
How much stripper shit are you willing to put up with to get the pussy?

Atlanta suburb
Friday, October 2, 2015 1:03 PM
How many lies? How much money? How many times will you take being stood up? How many unanswered texts or phone calls? I think gawker's tolerance level is much higher than mine. I can take a lot of lies but I'll only take being stood up once and won't ever let them put me in a financial bind. If I don't get a reply to a text, etc within 3 or 4 days, I'm done. Of course my tolerance level is affected by how hot she is.


  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    Truer words have never been spoken.....the last sentence anyways.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    The last sentence is so true. I don't like not responding to texts or calls, so I won't put up with that. Really though it all depends on how hot she is and how bad I want that pussy.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    The hotness is the determining factor in how much I'll put up with. My ATF has lied and stood me up and lied some more. However, she recently did some things that have led me not to talk to her for a couple weeks. I may be done. Only time will tell. Another dancer, who was very hot but not my favorite type, disrespected me one day. I have refused to get dances from her since. So I can drop a stripper if she goes too far.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Never been stood up. But I will only play the waiting game for so long (of course if she's hot so long could be 18 months)
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Obviously my tolerance level has been tested and found to be way too accommodating. Hindsight being 20/20 I know I've put up with too many lies, been stood up too many times and enabled too much drug use and overall bullshit. For the first 3 or 4 years of my ATF none of this happened. She started taking me ( and my money) for granted and I, being an eternal optimist, kept expecting things to go back to how they were. Now after two years of lies, unfulfilled promises, and shortened appointments, I've shut off the spigot so the cash isn't flowing. I'm the first to nominate myself for the PL of the year award, however I'm not writing off the ATF totally, but am enjoying other aspects of nature's bounty.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Kingdoms have been lost due to pussy
  • sexygiftxo
    9 years ago
    Stop wasting your time and find one that will earn what you give her. That way you won't feel like you were taken advantage of and you got to com! I steal stripper's regulars all the time. And they never return hahaha. Find a girl who actually listens to you when you speak and treats your time and money with the same respect as she expects for herself. I tend to build genuine friendships with my regulars though because I'm single. So, I guess I'm a bit different. Its fun to have my customers come in and have fun with me at work and then we go get dinner/drinks to get comfortable with each other. Plus it doesn't feel hookerish when you actually build a friendship with someone... but there must always be big bucks spent INSIDE the club, always.
  • thunda99
    9 years ago
    There is another one in line right behind the one giving you a shitty go of it. I give her about one or two incidents and then shine her on for the next one.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I think my tolerance must be pretty low compared to other stories I've heard on here. Granted, as I have mentioned before I usually go after the 7s and 8s which in most cases offer a lower amount of SS than the 9s and 10s.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I used to blackball strippers all the time but blackballing strippers every time they don't come thru is as Chris Rock would say “like calling out a retarded kid for double-dribbling”. If depends on the offense – if they stand me up or don't answer my texts I just take that as run of the mill stripper behavior as long as she treats me properly when/if we do hook up. Most of the time we get to choose when we club or do OTC; i.e. we mostly get to choose when we meet a dancer according to what we may have going on – so I don't expect a dancer to be “johnny on the spot” every time I summon her – as far as I'm concerned she has a life outside of stripping which may include a BF and even a family/kids – so since I pick and choose when I want to club or meet a dancer I guess she is also free to pick and choose when and if she wants to meet w/ me. What I have little tolerance for is a dancer lying to me to get $$$$ out of me or ripping me off.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    No stripper shit allowed. When they pull it and I suddenly balk at their positions and they ask why the sudden change in my disposition, I calmly tell them I can go to porn hub to find my fantasy for free. It's not as good as the real thing, but I explainto them I know what to expect. Once I change the subject to expectations and what I'm looking for then I ask what her expectations are. I find out quickly if she wants to do business on my terms or has other ideas.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Apparently my tolerance dropped down to zero SS to still go out before I stopped going out with dancers. One dancer told me in the club she wanted to meet up sometime. The event was probably not a good candidate for a first time meet up but she shouldn't have led me on if she intended to meet up. One weekend I told her to call me and we could arrange to meet up that weekend. she didn't call after she said she would so I was through with her. she did call after I left a message to forget about it. she probably thought I was ticked off which I was and didn't want me not getting dances from her anymore in the club. No more SS with her and I never even suggested meeting up for any reason with her ever again. This was a dancer that later on another dancer got pissed off about thinking I was sleeping around. nope, I didn't go there because of the initial SS with lying to me about wanting to meet up and then ignoring me. It was the first time I had a dancer ignore me after she said she wanted to meet up. it was the first and only time. The only other dancer I went out with later on talked me into it.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Not much to be honest. I don't really care about lies as long as they don't involve what she will do and when. But I have low tolerance levels for no-show/no-call and zero tolerance for requests for "loans" or being asked to help with bills - they know what they need to do to get into my wallet. I also have low tolerance for girls who try to suck me into club drama - no thank you. And I will not be scheduled to visit the club, ever. Some of the guys here seem to be looking for more from OTC girls than I do. For the most part, all I really want is fun sex and some pre-event time drinking with them, which I usually get ITC before taking them out. I don't need cuddling time, or to take them to dinners, or to dive too deeply into their personal lives, etc. I am not taking shots at those who do - it is your time and money and you can do with it what you will. But I cannot help but notice that most of the over the top crap experienced by most guys occurs when they are pursuing these deeper connections with these girls.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    This is some serious shit
