
Comments by Josh43 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married
    " If I had a buck for every buddy of mine that confided in me that they HATE being a parent I'd have enough money for a night of VIP's." ---------------------- Sounds like Dougster's dad is one of your buddies. Seriously ,Dougster, don't let some stupid article persuade you that kids don't bring happiness. Keep an open mind.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married
    Perhaps the article was written by your therapist??
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    10 years ago
    Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married
    "Actually I just an article that having children does not, by objective measure, increase happiness." ----------------------- Dougster spends half his existence complaining that others follow the media blindly -- then cites some unknown "article" to support his claim.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Goodbye TUSCL
    From the the title, thought this was a suicide note. Glad that you're okay, OP.
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    10 years ago
    OT: More Proof of the Economic Boom We Are In
    Interesting Bloomberg article on women in education. There was a similar article last month in VOX that said that many of the elite (non-engineering) schools are forced to accept men with inferior records these days just to keep up the quota of men in the entering class -- sort of affirmative action for men. To the *very* young dudes out there: more books, fewer strippers.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Happily Married
    Doesn't really matter how beautiful or nurturing or charming your wife is -- men like to sleep around. It's genetic. It's possible to still love your wife though, since the cheating doesn't involve any sort of emotional attachment and is about as meaningful as taking a dump. If your wife is cheating on you, then situation is very different and your marriage is likely over. Women who cheat on their husbands are much more likely to be seeking an emotional attachment.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bucket List Items
    ^^^^^ JS has a real shot at Guinness under the category of "Most Epic Midlife Crisis." Hope you make it to age 60, buddy.
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    10 years ago
    OT: These 20-somethings invest like 'Depression babies'
    @Meat: What makes SJG fascinating and likable is that he's a sort of modern day Don Quixote. Dougster says he sometimes tilts at windmills. But the similarity goes further: Like SJG, Quixote was a smart guy who went slightly nuts by reading too much. And like SJG, Don Quixote elevated prostitutes to much more than sex workers: Plot synopsis of Don Quixote online (CH2): "He mistakes the scheming innkeeper for the keeper of a castle and mistakes two prostitutes he meets outside for princesses. He recites poetry to the two prostitutes, who laugh at him but play along. They remove his armor and feed him dinner. He refuses to remove his helmet, which is stuck on his head, but he enjoys his meal because he believes he is in a great castle where princesses are entertaining him."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Are you on Facebook? Dancer told me she was going to search for me.
    I think majority should rule on a place like this. If my comments bother you (Clubber and others), I'll stop. It's all a big joke to me. If everyone has the same opinion, doesn't the forum become a boring echo chamber?
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    10 years ago
    OT: (Jehovah's Witnesses) "Millions Living Today Will Never Die"
    ^^^ "blah, blah, blah, Robert Jastrow" ---------------------- My Dad used to talk about Jastrow, and It’s been a long time since I've heard that name. Jastrow was the go-to guy when some religious whack needed credibility from the scientific community -- even though Jastrow was an agnostic. Books, like Jastrow's, that try to make a connection between science and religion are a complete fucking waste of time. And Jastrow never believed in climate change even though the whole topic has been a done-deal in the scientific community, for about two decades. Before my time, but Jastrow was about the only physicist with credentials who supported Reagan's bizarre star-wars missile defense proposal. @Dougster: You should start be nicer to all of us. Otherwise, when the time comes, only us nice people (like SJG) will be swept up into the air, and you will be left on Earth with the Koch bros to suffer eternal damnation.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT] A Brilliant Quote ????
    "What smart person would go into the newspaper business today?" --------------- Exactly. The web is decimating the newspaper business. Smartest content is scattered over thousands of individual blogs.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    "I am not a prostitute" declares the prostitute
    Mirror image of the same logic (got this from SW so doesn't apply to anyone specifically): (1) All men who are worldly, powerful, and virile sleep with young babes. (2) All men are *not* delusional PLs who pay for sex. (3)Therefore, I'm not a PL, but instead a worldly, powerful, and virile dude who sleeps with young babes.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: WSJ "Fed Likely to Remove ‘Patient’ Barrier for Rate Increase as Soon as Jun
    Fischer is one of the smartest dudes on the planet (still going strong at age 70), and we're lucky to have have him as vice chair. He's on CNBC sometimes -- explains things well. Think he wants to raise rates soon, like you do. The whack patrol (Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Ted Cruz) wants to "audit the fed" again. I'm sure Fischer/Yellen needs their help...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: These 20-somethings invest like 'Depression babies'
    I agree with Ski to the extent that the market is simply overvalued right now; the caution that's gripping investors really doesn't have much to do with feeling "shell-shocked" over recent bubble-burst periods. Still, what kind of advice would you give to a 20-something right now -- someone who's going to be in the market for another 40 years? I would recommend investing the same fixed amount at fixed intervals since these elevated levels could persist for years. Good job with your conspiracy theory, Ski.
