
Free OTC

layin low but staying high

This was by far the single most surprising interaction that I've ever had with a stripper. Ever. Nothing else comes even remotely close.

This dancer's OTC approach was so unorthodox that I've already posted a couple of questions about how to handle her. But nothing prepared me for the way the evening transpired.

What she said itc was weird. She said she had very limited sexual experience. She had never met a customer OTC. She had never even given a guy a blow job or received DATY. She is in her early 20s with one kid. But the most bizarre thing she said was that she wouldn't accept money for sex. She was willing to fuck me. Just not for money.

I figured she was just afraid I was a cop so we'd have the $ discussion once she felt completely safe. Wrong. Turns out as best I can tell that everything she said was true. Including the no cost OTC.

So she came to dinner only a few minutes late. She looked great. Clearly she put some effort into getting ready. We had some good discussions and got along well at dinner. She's had an extraordinarily hard life. Abuse, foster homes, totally fucked up family. The kind of life that would lead lots of strippers to drug addiction. But she wouldn't even smoke weed with me. She seemed like a very strong person who hadn't been destroyed despite a childhood of abuse, hardship, and neglect. She's been damaged but is striving to overcome her history.

I told her I had a hotel room nearby and asked if she was still ok with stopping by. She told me she had a taser in her purse in case she had misjudged me. Not the lead in I was hoping for but I assured her I was completely safe. So off we went.

We get to the room. She sits down and says she wants to talk. That's fine with me cause this is the strangest OTC I've ever had. I have no idea what we are going to do, I have no idea if or how I'm going to pay her, and I don't know what she costs.

She starts off asking me questions. She wants to know why I fuck strippers instead of civilian women. I had told her some of my history. I explain that I like sex without all of the associated emotional and time commitment, plus younger women are more sexual than women my age.

She asks how one of my typical dates with a stripper goes. I tell her all about it, including the $. I also tell her briefly about the DS. She says those dancers are prostitutes. She hates prostitution because some women in her family used to be prostitutes and it destroyed them. I don't disagree with her views but do point out that the dancers I seek out don't do OTC often. I tell her I wouldn't have wanted to meet her if I thought that she did this often.

She says she won't accept payment. If I say anything else about paying her she walks. I say ok, I agree, but now I want to ask her some questions. My main question is, if she doesn't want money, why is she in a hotel room to have sex with a 50 yo man. Why isn't she with some hot 21 year old.

She tells me the same things she said itc but in more detail. She says she doesn't like the young guys cause they are immature children. She gets turned on by older guys. As evidence of this she says she is married to a 40 yo man. Ok. Didn't see that one coming. She says that they live separately, haven't had sex in a long time, and are together for now for various reasons that don't matter to the story.

I ask if the husband knows that we are together. She says yes she told him because she wants to be open and honest. Also he won't care because he is fucking another woman. He will see her being with me as an excuse to stay with this other woman. I ask if she has fucked any other guys while married. She says no, and I see no point in challenging that answer. She asks if I would I like to see the texts with her husband. Yes I would. She shows me a text exchange from a couple hours before our dinner. It's with a guy that has her same last name (yes I know her first and last name). She told him that she met a guy, is having a date with him, and expects to have sex with him. His only response is: "well at least somebody is getting to fuck you cause you never give me any."

Back to my question, why me? She says she is attracted to me, that I seem confident and successful, and I make her laugh. Then she tells me to strip for her. This evening could not possibly get any weirder. Now I'm the stripper. I say, ok I'll strip for you, but it's $25 per song if you want me to give you a lap dance. At least she's clearly telling the truth about me making her laugh.

So I strip naked, sit on the bed, and call her over. She comes. I caress her body and slowly remove her clothes. I proceed to kiss her body all over. Then I tell her to get in the bed with me.

