So there's this stripper I've OTC with like 3 times over about a 2 year period and each time the most action I got was BBJ. During the time of me knowing her I always thought her name was Stripper_Stage and Stripper.
There was a fourth time I met her outside the club, but it was somewhat random. On this meet we met so i could give her $50 because she supposedly needed money. Anyway, leading up to this particular meet I texted her because I was in her city and she texted back. However, as the night progressed I got a text from her from a different number. Because I had the caller ID feature I see whose name it is and it's a guy's name.
The day after I do a little research and didn't connect the dots best I thought I did. There was an ailment she always spoke of that she saw a doctor for. So upon searching (gotta love Facebook) this guy's name I find he's in the medical field and chalked it up to him being a doctor friend.
Fast forward some months because I'm trying to see if she's around I do some further searching (gotta love Facebook). Note, all this time I'm thinking I have her real name because of her friends of her Facebook, which some were of the strip club and we had mutual friends. Well after searching some friends, relationship picture, and friends of friends, I come to find an old abandoned Facebook page which turns out to be her real name.
I then do a public records search (gotta know what criminal activity you're laying with) which further solidifies it's her real name.
So, if you've read the story, what would you do or how would you feel knowing you've been fooled pretty good?
It isn't. My main concern by having the real name is to make sure she doesn't have a violent past and on the off chance we get pulled over and how we know each other gets questioned, I'm not saying her name is XYZ while she says her name is ZYX.
Happened to me once, I will keep the details of it private, While with girl I had met online through shady means we had a stop-by from a couple of officers looking into a complaint. This girl was over just for massage after I'd taken her to dinner, I kid you not it got nowhere really sexual (tho she did get naked for me), and lucky enough I remembered her full name that I ONLY knew by looking her up and just hoped it was accurate as they looked at her ID. It was, so me & the donut hounds were copacetic. She couldn't remember my name, tho, but they realized they were wasting their time and left. She was hot bot a bit nuts.
Although I think it's easy to believe that wanting to know someone's real name is somehow stalking, it's just to make sure you know who you're dealing with. A lot of my experiences over the years have been good because I took the extra step to make sure the girl was normal and not a pro or pimp'd whore.
The only concern Ch3ll's topic raises is how concerned he was about being "fooled". Dude, don't expect any girl who is doing these kind of favors to give any guy she doesn't know well her real name. Nobody is fooling anybody. If you happen to come across her real name and other real life details, keep it to yourself. Just give yourself assurance about her as a person and if you get some feeling that you don't like what you find - then the best thing for you to do is untangle your mind and move on.
Or you can just ask her what her name is. If you're spending that much time with her and she's never paid for anything or done something that requires her name or phone number in front of you, you have zero connection with her . Normal human interaction works better than stalking
I'm with 25 and TrapBaby on this. I know the real names of the strippers where we have the sort of relationship where that's appropriate. The ones where we haven't progressed that far, or won't ever, I don't know their names nor do I give a fuck to. "Researching" around tracking down old facebook pages and shit while probably not criminal stalking is certainly creepy as fuck and I want no part of it. A google search of a phone number to make sure it's not on 1000 sites as a hooker ad is about as far as I go.
Lol @Phat how do you think I got what she first gave me! Had she never texted from another phone number I probably wouldn't have took the time. However, it is what it is. For a moment if we label strippers as strippers and other women as civilian, I've never took the time to look up a civilian chick I met online dating or in person.
"So there's this stripper I've OTC with like 3 times over about a 2 year period"
If I saw a girl this infrequently I'm not so sure I'd be concerned with her real name or her past. I have run background checks on girls I saw more frequently. Some were violent offenders, others were high school honor students. The ones with criminal records were easy to spot, but the actual nature of their convictions can be surprising. In the long run I think your gut feeling about a person holds more weight than their record.
If I learned that a customer did all this I would block him in every electronic way possible, put all my social media on private, and tell my manager what this person does and that I wouldn’t feel safe with him in the club. He wouldn’t be allowed back.
There are reasons that we want our privacy from you, I’m sure you feel the same. Do you want a dancer showing up at your work or home?? Yes, this is super stalker-ish. Gross.
