I've started visiting some of the 8 mile clubs and thanks to this web site I know pretty much exactly what I am in for from a $ standpoint at each and every one of these places. Secondly I do not go in to any of them with any expectations and when something fun does happen I put a another notch in my gun belt and leave with a big grin. Why do so many of these reviews read like a bitchy whiny broken record about valet parking, cover charges, expensive booze and butt hurt because A) nobody fell in love with me in the time I was there, and B) these chicks want to extort as much money as possible from me for the least amount of effort?
It's because people read a good review about a club and expect the same exact thing to happen to them.
On one hand I think people are stupid to whine about drink prices, VIP tax, cover, valet, etc. those are just the cost of doing business. Most of those reviews are pointless but it makes people feel like they're Contributing something or they're just milking the free membership to read others' reviews.
On the other hand a guy reads that someone went to club XYZ and got full service from a 9 for only $200... If the reader goes into club XYZ and doesn't get the same exact experience they feel like they're getting ripped off. It's almost like reading a great movie review, then when you see the movie you thought it sucked, and then you wish you had those 2 hours of your life back, or that you went to see the movie you really wanted to see before you read that misleading review.
You are right people need to lower their expectations but sometimes that's hard. I think I got full service the first 7 times in a row I stepped foot into a Detroit club. The first time I didn't get offered full service from a decent looking girl I was all upset, I just had to realize you can't hit a homerun every time you are in the batters box. It took a couple of unsuccessful trips before that reality sunk in for me.
thunda99 makes a great point: A club experience is very variable so don't go just once as a "big day" and expect something extraordinary. It's always hit or miss until you learn the ropes, and even then it's sometimes a miss. The people he describes either never went to that particular club, or many clubs at all. Reviews should be more objective about the club and girls, and not a referendum on ITC results.
I think it's also more important to tell how you were treated by the staff, the quality and interactions with the dancers (were they nice, pretty, annoying, etc.) versus how much you paid for your Bud Light and what the cover charge was.
I think when I read a review I am interested in knowing these things:
1. Were the girls hot? Like if I go into a club and there's 30 girls, am I going to think 2 or hot or 15?
2. How was the staff? Assholes, friendly, or you didn't even really notice them?
3. How was the bartender/waitress? Did it take you 20 minutes to get a drink?
4. How much are lapdances?
5. Is there a VIP fee or an expected amount you tip the VIP trolls, mainly so I just know the common procedure before I walk into the place.
6. How intense are the lapdances, extras a common practice or a rarity?
7. Smoking, yes or no and where (important to a non-smoker like me)?
8. Food, I have never ordered a meal at a strip club, but I guess this could matter to some?
Shailynn - it's not the batter's box I want to get in; it's the stripper's box. Living in New England it's important to plan ahead to get what I'm looking for. At my favorite club I've got the numbers from about 12 dancers. I know which ones are good for a BJ, which for a HJ, and a couple who are usually down with FS. I send texts to a dancer who offers what I'm looking for, find when she's working and make a plan. There are some who I can say, " I'll be in around 8:00. Make sure you're free", but with most I tell them I'm coming but if they get a VIP go for it. I'll wait (or not). I've backed away from 6+ years of OTC with my ATF and am currently enthralled with a new dancer who's never gone beyond a HJ and DATY. She's a strong 10 in my eyes and there are many there and a couple here who agree that she's extremely hot. She seems to come across to some others as aloof and unapproachable, but I've felt a decent enough connection to feel a challenge to get her to exceed her current limits. I'm hoping I can make her want to go further with me, but it's ultimately her choice. All this requires planning and fore thought.
a) most clubs in most areas have both free and valet parking; whereas some clubs just have mandatory valet parking which will set you back about $10 – most clubs’ drink prices are a bit pricey but for some clubs even more; i.e. about $9 for a bottle of water – this is sorta out of the norm and thus worth mentioning and complaining about it if the reviewer so wishes; IMO
b) the other side of the coin is that these clubs are more upscale so higher prices should be expected – and IMO higher prices does not necessarily mean expensive b/c one often does get a better club/experience while paying the higher prices at the upscale clubs; i.e. one sorta gets what they pay for – it would suck if one pays premium prices and gets a shitty club/experience which does happen
For some people $$$ is not, or as much, of an issue – for others not so – additionally – if one is an infrequent visitor then they’ll probably not mind paying premium out-of-the-norm prices when they visit once in a while – but if one is a frequent visitor and is not a 1-percenter; the mandatory parking fees;; extra expensive drinks; cover charges; etc; do start adding up eating into one’s lap-dance or extras budget.
