
OT: Buffett: Elizabeth Warren Is Too 'Angry and Demonizing'

"Warren Buffett thinks Elizabeth Warren would be more effective if she weren't so "angry."


Buffet is right. Bitch is wound pretty tight and should learn to chill.


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    @dougster: Don't you have some uplifting Bloomberg article for us today?

    Warren is not a great politician. I think she is aware that she lacks political skills (that's why she's not running). Buffet may in fact be correct -- but he's gonna get the tired feminist backlash that "women who are forceful are considered shrill." Especially from an 84 yr old dude.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    I guess her being an angry bitch makes her not electable it couldn't possible fact that she is an ignorant socialist elitist who thinks she has the right to tell each and everyone of us how much money we are allowed to make, where we spend it , how many children we are allowed to have and to not do what she says face reeducation or jail.
    Sound familiar? Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Why would anyone want to even read what is written in Bloomberg?

    Dougster, do you think anyone who takes a critical point of view is "wound too tight", or should instead just be "making money"?

    Elizabeth Warren is adamant about what she believes. But her views are actually extremely conservative.

  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I'm just kidding around, SJG. I have no problem with Warren. Just know she would have no chance if she ran. I'm all for some of reasonable stuff she suggests.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Warren for VP!!!
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Elizabeth Warren is a total fraud. Lied about her ethnic background and illegally received federal education funds. Her consumer protection agency allowed boa to keep 60% of the money they stole from credit card consumers, while the public only got 20% back and the government kept 20%. It was called a protection racket back in the day. Her new "discovery" about Obama's trade bill that she's bleating about? Cato institute figured it out when the deal was first discussed and she stole the idea. Total benefits she brought to my state so far? Zero. Same as John Kerry.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^but she does have high cheek bones. a real "rocket scientist" that one
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I think Liz Warren would be great as VP. Have her talk tough like she is really going to socket to Wall Street. Then when she gets in she'll make a few minor tweaks here and there mainly with the view of taking enough risk out of the system that her $14 million nest egg is protected. Then the masses will be like "yeah, we really showed them!" and be appeased and everyone can live happily ever after.
  • 4got2wipe
    10 years ago
    Tiredtraveler you should really take up saying "brilliant!" all the time! It really will make you feel better! I'm pretty confident that Elizabeth Warren will never have the power to send you to a concentration camp!

    If you don't like he don't vote for her when she runs for office! But I thought you were going to give yourself an aneurysm! Not brilliant! :(
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    hey zipperhead. stfu already. not funny
  • 4got2wipe
    10 years ago
    DoctorPhil, have I offended you? I think you've now called me zipperhead two or three times! Is that your name for Juice? Not brilliant! :(
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    Skibum wrote: "Her new "discovery" about Obama's trade bill that she's bleating about? Cato institute figured it out when the deal was first discussed and she stole the idea. "

    @Ski: The Cato institute is a libertarian propaganda factory started by one of the Koch bros.

    I suppose you're talking about a small part of the trade bill concerning whether foreign companies can sue the US in international courts. That issue's been around for decades and other people like Robert Reich and Joe Stiglitz write about the topic, too. So it's stupidity to say the Warren "stole" the idea from Cato.

    Lot's of good ideas originate on the other side. Anyone who's studied Obamacare for more than 5 minutes knows that Obamacare is really RomneyCare and the brainchild of Jonathan Gruber. Who gives a shit where good ideas comes from?

    Warren has a knack of getting the public to care about obscure things that would go over the head of nearly everyone else in Congress. For that reason, she's a great woman, and I hope she stays in the Senate where she can concentrate on wonky things that would otherwise go unnoticed. She will never be president. …and this trade issue is more than theoretical: Google the Phillip Morris suit against Australia if you want a frightening real-world example.

    Also, if you have proof that Warren got affirmative-action money during college, then post the proof here. I bet you won't since you usually scurry off into the woodwork like a cockroach.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    she’s an intellectual giant I tellz ya

  • 4got2wipe
    10 years ago
    Over the past month or so I've been trying to stay positive and just feel brilliant all of the time! I've cheered myself up after a difficult time, and most people on here have been pretty nice! But this DoctorPhil character has done nothing but accuse me of being Juice! I just looked back at his comments and all he seems to do is complain about other posters! WTF? Why do you even post here DoctorPhil?

    Now he posts this stupid shit above! If you want to complain about Warren why don't you actually post something discussing your views on her positions! You aren't going to do that though, because you probably don't even understand the details of her positions! All you can do is bitch and whine!

    DoctorPhil = NOT brilliant!

  • 4got2wipe
    10 years ago
    DoctorPhil only thinks he's a doctor because the nice bus driver lady told he was a "doctor"! That was while riding the short bus to school!

    From now on I'm going to call him DoctorShortBus! ;)
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @zipperhead68 “Why do you even post here DoctorPhil?”

    just to annoy you. feel better now loser
  • 4got2wipe
    10 years ago
    No I don't feel better! First, I'm not juice! Second, posting only to annoy one person is just sad!

    Do you know Juice IRL or something? Surely you can't be this much of an obsessive dick to somebody you don't even know!

    DoctorShortBus = not brilliant!
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