
Comments by Josh43 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Buffett: Elizabeth Warren Is Too 'Angry and Demonizing'
    @dougster: Don't you have some uplifting Bloomberg article for us today? Warren is not a great politician. I think she is aware that she lacks political skills (that's why she's not running). Buffet may in fact be correct -- but he's gonna get the tired feminist backlash that "women who are forceful are considered shrill." Especially from an 84 yr old dude.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Hillary Clinton
    Hark == Hard
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Hillary Clinton
    Jokes are fine with me, Clubber, just strikes me as dotard humor. Hark to tell whether Hillary's running for the Democratic or Republican nominee? Or running for queen of the hypocrites (see my post in Dougster's thread)?
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    10 years ago
    OT: State Department says Hillary Clinton conducted official business with perso
    Dear Hillary: Thank you for the bombshell and for making Democrats look like fucking hypocrites. After criticizing Karl Rove and the Bush administration for being secretive and using personal email accounts back in 2008, you go ahead and do the same fucking thing. Gov email is just for the little people, I guess. And now we understand your leadership style… Packing my cold-weather gear today. Cause with Scott Walker in the White House and the GOP controlling Congress, I'm moving to Canada.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Hillary Clinton
    This type of humor is what you get when men in their dotage are fed a steady diet of Fox News and the Daily Mail (the UK's cross between Fox News and the National Enquirer).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Anyone planning on buying the Twitter IPO?
    Any particular reason I should go out of my way to do so, rather than letting my fund managers do it? :) ------------------------------------------------------------ Dougster doesn't worry about fees anymore since he's running his own hedge fund, now. Just PM him and he'll send a prospectus. His fund is called "Douglas Asshat Management." (sorry, should be Asset, not Asshat. Auto complete error).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Will somebody explain "the system"?
    @ilbb: Creative! Hilarious!
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    10 years ago
    OT: "Pharma Drug Pipeline Flows Again yet Costs Threaten Innovation "
    This article should make it clear why Wall Street wanted ObamaCare, why it will never go away (even in the pipe dream that Republicans get elected) ... ----------------------------------------------- Obamacare is going to the Supreme Cout again starting this week (King vs Burwell). It's over a glitch in the wording, and I'm pretty worried about the ruling.
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    10 years ago
    OT: "Pharma Drug Pipeline Flows Again yet Costs Threaten Innovation "
    Never mind frivolous cancer and cardiology drugs -- we should all be thankful to Big Pharma for erectile dysfunction drugs. For example, JS69 depends on Cialis once-a-day for the treatment of both BPH and erectile dysfunction so that he can keep "up" with his 19-year-old hottie. I'm reading here from the Democratic Party Talking Points and I'm obligated to tell you that 9/10 of the largest Pharma companies spend more on marketing than R&D. Many of those also have larger profit margins than R&D budgets. Apropos, here is an article about a lawsuit alleging that Novaris took doctors to Hooters: http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/business/130427/novartis-took-doctors-hooters-lawsuit-says Seriously, I have enormous respect for pharma R&D scientists. Bloomberg article makes a point of stating that the FDA is seeing a much higher percentage of effective drugs. Who knows what these brilliant nerds will come up with in the future? Really exciting. Bloomberg:" In Europe, drug companies have long had to negotiate drug prices with governments. The U.K. has a state-run agency that advises its National Health Service on which treatments represent value for money." I wonder if the UK model ends up stifling innovation compared to the US? I really don't know the answer. Douglas wrote: "A good example of how the 2nd derivative of growth is positive…" If you continue to talk that way with strippers, you'll be celebrate for the rest of your sorry life. "Wall Street wanted ObamaCare.." More customers, more money, makes sense -- but, still, everyone knows that Obama is socialist tyrant. Interesting Bloomberg article.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: "Small Businesses Are Going on a Hiring Binge"
    And let me remind you Josh, that Obama thinks top tax rates should kick in at $250k which is well below 1%. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're sure a busy-bee today, Douglas. Maybe you should go out and get laid?? If you try and ignore "The System" you'll have a much better result. Setting the top tax rates at $250K does sound a little too low to me. You're going to include a lot of smart, hard-working, professionals at $250K. However, there have been some studies that suggest that you can increases taxes significantly on incomes over $500K without putting a burden on economic growth. There's an economist named Saez who writes about this. Maybe you sift through financial data and grind out equations all day. I don't; I have to go with some of the economists like Saez whom I trust. How do you feel about the ratio of (CEO Compensation)/(worker compensation) increasing by a factor of 10 since the 1950s? Do you really think we have a new breed of managers that deserve that kind of wealth? I sure don't. Wealth buys power and reinforces itself. When returns on capital gains and dividends exceeds the economic growth rate, wealth accumulates at the top. Then that wealth gets passed on to the next generation (unless, like JS, wealth is squandered on strippers). Something needs to be done to prevent a few wealthy individuals from taking control of American politics (that applies to Soros as well as the Cocks). This is not an attack on capitalism itself. The issue is that there's some "sweet spot" on progressive taxation that promotes economic growth, but which avoids some of the absolutely glaring examples of economically useless spoils going to CEOs and hedge-fund managers
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    10 years ago
    OT: "Small Businesses Are Going on a Hiring Binge"
    Complete nonsense. It's exactly the fucking opposite: the GOP includes the merely affluent to dismiss and discredit what is a valid argument. I
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Motor Homes
    Most motor homes lack having a basement. I would think SJG would have a problem with that??