Most SCers do not mind spending $$$ on what they want – many do mind having to spend $$$ on what they don’t want (e.g. forced valet parking where you can park your own car; $9 for water; etc).
^^^ right but you're talking about a club you have heavy rapport with - which is awesome, but a review on TUSCL isn't going to help you any...
What do you do when you're in say, North Carolina and you've never been to any of the 6 strips clubs near you and want to make sure you go to the best option? You look at TUSCL and make your decision based on the reviews you read. I want to know about the things I listed above, without knowing that info, you most certainly could make the wrong choice.
Good responses by all. I get that not everybody has money to burn, hell I sure don't! And I get that you go hoping to hook up with someone you find hot/attractive. I guess that at my ripe old age and with my previous life experience I just see it as a game and am willing to budget for it and from the info i get here know what I am getting into. I will say that I have had great luck so far in Detroit but I did experience those off nights in my previous haunts. Also I am more into the vibe I get from a girl and not just looking to get the biggest trophy in the club.
Most of my dancing career has been in Detroit and the extras girls are generally cheap, even the "better looking" ones. Why bitch about an expensive beer that is on par with regular Detroit standards when you're getting full service for like $150. Sometimes more, sometimes less!
I understand if a club has a few absolutely ridiculous charges, but in general you know that beers on 8 mile strip clubs are expensive and that you should remember extra cash for valet, etc. Or be cheap and park your vehicle down the street in a crack infested neighborhood where thieves know a strip club is up the street.
I want as much money from you as possible. I'd like to earn it easily, but if anyone thinks I don't work for my money is wrong. I work very hard, customers have even commented on my work ethic in reviews about me. Girls who make great money are usually working hard or at least working smart, extras or not. Maybe some strippers want to put little effort in what they do, but generally those aren't going to be the girls with many 1000 dollar nights.
Nina as a woman, I totally understand how hard it must be to work for your money. It's why i am never ever an ass with a woman in a club, or in life. I have a hard enough time with people in real life, let alone people who would like to paw me for a couple of bucks. Not that anyone has offered me in a while, but you know what I'm sayin.
I agree with most of this and like that I can change my experience by changing my behavior. Sometimes I lay low and passively wait for whatever occurs and other time I am an active tipper and approacher. I would never complain about not being approached. If I am not it is because I do not want to be. It's a crap shoot but that's what makes it fun.
I don't understand it either. If dude is so goddamn broke that can't pay cover and bottle of water without whining, then probably he doesn't belong there, anyway. And don't even get me started about custies who complain that they had to pay 3(!!!) dollars for coat check.
I don't mind paying the vig for these things but I sure appreciate a club that does not charge for these things. Resentment at gouging is not the same thing as being cheap.
I'm with bvino Resentment at gouging is not the same thing as being cheap I wholeheartedly agree with that statement I also am not cheap, usually over tipping, but if you want my repeat business treat me fairly if I walk out unhappy, my money and very often a buddy are going someplace else. Dude $9.00 for a bottle of water is gouging !
last commentOn one hand I think people are stupid to whine about drink prices, VIP tax, cover, valet, etc. those are just the cost of doing business. Most of those reviews are pointless but it makes people feel like they're Contributing something or they're just milking the free membership to read others' reviews.
On the other hand a guy reads that someone went to club XYZ and got full service from a 9 for only $200... If the reader goes into club XYZ and doesn't get the same exact experience they feel like they're getting ripped off. It's almost like reading a great movie review, then when you see the movie you thought it sucked, and then you wish you had those 2 hours of your life back, or that you went to see the movie you really wanted to see before you read that misleading review.
You are right people need to lower their expectations but sometimes that's hard. I think I got full service the first 7 times in a row I stepped foot into a Detroit club. The first time I didn't get offered full service from a decent looking girl I was all upset, I just had to realize you can't hit a homerun every time you are in the batters box. It took a couple of unsuccessful trips before that reality sunk in for me.