She hesitates and says I know you want a blow job (we discussed my oral tendencies itc) but she repeats that she has never given a man a blow job. I ask how is it possible that a married woman has never given a man a blow job. She says she tried on the husband once, but he claimed that she bit him. I asked if she bit him and she said she didn't think so but wasn't sure. My impression is that she used too much teeth. He got pissed, told her that she was awful and was never to do that again.

I tell her that I'm willing to take the risk if she's willing to try again. So I lie down and she goes to work. She stops every 30-60 seconds to ask if she's doing it right. I assure her each time that it's very good. One time that she stops to ask I say it's wonderful and let me show you something. I tell her to lick up and down the shaft, then suck, and alternate licking and sucking. She tries it and says is that right. Hard as it is to believe I think this really is her first blow job. This turns me on even more. I finally have to stop her because I don't think cumming in her mouth would be very nice to her on only her second try.

She lays down and I tell her I want to do the same for her. She says no. I'm not sure why but I think it has to do with some incident in her past. She says you should finger me instead. So while I caress her pussy with my hand I kiss all over her delicious little body. I ask if it's ok to insert a finger. She says yes but just one. I do, and this clearly enhances the experience for her. She closes her eyes, starts moaning softly, and arching her back.

I'm kissing all over her body, and slowly I move down to between her legs. I kiss her pussy for
a few seconds then pull away. I don't want to make her uncomfortable. But she's into it so I kiss some more. Still into it, soon I'm dining on a full course at the Y.

I keep going for a short while but then I've got to fuck her. So I stop, put on a condom, and dive in. After a couple of minutes she literally starts screaming. She catches herself but can't stop so she buries her face in a pillow for a minute while she screams. Then she starts scratching my back with her nails. Turns out she didn't draw blood although I couldn't tell that at the time. She acts just like who she says she is -- a horny young woman who hasn't been fucked in far too long.

She cums a minute later and I'm close behind. It wasn't DS level sex but it was pretty good. Very intense. We lay together for a while.

As we're getting dressed she never mentions money. Doesn't ask me to help with rent or whatever. Doesn't even mention me coming to the club to see her. All she says is that was great and she'd like to do it again. I agree.

Now I'm trying to figure out whether I should text her, and if so what should I say. I don't think she wants a relationship with me beyond fucking. She wouldn't even kiss. Instead, she just wants to fuck. And unless something radical changes, she will only fuck for free.

I never saw this one coming. Free sex is obviously attractive. If the DS had offered that I would've saved several tens of thousands of dollars. But paying money has its benefits too. When I pay a stripper I understand our relationship completely. Free stripper sex, in contrast, seems fraught with uncertainty and questions.

The husband does worry me a little bit. Plus this girl works in the same club as video girl.

Does anyone have any advice for how I should proceed that is not compose of calling me a liar, an idiot, a faggot, or any of their many substantial equivalents that seem to form the intellectual limit to which some are able to achieve? I'd especially appreciate any advice or insights from Diva and our other dancers.


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Very odd indeed.

    When I view a situation I view it from the most pessimistic stance I can and this one has a ton of red flags for me.

    Okay - the positive spin is she needed sex, likes older men and you were at the right place at the right time. She may never want to do this again, on the other hand, she may want to do this a few times a month. Maybe she just needed someone to pay some attention to her, and you won the chance over all the other scrubs she usually deals with in the strip club. You impressed her, or put an impression on her.

    You're not married - so she really can't threaten you that way down the road.

    The husband insight is very creepy. He knows about you, and now you know about him. Imagine you're in a hotel with her 3 months from now and he comes busting threatening you unless you cough up money, etc????

    She's much more savvy than she leads you on to believe, just watch your back.

    I would txt her soon, and say that you had a wonderful time, and hope she did too, and would like to chat (on the phone or in person) and feel her out, and hopefully you get the right signals to say you'd like to see her again.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I would treat her like a fuck buddy friend. Don't insult her. Don't say anything about money to her or getting it for free. If you decide to break things off for whatever reason later on, she might ask for money or something before you disappear. On the other hand if she starts liking you, she could get emotionally attached. Girls get attached a lot easier than they think. If it goes there, just figure out what her former husband did.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't have gotten into the situation with her just because she is technically still married but most people don't seem to care.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    "If it goes there, just figure out what her former husband did. "

    best advice of the day
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    JS- I agree with shailynn, text her, say you had a great time and to let you know when she would like to meet again.