"My main concern by having the real name is to make sure she doesn't have a violent past and on the off chance we get pulled over and how we know each other gets questioned"
Quite frankly, all things considered, you pose more of a threat to her -- both physically being a guy or access to resources to get revenge -- that she ever does to you. I'd just ask her to come clean if she has any drugs or paraphernalia on her. That's really your immediate concern to get a truthful answer on that for anyone that gets into your car. I'd rather know out of the gate that she has some on versus being surprised when a cop pulls us over.
If I am going to give her any significant amount of support I am going to know about her, real name, relationship status, etc.... If she is just blowing me or fucking me for no more than a regular price then fuck it. The thing is these whores research us all in the name of their safety (which I agree with, some of you are some sick bastards) but then get all pissy when we check up on them.... its a two way street. The last two whores that have asked me for a loan 5,000 and 8,000 each both lied to me about some pretty serious shit that i found when doing some basic research. I did not look them up at all until they asked for the cash
I dont care about real name and all that bullshit if everything is normal... but if they start asking for something out of my normal then I expect to be told the truth and I know that you end up getting what you inspect not what you expect
@Daddilac: That make more sense to do homework on her if you're entering into some kind of serious business relationship for serious money or anything long term or a near mistress arrangement. I would, too. That's just due diligence. And you're right, sometimes the ladies cry double standard over that when they're doing the same thing to customers.
You don't have to stalk people to find out who they are. If you weren't a stalker and a fucking social retard you could just fucking ask and build some rapport with a person. But you can't. That's why you're a fucking trick.
The whore that really fucked me, when things were getting just starting to get serious, she told me she never had facebook because of work. I thought that was odd but I trusted her, I did search for her and her Ex husband on facebook and could not find either so I assumed it was true. Later I was at my lawyers and he pulls up her facebook and her husbands facebook (not ex husband but husband).... she had already researched me and blocked me on her and her husbands facebook, this all happened whenshe was still just a dancer in the club. So yes these whores research you with any real info you give them, its all about money
What I still don't understand is why he cares so much when it comes to a girl he's seen OTC 3 times in 2 years. If you saw her regularly these things would unfold. She'd eventually have you pick her up and drop her off at her door instead of down the street, ask for other favors, and you would gradually find out all sorts of things about her, probably more than you cared to know.
I do a background check once I get the last night, but i don't stalk the shit out of them trying to get the last name. I told my CF that I looked her up as soon as I learned her last name and she thought it was funny. Unlike other girls, though, she has a lot of accomplishments an is proud of the things I saw. but if I'd only seen the girl 3 times OTC I wouldn't really care.
And the ones on drugs will never come clean about what they're holding until you get pulled over and it's too late. There's no amount of research that can prevent that from happening.
At that point Trap she had asked me for 4 thousand a week, told me she loved me, she wanted to quit stripping, she is ready to settle down with me, she needed help with kids, medical bills, school loans, etc..... At that point she is no longer stripping she is fucking lying... so whats it to me? over the course of the relationship it was a little over 250 thousand dollars, thats what it was to me
So Trap, I really don't give a flying fuck what you want to call it... if you or another whore starts asking me for anything out of the ordinary I'm gonna research it
You're all doing it wrong. You're not able to get them to trust you. I've had bitches tell me about husbands, drugs, kids everything. And I never had to pay them to fuck them.
I questioned it, that led to discovering a lot of shit, towards the end I cut her to 2 grand a week, then I discovered she was escorting the whole time... I was a complete dumbass
I find it somewhat entertaining the ones who come off as social elites, "Where them hoez at" and "Trap Jumpin" are on here for one and quick to call someone out as a stalker or obsessed.
Well then trap, ill stop and just get it all out in the open.... tell her new husband, her ex husband, her mom and dad, her friends and family.... that she is a lying thieving manipulative whore who fucks anybody for 200 bucks an hour.... I'll tell her you recommended I do this....
@OP What benefit do you get from prying into their private lives? Seriously. If you are looking to move the relationship forward doing things behind her back (unless we're talking doggystyle) is creepy and likely to be counterproductive. Talk to her and use some common sense.
