
OT: More Proof of the Economic Boom We Are In

Women making huge progress in education (I believe that more people being in school is the real explanation of why labor force participation has declined steadily since around 2000. This article shows just how dramatic the gains for women have been.)

"Young women are making rapid gains at work and in the classroom. They're not only graduating college at a much faster rate than their grandmothers; they've also begun to outpace men in earning bachelor's degrees, according to a report released on Thursday by the Pew Research Center."


Some amazing advances in medicine related to Alzheimer's:

"Biogen Idec stock has reached new highs and added $40 billion to the company's market cap as its promising experimental Alzheimer's drug moves forward. The drug was so effective in early human testing that it will immediately skip to final-stage testing needed for approval, the company reported March 20. "


Also looks like the NASDAQ is already back at yearly highs after the little interest rate spoke that caused everyone on TUSCL to proclaim the sky is falling. Test of all-time highs looks not too far off. (Hey, I'm sure it's all over when that happens right skibum? SJG?)


  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    I'm so wishing a drop or pullback or some other negative spin comes around to spook the markets. If things hold along our political climate, we stand to do well domestically for 10--20 years. My large caps have almost done 10% YTD (8.9% exactly). Still got room to run before piling into the mid and small sectors. Will rebalance after the rate hike scares are over, which will be later maybe next year.
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    Interesting Bloomberg article on women in education.

    There was a similar article last month in VOX that said that many of the elite (non-engineering) schools are forced to accept men with inferior records these days just to keep up the quota of men in the entering class -- sort of affirmative action for men. To the *very* young dudes out there: more books, fewer strippers.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    I have created trusts for my minor-age heirs. I am aggressively buying selected small Canadian E&P companies as well as some larger oilfield service companies for the trusts intended for teen-age heirs. For the trusts intended for younger children and infants I am buying Canadian banks and insurance companies.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    In farmerart we trust!
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Are your trusts irrevocable?
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I don't care if the market goes into correction mode as in 2008 style. My 401k was up 8% this year but the stock kept going down until I'm only up .5% and all in cash. Every financial guru I read is now forecasting a major several month Long correction. Well one guy is saying we get to a new high first. The market is rigged if the SP500 index drops down to 1400sh or 1200ish. Of course I thought it was years ago. We'll see. If it starts within a month or so, Obama is not the one rigging it. If it drops to 1400 or lower by October, I predict angry voters will elect a Republican instead of a democrat for President. The voters act like that makes a difference.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    My trading account is up 25%. Retirement accounts are lagging: IRA up 6%; 401k almost UNCH.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Shark are you trading in your 401k if you are moving to cash? I look at my 401k as extremely long term as I still need it to grow for 30 plus years so I only rebalance or add a new fund once in a while. My rollover IRA is up 9.01%, 401k is up 12.3%, I haven't done a lot on my brokerage due to being real busy with work and not having as much time to do the research.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago

    Each trust is collapsed on the 25th birthday of the trust's beneficiary, my assumption being that the beneficiary will be a responsible adult by that time, capable of making wise decisions about the use of a hefty pot of cash.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Shit, you American guys are doing much better in the market than I am so far this year.

    My retirement account has a heavy weighting in oil and nat gas stocks so no surprise that it is under water for the year to date. The retirement account got blasted last year.

    My cash account is doing better but nothing really to brag about. I have two super-charged rockets in that account but most everything else is flat or down for the year. The biggest portion of my cash account gains for 2015 is the currency gain on the US stocks held in the account. I am very close to pulling the trigger on all US stocks in my cash account. When, and if, CAD falls to US$0.75 all US stocks will be sold. Almost every US stock in my cash account was bought when CAD was close to par with USD (2012) so there is an easy 33% profit waiting to be plucked out of thin air. In addition, all those US holdings are up a minimum of 50% in price in the three years and many are doubles.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    No harm in taking profits. I neglected to state how my brokerage account stocks , what little I have, continues to plummet since the middle of 2014. It's way more fun to talk about profits, yet I take it as a good sign we can boast about having some losses, too. Those oil and natural gas plays will have their good days ahead of them. I should try adding some more positions if I wasn't so butt sore about it.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Correction my 401k is up about 4% YTD. T I have about 1/3 of it cash in case there is a dip, which is starting to seem increasingly unlikely since everyone and their grandmother now expects one. :-) IRA and trading account are both at least 100% invested. Trading account is using a small amount of margin .

  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I've done okay in oil because I haven't stayed in most trades for long. Looks like recovery is going to take quite some time. With 3d printing stocks this low I'm looking to load up there (definitely not stocks for those who don't like roller coaster rides) - probably move money out of my current oil plays there instead.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    I don't have a DRIP program set up, but when I accumulate them I tend to throw them at thespecukative long term plays like 3D printing, therefore it's only a little ata time with the ability to ride out the roller coaster. Timing is a bitch unless you get it right.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    This is a strange world we have moved into. What Dougster is always calling attention to is just one of its facets, and only one way of interpreting it at that.

    Drugging Out Kids, San Jose Mercury News

    Panel Discussion, State Senator Jim Beall

    More on SJPD Officer Killed


    Rolling Stones
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Video, California State Senate Committee


    @Dougster's Revolution Thread
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Taking on "Tiger Mother" Amy Chua and her new book with her husband, Triple Package, and America's elite schools like the one they teach at, Yale.




    @Dougster's Revolution Thread

    Rare Earth
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    @SJG: Thanks for a good article.

    New Republic : "Tiger Mother and The Triple Package are instruction manuals in how to be a rich, arrogant, miserable asshole."

    LOL! That sounds about right.
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