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: "Small Businesses Are Going on a Hiring Binge"
    Another great Bloomberg article and it makes me smile to see this charismatic black dude in the White House presiding over our economic recovery. Take note, you wingnuts on the right: looks like taking care of our citizens' health has not destroyed the labor market: Bloomberg:"Some business groups have expressed concern that the Affordable Care Act’s mandate for employers with 50 or more full-time workers to provide insurance could deter hiring. A Congressional Research Service report Jan. 15 noted a 2013 survey of small employers found most misunderstood the rules on what size companies were required to provide coverage, the deadlines and penalties. The report said the law would result in “a negligible change in the labor force.” Now if only we could get a single-payer health care system like the UK, Sweden, Finland, or Australia we could also attack our serious Medicare debt issues in the future. But single-payer health is socialism -- so that will never happen, here. Right Shark? "Didn't the certain jerk on the left say that even if there was a boom only the top 1% would benefit?" Misrepresenting someone's argument is the work of someone with a pea brain. If you try harder to be logical, Douglas, maybe you can move out of your habitat under a bridge in the forest and into a real home like the rest of us. People in the top 1% are merely affluent. Many are scientists, engineers, and medical doctors who deserve much more. The income and wealth inequality issue centers on hedge-fund managers who do (almost) nothing but speculate on the economy and earn grotesque amounts of money. Then they attempt to buy elections. One of my fav authors is Matthew Yglesias. One of his articles floating around last year pointed out that the top four hedge fund managers out earn more than every kindergarten teacher in America. Fuck that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    TUSCL Broken-Clock Award: Dougster for calling the financial recovery before the mainstream media TUSCL Lifetime Achievement Award: Dougster for bumping the "faggot" thread 1017 times. TUSCL Most Colorful Language Award: Dougster for coining the phrase "circle-jerking mindless cock suckers." Runner up: Dugan for calling grown men "panty waists." Plan to use both in my next staff meeting when someone disagrees with me. TUSCL Up-and-Coming Oligarch/Heggie/Koch Donor Award: Dougster for incessantly quoting arcane financial data and using complex mathematics to define the top 1% on a fucking STRIPPER WEBSITE! TUSCL Best Actor: Rick Dugan The Joint TUSCL / Suze Orman Financial Planning Award: To JohnSmith69 for squandering his children's inheritance on strippers. TUSCL Award For Most Original Handle: John Smith The Joint TUSCL/NRA Award for the promotion of AK47s: Clubber TUSCL Amiability Award: JamesSD for always having something intelligent to say without getting mad (poor guy needs counseling). The Joint TUSCL/Fox News Award for Neo-conservative Demagoguery: Skibum. Runner-up: All the rest of ya. TUSCL Most Intellectual: Slaux.pas TUSCL Most Valuable Poster: SJG (this place would collapse without him).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I think I’ll stay single
    Holdem wrote: "Josh, just because you don't agree with his politics you want his ex to financially and unfairly rape him? " Answer: I’m really more concerned about campaign finance reform than Griffin's politics -- but since reform's not gonna happen any time soon, I do enjoy watching his ex try her best to screw him out of billions. Look, even in the very remote chance that she succeeds in getting 50%, Griffin still has another $10B to play with. @Clubber: Would I be excluded from the TUSCL celebration? I was thinking I could buy you a beer, we could discuss gay marriage, the merits of the Community Reinvestment Act, immigration reform, whether Obama is a tyrant, and (of course ) you could help me with my nascent firearm skills. We have a common interest in bikes -- but I have a dirt bike and you have a Harley which makes cruising on the highway impractical. But maybe I could teach you how to jump curbs on your Harley??
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I think I’ll stay single
    Ken Griffin is one of the major donors to the Koch bros that I was talking about in another thread. Hopefully his X will continue to fuck with him.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I thought women enjoyed talking ?
