
The one and only time I was offered OTC was....OTC, by a stripper, and I didn't

This happened several years ago before I even knew what OTC meant. I didn't go to strip clubs back then and didn't even realize OTC was an option. I just learned the term from TUSCL in the past few months lurking.

So, it was close to 2am and I was wasted at this crowded nightclub in a big city on the west coast. I don't drink much anymore or go to nightclubs. Sipping a beer or a water at a SC is about as crazy as I get these days.

Anyway, back to the club. I'm wasted and about to call it a night, but decide to hit on the hottest girl I can find, before going home alone.

After a few minutes walking around, I see her. This blonde is on the dance floor and there's no doubt she's a 10. She's dancing with her girlfriend and guys keep coming up to her and she keeps blowing them off. Now, I'm a decent looking guy, but I have absolutely no moves. I can't dance and I have no game when it comes to picking up attractive women at loud, crowded nightclub. So, I went with my only option.

I walked up to her, tried to dance for a nanosecond, and then said in her ear "Do you want to go do some blow?" Bingo. It worked.

Five minutes later, me, the blonde, and her girlfriend, are doing bumps using her car keys. As we are getting high, the blonde tells me they are out celebrating. It turns out she's a stripper and she just finished second in this contest at her club, so she won $500. She was totally hot, so I have no doubt she was telling the truth.

She then says, "For $1,000, you can come back to our apartment and fuck both of us." My reaction was a deer in the headlights look. The blonde was a 10, but her friend was probably a 7. I didn't know what to say and wasn't going to pay $1k, especially since I only wanted the blonde and not her friend. So, I slurred something like "Why don't we just go back to your place and keep getting high."

With that, they kicked me out of the car, slammed the door in my face and sped off.

No sex for DaOnion. I wonder if or when I'll get offered OTC again. My guess it will be ITC and not OTC, if it ever happens again.


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Typical hot stripper, they want drugs or money (in that order), not your cock.

    If you go to a strip club and develop a rapport with a specific stripper, you'll get offered, or you will learn how to offer OTC and it will happen eventually.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    That's funny. Every girl I knew that liked doing blow would have followed me anywhere until the blow ran out.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    Yeah, Mikey, the white stuff can be addicting. Glad I only did it for a short period of time in my life.

    Good to know Shailynn. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Great story. Question. I could offer women all the weed in the world and it might not be a big deal. But is coke different? Does it really attract women like this? I bet it's safer than Molly.

    And you don't wait for strippers to offer OTC. You simply ask them. Stay and learn the ways of the many systems to get sex from strippers.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    To be honest, I don't know JS. It's the only time I ever tried that.

    My guess is this though: blow is more expensive and a little less common than weed, so for a stripper that likes to do coke, it may be an enticing offer for them. Plus, coke is a rush, so for a stripper who likes to party, they may be excited to do it, if they haven't had any in a while.

    Be careful with the white stuff though. It's highly addictive and a lot more dangerous than weed. Too much can kill you. I would never do it these days. You have no idea what you are getting.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    JS69, there was a time when Coke was much more desirable to a stripper than weed. Coke would be like Dom Perignon and weed was like water.

    These days though, most millennials buck the trend and I wouldn't be surprised if most young strippers would prefer weed. I have a friend who is in law enforcement and the only two drugs he talks about these days are weed and heroin. Ive read where heroin is pretty cheap to make these days.

    Think about it, weed and heroin mellow you out, Coke hypes you up. These millennials are a bunch of lazy fucks so they want to be mellow.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    Interesting Shailynn. That makes sense. The scary thing is that heroin is probably the most dangerous and addictive drug out there.

    I'm so glad I never tried that in my younger days. I've heard and read that if you try it once, you could become so hooked that it wrecks your life forever. After seeing The Basketball Diaries with Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg, I've been forever terrified of heroin.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    That's a great story - and those strippers should have helped you out with at least a bj. Just a few lines of Coke can worth a good bit of money.

    Back in the late 80's-early 90's Coke would bring out the party girls in droves. I think the mentality has changed - as has been mentioned above - and the millennials are into pot more. I know it's less addictive - but it doesn't seem like a real party like Coke was back in the day.

    When I was going to night clubs in New York City - the Coke fueled parties were pretty amazing! I remember one girl giving me the keys to her trans am - to drive her back to her apartment in Brooklyn - so she could snort lines while I drove.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    I would have gladly taken a BJ from them.

    Wow, I bet NYC was crazy back then. I'm envious of you.

    My story took place about ten years ago. I didn't even realize coke was no longer popular until Shailynn mentioned it. Times have changed.
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