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    March Madness & Wilt
    I love basketball, one of the few pro sports not hit by major doping scandals. Anyone know why? Figure that Wilt was sexually active for about 45 yrs with 300 sex partners per year == 13500. So 20000 is plausible.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: WSJ "Fed Likely to Remove ‘Patient’ Barrier for Rate Increase as Soon as Jun
    Dougster for Fed Chair!! Imagine Dougster leading a session of the Fed Board. You'd have Stan Fischer (advisor of both Bernanke and Draghi) presenting charts and equations relating interest rates to inflation and full employment, with the other governors nodding in agreement. Then Dougster would go apeshit: "You mindless cock-sucking circle-jerk panty waists don't know anything about the economic boom." From WSJ: "Ms. Yellen has signaled that the inflation backdrop is the key wild card in the months ahead.Though the job market is improving as the Fed hoped, inflation isn’t moving back toward its 2% objective." I think Yellen will be another great Fed chair.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    OT: Weird thoughts!
    "Elizabeth Warren has convinced President Obama to protect the public by issuing an executive order requiring all products to have clear English names. So you can't call it a bidet. You now have to call it an anus hoser. Still want one?" -------------------------- For Christ's sake Ilbbi, absolutely everyone knows the GOP is the party of xenophobia. During Bush/Cheney we were forced to call it "anal waterboarding." Still want one?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Your Reason For Not Believing We Are in a Boom
    "So you guys are seriously all afraid of a little rate hike?" ------------------------------------------------ The lefty blogosphere is arguing that, while we have nearly full employment, there's barely a hint of wage increases. Pumping up rates now might result in less job growth. So leave rates as they are until we see some hint of inflation; it's far easier to deal with some inflation than a Japanese style deflation.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I've got nothing against faggots, I just don't fancy them
    @ski: Yes, a proposal to introduce what is essentially a Jim Crow law against the LGBT community. I'm sure that will be a hot topic at your next Klan rally!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: "For the First Time in 30 Years, Unemployment Fell in Every State in 2014"
    ^^^^the historical connection between interest rates and the housing market is not nearly as strong as you might think. Stock market is another story. PE of the overall market using 10yr trailing earnings is near 1929 levels right now. Good time to be a cautious investor...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I've got nothing against faggots, I just don't fancy them
    ^^^You should move to Oklahoma where gays don't have a right to be served in every store: http://www.salon.com/2015/03/05/gop_lawmaker_gay_people_don%E2%80%99t_have_a_right_to_be_served_in_every_single_store/
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    10 years ago
    OT: "For the First Time in 30 Years, Unemployment Fell in Every State in 2014"
    Shit, another withering attack on my ability to put out a consistent argument. I think you have to group incomes into one of those hystegramm thingys and look at all the bins to see a trend. But math is really hard I hate the Kochs either way. So good employment numbers. Maybe you'll get your wish for higher interest rates soon...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So who else actually fucks civilians on the regular?
    Dougster wrote:" Don't want a Jewish brother-in-law?" --------------------------------------------------------------------- ...actually I was thinking about the horrible prospect of nieces & nephews that are half human and half troll. At Thanksgiving, they might hide under the table and pop up occasionally to throw cranberry sauce in my eyes.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So who else actually fucks civilians on the regular?
    Does Josh43's sister count? ------------------------------------------- @Dougster: You sure seem obsessed with my sister, lately?? Just make sure to wear a condom. The thought of your gene-pool in my extended family is absolutely terrifying.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Buffett: Elizabeth Warren Is Too 'Angry and Demonizing'
    Skibum wrote: "Her new "discovery" about Obama's trade bill that she's bleating about? Cato institute figured it out when the deal was first discussed and she stole the idea. " ---------------------------------------------------------- @Ski: The Cato institute is a libertarian propaganda factory started by one of the Koch bros. I suppose you're talking about a small part of the trade bill concerning whether foreign companies can sue the US in international courts. That issue's been around for decades and other people like Robert Reich and Joe Stiglitz write about the topic, too. So it's stupidity to say the Warren "stole" the idea from Cato. Lot's of good ideas originate on the other side. Anyone who's studied Obamacare for more than 5 minutes knows that Obamacare is really RomneyCare and the brainchild of Jonathan Gruber. Who gives a shit where good ideas comes from? Warren has a knack of getting the public to care about obscure things that would go over the head of nearly everyone else in Congress. For that reason, she's a great woman, and I hope she stays in the Senate where she can concentrate on wonky things that would otherwise go unnoticed. She will never be president. …and this trade issue is more than theoretical: Google the Phillip Morris suit against Australia if you want a frightening real-world example. Also, if you have proof that Warren got affirmative-action money during college, then post the proof here. I bet you won't since you usually scurry off into the woodwork like a cockroach.