigieux instrument et du titulaire monsieur Raymond Daveluy nommé à la même année.
Strippers are a lot like'll find another you like even more, if you keep going to clubs. Those of us who have been going to strip clubs for a while have had many favorite dancers.
Move on. That's the best thing you can do
Move on.
The advice above is spot on - as its time to move on.

If she is a flake - she will be back stripping in a few months. If she gets low on cash - and she still has your number - and you kept her happy $$$$ - you will be one of the first pl's she texts when she returns to the pole. If you didn't keep her happy - don't count on it.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Enjoy the adventure of finding a new fave
You guys are totally wrong. She's just playing hard to get. If she didn't *want* him to stal---er, I mean, pursue her, she would never have answered him in the first place. She's testing him, and all y'alls advice is gonna queer the deal.
avatar for DaOnion
9 years ago
You could always send her a text that says "I'm watching you. I know where you are."


Maybe she got a boyfriend who wanted her to stop stripping. She may return and you'll see her again. Until then, listen to CrazyJoe and enjoy the adventure of finding a new fave.
Find another favorite.

I'd send her a text wishing her well and leave it at that. Keep things friendly in case she comes back (they often do).

You could see if she wanted to grab a drink sometime, but that isn't likely to work.
Send her some dick-pics and that may make her run back to you (seems to work for Rech)

Wow. Thanks for the interesting comments. Some of them actually made me LOL. ;)

I mostly never did anything with her because she was too sporadic when it came to a schedule (what days she would work and what times she would come in). Most of the time whenever she would come in, I would either be on my way out the door or be too hammered to really enjoy her. It was rare she would be in the club when I just arrived and sober lol. Anyway, I think I'm going to wish her well and move on. I already had moved on but she has a hell of a body and unfortunately there's not too many of hot bodies available where I club at :(. Like some of you said, we'll see how long it'll be before she comes back so I wouldn't close the door completely.
avatar for dudefromsd
9 years ago
Just wish her the best and tell her to hit you up when she eventually gets back in the game.
There's other fish in the sea, move on.
In all seriousness, the "take care, well wishes" route is probably the right one. :)
"Send her some dick-pics and that may make her run back to you (seems to work for Rech)"

Ace suggestion! Try that one!

Seriously though, just send a "hope you're doing well, best wishes for a brilliant life!" and move on! ;)
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
You could send a message that leaves the door open. Hope you're doing well. If you ever want to meet up or just chat sometime, shoot me a message. No reason to cut off a friendly hot girl unless you are just too busy with lots of others. Even in that case, you can do a juggling act. All the pros have several girlfriends or favorites in a strip club. It is like a stack of cards, they keep changing and getting reshuffled. Sometimes they come back. I had a hot blond girl reappear on me last night and she asked for dances just as the DJ announced a two for one, worked for me. I did wonder what happened to the other hot blond girl that danced for me a couple of weeks ago. It's hard to keep track of all these dancers, they just keep popping in and out.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Oh never mind, here's an instructional video for you called How to send a Dick Pic.

Hot girl involved. She's funny.
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