
OTC Question No 1

layin low but staying high

I had a seemingly good OTC prospect last night. But she raised two issues that I don't know how to handle. Here's the first one. Second one to follow. Any advice?

I was running my usual OTC system on her. At first she refuses to talk cause she's afraid I'm a cop. I show her a business card that says I'm a lawyer. Then we talk.

She lies and says she has never done what I want with a customer before, but she is willing to do it with me. I don't care about the lies though. Maybe she wants to convince herself that she's not a prostitute. Or maybe she correctly perceives that I prefer lower mileage pussy. Doesn't matter cause she's hot and I want her. She's not a dream stripper -- absolutely perfect face but her tits are too small and her ass is a little big. But she's a cute white 8.5, and my type.

The discussion is going well. She is willing to do everything I want except kissing. She leaves open the possibility of kissing at some point but not at first. I tell her I'm a generous guy, if she takes care of me I'll take care of her, I know that I have to pay her, etc. She says in response that she won't do it for money. WTF? Never heard that in an OTC discussion. But I'm high, don't have the best negotiating judgment, so I just keep the sex talk going and avoid any more discussion of money. It is very clear though that she said she will fuck me OTC but wouldn't do it for money.

She was willing to set it up then, but I couldn't. I'm mostly out of town the next two plus weeks, and I have a date with DS2 on the only couple of nights that I'll be home. So I get her number, promise to communicate and see her as soon as I can.

Here is some more SS that might be relevant. She says she has a thing for older men. She goes into a bit of detail about why this is including a short story about being sexually molested as a teenager. It all sounds true, but when I'm high and horny the little head will believe just about anything that a beautiful naked young woman says to him. Still, it is a very hot fantasy that she has a fetish for fucking guys older than her dad.

More likely lies. She says she's never given a blow job to a guy. Says she's only fucked 3 guys in her life. Says it's because of being molested, that made her have no sex for two plus years. She's early 20s, claims to be a student at a technical college. Also says she has never received oral sex. I might believe all of this if not for the fact that she's willing to fuck me, a customer that she just met an hour ago. She would've fucked me in the VIP last night but I'm saving myself for an upcoming DS2 date

In any event the discussion went well but WTF do I do about the no money comment? I don't for a second believe that she's so turned on by a guy more than 30 years older than her that she wants to fuck me for free. But why did she say that she didn't want money? I'm running my system at the same time that she's running hers. The details of my system are obvious. But hers are a mystery.

Here are the possible explanations that I can think of for why she said she didn't want money. None is completely satisfactory to me.

Maybe we fuck, and then she gives me some sob story about needing money for kids, doctor, rent, etc. So being a PL she counts on me falling for her shit and paying her more than I otherwise would. It's not that she fucks for money, it's just that she has this pressing financial need and is asking her new friend and fuck buddy to help out. If this is her system it's a stupid one because I would know that I was set up and that would be the end of her income from me. Plus I don't pay for kids, doctor, rent etc. I pay an agreed upon price for an agreed upon service. I made it clear to her that I had money to pay her, so why not just take the money and keep doing me?

I considered that she might keep the money issue unsettled because she just wants to drag things out and keep me paying itc. But her actions suggested otherwise. She was willing to schedule the date last night. She wasn't delaying in any way. She was also willing to fuck me in the VIP (although that would obviously have cost money).

I suppose another possibility is she was telling the truth. I realize that's incredibly unlikely no matter how much the little head believes otherwise. Nevertheless, I have trouble not thinking that it could be true since I can't explain her position otherwise.

And the last thing I can think of is that she felt my erection during our very erotic lap dances, and it was so big and appealing that she just had to have it inside her. That's probably it.

So what do I do? Just fuck her, assume it's free, and deal with the shit if/when it happens? Or should I bring up money again and insist upon paying her a reasonable sum so she can't demand more later? Is this a bad sign that means I should avoid her? Why did she say that she does not want money to fuck me?


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    You really are over thinking this huh!