As much as it comes off as an uncomfortable act, my only intention is to see what I'm dealing with. I don't just silently go to the strip club, dish out money, keep asking for OTC then all of a sudden she says yes. Just seems to me everyone who says ask, talk, build rapport, make it seem as if everyone tells the truth when asked a question. Aside from how I got the real name...damn! I didn't know looking at a city public record, which is keyword "public" and free was so offensive.
Usually you can sort of suss a person out the more you talking and interact with them, read between the lines, even if what they say isn't always truthful. You don't need a background check to suss someone out in order to ride in your car to a hotel 3 times a year.
It depends on how sure you are? Or how sure you need to be? Or what you have that is at risk. (just this night or two or is it an on going thing).
I think the dancers have a lot to be worried about for being outed. Or at least having a customer have that over them. Generally society is less tolerant of the prostitutes than the Johns. It's like their worst fear. So I expect the dancer push back that you see it here, as the way discourse evolved in this combined customer & dancer thread.
But I also subscribe to the hacker ethos 'that information wants to be free' (or at least known by me), so I understand what you are saying, Ch3ll. But I also respect my own personal privacy. And to make sure I don't embarrass or hurt my family home life at home. They come first.
""The ones with criminal records were easy to spot, but the actual nature of their convictions can be surprising."
Do tell. Like, are we talking petty anty crimes or something serious like, IDK, say (attempted) murder?"
two_bits - she was a sweet girl with a troubled past. What I was expecting to see was maybe some possession charges and perhaps solicitation. What I saw was grand theft auto and domestic battery. I stopped seeing her when she attempted to blackmail me over $50. If she'd have been willing to work for it she's have walked away with a lot more than $50. I still kind of miss her. But my current CF blows her out of the water.
I'm out of the dating scene, but supposedly is not uncommon these days, usually women, to do a background check on a guy they may consider going on a date with, and AFAIK no one seems to bat an eye w.r.t. this.
If all the dancer in question has lied about was her real name then that's a normal-part of the SC game - but I don't think a PL researching a dancer's background for potential issues/hazards is any more out of line than a woman researching a.potential date, o/w it's a fucking double-standard - the OP has not mentioned he had any bad intentions in knowing what she was about, just to know if there was anything there he should be concerned with that could negatively affect him - no doubt many strippers have a shady past and have, or do, associate with shady people (drug dealers, ex-con BFs, etc), and some dancers themselves have some sort of criminal record and one *is* better-off knowing if they indeed have a shady past or current shady present, if one is gonna do business with them - I wouldn't get bent out if shape if a civvie-woman or even a dancer researched me out of concern b/f getting involved with me.
And for those saying "hey just ask her" - really, strippers rarely lie?
I'm of the PL-school-of-thought that most of what dancers tell us are either lies or half-thruths, often no-matter how long you've known them - which is fine with me personally but as others have mentioned when one starts seeing them outside the club and they start asking for loans/$$$ for "emergencies" then it's fair-game to know/find-out what you're dealing with
It’s stalking - but it’s vaguely disguised as research.
The thing is - this is what you decided to tell us. It’s possible you’ve done more searching - that you haven’t mentioned here - and that could make it even creepier.
In my view, I don’t care about a strippers real name. It makes no difference to me. In terms of otc - it’s cash and (covered) sex - nothing more.
We don’t exchange fluids, or credit card info - so I don’t care about her background, or her name. I don’t get a money back guarantee or a receipt - in case I want a refund - so I’m good with not knowing.
My take on whether or not it’s stalking depends on your intentions. If you are just protecting yourself, that’s fine, if you are using her personal information to gain something it’s stalking.
1. I don't think it was the fact that she hid her real name that bothered OP. I think it was jealousy that got the better of him when he saw a guy's name. What the fuck does he think, that she goes to work looking to meet her Prince Charming? And OP is that Mr. Right? Dude, you're delusional and need a reality check.
I am also someone who isn’t above looking someone up online to gain an advantage. I’ve done it with former regulars before. I don’t feel one bit bad about it, because they made it ridiculously easy for me to do so.
Now if I were to ever discover that a phone number was a VoIP, then I would probably back off, even if there was another possible way for me to stalk him.