    I wouldn't put too much thought into this. Enjoy it while it last and when it does end you will still have the rest of your roster to pay. It's obvious she is up front with you about the husband and with the husband about you so I don't think that's an issue.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Sounds like a lousy lay to me and I wouldn't go after any more even if it was "free".
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    My $0.02 is that she's looking for a man. She picked you for all the very reasons she gave. Molested girls generally have daddy issues. I think she will "fall in love" eventually if you keep playing it very masculine.


    She's got psycho co-dependent written all over her. The other dude finally got tired of it. If you fall for her for a moment you be feeding a bottomless pit of emotional need.

    She wants love, and sex, but that's why she didn't charge money. You already just got divorced no need to look for another potential headache by talking to this girl for any reason beyond a booth call.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    *booty call
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    GACA makes some valid points.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I agree with the other guys -- keep it simple, keep it straightforward -- a No Strings Attached arrangement.

    My big worry though is if this is the same dancer you showed your business card to. Consciously or not, she might be seeing some favors or some dollar signs on the horizon, and if she tells her husband about your career, he might present even more problems.

    Just try to pace yourself and this relationship, and keep your eyes wide open.
  • sexygiftxo
    9 years ago
    She will definitely want something from you down the line. Maybe she will get you to the point of being so comfortable with each other sexually that you have a slip up and get her pregnant. Boom! Cha-Ch'ing! She won't have to strip for 18 years. Also, her "husband" and open relationship thing may be code for her having a pimp. And I agree with Shailynn and GACAclub 100%. Great points. We have an intuition for a reason. Obviously your intuition is telling you that something isn't right about this. Follow your guy baby.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    A stripper who gives you sex for free. Either a psycho or a long con.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    The best things in life are free

  • Zjz
    9 years ago
    I would keep it simple. Just see her at the club next, do not call or text her and see what she says to you first about your first night and maybe what's next. When they are young anything could be on their mind. Husband makes me a little worried.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I'd straight up ask her if she's looking for emotional attachment, a boyfriend, a husband or just sex. And if be honest with *her* about not wanting anything but the sex, and making it as enjoyable as possible for both of you.

    You're better off losing the sex toy than you are getting involved. Or maybe I'm a gun shy asshole.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    You don't need me to tell you this girl is messed up in the head. So be very careful.

    It sounds like part of it is just revenge fucking. Her husband has a lover, she can't or won't leave him. He's probably at least verbally abusive. She sadly probably thinks she deserves it.

    If you're not going to her club on the next couple of days, shoot her a text that is basically just "hey, I had fun hanging out with you last night. We should do it again sometime." Low key, no pressure.

    For once SJG is right, treat her like a civilian. But don't romance her.

    Don't expect anything long term from this. But enjoy the ride. Does she know your full name?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    So I texted her, said I had fun, and would try to see her itc this weekend. She texted right back, said she really enjoyed it, and she finally believes I'm not a cop.

    Not sure if she knows my last name. It was on the business card that I showed her but that was a quick look in a VIP room so she may or may not know.

    I was thinking I'd try to have a date with her every couple of weeks or so. I'm pretty sure she wants to do it again.

    I really can't imagine a gorgeous early 20s girl having romantic feelings for me, and I do think it's just about the sex, but I'll try to be careful that she doesn't become my "girlfriend." I have dream strippers to fulfill that role.