    Okay, she'll want money; she's still afraid you're Uncle Leo. She's given blowjobs. She's been licked. She's done OTC. Most of the rest is a lie too, except she might have been molested.

    If you like her, set it up and fuck her. Are you turning in to SJG on us? Please don't!

    Oh, and just an aside, you should use Roman Numerals for your now growing litany of DS's. So you're on DS II now.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    She sounds so full of stripper shit, that I wouldn't believe a word she says. Make the date but have a back up plan and bring money in any case.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    She was worried you were a cop. Once she agrees it's x dollars to fuck, it's prostitution.

    On the other hand, if she fucks you "for free" and then you happen to give her a "gift" after... well that's still prostitution.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    JS forgive me but after the 4th paragraph I quit the read... That is the biggest amount of SS I have ever heard in my life coming from this stripper. For real!!!!

    I'm thinking she is expecting something other than money and is going that route to convince herself she's not a prostitite. Like, don't give me money, but buy me this, or pay my rent, or take me on vacation.

    Sorry, but never gave a BJ and molested as a teen gets major eye roll from me because I've heard that so many times in a strip club it's ridiculous and it's usually coming from the mouth of the biggest slut in the room!
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    Given his previously stated leftward political leanings in pains me once again to point out that everything @rockstar666 wrote is correct.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Liberals aren't always wrong, and conservatives aren't always right. In fact, it's usually the opposite.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Holy crap at the load of shit coming out of her mouth. Any woman who ever told me she didn't do this or that would always end up doing this, that and the other ALL at the same time before I was done. The one that protests the most does the most. I bet she's just keeping the finance part extremely vague until she's 100% sure you aren't undercover. It will eventually come out and she'll set a price whether it be cash or gifts.

    Quit overthinking it. You know it's always BS.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Agree also -- she wants money, and if it were me, unless I were getting some red blinking lights elsewhere, I'd just let it play out, even if it means showing up for the OTC without having pre-negotiated a price (and realizing this is a risk). In fact, while I definitely do NOT disagree with the guys who say "negotiate everything up front so you won't be surprised", I regularly go into OTC without having negotiated very much at all -- no details on specific acts or prices -- and always been pleased, though I realize this is a risk
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    So JS,...what's the second issue. The first has already been well addressed!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Hadn't thought about the LE angle. She would avoid a prostitution charge if I were a cop by saying it's free. Maybe she's smarter than I have her credit for.

    But ok I'll just fuck her and see what happens. Given how I overpay she'd probably make more by negotiating the $ up front but I'll do it her way.

    As for overthinking it, maybe I am. But usually I'm accused of not thinking things through before I do them. So I was looking for some balance.

    I gotta earn my 350K this afternoon but I'll post issue 2 this evening.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    "Overthinking" is sometimes confused with due diligence. When you post a long and winding tome that asks the same questions in 3 different ways, it's probably overthinking. Due diligence is when you ask pointed questions clearly that cover the bases...and in this case it was "should I fuck her even if she says it's not for money, and claims to have little sexual experience". If she's telling the truth she'll be awful in bed, so let's all hope it's the SS that we suspect.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    They always want money. She's just gonna hope you're a pro and offer her a donation for her time. Agreed that you are over thinking it. Girls who take off their clothes want to be compensated (so unless she's a Nun, you're paying one way or the other)
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    She sounds like trouble. I think you should avoid OTC with her. She probably has a boyfriend who will shoot you, rob you and dump your lifeless body in a crack house.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    She offered to fuck you for free. Go fuck her. And teach her the fine points of oral sex.

    Then report back.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    That wasn't stripper shit, that was stripper diarrhea.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    John, her ass being a little big is a GOOD thing. That girl was gorgeous, and I don't even like blondes like that
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Ehhh, I don't know, she sounds like a pain in the ass, is it even worth this hassle?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Gotta agree with GoV who witnessed my interactions with this girl. She is hot, and just my type. So I'm going to fuck her, big ass and all. Who knows maybe in 6 months I'll be chasing girls with giant asses like Papi does. But GoV, as hot as this girl is, she doesn't even approach the erotic beauty of DS II.
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    Reminds me of my first OTC encounter. This is how I suspect it'll play out
    -go to hotel and fuck
    -upon departure or a couple days later she's asking you for money for some need
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I'll go out on a PL limb here and say that all she was saying is def plausible except for the sex-for-no-$$$ part w/ a guy she just met in a strip-club of all places where everything is about and for $$$.

