
Does A Slow Night Benefited You In Some Way?

Thursday, November 20, 2014 6:27 PM
I was at the SC yesterday night, sitting at the bar watching the sports channel. Dancers go their normal routine walking about striking up a conversation, I do engage and move the conversation forward. The clock ticks and soon the dancer has to walk around again. No biggie, I let the girls go their way knowing they have to make money. Around 12:05AM she sits next to me without saying a word, I glanced at her and broke a smile before turning my head toward the TV, thinking she will be sliding away to make rounds. I glanced back and saw her sitting there just staring somewhere, I asked "What's going on, you can talk to me." "It is a slow night." "Yeah it is slow." "Might as well spend this time with you then." "I would love that." So she sits closer to me and we spend at least one hour talking about stuff and feeling her out. She was very laid back last night. Just chilling with me. Does a slow night benefited you in some way?


  • gawker
    10 years ago
    It depends upon what you're seeking. If my objective is to have a young hot chick get me off, then slow or busy makes no difference. If I'm a lonely PL looking for companionship and an opportunity to schmooze with a stripper, then a slow night improves my chances.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    Slow nights or days will make the girls more willing to chat for a lot longer without any money or promise of money. It also will generally mean you'll have your pick of available girls. In theory on a slow night you might be able to get more milage from a lap dance or negotiate a lower rate, but that depends a lot on the dancer and club.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Sometimes a slow night can be a welcome change of pace, too, a chance to just forget about the hunt, to relax and to recharge, not just for yourself but for the ladies, too.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Two things- 1. For many strippers, they always say it's a slow night. 2. Yeah, I've benefitted from an actual slow night.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Yes. If it's a slow night, and the club is nice and quiet, it makes it easier to evesdrop while you're sitting at the bar by yourself.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    In general, when it's slow, they seem more interested in sitting with you for longer whereas when it's busy, it's pretty much all business. Then again, at my favorite club, if I am there before 9pm, it's almost a guarantee it's been a slow night for the ladies, so it's almost another guarantee one of them will come on over and chat with me. However, it's not always one of my preferred girls.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I prefer the energy of a more active night myself. When the club is pretty empty, the girls are lazy, and more often than not just talk among themselves in a pity party. On a busy night the girls smell money, and they're all chatting me up. One of my best SC experiences was a Wed before Thanksgiving. The place was packed and I wasn't even sure I could get a dance with the frumpiest girl let alone a hottie. Then a dancer I vaguely knew came up to me and chatted me up, and I went to VIP with her. After the 5 dance block she said she was tired and would hang out with me in VIP if I just paid the house, so I spent the rest of the night with her there for very little money. She's still at the club and is now one of my regulars.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I love a slow night if there's a lot of talent to choose from. Unfortunately, a slow night usually means you don't have the A-Team talent, and the number of dancers working is limited.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    A slow time at my favorite club goes on from 30 minutes before opening to 30 minutes after it is open. So I am an early bird.
  • James1557
    10 years ago
    Some years ago, before I discovered tuscl I was in a London (England) strip club chatting to a sexy dancer with whom I had just had a private dance. It was a quiet night (maybe 5 dancers and 2 customers) and, as we chatted, the manager came round and said that they were closing early (maybe 1am, I can't remember exactly) because it was so quiet. I said to the dancer, 'Pity the night has to end like this'. She replied 'maybe it doesn't' and about 15 minutes later we were both in a taxi back to my place. Sadly the telephone number she gave me was false and I have never seen her again. But it remains the only time I have acheived an OTC meeting straight from a strip club.
  • Eagle1191
    10 years ago
    Slow times are the best times as the ladies are often bored, open to conversation, and not in "business mode" for a lack of a better term. This is the time where you get to know them and establish rapport which often benefits both you and the dancers. Often during busy times the dancers I have gotten to know will stop by my table as they know I will buy a dance or take a short break to say hi.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Yes, I always look for the slow times, because the girls are likely to be willing to talk longer / cheaper. And unlike Mr. LDK and some others, I am always going to want as much of this as possible before I do any more costly dances with a girl, because the more she feels that she knows me, the better it is likely to go. How to get to TJ Hong Kong Bar quality? [view link] SJG Jennifer López - tribute to Celia Cruz [view link]
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I appreciate slow nights every now and then, it gives me time to work my game. I could use my system, I could do Dougster's "just ask" system, I could do Rick Dugan's system. The options are endless.
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Gawker and jose guy said it best about slow night's #Like Spending lil to no money on slow nights and talking and snuggling in the corner like you did is exactly what my ATF and i did righf before she became my SO for 3 years
  • dr_lee
    10 years ago
    It's weird, but I tend to have more success on busy nights than slow. I notice in some clubs that on slow nights, all the girls just sit at the bar or stand around or hide in the dressing room with attitudes like they kind of don't care. They move around when they feel like it or for certain customers. That kind of attitude/behavior puts me off and makes me think twice about certain dancers that I might otherwise approach.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Yeah, I spent a good amount of time feeling her and she looked very pretty to my eyes, a top shelf dancer. She was with two customers early that night, she got one/two dance after hanging out for 45 minutes, not really bad considering it was a slow night. My eyes kept staring at her and I was able to memorize the contours of her face and body so well I could paint her with my eyes closed.
  • LenaSmirnova
    10 years ago
    I like clubs half busy as then I work non stop.Busy is not always good,it can be emotionally draining when a lot of guys find group affinity between them and just worship that and their beers.Slow nights can be demotivating if they are too slow so only hard core sellers work and all the really attractive and entertaining girls who normally do well are not bothered and group in a dressing room chatting and on phones,waiting for their turn to cash out,pay their fine for early leave and go home to sleep,to save their day the morning after for things they'd rather do.
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