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I have learned to deal with waiting on a return text. II understand there is some lying that strippers do, it's party and parcel with creating the fantasy. But what I won't put up with is creating a lie when they could easily just tell the truth and the result would be the same. I.e saying they are going out of town when we are supposed to meet up when they need to work. Just say I need to work. But they are so used to lying it just comes naturally.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    Rick Dugan, I've come to the same conclusion, yet I myself have sought the GFE because it felt more connected and seemed to be what the girl would want. I now don't believe that is the case.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    . "But I cannot help but notice that most of the over the top crap experienced by most guys occurs when they are pursuing these deeper connections with these girls." To Rick that is so true I believe that most often the problem arises because many guys forget that many of these girls are con women trying to get your money with the least amount of effort on their part ,there are some exceptions but, real friendship takes time & effort by both parties. If everything is one sided you need to realize that you are being played for a fool. So I have developed no tolerance for SS.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    For me, I tend to only OTC with girls who are at least CFs, if not ATFs. To some extent, I think I get a bit less stripper shit, both because she knows there's a steady payday at risk, and because she wouldn't have risen to CF status if I'd noticed any SS during the weeks we got to know each other. So it's a well-screened group of girls I OTC with, and the flakiest girls have already been screened out. But the flipside is true also -- because she's an ATF, I'm a bit more tolerant and patient. Not showing up without bothering to cancel remains a 1-strike-and-you're-out offense for me, but given that she would already have shown me a ton of good times already (again, she's at least a CF by definition), I can overlook missed texts, occasional cancelled-in-advance OTCs, less-than-perfect punctuality, etc., here and there. If I didn't, there'd be no girls to OTC with :)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I should add this truism: The type of super-hot girl, who is willing to have mind-blowing sex with a guy 20+ years her senior, for money, is not the kind of girl who is great at remembering or keeping promises, or at planning out the future or even a few hours ahead, or at controlling her impulses. If you want the mind-blowing sex with a super hot 20-something, there's at least some level of silliness you'll need to put up with, you just need to figure out what your personal limit is ... unless you take Rick's mostly-failsafe approach of just sweeping them straight from the club to OTC, having a little fun, and then leaving (a model which I sometimes use but mostly doesn't interest me, but obviously there's no right or wrong, just whatever meets your needs)
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Jeez, guys, when I read you posting about strippers who flake out/ask help with bills/etc, I can't stop wondering how y'all have patience for this nonsense. If I was a man,taking part in p4p, I would be damn pissed and tell her off. You are the one with $$$ hence no need to put up with disrespectful and unprofessional behavior, imo.
  • rockie
    9 years ago
    I can handle the basic line of stripper shit that everybody encounters in the club, but I am not dedicated in my pursuit of fun to withstand the missed "appointments" and the cluster of other bullshit that some ardent pursuers do show the stamina (mental and/or physical) to withstand and overcome.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Dancer, it kinda' comes with the turf. The same lack of professionalism that makes them more fun than dial up escorts also cuts the other way. Now I've never been shown outright disrespect by an OTC favorite and I can't imagine it tbh. I give off a no nonsense vibe and have a low tolerance for games, which my OTC favorites learn fairly quickly. I doubt that any girl I deal with for any length of time is confused about how that would work out for them. But I'm sure I've been lied to more times than I can count. I just don't care. I don't care whether she uses my money to buy diapers or to help support a useless SO. I don't care if she is really single or not. I don't care if she is really in school or not. I don't care if she really has custody of her kid(s) or not. I could go on, but you get the point. If she made things fun barside at the club, then gave me a BJ OTC that made my toes curl and had sex with me like I was her long lost love, then she has earned her money (and then some) and doesn't need to justify to me what she is going to do with it. Simple. Problems crop up for the guys who are needy and push to get deeper into the weeds with these girls. Of course a 20 something year old girl doesn't truly want to get intimate with a 50 or 60+ year old guy, but these guys either can't understand that or intentionally choose not to. They keep seeking these deeper connections, which leads them to doing things like loaning money and paying bills. This type of behavior also leads girls to simultaneously lose respect for them and start running even bigger cons on them. Now maybe all of that drama is worth it to some guys, idk. Btu I find that the simple discipline of only paying a girl for services rendered keeps things much simpler and prevents a lot of the drama from ever cropping up.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... Jeez, guys, when I read you posting about strippers who flake out/ask help with bills/etc, I can't stop wondering how y'all have patience for this nonsense ...” You just don't understand the power pussy has on males – it's like hypnosis – even in the animal kingdom the males go thru all sorts of grief just to be the one to get that cuchie. It's futile to try to understand why – it just is – just like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Some will say that guys that go to strip clubs in general are wasting their $$$ - particularly no-touch strip-clubs – think about it – some guys will spend hundreds just to look at naked women – it is what it is – it's in the DNA. The day men get tired of jumping thru hoops to get that pussy is the day the human species may fail to exist – and btw; most men often have to jump thru one hoop(s) or another to get that cuchie even if it's not P4P.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I've only had a dancer fail to show up for a date once. She had an excuse but it was an obvious lie. I never spoke to her again, and I think she was just trying to string me along itc. I would not tolerate a dancer failing to show up for a prearranged date unless she had a damn good excuse, and being strippers I would be very suspicious about the excuse. Being late doesn't bother me unless it gets abusuve. I tend to be 15-30 min late half the time so I'm not really one to complain about that. But I've never experienced the horror stories where she is hours late. More than one time of that kind of crap and I'd likely dump her. Not answering texts has not really been a problem for me except in the last few weeks with the DS. And I couldn't dump her given our history. But if another dancer repeatedly failed to communicate in a timely manner that would be the end. My schedule is busy and requires advance planning so I need the girls to communicate and schedule at least a few days in advance. Lies don't really bother me much most of the time. I expect it. Of course lies could get so bad that I'd dump the dancer but it's never gotten to that point.
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