
Comments by bkkruined (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The Wall was torn down in 1989. People came out and destroyed it with hammers and spoons. In days. And there's just nothing left of it, I've heard of one part about 30 feet long kept as a monument... But the rest is just gone, destroyed by people sick of it. 30 years later, we may have all forgotten... They sure as fuck didn't. I've met a few Ukrainian people over the years. They are proud of that. Ukrainian. After 30 years, I don't think they are giving that up. They might not have the firepower of the Russian army, but neither did Afganistan. Russians, on the other hand, have now had 30 years of BMWs and holidays on the beaches of Thailand. Iphones. If sections are enforced, not more of that until Putin's gone. Let see who looses what over this, and how much they are willing to fight for it? How popular do you think Putin will be this summer if sanctions have barred any import / export from Russia and blocked any beach vacations, while conscripts are still getting sent home from Ukraine in body bags?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    No logic in rules
    vs. stripper rules.... She's got her cock in her hand, sitting in my lap, rubbing it on her legs and ass, etc... While I'm finger banging her. Two fingers, past all the knuckles into her vagina. But actually sliding that penis into her vagina, oh, no, can't do that... She don't "have sex"....
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Bullshit stripper advice to other strippers
    3. Spinning around on a pole or twerking is entertaining. But an engaging, enthusiastic, just "wow" show... I'm not even sure how to describe, other than a hot chick just showing us how hot she is... Ya, that always does it for me. On the extreme end, I'll spend the rest of the night turning every other girl down waiting for her to be available.... 2. Makeup? Ya, some girls need it, some don't... less is more, usually. 1. ??? shit, I dunno, make sense, I guess. But it probably depends on the club and the night....
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    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    People keep trying to blame me for obsessing on Trump... But the only reason anyone doesn't see Putin as the scumbag he is due to Trump taking it from him without even asking for a reaching around and being happy about it for the last 4 years. Reagan's rolling over in his grave. shit's off the wall. Guy's thinking they are all for law and order, but it's OK to go ahead and invade another country cause they got a larger army. We should support them for it? OF course he didn't do it when donny was in office, not because he was scared of what he would do, but expected donny to destroy NATO for him becuase Merkel wouldn't peg him... And, yes, Biden stutters. It's a speech impediment. Being stupid and not knowing when to shut up isn't, it's just being a stupid person, which donny is. BTW. why aren't you guys over on the "truth" network discussing this??? (or did it fail already, like every other Trump business?)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Who wants to be a Male Porn Star?
    And I've heard some of those girls are just flat out bitches (not the fatties or grandmas, but the a bunch of the hotties). Camera stops rolling for a minute and they're just complaining about whatever... too hot... too big... back hurts... too dry... smelly... whatever... camera's back and you have to act like you don't just want to smack her and walk away... But stay hard and hold the position...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oldest working stripper that you know of.
    I have heard of this place in Atlanta from many people who have also never been there... I unfortunately have only been in Altanta two or three nights in my life, due to missed planes, and always used the opportunity to visit Folleys instead of see grandma's get dirty... But maybe some day in the future... Personally, I've never done much with any ladies that appears that old. Maybe 40'ish in some smaller out of the way clubs? If I had a thing for grandmas with skills there's a couple Korean massage places locally, and you know if the look 60 and are Korean, they're probably really more like 80...
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    3 years ago
    Best Movie/Show Ending
    And now you guy's spoiled it for me!!! I was really into whatever episode of breaking bad was on whenever I traveled, but trying to binge watch on netflix just turned into a chore and couldn't make it past a few seasons. But always thought, once I retire, I can finally see how it ends!!! Fuckers!!! (and GOT, watched the whole last season on a flight home from Bangkok... Expect for the last 30 minutes when I finally fell asleep, in pain from watching a @!%# screen for that long, heard the ending sucked, no one's actually explained it to me yet, but I just don't care anymore..) Best I can remember recently is Don't Look Up. Also Ferris Buehler and Shawshank Redemption.
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    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The real name of Thailand's capitol is....
    The Asian Los Angeles.... (oh, and fuck you dixie)
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    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    "^ those are usually the only people that will publicly advocate on behalf of strip-clubs; for obvious reasons" You don't really have to "advocate" for them... Just following the local news on social media, and every time a sting makes the news, rant and rave about all the other shit the cops aren't doing cause they're too busy with their power trip over some pretty girls... I'm sure you guys generally get the idea... Some place other than the strip club review site... Can be pretty effective...
