
avatar for jayhawk123
I have never called an escort before so would like some of you guys who have experience with this to give your good advice and tips on how and where to look to find best escorts in my area and maybe if you have traveled to KC and found any in particular that were good please let me know that too. How do you screen to make sure they are not LE when first contacting them then also when you actually meet them? How to stay safe and not get set up or ripped off? Any serious advice is welcome. Thanks


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avatar for zerorg12
9 years ago
Since you appear to be new to the world of escorts I would suggest a little research before jumping in. There are two sites I found very helpful when I first started seeing escorts. The first site is "The Erotic Review" also know as TER. TER has an FQA Newbie board that has a lot of info. It also has regional advertising board and forums. There is also a page with specific info for newbies. The other board is ECCIE which also has regional forums and advertising. There are probably other site, but I found these 2 the most helpful.
avatar for PhantomGeek
9 years ago
I've relied on TER quite a bit, too. My suggestion if you check TER out is keep an eye on both the number of reviews for a provider and the number of reviews a customer has done. If she only has one or two reviews, there's a better than decent chance that she, her pimp, or a shill wrote it. If a reviewer only has one or two reviews under his belt, chances are he either doesn't have to experience to know what he's talking about (i.e., giving a 10 to an escort who would normally get a rating of 5 or 6) or the lady did a self-review to promote herself. If you find a listing with both of those characteristics, it's just best to leave well enough alone.

Take a look at TER's discussion boards, too. You should be able to get a feel for the major players in the area, as well as the more experienced ladies. If you get to know some of these folks well enough through the boards, you could try to get some information back-channeling.

Another site you might want to take a look at is
avatar for londonguy
9 years ago
I wish you well in your search for escorts. I think the escort scene in the U.S. is terrible. Mostly overrated and at best average looking girls in both body and face charging exorbitant prices that you have to go through ridiculous hoops to see. Like I am going to give some strange girl my real name, employers name etc etc - NEVER going to happen. Seeing strippers OTC is so much more fun and the girls are a lot hotter. If I don't manage to arrange an OTC I always have the fall back of going to a casino.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I have never done escorts simply because OTC with strippers is so easy there has never been any reason to. With strippers, you get to try before you buy. You have zero worries about a LE sting, you know exactly what the girl looks and acts like, and it is less business like.

I also think it's a lot easier to get a stripper to go out to dinner or do other fun shit before sex with a stripper. They like it because it makes them feel less like prostitutes. Escorts I think would charge you a bunch of extra money to "date" because it is keeping them from other clients. Most strippers won't try to charge more in my experience.

Last reason strippers are so much better than escorts is that many tend to be much lower mileage. If I'm going to get a complete GFE, which means bareback if she's a DS, I want a girl who only plays on a very limited basis.

avatar for Aravas
9 years ago
avatar for jayhawk123
9 years ago
Backpage I have heard is the low end of the escorts and body rub women
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Do your homework. The internet is a wealth of information.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Escorts have their strengths and weaknesses. I'm familiar with them from having been involved in the San Francisco RedBook, and also from having been closely involved with many houses and girls from the Asian version of such, AAMPs ( Apartment Asian Massage Parlor ).

There are review and advertising sites as people have posted.

I've also just learned about the sister site to rubmaps:

They have one listing for Lawrence and one for Wichita. That is it.

Anyway, the "service level" in Escort / AAMP situations is usually higher than in other P4P situations. Lopaw once talked about the "intimacy level". I prefer to call it that.

Anyway, in most Escort and AAMPs you get good GFE, standard, no evasion.

When RedBook was running, RedBook GFE meant DFK, DATY, BBBJ, and MSOG.

That is about what most that guys can do in 60min. And getting that second pop in there makes it real nice. It is not so much a quantitative difference, as it is a qualitative difference. The girl has to do more to make it happen with you the second time. This is what makes it so neat.

So you need the nice DFKing and DATY and BBBJ. For the guys that do a lot of this, some of them learn to be quite good with the girls. And the girls really like them.

Some of them want you to know right off that you are in the right place. So once they get you inside and close the door, and before asking for the money, they initiate DFKing. That is a real trip, especially if the guy is not expecting it. And the girls who do it like that are good. And as such, they spend their entire day on an endless endorphin rush, because they really let go and let it happen. These girls are a treasure.

But this gets to the down side, that you haven't been able to meet the girl first. So you might not like her, and this creates lots of pressure on both parties. And then she might be a flake or a con artist.

I've never heard of LE posting their own sting ads. That would constitute entrapment. And if a girl is making out with you in the living room of an apartment, or asking you for money, then she'd better not be a cop. I wouldn't worry about LE.