    And if it gets any weirder, or if the husband seems to be involved in any additional way, I'll end it. But for now, free stripper sex sounds like a fun adventure that I frankly never thought I would experience.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Two options

    #1 keep hitting the pussy until she calls it off


    #2 since you got da pussy just go ahead and dump the bitch because in the end

    All women are trouble
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I had a similar experience a couple of years ago john. It shocked the hell outta me too. I was 42 at the time and she was a hot enough 21.She was a stripper who I was first just want to pay for some OTC sex. Not really my type. A little too white trashy and needy. I was flattered that a young chick had feelings for me but in the end it wasn't for me. i would listen to the advice everyone has given. Just treat her as a friend/fuck buddy. Just beaware of the husband and the overall drama. Good luck.
  • BigChas
    9 years ago
    Is she looking for citizenship?
  • goldmongerATL
    9 years ago
    I think the "husband" is an unlicensed Bulgarian doctor who will soon drug you and remove one of your kidneys.

    Or maybe not.

    But seriously, the husband:

    1. Is married to a hot early 20's stripper.
    2. knows she strips.
    3. does not have sex with his hot stripper wife
    4. openly cheats on her
    5. encourages her to cheat with you

    Why did he marry her in the first place? WTF is this relationship? If she can fuck up this guy so bad, I would be worried that you are her next disaster in the making. Something is JUST NOT RIGHT.

    Also, where the hell is her kid in all this?
  • luv_women
    9 years ago
    Micro-economics core truth, "there is no such thing as a free lunch". This can't end well.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Oh wow. It's weird, indeed. It might be very true that she is into you physically, I am 20 and have a regular customer who is 45, yet he is pretty handsome in my eyes. I have no idea how you look like but if you are at least cute, then why not.
    Probably she still loves her husband, hence is hurt by his actions and wants to fuck you as a revenge.

    I don't know, man. It's seriously some messed up shit. All I can tell you is to watch out for her, catching feelings, it can seriously hurt her later.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Or now that she believes you are not a cop watch out.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Get over it. Young beautiful women can be attracted to middle aged men. They have their reasons, and there are ways of being extremely nice to them. They don't necessarily need or want to be paid.

    Best way to screw it up is to treat her like a prostitute. Best way to flatter a prostitute is to treat her like a civilian.

    Lots of ways of giving women money which don't look like paying for sex.

    Great narrative JS69.

    And lots of people have zero interest in drugs, alcohol, tobacco, born again Christianity, or psychiatric medication.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I do think jealousy over the husband's girlfriend plays a part in this, although I didn't get the sense that getting even with him is her primary motivation. Mostly she seemed like a horny young lady with no currently active sex life who wanted to get fucked.

    I know all about the kid, or at least what she told me, but those details didn't seem particularly relevant to the story.

    SJG, I never thought I'd actually be romancing a sax worker, to use your phrase. No purple dress, car wash, motor home or massage involved, but I realize this is what you're into.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Worrying about a stripper developing feelings for me. Never in a million years did I ever think such a thing could ever happen.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Why not? If it's not p4p, then at least, you are somewhat attractive to her. Girls fall in love all the time with their fuck-buddies.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Other people say I romance sex workers. I have never said that. I just treat them like ordinary people. Romance is far to syrupy and sticky. I don't got that way.

  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    "Romancing a sax worker" -- it sounds like a really bad porno that Bill Clinton would probably produce.
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    It seems like she's been upfront with you on most if not all points. And even though she's obviously got issues, free sex w/ a 20 year old dancer sounds like a no brainer. However, the husband is potentially a huge problem, either from jealousy or some sort of scam. I would watch my back very carefully.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    It must be JohnSmith's southern charm.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Just waiting for the other shoe to drop...
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I would have declined though the $25 per song stripping. The issue is, she wants to do everything for free, all civilian.

    So while I do want women to dress and model for me. Actually dancing is more for a larger audience. If it is just me, modeling and hands on is good enough. But since she wants it all to be free, then I would keep it within that realm she wants it in. For some reason dancing and stripping is outside of that. So I would keep it within her 'free" boundaries. There are otherways that you could start giving her money, like a shopping trip.

    I treat sex workers just like I do other women. It isn't romance, and I've never talked about that. But I do flirt with them flatter them, and come on to them.

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