
Bringing a Stripper Home

layin low but staying high
I know this is been discussed before, but I never paid much attention because it didn't seem applicable to me at the time. But now that I'm separated from the ball and chain, I have the option of bringing strippers back to my house. I am planning to start doing many of my DS II dates at home.

This seems relatively low risk. She knows my identity, so she could easily find out where I live if she wanted to. Plus, I have been with her long enough now to be convinced that she is not some sort of bat shit crazy stripper. If anything, I am the one corrupting her and getting her to take drugs, not the other way around.

Going to her place is not an option, at least not on a regular basis, because of non-stripper roommate and college friends.

Am I missing some risk, or for some reason is this is a bad idea? It would be nice to save on the cost of all the hotel rooms.


  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    jackslash does this, so it must be a good idea!
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    this is what notels (cheep motels/hotels) are for. You don't want no stripper and her pimp knowing where you live and what you have that would sell on the black market.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Have to agree with mjx -- stick with the hotels. Hotels are neutral territory in every sense of the term. They help punctuate the concept of "no strings attached."

    Homes, not so much. Homes are yours -- legally, physically, and emotionally. If you start bringing her to your home on any sort of regular basis, you're not just letting her into your home -- you're letting her into your life. She's going to get very comfortable and you're going to start getting attached.

    Worse comes to worse, watch "Risky Business" again -- but just remember that you won't be betting Rebecca DeMMornay in the end.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I've brought various women to my house; it's a risk but I don't lose sleep over it.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I don't do cheap hotels or cheap strippers (except for free girl of course), and there is zero chance she has a pimp. This is s DS.

    As for letting her into my life, it seems to me that this would enhance the complete and total bareback GFE that I'm going for. I'm already attached to this one, and you would be too if you saw her. The girls in risky business don't compare.

    Has anybody done this and actually had something bad happen as a result?
  • crsm27
    9 years ago
    This may not pertain to you. But you need to watch your belongings..... what I mean is if you have some stuff that you don't want stolen. Now I am not saying DS will steal the stuff when she is at your place or leaving your place. But lets say she mentions she sees XYZ at your home to another dancer. That dancer tells her friends.... and now you are a mark. This goes for any women you bring back to your home. But remember that strippers tend to attract not the most upright citizens.

    Also if things end bad and you break it off.... a woman scorned my friend.... but you already know that because u have an ex wife.....LOL
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I do need to know and verify a dancer's actual first and last name before I take her home, and I've never had an issue. I would never take a first meeting stranger home because I wouldn't have the time to find out about her and the risk isn't worth it; That's what hotels are for!
  • bang69
    9 years ago
    take any & every thing of value and hide it
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I've never had a problem but I have only invited dancers to my home that I know well enough to trust. This Sunday will be week #3 at my house with my current favorite. My only fear is my daughter stopping by without notice. My CF is only 4 years older than her oldest daughter. My daughter knows about my clubbing. Has even given me perfumes to give to the girls but I don't think she quite realizes just how far her old man is going.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    My general rule is to not bring strippers home. Since all rules are meant to be broken, I've brought 2 strippers into my home, and one bodyrub girl I got close with, in the past 5 years. That feels about right to me, I'll break my rule rarely, for those super awesome girls who I know well enough, and the trust works both ways first -- I already know where she lives, we're already Facebook or snapchat or tumblr friends, etc. I think the guys who are pointing out that it's a risk are absolutely right... She could help herself to a little something of yours, she could case the place for her less-than-savory friends, or accidentally case the place for her less-than-savory friends by just an offhand drunken mention to them one night. Better know her really really well.. I've never had a single regret from it though, and probably the opposite, it brought us closer and brought me benefits. In all cases, she always spent the night, which I dig but realize many of you don't.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    I would never do it no matter where I lived. I just don't let the two aspects of my life mix, home is home and the strip club and hotels or their place is where I have my 'fun'. For the sake of $50 or whatever it is for a motel/hotel room you could save yourself a lot of grief.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Most of my OTC experiences have been in my home.

    A safe, clean place
    All home comforts
    No hotel bill

    Strippers are crazy
    Strippers get too close
    Strippers have (or will have) boyfriends and pimps
    Strippers steal --this has happened to me
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the input. I trust DS II more than any dancer I know exceot DS I. So I think we're going to try it.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I don't know JohnSmith69! Inviting a stripper to your home and then having sex without a condom both seem like things that are on the non-brilliant side of the line!

    Then again I don't know how to negotiate this shit! I wouldn't do either but you clearly have a DS pipeline, so brilliant for you!
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    JohnSmith still has a mortgage?What a loser.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    If you trust her, then go for it. I don't think there will be a problem.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "JohnSmith still has a mortgage?What a loser."

    Tell us the truth tumblingdice, you're really Prince Charles and you're butthurt because you're not a tampon, right?