    " I sometimes check out stripperweb for the same reason that I sometimes listen to NPR instead of Fox News. Sometimes I find it interesting to understand what the delusional people on the opposite side of the spectrum from me are saying." --------------------------------------------------------------- Good one, Johnny!! Did you know that the average age of a Fox News viewer is 68? In the not-to-distant future (after you have exhausted your net worth on strippers) you can look forward to watching Fox News in your nursing home while some stranger changes your diapers!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: The Kids Are Alright as U.S. Job, Wage Gains Reach Millennials
    I depend on Dougster for my morning dose of optimism. Then reality sets in. "With millennials projected to overtake baby boomers this year as the biggest generation in the U.S." ^^^Didn't know that; interesting factoid.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Relax There's No Conspiracy to Destroy the Middle Class
    "I kind of like the fact that it makes what the masses things predictable, which is good for speculation" ------------------------------------------------------- ...and you have the gall to criticize Dugan for caring only about his own gratification. Shameful, really.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Relax There's No Conspiracy to Destroy the Middle Class
    "Democrats out spent Republicans in the last 4 election by a wide margin. Obama outspent McCain by more than 2 to1 and Romney by 3 to 2. " ------------------------------------------------------------------ @Tired: Who cares? You're missing the point entirely. In 2016, a few hundred donors led by the Koch's will outspend the entire budget of either party in the last election. That's insanity! The campaign finance rules which started in 2010 are polluting the political system.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Relax There's No Conspiracy to Destroy the Middle Class
    @Skibum: Okay, I get it. One hysterical, bigoted , rant after another with no content. Congrats -- you get my vote for the most repulsive posts on TUSCL. @Dougster: I sort of enjoy the optimism you project in your posts and I also appreciate the entrepreneurs and scientists that make America a great place. Good point. However phrasing this as a "conspiracy" of the 1% against the middle class is something that you invented. Accumulation of wealth into the hands of a few rich families happens more as a natural force when you have unbridled capitalism. There's no conspiracy of any kind. When return on wealth is greater than economic growth, wealth accumulates at the top. The view on the left is that we don't want to return 18th century Europe where wealth is controlled by a few rich families who can manipulate policy and elections. And that's where we're going. Six of the top ten wealthiest Americans come from two families - the Kochs and the Waltons who INHERITED their wealth. Not to be a broken record, but the Koch's are so rich and influential that they are able to raise more money than the ENTIRE Republican party in the last election. I can't believe that doesn't bother you. I wish I felt as optimistic as you do.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: "Cock Group" At Work Destroying Our Democracy Some More?
    ^^^Now I don't want you to get the wrong idea: I'm as pig-headed and partisan as they come. It's just that the Koch group *alone* is raising more money than Romney did in 2012. How brilliant is that? Look to Shadow's thread and the state of Kansas to see what this country will look like under Kochtopia. The Koch corporate offices are in Wichita and Koch money helped bet Gov Brownback elected . Brownback cut taxes on businesses and top earners because that, of course, stimulates the economy. But Kansas is now in a horrible fiscal mess without enough revenues and the rating agencies have downgraded Kansas dept. Also, 4Got will appreciate the fact that Brownback signed a bill making *all* federal gun laws illegal in the state of Kansas. Cause Obama wants to take your guns…
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    OT: do any of you guys like muzzleloaders?
    Don't know too much about firearms, but I've got this woodpecker bird poking a hole in the wood trim on my house. What should I get? Would an AK47 be appropriate?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: "Cock Group" At Work Destroying Our Democracy Some More?
    Since I don't follow politics play-by-play can someone who does tell me why these "Cock Brothers" are worse than Soros? ------------------------------------------------------- Well, I think the Koch's outspend Soros by a lot on lobbying efforts (don't have any numbers to back that up). But you raise a valid point. That's why Obama and others quite reasonably want to overturn Citizen's United with some kind of constitutional amendment. Money should not buy elections.
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    10 years ago
    OT: "Cock Group" At Work Destroying Our Democracy Some More?
    “Grotesque threats have been leveled against known associates of the foundation, ranging from threats to kill or maim, to threats to firebomb buildings,” "The Americans for Prosperity Foundation sued Harris in December, accusing her of violating free-speech rights" -------------------------------------------------- Who's side are you on Douglas? I thought an aspiring oligarch like yourself would feel a kindred with Charles and David? Maybe they can make you an honorary brother? As in "Dougster Cock." And how is your quest to buy property going? Living under a bridge in the forest is probably growing tedious at this point, and may be less than ideal for your OTC activities. I think we should all have as much "free-speech" as the Koch brothers in the next election. Since this is a true democracy, we should all donate $1B in the next election as an exercise in free-speech. As far as the "grotesque threats," they may have a point there… @4got: You fit in quite nicely, here. Just as fucked up as the rest of us.