As for the Facebook account, I don’t see the problem. Tons of sex workers have separate pages for work and personal purposes. (The problematic part is when actual accounts start showing up as “people you may know”)
But yes. Strippers lie. Sometimes to be conniving con artists. But more importantly to cast a wide net.
It’s impossible for one stripper, even if she’s considered a 10 by most PLs, to naturally appeal to *everyone* You have to embellish or even outright lie sometimes about your personal background or personality in order to be likable with more customers.
Strippers aren’t looking for boyfriends. They are looking for cash. I don’t tell the truth about my boyfriend either.
This whole thread is a nice reminder of why I completely removed myself from ALL social media this year. I won’t even pose for a photo that I know someone would post on a Facebook page anymore. My spam calls to my phone went down 75% when I took myself off social media.
^That definitely gives a picture into his real intentions for looking into it. Safety claim sounds like B.S. And this type of emotional neediness is all too common on customer boards. ;)
The guy who wrote me the check for school found out my name after the check cleared.
I was more active on social media back then, and the next time he came in to see me he admitted that he had been looking at all my posts and I had everything public back then. Then I'd be living my life as usual, going to school, etc and just randomly get texts from him commenting on my latest social media posts. So he was actively following the posts. Then eventually his wife found out my name and created her own social media accounts to stalk me and harass me and comment on a bunch of my posts.
I am with nicespice. I am not above looking up social media of dancers I like. A lot of millenial dancers are all friends with each other on instagram so if you find one of them you can find a ton of them. However I would never do anything with what I find on social media. It is simply interesting to see what some of the dancers are like OTC. I think a lot of the backlash against the OP is from the tone of his post. Saying "what should I do with this information" sounds terribly creepy.
I will also say I sort of had the opposite experience as the OP. I totally expected my ATF to be lying about the facts of her life and her real name (which I didn't ask for BTW). But to my surprise after finding her social media everything she has ever told me is true. Definitely wasn't expecting that and I have been tipping better since.
I don't consider what strippers do in the club to be lying. They're paid to be the guys' fantasy, so they have to appeal to him. No man wants to hear about her boyfriend or her kids or her regular life. A part of the fantasy is that she's attainable to them.
Now lying to try to get huge sums of money is a whole other thing. That is bad.
I don't generally have strippers lying to me, like I said, create experiences where you're vulnerable with each other, that builds trust. I've had more non strippers try to lie.
But I can always tell when a stripper lies, I just go with the lie and ask her questions about it, act like I believe it and care. Its funny. They always make a mistake then I call them out on it.
"But I can always tell when a stripper lies, I just go with the lie and ask her questions about it, act like I believe it and care. Its funny. They always make a mistake then I call them out on it."
I've heard strippers say they're in medical school, and when customers ask what medical school, they name a local community college. LOL
A few years ago, I was sitting with some customers and another dancer was sitting with us. The customers were asking me about school because I told them I had decided to pursue a law degree. The other stripper, who had already admitted she never went to college, got frustrated with the guys asking me about school so then she went on this whole spiel about how stupid lawyers are, how she would never want to be one, how much she hates them, and how law school is stupid. Then one of the customers said to her, "well, do you have any plans on what you want to do after stripping?" To which she replied, "I really want to be a prosecutor."
"NiceSpice just scared me! I feel stalked now! All strippers are looking for me?"
I actually consider it quite flattering when a stripper stalks me. Yes, it's about the money, but I'd rather give it to the girl who goes the extra miles and makes an effort to impress me rather than just going through the motions.
I've been constantly changing my sign-in over the past 18 months over paranoid delusions that my CF reads everything I write. She's made some comments in the past that really showed that she was on to me, so I changed sign-ins and stopped reviewing her club. I don't think she reads this anymore. I told her a couple of jackslahes's jokes over the weekend. I could tell from her response that she hadn't heard them before, but having told them, I'm now a little afraid that she won't see me again . . . life can be so difficult when you spend all your free time trying to win the pseudo-affection of a stripper.
If it makes you guys feel better, I’m pretty sure I’m in the tiny minority of dancers who do this. And pretty sure the rate of customers doing the reverse is way higher.