But it was better locally before the feds shut down RedBook:

There we had a community of regular forum posters who were also making extremely detailed and explicit individual provider reviews. And then the Asian bosses made sure the girls really understood how this all worked, and what the guys were looking for. Most of them had done lots of work in their own countries. But they were not accustomed to being expected to be a 60min civilian girlfriend rental. They learned though. The girls good at this were kept busy all day everyday. Any time there were gaps in the appointment schedule, the girl would just take nap with the phone right next to her. Doing the MSOG sessions tired them out. But most of them had set a monthly net target of $15k, and they understood what was necessary to keep the phone ringing.

I've come to the conclusion that it is always better to have a face 2 face first meeting. It is first of all your chance to make a character judgment of the other person. But it is also a chance to see if you like her, and just to flirt with her and come on to her too. It goes much better if she can really feel that you like her. I treat all women like civilians, and if I want to have sex or GFE with them, I pick up on them as civilians. I never talk to them like I think they sell sex for money.

Rick Dugan explains that he used to call these outcall services and then wait in the lobby of the hotel and see who dropped the girl off. He didn't want to deal with girls who had pimps, or boyfriends who amounted to the same thing.

But that was before he developed his system. He has perfected the art of going to strip clubs and setting up same night OTC's, but without paying for booth dances or anything like extras. I think his system is the right way, if you don't want to engage with the girl right their in the club.

His way is better than calling escorts, and that is his main point. I think it is valid.

I read your posts and get a sense of where you are and all. If you just engage with some strippers at your local clubs, then FS-ITC may or may not be available. But at all strip clubs there are girls who do OTC. Some of them will do it that night, or when they get off of the day or night shift. That is going to amount to the same thing as an escort session. And if you can get GFE with her right there in the front room, the whole thing should be great. Then from then on you can see her without ever going to the strip club.

Were it me, that is the direction I'd be looking.

Two very interesting article threads about Tijuana, and a phenomenal contribution from FullPress:……


Stones Montreal…
avatar for Dancer_
9 years ago
Yeah, don't use backpage. It's mostly low-quality girls there who would have to streetwalk if it wasn't for Internet. You might find diamond in rough there if you get lucky but ehhhh... Also lots of them have pimps and LE uses BP all the time to bust both hookers and clients.

I would suggest going to Eros and pick a lady with TER reviews or something like that. Although some girls prefer to avoid reviews. Anyhow, you will definitely be safer if you stay away from this gross BP.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
TER is your best friend in the world of escorting. It is the champagne of escort sites, while BP & CL are more like MD 20/20 & Ripple, respectively.

Escorts and OTC strippers each have their pros & cons.
avatar for jayhawk123
9 years ago
So somebody mentioned above that it would be entrapment for LE to put ads on something like BP but then others are saying that LE does stings on BP. When going to meet escort what is the key or thing that proves she is not LE and what can I do right off to ease her too?
avatar for nemesisk7
9 years ago
Forget it just go to Mexico
avatar for PhantomGeek
9 years ago
Jayhawk, yes, LE does often use Backpage, Craigslist, CityVibe, and any number of other advertising sites to set up stings. That's why you need to do your research. Look at those reviews. Look at the number of reviews. Look at the number of reviews those reviewers have done. Just like with dancers, you'll need to go through all of this to start fine-tuning your radar.

As for proving you aren't LE and what you can do to put her at ease? Good question. There are verification sites that some escorts use -- P411, RS2K, and others. Some will ask for references from other escorts. Some will do their own screening. I've done that a couple of times with out-of-town escorts, and they've called my workplace like they were just following up on a job reference. One or two have just wanted to talk on the phone for a few minutes, just some introductory questions and to get a vibe for the guy.

As for putting her at ease when you're face to face? If you have any experience with dancers and OTC, it's all really pretty much along the same lines, and it's going to depend on the people, the place, and the time.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
You'll find lots of suggestions on line for avoiding LE stings but much of it is bullshit. I looked into escorting years ago and one of the reasons I didn't pursue it is because there was no foolproof way to avoid LE stings. If as a lawyer I couldn't figure out a foolproof way to avoid a LE set up, I tend to doubt that others will fare any better. There are some really idiotic suggestions on line for how to avoid LE in escorting. Many of these people avoid being arrested through luck even though they congratulate themselves on their skill.

LE definitely can run fake escorting ads. And they know about reviews and references, and they're not stupid. They set up very realistic ads. If TER is where the best escorts are then you can bet that's where LE is too.

