Has anybody ever taken their son to a strip club?

If so, how did it go?
Video girl is trying to convince me to bring my 24 yo son to see her. She promised that she would show him a "good time." He couldn't afford the kind of good times that I have with her, but I think she's hoping that I will pay for it. I told her that his girlfriend would freak, but of course she said we could keep it a secret. I have a hard time disagreeing with that since I kept it secret from my wife for almost 20 years.
On the one hand, I would've thought my dad was awesome if he took me to a strip club especially if there was a prearranged cute dancer who would have sex with me. On the other hand, I'm afraid it would get back to my daughters who would be pissed, and would also tell his girlfriend. I don't want to be responsible for such drama.
I probably won't do it but was wondering before I decide for sure if others have done this.
last commentHe has a girlfriend. He is 24. What does he need a strip club for?
My son and your DS have something in common.
John, I wouldn't take him. He's 24 and has a girlfriend, who could wind up being his wife. Why introduce any potential trouble to the relationship? If he was going through a breakup or was stuck in a bad relationship, it would be different. Besides potentially damaging his relationship with his girlfriend, why risk straining your relationship with your daughters too? Maybe in the future there will be a better time to bond with your son in a SC, but I don't think this is that time. Just my 2 cents.
About 15 years ago my son and I went on a trip to Tunica MS to do some gambling. We closed the Memphis Platinum Plus 3 nights in a row. We agreed that mom did not need to know about that part of the trip.
He was about 22 then and had so much fun that I kept having to loan him more money. But I don't think that I would go so far as to fix him up for extras with any dancer that I knew.
I've always thought the whole concept of taking your son to a SC or buying him a hooker was just supremely weird and low class. Besides, like mikey said; he's 24 and has a gf.
One caveat, if his gf wants them to go to a SC together because she's interested in them playing with naked women together that's a whole diff story and I say go for it. Teach him the ways so he can in turn help his gf have more fun.
The one item I left out was that his relationship with the gf is not strong. I think he wants to break it off but she is possessive and they have a lot of ties so he is reluctant. I realize that its not for me to intervene in their relationship. But I wouldn't have even considered it if I thought that the two of them were particularly close.
Again, not really planning to do it or anything, but I did think it was an interesting concept even if it is a little "low class."
^^^^ If he truly is his father's son, you really don't have to rush him...:)
It sounds like they'll probably break up soon anyway then. Once that happens, it's a perfect opportunity for a strip club trip to cheer him out. I would just avoid setting him up for extras though, so your daughters don't find out and get pissed at you. If he does it on his own, that's his business.
If the gf becomes a woman scorned, nothing will be a secret anymore. Say hello to facebook. He's a big boy. He can break up if he wants and THEN go. It would have killed me at 24 to lose a BF to anyone. To a stripper would be worse.
A few months ago after my son turned 21 he told me he wanted to see what a strip club was like. His GF was adamantly opposed, saying she'd drop him if he even went to a bikini barista, much less a strip club.
The next time he and I were out by ourselves he wanted to go to a club, so I took him to my favorite. It was a Saturday afternoon and the club was mostly empty. He got lots of attention from the girls.
He picked one and I bought him his first couple of dances. He bought a couple more and she threw in two more for free.
Must have got it out of his system (until he's my age ;) because he hasn't wanted to go again. The girls keep asking about him though
Bad idea. Your son is young and doesn't need strippers. And he doesn't need to see his dad in a strip club.
@JS: I thought you said a few months ago you were 39. Does that mean your son was adopted, a step-son or did you knock a girl up in high school?
I took my daughter and some of her friends to a club once. I didn't go in with them, and one of her friends was meeting them there to give them a ride home. They apparently went to another couple of clubs as well.
I would have liked to accompany her friend, were she not with my daughter, into the club, though. A little hot light goth type with some very nice tats, and who liked her shirts thin enough to reveal the bars in her nipples.
If I had a son (or daughter) that was old enough to enter a club I'd take them. They might as well go with me so I can show them the ropes.
I wonder if the stripper has seen one too many porns where a father and son share a hooker.
Like others have said, not a good idea if your son has a girlfriend.
This is the same dancer whose mom wanted to date me. I think she just wants to keep it all in the family.
@Dougie- I believe JS said he is somewhere around 50 years old.
I remember a review of a SC in Idaho where a married couple took their adult, but still in his 20's, son to the club. The review read very much like the family tree did not branch very much. Weird review.
Then there was the discussion started by @Carolynne when one of her regulars wanted to set up a romp with her for his son.
Really sounds like a poor idea to me John. Although you could take your daughters and show them how much fun can be had in a SC!
Just don't take your son to the SC when your daughter is dancing. That would be a real hillbilly move for sure.
I am 50 plus a little. Never said I was in my 30s unless it was a typo perhaps.
My first reaction was that it sounded a little creepy, but I don't have a son (2 daughters) and the father/son relationship is quite different. What if your DS II got an std from your son & passed it along to you? Or would you "double date" bringing her mother? Do you think DS II might find a younger version of you more appealling? Or even worse - better in bed? The potential complications far outweigh any possible benefit. However, I've always said, I'll try anything once, twice if I like it.
I'm not sure who has taken who, but I have been to a strip club several times with my dad. It always happens when I tag along with him and his friends on a "man trip." Usually once a year we will travel to a sporting event, and the guys (all in their 60s) are more excited about going to the strip club and where we have dinner than any other part of the trip.
"Bad idea. Your son is young and doesn't need strippers. And he doesn't need to see his dad in a strip club."
Brilliant point!
I miss going with my dad (RIP). Mostly because he was a big guy and we'd go to some rougher clubs, mainly in Tampa or Gary, IN
Please, don't. I find it sick to arrange sex with a prostitute for your kid. And don't encourage him to think that cheating is normal. Who cares that he has issues with girlfriend, they should work it out or break up. Banging strippers behind her back isn't a solution. And that girl didn't do anything bad to you, why would you fuck her over like that.
Don't do it! Banging strippers is for your 50s when the ball n chain is dried up and closed for business -- not for your 20's when free pussy is -- well -- like, everywhere . . . nothing good can cum of it, so to speak.
Relax everyone. I'm not going to take him. Instead, video girl and I are going are going to do a porn photo shoot session this week. She gets paid extra for that so she's happy and has stopped trying to push me to do other crap like this for now