My “stalking” is amateur stuff compared to the likes of Facebook and google, who are the mega companies they are today because they do the dirty work for marketers.
And if you are a looking for a job, many employers also go way more in depth on researching job candidates than I do with customers.
That being said, I don’t think of if it is all completely terrible.
For me personally, I’ve found interesting ads before, because Facebook/google’s algorithms dug up something they figured I’d like.
The only tricks I ever looked up online were some pro athletes and a rapper. I wouldn't waste my time on nobodies and I don't give tricks enough info about me so they cant do shit.
If you're giving someone you don't know shit about thousands of dollars that means theres something wrong with you. Are you that desperate to be liked???? LMFAO
Really, you meet a girl in a strip club, I think you should respect her anonymity and boundaries.
And then likewise on a forum like this, you should accept people the way they present themselves and not challenge them, as you do not have any country evidence. You should respect their boundaries.
Now if you meet a girl in a strip and present yourself as being open to her, like business card and other contact info, and an open invitation and trying to make it happen, then be ready. There is a good chance that you and she will be waking up together in the mornings, and that you will come to know a great deal about her affairs, because you will be paying her bills.
This one here, I think London, Kelly-Ann Maddox, she goes with the Chaos Magick leaders, Peter J. Carroll, Ray Sherwin, Phil Hine, and Austin Osman Spare. She talks about all of these in some of her hundred plus videos.
Perhaps the OP was surprised, or maybe even upset, that she had not been honest w/ him including not giving him her real name - which IMO should not be a surprise and part for the strip-club course - as a SCer IMO one should be surprised when a dancer is actually telling him the truth - in the smoke-and-mirrors bizarro strip-club world one should take w/ a grain of salt what anyone says (dancer; custy; staff) - w.r.t. dancers I assume it's SS until proven o/w.
If your "relationship" consists of seeing her at the club, paying to fuck her and paying her to fuck you out of the club then you don't have much of a right to know anything she doesn't want to share. She's just a hooker you're seeing. Trying to stalk her isn't right no matter how you look at it.
Well I learned my lesson about trusting women.... My uncle used to say "If it has tits or wheels it will give you trouble".... Bitches like Trap are worth one thing, sucking a dick and soon they will be old and ugly and nobody will want that shit anymore
last commentIt is what it is, but as I said, it's good to know the criminal activity you laying with.
Although I think it's easy to believe that wanting to know someone's real name is somehow stalking, it's just to make sure you know who you're dealing with. A lot of my experiences over the years have been good because I took the extra step to make sure the girl was normal and not a pro or pimp'd whore.
The only concern Ch3ll's topic raises is how concerned he was about being "fooled". Dude, don't expect any girl who is doing these kind of favors to give any guy she doesn't know well her real name. Nobody is fooling anybody. If you happen to come across her real name and other real life details, keep it to yourself. Just give yourself assurance about her as a person and if you get some feeling that you don't like what you find - then the best thing for you to do is untangle your mind and move on.
If I saw a girl this infrequently I'm not so sure I'd be concerned with her real name or her past. I have run background checks on girls I saw more frequently. Some were violent offenders, others were high school honor students. The ones with criminal records were easy to spot, but the actual nature of their convictions can be surprising. In the long run I think your gut feeling about a person holds more weight than their record.
There are reasons that we want our privacy from you, I’m sure you feel the same. Do you want a dancer showing up at your work or home?? Yes, this is super stalker-ish. Gross.
Quite frankly, all things considered, you pose more of a threat to her -- both physically being a guy or access to resources to get revenge -- that she ever does to you. I'd just ask her to come clean if she has any drugs or paraphernalia on her. That's really your immediate concern to get a truthful answer on that for anyone that gets into your car. I'd rather know out of the gate that she has some on versus being surprised when a cop pulls us over.
That make more sense to do homework on her if you're entering into some kind of serious business relationship for serious money or anything long term or a near mistress arrangement. I would, too. That's just due diligence. And you're right, sometimes the ladies cry double standard over that when they're doing the same thing to customers.