I'm not some moralistic LE crusader. I get high and fuck young women for money every few days. If you're not hurting anybody, then two consenting adults (or an of age teenager) should be able to do whatever they want to each other. But for me the risks of escorts were far too great, my libertarian philosophy notwithstanding.

Like any good lawyer I looked for a way to circumvent the system and fuck escorts in a low risk way. I found it. I found the way to buy women for sex with virtually none of the legal risks of escorting. The answer is to fuck strippers instead. That's the best legal advice I can give. If you get to know her itc, you can learn enough to guarantee that she's not a cop.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
I don't do escorts but I've been doing bodyrubs for many years, and love it. There's things better about bodyrubs than SCs, and things I like better about SCs.

Aside from national resources like cityvibe and eros (for ads) and TER (for reviews), there may be local resources for your area, like Nightshift (both ads and reviews, and more accurate info than any of the preceding since it's so local-focused) for CA and Phoenix.

As long as you use some smarts, this can be very low-risk, although some cities are more aggressive about policing this than others. Most of the things you'll want to do, most of which have been mentioned by others:

- When you find an ad, google image search every one of the pictures
- Look at reviews. As others have said, look for multiple reviews over a reasonable stretch of time, from guys who are not one-and-out reviewers. If it's just a couple of reviews over a short period of time, that could be the escort or her pimp writing them -- or, in the case of a sting, police writing reviews for their undercover.
- Big localities will have local resources with forums and chatrooms (like nightshift for CA, or TER nationally). Search through those for mentions of your prospective escort. Consider participating a bit, like you do here, and build up your own little backchannel group of mongers -- they are the best source of info, their info will keep you far safer than any other technique
- Understand how aggressive your city is in busting escorts, so you can display the right level of caution

Nothing's risk free, and I have the benefit of being a blowhard on this topic, when I do this in a city that has prioritized this as lowest of law enforcement priorities... in a city with an aggressive vice squad, I'd definitely rely strongly on the backchannel group of like-minded mongers that i met on the local forums ... in fact, even here, I rely pretty strongly on those guys
avatar for chandler
9 years ago
Before you start calling providers, you should definitely spring for a TER membership in order to read the full reviews. Trying to cut corners is the best way to get ripped off or arrested. The $40/month or whatever it costs these days will pay for itself on your first date.

The fact that an escort runs ads on Backpage shouldn't disqualify her. It's just an advertising site used by all kinds of escorts, good and bad. Many of my best experiences have been with girls who were on BP, although I may have first learned about them on TER or elsewhere. The main thing to avoid is browsing through BP ads for pics that turn you on, then throwing caution to the wind in pursuing the unverified person behind the hot pics.

But don't get too freaked out by all the safeguards called for. With experience, you gain a feel for what's safe and what isn't, and there's less need to jump through quite so many hoops.

To put things in perspective, compared the millions of escort dates that go down annually without any trouble, the number of arrests is so minuscule that it scarcely deserves consideration, statistically speaking. Most of the statistics were guys who did really dumb stuff rather than taking a few basic precautions.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Stay off of shit sites like BP and you've already dramatically improved your chances of not getting busted.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
Best bet is to actually research a good escort website. Backpage is a gamble and requires too much work and guessing to assure yourself you'd get a hot chick (or even the chick in the pic). TER works, reverse imaging works, looking up these chick's cell phone numbers work. Find out reviews, and if you want to pay for less headache on research, TER is the way to go. Also, you can check out USASexguide as that is a great review site, for not only escorts but SW too. Bunch of real people giving you the no frills business about how these escort ads really be about. Also be aware that if you not Caucasian, you may have a more difficult time than an actual caucasian. The escort world is as racist as the real one, so good luck to ya pal.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
oh and if I didn't say it already REVERSE IMAGE my friend. You can tell doing that which pics are real and which are just stock imaging. WILL SAVE YOU A LOT OF TROUBLE
avatar for PhantomGeek
9 years ago
I forgot all about the reverse-image searches. In situations like that can be your friend.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
People talk about LE stings, but unless they have specific information like defendant names and case numbers, I say it is bullshit.

It would very likely be entrapment, and what have they really accomplished, just busting a few PL's. I don't believe that there are such stings.

Anyway, if you're making out with a girl and if she then asks you for money, she ain't no cop.

But like I say, though I am sure TJ is great and I thank Nemesisk7 for all of his most valuable information, I still say you will do best if you stay close to home. So just go to your favorite strip clubs and set up some OTCs. No need to call ads. Use The System, and you'll do much better!


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