    Like many civvies; not all strippers are sexual dynamos that gotta have sex constantly like most of us PLs – I can def see nice looking young strippers not wanting a BF and not really interested in having sex outside a relationship – not saying it's common – but not off-the-charts uncommon either IMO – so def possible she is not that sexually experience and has not done certain things/acts (e.g. fellatio; etc).

    And I do believe there are young women whom may prefer older men (as long as they don't look like decrepit grandfathers and I've met JS69 and he does not look like that) – they may feel safer and more comfortable w/ older men whom are smarter; more mature; more patient; willing to please them (the female) and not just focus on getting themselves off; as it would be more common for younger guys whom can also be more of an asshole often times. Plus I, as others, are attracted to older women (30s/40s) that are supposed to be out of the “hot zone” of 18-24 – so I can def see some younger women being attracted to older men for various reasons.

    The angle that came to mind w.r.t. her saying she would not do it for $$$ is that perhaps she is currently unable to wrap her head around being paid for sex and thus considering of herself or thinking of herself as a prostitute.

    My 1.5 cents.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Papi, I think you're suggesting that she may be telling the truth, at least more of it than everybody else believes. Frankly she came across as very believable, and it would be incredible it were true. I want it to be true. But I'm gullible when I'm high and horny, and I know strippers, so the odds are against it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ I agree – everything dancers tell us in strip-clubs should be taken w/ the proverbial grain of salt – but does not mean 100% of the statements from 100% of the dancers are SS – more like 98% (so there is some room for the truth).
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Bottom line, while her story doesn't make sense, there's little downside. Try to set something up. Either she ducks you for free, or you pay her a fair amount for her time and service.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    JS69 - there's a dancer who I've fucked OTC many times since we met 6 years ago. She never asks for money for fucking me or blowing me. However she will text me and ask for $100 for some almost believable reason. We'll go a couple of weeks with no communication and she'll text and ask for more money. After I've given her $300 or more she'll suggest we get together and go out for dinner. That's her way of saying lets go fuck.
    I once asked her why she was fucking an old man instead of banging hot young guys (she's 26 - was 20 when we met). She gave me the same lines about liking mature men; having had her fill of "kids" who don't know what they're doing. She truly seems to enjoy my company and is the one who introduced me to my ATF and is very aware of my years of travails with her.
    My theory is that she has her own fantasy where she's not a whore and this is her way of justifying it.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Unicorns and rainbows John better lay off those magic mushrooms for a bit
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    That some crazy shit. If it were me though, I would toss out some number she could expect to get just so there were no surprises. I would just ignore whatever SS she gave me. I've been surprised at what some of the honey's think their pussy is worth.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    John Swish,are you the Donald Trump of TUSCL?
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    You showed her your business card? I don't know how often you've frequented that club or how many times you might've seen her there before, but...oy. Since you mentioned that you're going to be out of town for the next couple weeks, it sounds like she's pretty much of a local girl. My guesses?

    1) Other PLs have pulled out "impressive" business cards on her before. For, what, $25 for a couple hundred cards at FedEx Office, what creep couldn't get cards like that made up?

    2) LE has pulled out business cards like that on her or maybe some of her friends before -- and then busted them when it was time to do the deed.

    3) She wants to check out your credentials first and will negotiate a price after she verifies you're a lawyer and gets an idea just how much you can actually drop on her.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    While unlikely, the other possibility is that she has a boyfriend/handler ready to rob when you meet up. Control meeting location and safety if you go for it.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    You were just dreaming in a doped state! Simple as that.
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