I do a background check once I get the last night, but i don't stalk the shit out of them trying to get the last name. I told my CF that I looked her up as soon as I learned her last name and she thought it was funny. Unlike other girls, though, she has a lot of accomplishments an is proud of the things I saw. but if I'd only seen the girl 3 times OTC I wouldn't really care.
And the ones on drugs will never come clean about what they're holding until you get pulled over and it's too late. There's no amount of research that can prevent that from happening.
Or I could be a fool for assuming your black because you have the Trap in your screen name and tag line or whatever it's called.
Anyway, the interactions we engage in are already frowned upon, so yeah I'll be a stalker if that's what you want to call it.
Well, it's a good thing we don't have any dancers like that on here.
Do tell. Like, are we talking petty anty crimes or something serious like, IDK, say (attempted) murder?
What benefit do you get from prying into their private lives? Seriously. If you are looking to move the relationship forward doing things behind her back (unless we're talking doggystyle) is creepy and likely to be counterproductive. Talk to her and use some common sense.
is it just the coke or is this discussion truly fucked?
ch3ll you dont ask, you build trust.
It depends on how sure you are? Or how sure you need to be? Or what you have that is at risk. (just this night or two or is it an on going thing).
I think the dancers have a lot to be worried about for being outed. Or at least having a customer have that over them. Generally society is less tolerant of the prostitutes than the Johns. It's like their worst fear. So I expect the dancer push back that you see it here, as the way discourse evolved in this combined customer & dancer thread.
But I also subscribe to the hacker ethos 'that information wants to be free' (or at least known by me), so I understand what you are saying, Ch3ll. But I also respect my own personal privacy. And to make sure I don't embarrass or hurt my family home life at home. They come first.
Do tell. Like, are we talking petty anty crimes or something serious like, IDK, say (attempted) murder?"
two_bits - she was a sweet girl with a troubled past. What I was expecting to see was maybe some possession charges and perhaps solicitation. What I saw was grand theft auto and domestic battery. I stopped seeing her when she attempted to blackmail me over $50. If she'd have been willing to work for it she's have walked away with a lot more than $50. I still kind of miss her. But my current CF blows her out of the water.
If all the dancer in question has lied about was her real name then that's a normal-part of the SC game - but I don't think a PL researching a dancer's background for potential issues/hazards is any more out of line than a woman researching a.potential date, o/w it's a fucking double-standard - the OP has not mentioned he had any bad intentions in knowing what she was about, just to know if there was anything there he should be concerned with that could negatively affect him - no doubt many strippers have a shady past and have, or do, associate with shady people (drug dealers, ex-con BFs, etc), and some dancers themselves have some sort of criminal record and one *is* better-off knowing if they indeed have a shady past or current shady present, if one is gonna do business with them - I wouldn't get bent out if shape if a civvie-woman or even a dancer researched me out of concern b/f getting involved with me.
And for those saying "hey just ask her" - really, strippers rarely lie?
Also, if she's not your bitch don't worry about her finances
The thing is - this is what you decided to tell us. It’s possible you’ve done more searching - that you haven’t mentioned here - and that could make it even creepier.
In my view, I don’t care about a strippers real name. It makes no difference to me. In terms of otc - it’s cash and (covered) sex - nothing more.
We don’t exchange fluids, or credit card info - so I don’t care about her background, or her name. I don’t get a money back guarantee or a receipt - in case I want a refund - so I’m good with not knowing.
If you are just protecting yourself, that’s fine, if you are using her personal information to gain something it’s stalking.
I tend to agree with that.
1. I don't think it was the fact that she hid her real name that bothered OP. I think it was jealousy that got the better of him when he saw a guy's name. What the fuck does he think, that she goes to work looking to meet her Prince Charming? And OP is that Mr. Right? Dude, you're delusional and need a reality check.
2. I enjoy giving people shit.
Now if I were to ever discover that a phone number was a VoIP, then I would probably back off, even if there was another possible way for me to stalk him.
As for the Facebook account, I don’t see the problem. Tons of sex workers have separate pages for work and personal purposes. (The problematic part is when actual accounts start showing up as “people you may know”)
But yes. Strippers lie. Sometimes to be conniving con artists. But more importantly to cast a wide net.