I think it's also more important to tell how you were treated by the staff, the quality and interactions with the dancers (were they nice, pretty, annoying, etc.) versus how much you paid for your Bud Light and what the cover charge was.
I think when I read a review I am interested in knowing these things:
1. Were the girls hot? Like if I go into a club and there's 30 girls, am I going to think 2 or hot or 15?
2. How was the staff? Assholes, friendly, or you didn't even really notice them?
3. How was the bartender/waitress? Did it take you 20 minutes to get a drink?
4. How much are lapdances?
5. Is there a VIP fee or an expected amount you tip the VIP trolls, mainly so I just know the common procedure before I walk into the place.
6. How intense are the lapdances, extras a common practice or a rarity?
7. Smoking, yes or no and where (important to a non-smoker like me)?
8. Food, I have never ordered a meal at a strip club, but I guess this could matter to some?
Living in New England it's important to plan ahead to get what I'm looking for. At my favorite club I've got the numbers from about 12 dancers. I know which ones are good for a BJ, which for a HJ, and a couple who are usually down with FS. I send texts to a dancer who offers what I'm looking for, find when she's working and make a plan. There are some who I can say, " I'll be in around 8:00. Make sure you're free", but with most I tell them I'm coming but if they get a VIP go for it. I'll wait (or not). I've backed away from 6+ years of OTC with my ATF and am currently enthralled with a new dancer who's never gone beyond a HJ and DATY. She's a strong 10 in my eyes and there are many there and a couple here who agree that she's extremely hot. She seems to come across to some others as aloof and unapproachable, but I've felt a decent enough connection to feel a challenge to get her to exceed her current limits. I'm hoping I can make her want to go further with me, but it's ultimately her choice.
All this requires planning and fore thought.
a) most clubs in most areas have both free and valet parking; whereas some clubs just have mandatory valet parking which will set you back about $10 – most clubs’ drink prices are a bit pricey but for some clubs even more; i.e. about $9 for a bottle of water – this is sorta out of the norm and thus worth mentioning and complaining about it if the reviewer so wishes; IMO
b) the other side of the coin is that these clubs are more upscale so higher prices should be expected – and IMO higher prices does not necessarily mean expensive b/c one often does get a better club/experience while paying the higher prices at the upscale clubs; i.e. one sorta gets what they pay for – it would suck if one pays premium prices and gets a shitty club/experience which does happen
For some people $$$ is not, or as much, of an issue – for others not so – additionally – if one is an infrequent visitor then they’ll probably not mind paying premium out-of-the-norm prices when they visit once in a while – but if one is a frequent visitor and is not a 1-percenter; the mandatory parking fees;; extra expensive drinks; cover charges; etc; do start adding up eating into one’s lap-dance or extras budget.
Most SCers do not mind spending $$$ on what they want – many do mind having to spend $$$ on what they don’t want (e.g. forced valet parking where you can park your own car; $9 for water; etc).
Just my 2 cents.
What do you do when you're in say, North Carolina and you've never been to any of the 6 strips clubs near you and want to make sure you go to the best option? You look at TUSCL and make your decision based on the reviews you read. I want to know about the things I listed above, without knowing that info, you most certainly could make the wrong choice.
I understand if a club has a few absolutely ridiculous charges, but in general you know that beers on 8 mile strip clubs are expensive and that you should remember extra cash for valet, etc. Or be cheap and park your vehicle down the street in a crack infested neighborhood where thieves know a strip club is up the street.
I want as much money from you as possible. I'd like to earn it easily, but if anyone thinks I don't work for my money is wrong. I work very hard, customers have even commented on my work ethic in reviews about me. Girls who make great money are usually working hard or at least working smart, extras or not. Maybe some strippers want to put little effort in what they do, but generally those aren't going to be the girls with many 1000 dollar nights.
Resentment at gouging is not the same thing as being cheap
I wholeheartedly agree with that statement I also am not cheap, usually over tipping, but if you want my repeat business treat me fairly if I walk out unhappy, my money and very often a buddy are going someplace else.
Dude $9.00 for a bottle of water is gouging !