
avatar for jackslash
"Energy and persistence conquer all things." - Benjamin Franklin

In September a dancer I'll call Sansa treated me very disrespectfully. I had been seeing her regularly for 8 or 10 months and had been spending a lot of money on her. In my book Sansa is a 9. I enjoyed watching her dance, having dinner with her, and fucking her brains out.

But then came the incident of disrespect, and I told her I was through.

Since then, she has texted me at least once a week, saying how much she misses our time together and asking me to come into the club. I have never responded to her texts. But she has been persistent.

Here I am sitting at home on a gloomy Saturday afternoon, feeling bored. Sansa texts me, "Hey jack babe!!! I'm here hope u stop in and see me! xoxo"

Should I let her persistence wear down my resolve?


last comment
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
Yes! Do it jack, do it!

But what was the incident of disrespect?
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Times I have pressed hard going after a woman, I've got stomped on.

On the other hand, one real bitch in college I took to ignoring. When people were in the cafeteria and she was talking, I would look away and instead start talking to someone else. Right after that she started chasing after me and wanted me to go for a night time walk on the beach with her.

Overall though she is not someone I wanted to be involved with.

avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
What did she do to disrespect you? Depending on what she did affects whether or not you should cave.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
This one had just been treating me like I was a non-entity. That is, until I stopped showing interest in her and instead started treating her the same way. Then she started chasing after me.

A most interesting experiment, but not a girl I really would want involvement with.

Notice how dead this forum gets on weekends? I think it must be because lots of people's wives and mothers are home instead of off at work. So these guys can only get to be jerking off in the basement and posting about the Strippers of their Dreams on the weekdays.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Fuck her in the pussy
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Yes, today, that is what I would do.

Back then, no I was not that assertive.

Notice how dead this forum gets on weekends? I think it must be because lots of guy's wives and mothers are home instead of off at work. So these guys can only get to be jerking off in the basement and posting about the Strippers of their Dreams on the weekdays.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
w.r.t. dancers I’m kinda learning one just needs to take/accept them for who/what they are and if they don’t treat me right I kinda take that as part of the deal and try not to take it personally (they can’t help themselves being who they are) – as long as they do their job right as a dancer and I get my money’s worth; that is all I’ve come to expect.

But if she dises you; then it’s good for their to be consequences such as putting her on probation for a while but not blackballing her all together – you are the paying customer and should be the one in control – hell no are you/me going to pay someone to disrespect us in return.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
This college girl was a civilian, a stuck up bitch.

But even so what you are saying still applies. I should have just used that beach walk to fuck her in the pussy. Today this is what I would do.

And as far as strippers, I agree completely with what you have said.

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taking exception to carlos_spiceyweiner…

How many feel like I do that Articles should bump must like Discussions now do?


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avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
No. Start cultivating a replacement.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Yes Jack...fuck her in the mouth
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
What was the infraction?
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
I'm going through this now with my former ATF. Our relationship had evolved into more of a SD/SB thing. After about a year and a half I grew tired of being her piggybank and broke it off. Thought we might still remain friends. I have contacted her several times lately to propose dinner or drinks and she all but blew me off so I reduced the amount I had planned to send her for her birthday this week. No sooner had my birthday card and $$ arrived when I received a call from her wanting more $$. No thanks. Today she called again and I hung up on her. I think we are through.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
^^^ fuck her in the mouth
avatar for Taborca
10 years ago
Otto-ur relationship was already out of the club or in club for all that?
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
@Jack - my Unter service can also help with problems like this. See, you would simply enter Sansa's phone number into the special stripper spam box on our web site, and her texts would automatically be diverted to the phone of this guy I've hired in San Jose, CA. He will exchange texts with her until she finally gets tired and gives up trying to contact you.

avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"No sooner had my birthday card and $$ arrived when I received a call from her wanting more $$."

@otto22 - sounds like you need to get some cash to your ATF stat! My Unter service can help with that!…
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
SJG: "Notice how dead this forum gets on weekends? I think it must be because lots of guy's wives and mothers are home instead of off at work. So these guys can only get to be jerking off in the basement and posting about the Strippers of their Dreams on the weekdays."

avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Come on, steve229. SJG seems to be a big fan on you, your economic theories and how hard you took it when that hooked said goodbye to you. Why throw him unter the bus so readily?
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Jack just ask WWJD ? JuiceboxJackie would go test the waters cuz make up sex is hot...but if the "Energy" isnt right then fucc another cunt in her face
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for zipman68
10 years ago
One should ALWAYS ask oneself WWJD?

The answer usually involves fried chicken and/or a sexy chick's asshole.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago

The last thing I would ever want to do would be to be giving money to some girl who thinks she is too good to be in a civilian relationship with me. Just trying to communicate with her is the way to put it to the test. You don't want to let her make you into an object of pity. So best to surface what problem there is at the earliest opportunity.


Here is an interesting looking book I just learned of:…

and then also this:…

avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Jack, back to the matter at hand, I don't know what happened between you and Sansa, but the impression I'm getting from what you've put down as her texts is that she misses your money more than you. If she wanted to deal with whatever it was that pissed you off, she'd probably be texting stuff like "I'm sorry" or "Can we talk about it?" Course, in stripper-speak, asking you to come in to the club might be about the same thing, so who really knows?
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago
I hope you didn't cave, jack.

This hobby pretty much destroys our dignity so it is vitally important for us to hold tenaciously to whatever slim shreds of dignity that may remain.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@farmerart: "This hobby pretty much destroys our dignity"

Speak for yourself dude. I left behind every single shred of anything even remotely resembling the hint of a possibility of dignity a long time ago...

avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Don't fight it. Rather embrace the loss of dignity. Own it!
avatar for LenaSmirnova
10 years ago
haha i like the humour of this thread you guys crack me up, who says don't throw SJG readily under a bus,explain your reasoning lol
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
SJG will probably quote a half dozen different books about throwing people under a bus, give us a dissertation on the phrase (and its consequences) along with a few completely unrelated paragraphs, and then provide links to a couple dozen threads that mention throwing him under a bus.
avatar for Josh43
10 years ago
^^^^^ I think SJG sometimes trips and falls under the bus on his own.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Dignity and strip-clubs is kinda an oxymoron

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