It’s impossible for one stripper, even if she’s considered a 10 by most PLs, to naturally appeal to *everyone* You have to embellish or even outright lie sometimes about your personal background or personality in order to be likable with more customers.
Strippers aren’t looking for boyfriends. They are looking for cash. I don’t tell the truth about my boyfriend either.
I was more active on social media back then, and the next time he came in to see me he admitted that he had been looking at all my posts and I had everything public back then. Then I'd be living my life as usual, going to school, etc and just randomly get texts from him commenting on my latest social media posts. So he was actively following the posts. Then eventually his wife found out my name and created her own social media accounts to stalk me and harass me and comment on a bunch of my posts.
It was weird.
I will also say I sort of had the opposite experience as the OP. I totally expected my ATF to be lying about the facts of her life and her real name (which I didn't ask for BTW). But to my surprise after finding her social media everything she has ever told me is true. Definitely wasn't expecting that and I have been tipping better since.
Now lying to try to get huge sums of money is a whole other thing. That is bad.
I don't generally have strippers lying to me, like I said, create experiences where you're vulnerable with each other, that builds trust. I've had more non strippers try to lie.
But I can always tell when a stripper lies, I just go with the lie and ask her questions about it, act like I believe it and care. Its funny. They always make a mistake then I call them out on it.
I’m not that hard to find! I’m tall - and I prefer to keep my pants around my ankles...
I've heard strippers say they're in medical school, and when customers ask what medical school, they name a local community college. LOL
A few years ago, I was sitting with some customers and another dancer was sitting with us. The customers were asking me about school because I told them I had decided to pursue a law degree. The other stripper, who had already admitted she never went to college, got frustrated with the guys asking me about school so then she went on this whole spiel about how stupid lawyers are, how she would never want to be one, how much she hates them, and how law school is stupid. Then one of the customers said to her, "well, do you have any plans on what you want to do after stripping?" To which she replied, "I really want to be a prosecutor."
I actually consider it quite flattering when a stripper stalks me. Yes, it's about the money, but I'd rather give it to the girl who goes the extra miles and makes an effort to impress me rather than just going through the motions.
I've been constantly changing my sign-in over the past 18 months over paranoid delusions that my CF reads everything I write. She's made some comments in the past that really showed that she was on to me, so I changed sign-ins and stopped reviewing her club. I don't think she reads this anymore. I told her a couple of jackslahes's jokes over the weekend. I could tell from her response that she hadn't heard them before, but having told them, I'm now a little afraid that she won't see me again . . . life can be so difficult when you spend all your free time trying to win the pseudo-affection of a stripper.
If it makes you guys feel better, I’m pretty sure I’m in the tiny minority of dancers who do this. And pretty sure the rate of customers doing the reverse is way higher.
My “stalking” is amateur stuff compared to the likes of Facebook and google, who are the mega companies they are today because they do the dirty work for marketers.
And if you are a looking for a job, many employers also go way more in depth on researching job candidates than I do with customers.
That being said, I don’t think of if it is all completely terrible.
For me personally, I’ve found interesting ads before, because Facebook/google’s algorithms dug up something they figured I’d like.
If you're giving someone you don't know shit about thousands of dollars that means theres something wrong with you. Are you that desperate to be liked???? LMFAO
What? Invite my CF to socialize with a bunch or mongers happy to pay her for sex? I don't think so.
And then likewise on a forum like this, you should accept people the way they present themselves and not challenge them, as you do not have any country evidence. You should respect their boundaries.
Now if you meet a girl in a strip and present yourself as being open to her, like business card and other contact info, and an open invitation and trying to make it happen, then be ready. There is a good chance that you and she will be waking up together in the mornings, and that you will come to know a great deal about her affairs, because you will be paying her bills.
Reply to Nicole:…
This one here, I think London, Kelly-Ann Maddox, she goes with the Chaos Magick leaders, Peter J. Carroll, Ray Sherwin, Phil Hine, and Austin Osman Spare. She talks about all of these in some of her hundred plus videos.…
TJ Street…
Elliot Rodger Manifesto 2014, 11 hours, am listening through this, and I see it differently now.…
^Nailed it. There's probably lots of reasons for using stage names, with personal safety being one of them.