
Comments by LenaSmirnova (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Does A Slow Night Benefited You In Some Way?
    I like clubs half busy as then I work non stop.Busy is not always good,it can be emotionally draining when a lot of guys find group affinity between them and just worship that and their beers.Slow nights can be demotivating if they are too slow so only hard core sellers work and all the really attractive and entertaining girls who normally do well are not bothered and group in a dressing room chatting and on phones,waiting for their turn to cash out,pay their fine for early leave and go home to sleep,to save their day the morning after for things they'd rather do.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What would you do...
    @Clubber haha so funny! Some of my favourite punters are high on their drugs losing count of their money and time paying double if not more for their dances because time flies for them,and how can I say no to that! I just offer more 'fantastic' dances as I know for them it'll be smashing either way lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do you approach dancers?
    I agree with GACAclub,you seem to be just my favourite type of customer,the guy who comes to a club to enjoy himself,not taking anything too seriously or overthinks things,happy to try everything once,ends up sticking to what works best for him! :) Very good of you hon.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Why are there mean retards on here?
    I said a lot of mean retarded stuff but you forgot about me :((((( probably got distracted cos your cock that fell off :((
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Why put off the inevitable?
    Haha I wouldn't know if SJH ever posts as I put him on ignore list,his crazy rubs on me in the wrong way but slaux.pas absolutely cracks me up,I totally dig that lol I'm even worried about my sudden infatuation with him...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Why put off the inevitable?
    @slaux.pas i bet your parents divorced cos you are too retarded and your dad thought you are not his son n that your mom is a slut ouch did i get you right in the balls lol.so thats how your vocabulary was basically created…just listening to them arguing from your day one:,-0
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Should I review clubs for you retards?
    no don't write anything just piss off cos i don't care cos you such a retard phahahah!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    What do you consider extreme ITC extras?
    Oh noooo I was never asked to piss in the glass for a lot of money,I'd be so totally up for that!! :))
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Why put off the inevitable?
    These arranged marriages are a Russian roulette with the penis size as well! :p
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is this wrong?
    @Corvus: erm…don't see myself as a full time Dom but it was very liberating incident and put a lot of things into perspective…a few months passed and the guy is not back…oh well my guess is he did end up in a hospital somewhere…being treated for septic shock due to a torn stiletto lost up his arse! :(
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Kissing and the art of kissing
    ranukam from your reply to JohnSmith i can see you are already the kinda guy i described and deserve more kissing in lap dances,you just should know how to work it…if your face is not cute then you have to teach your eyes to really 'talk' to a girl.Also by the end of the dance act like you are torn whether you should get another one from her,but be very sweet and don't talk too much as you can scare her off-she'd get it that you're hassling.Yes it really helps that you do ask her if she doesn't mind being felt up…i like the way you use 'feel' instead of 'touch', i find 'can i touch?' a bit too sharp and sobering like the guy is here to grope...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Kissing and the art of kissing
    Ok i can help.The best way to go about it is not to hassle for kissing beforehand like others suggest(as its off putting,dancers do save it for their loved ones),but pretend to be smitten with how hot she is and act controlled and respectful like a good little boy.Pay for a dance so readily as if she said it cost 1 dollar but say you can't afford any more,that is ALMOST all the money you got after breaking your piggy bank...Do notably less to her in a dance than she used to and keep breaking a soft smile and make eye contact as if you were falling in love.Look like you really enjoying yourself and as if it gets better and better for you every second...Towards the end she will make her dance more interesting to provoke you to pay for another one and this is where you gently keep pulling your neck and face slightly towards her and pouting your lips with your eyes half closed…she will be tempted to deliberately brush her lips against yours and then might get carried away.If she does it too briefly - freeze in the same position she left you and moan innocently 'oh babe' etc.If this wont work then i don't know what will! :)))
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is this wrong?
    Just read my post again and noticed that I wrote it all in present tense instead of past and used the words shit,massive and experience repetitively...ah what can I say felt 'under' and almost electrocuted when writing it...also remember he kept saying yes baby,yes! And it made me wanna both cry and fuck him towards the end...also it felt like everything around us was moving during our 'session'...like we were riding a car...oh should I say a crazy train lol..although I was completely sober.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is this wrong?
    trust me Clubber i did a good job as my knee hurt after that i can only imagine how his balls felt! also i tried hard to please because i wanted us to become friends and him to be back as ridiculous as it sounds lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is this wrong?
    Haha guys I like all your responses:) slaux.pas I'm sorry about your childhood and that half of your vocabulary is a word 'retard' however you don't know me and hate the wrong person.I'm not gonna ignore you just yet because your stupidity amuses me don't know why lol:) Sclvr5005 and Steve229, SuperDude,Josh43,rogertex-all of you are correct,and yes rogertex you are right I only dared to do it as it was generally paid for,I was potentially risking my job and sued against but it felt sooooo right at the time hehe
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Its a start i guess
    sorry to be a killjoy buttttt…there is a little chance that she got tired of suckin some dudes off and resorted to tongue fucking unless asked otherwise…but don't beat yourself up most things are worth trying once i suppose
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    haha i like the humour of this thread you guys crack me up, who says don't throw SJG readily under a bus,explain your reasoning lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Friend zone kills sensuality
    for me personally friendship and seductiveness generally don't mix well in the club.I find those are very different vibes and i make my money with the latter so i keep it unambiguous.i release friendship notions at work occasionally as a token of approval to keep them wanting to be closer.But i think a mainstream stripper works the other way round,she befriends people as much as she can and their money is their token of approval for her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is offering P4P offensive?
    if asked politely and like you really fancy that specific girl then its not offensive, strippers get asked all the time.A girl is likely to say no even if she thinks 'maybe' because she doesn't trust the guy.Maybe offer a dinner date first then offer 'to make life a bit better'…I get asked for dinners all the time too, basically the same thing but deceivingly civil...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Would this be weird/make a stripper freak out
    I don't find yoga pants request weird at all.As I already mentioned in comments to my article I do get a lot of requests to wear stuff people offer to me at work as well as pressure to wear or to take off black stockings or sell a worn thong lol.I might probably get a little upset if I take some new guy for one dance and he just pulls out pants out of his pocket and asks me to wear it with a convincing grin.I suggest they better be a regular or pay for VIP and ask politely but casually first,flirt and pull out the pants 5min later,tip and tell me I'm the first they ever asked in my club and it's been a fantasy of theirs on a girl who look just like me:)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    how hard is it to add a like button ?
    i also think 'like','dislike' and 'what would juice do?' buttons are necessary.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Are you possessed?
    Not possessed and very dissapointed! :( I was hoping I was a bit weird but nope,nothing lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Age to Stop
    I had a generous regular for 3years who I met when he was 73.Also had quite a few lucrative nights at the club with guys over 80.They were polite and not touchy old schoolers,classy and tidy,had a lot of money to spend,could stay long,were not drunk and were stimulating intellectually,inspiring chaps really,and above all had a great taste in women lol.I'd rather we had more of them through the door...:) I think it's too late to go strip club when you're dead too! X
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hypothetical Question #2014
    Haha jestrite50 thank you,I'll keep you in mind;)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    i love this thread!!! i have favourite songs too but i don't remember the lyrics when the occasion strikes :(