    (See exchange with londonguy for significance!)
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    If you have OTC once a week like me and if a cheap hotel costs $100, you save $5200 a year by bringing strippers home. And home is much more convent than any hotel. Of course I'm not traveling in most cases, and Detroit has plenty of strippers who are ready and willing.

    On the other hand, you run some risks. Small valuable items (which could fit in a stripper's purse or bag) may go missing, and you may not realize they're gone until much later. This has happened to me. Or a stripper's boyfriend may learn of your meetings and threaten to kill you. This has happened to me. Or a stripper may start treating you like a boyfriend and depend on you. This has happened to me.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    If one is seeking a GFE then bringing them home rather than going somewhere else is the only way to go. My CF is making her 3rd drive to my house tomorrow.
  • vicky19
    9 years ago
    Hi !!! You can bring me home !!!
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I have brought all of my OTC strippers over the years to my place besides 1. The reason I do a hotel with her is because i have to travel out of town to see her. Sound's like you try and deal mostly higher class strippers(if there are any) like I do john smith so yo should be ok., i have never had any problems but that's not to say they couldn't occure.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Where you at Vicky. Need to know how long a drive it would be.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    My attitude is the same as Londonguy's. Strip clubs are my secret life. I like keeping my home life as a relatively placid refuge from all the craziness of strippers.

    IMO, if you're convinced that a stripper isn't batshit crazy, that just means you don't know her well enough, or else you haven't known her long enough. You have to keep in mind that strippers only let you know the part of themselves they want you to know. There have been too many who I could have sworn were "normal" before their dark side came out. I was just glad I didn't have the slightest worry about it coming into my house.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Well said chandler
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Not to mention nosy neighbors, unless you don't care
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Even if I didnt trust her so much, I've got nothing much worth stealing (at least not that can be carried out in a purse). And if some friend thugs show up, which I deem very unlikely, I've got a great high tech security system and guns. We shall see. I'm sure she has her secrets, just as I do, but she's safe.

    Nevertheless, if I suddenly stop posting, you'll know what happened.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    ^^^you took a steipper home to mom?
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I've brought my ATF home several times and my wife who has Alzheimer's is at home, too. Who's that staying in our guest room? Just a friend's daughter. I'm going to go check and make sure she's all right.
    I also brought another stripper who I've known for years to my house once when my wife was in the hospital. Never had a problem, but both think I've got limitless funds cuz of the nice house.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69, You are over 18yo, so you can make your own decisions. I just ask one thing, if you are going to be bringing these girls to you home, then stop calling them strippers.

    They are girlfriends, lovers, paramours, mistresses, or just fuck buddies. But calling them strippers is where the problems of treating them as something other than ordinary women starts.


    Quicksilver Messenger Service
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't do that, if I were you, to be honest. Sure, you have gun and nice security system but do you really want to push your luck? She might seem nice but key word is seem. Too many shady-ass bitches out there. Or just strippers hanging out with wrong type of guys with criminal background.

    And gawker, sorry, but it's disgusting. Cheating when your sick wife is in another room? Seriously?:/
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I would suggest putting a keyed lock on your office. Have that room keep all your important documents, belongings of value.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    9 years ago
    I must be the only one that has had great success in "bringing strippers home." I've had lots of them to my condo. However, I plan their time at my house so that they are only in my master bedroom/bath (as their dressing room), or in the living room which I consider the "VIP room" while their here. My place is small enough that I can keep the doors closed to two other rooms they could possibly walk into en route from the dressing room to the VIP room. And, I can easily see those two doors while I'm seated on the VIP room sofa awaiting their appearance. I remove anything of value or interest (not much, anyway) from my bedroom before they arrive.

    My only concern might be my neighbors seeing all these young, voluptuous, pretty girls coming to my house, because my nighbors don't know what I'm up to. However, I feel that's the least of my concerns.

    I feel I've had success in doing this, because I usually have gotten to know them pretty well before they come to my place. That has usually been in the form of dinner or lunch out, before OTC at my house. That could be weeks or months in the making.
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    I've brought a number of strippers home. I've never had any issues with them that I don't have with other house guests. Like Club Goer, I take a few precautions. I generally limit the areas of the place they go & keep purse sized valuables locked up. I pick them up on neutral ground, a nearby bar or restaurant for example. I don't do sleepovers.

    I live in a gated community with security camera's and manned gates at both entrance/exit points. My house has a security system that's pretty overt (the cameras are visible and the monitor is visible from my bedroom) and way overkill for the fairly meager bounty a potential heist would yield. I've also taken away the easy crimes of opportunity. So, I figure my risk is fairly low.

    The biggest problems I've had are things like spilled drinks & broken glasses, belongings left behind, etc. One girl left a nasty film of spray tan in my shower floor. Civi's have done worse; they usually don't shower beforehand, so I wind up with that shit on my sheets.

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