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    3 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    whereas the city “never runs out of $$$” Ultimately, it's money coming from the tax payers of that city and they do have the power to make it stop. In Seattle, shit like this was going on for years. But a shitload of corruption surrounded it, club owner was paying straw donors to contribute over the limit for political campaigns, cops were dating strippers, just a big shit show until ultimately the FBI got involved and all his clubs were shutdown and property auctioned. And the mayor lost the next election. 10 years later... I haven't heard a peep about any enforcement of anything in the several clubs that have opened since. And stories of extras in those clubs are rampant. While there's a lot of liberal "defund the police" kinda attitude in local politics, the people in Seattle largely just don't care who's fucking in the strip clubs (although city ordinance did require "panic buttons" in the VIP rooms....) and are overall kinda pissed about police funding used to harass these places. The only investigation to make the news in about 15 years was some crooked vice cop fucking a stripper and her selling drugs from him in the club. (club stayed open, cop's gone).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    White people can't get the vaccine because....
    @dick's limpy going on a strip club review board calling other people pervs? what a clueless mother fucker. And y'all want to carry on with the racist twit's rant about white people not getting the vaccine... After the hours he's spent doing everything he can to convince people not to get the vaccine? the hypocrisy is that lost on you? What a clueless dumbfuck.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Super Bowl Sunday / Rams vs Bengals
    I'm now realizing Lions fans are so hopeless they are willing to cheer on a team that stole there only hope, just to see that only hope win long after he's left. WOW... That's just, pathetic!!!! Being a Seahawks fan and really only watching them all season, the Bengals really seemed to come outa nowhere. Looked at AFC North division and standings... remembered watching Seahawks loose to the Steelers, but only just, with the backup QB (week after Wilson busted his hand on Donaldson's helmet) and really just started expecting a lopsided blowout. Glad they hung in there as long as they did. But, once the refs were throwing out flags due to them holding kupp on every damned play in desperation... There was just no way they were going to win it.
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    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    It's the same when a used car salesman adds you to social media...
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    3 years ago
    From the guy who popularized "lock her up"!!!!
    @Dixilimpy No can do... Despite your belief that this is all a hoax or some kinda liberal power grab.... The rest of the world actually understands, IT'S a FUCKING VIRUS and doesn't give two shit about your politics or citizenship. It will make you sick. It might injure you for life. It's even killed a bunch of people (almost 6 million...). So, 10 day quarantine is the norm in many countries (including Thailand) as they are still trying to get enough vaccine distributed (cause people there do actually want it). And that's not some goofy Trumpy ban of travel that only bans brown people, or asks them to "self quarantine", cause, well, that's just fucking stupid. And after that 10 days, bars are all still closed anyways.
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    3 years ago
    Freedom Convoy - Canadian Truckers Protest
    If they didn't have a bunch of big trucks and just walked out and stood in the road to protest something like not getting shot by police y'all would be calling them terrorist....
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    3 years ago
    From the guy who popularized "lock her up"!!!!
    @gammaanu59 Oh, ya, I'm the one fixated on him, and y'all are still getting together to chant "lock her up" in your little red hats for him...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Just so much news last week....
    hey Dixie_sosmall.... Nader, Perot or Kenedy was never wined and dined by Russian state media. And, they literally did just that for Jill Stein at Russia Today's 10th aniversary party, seating her right between Vladimir Putin and, yep, Mike Flynn!!! The photographs are out there, multiple sources. Are you imagining away some nonsensical belief they's doctored? And, she did have more votes then the difference between Hillary and Trump. As reported by the secretary of states of PA, Mi and Wi.... But.. Ya, I guess some dead Venezuelan dictator went forward in time and hacked the voting machines, or something like that... but, wawawawa CNN told you something you don't like... WAWAWAAA... quick, call it fake and switch to newmax.... WAWAWAWAWAAAA.... better yet, get that Marjorie Taylor clown to send out the GAZPACHO POLICE!!!!
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    3 years ago
    Just so much news last week....
    Ya, because Russia did nothing to help him get elected.... "No conclusion" you hear Fucker Carlson say.... Never mind the stream of glowing stories about the third party environmentalist feminist candidate from Russia state media, an obvious attempt to split the liberal vote. Which it clearly seemed to accomplish, just enough, in just the right places.... It's not like Putin wanted a US President that would try and weaken NATO... Or shit on Ukraine... Naw, never mind how many indictments there were handed down over that investigation. fake news, fake news, no collusion, just keep chanting enough and ya, you believed it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Desolate, Rural Strip Clubs
    As "desolate" as you might think you're little outa the way corner of Maine of Vermont is.... It might as well be a NYC suburb compared to shit in South Dakota. Or worse, next state over, Wyoming... And there's oil in South Dakota. Lots of guys there in that industry. Making good money. And if they have a girlfriend, they are home, a state, two states, maybe three states away... So the only thing around is oil well and single guys making lots of money working on them.... Why would anyone open a strip club in a place like that?
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    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Your view on NFTs...
    Virtual tulips bulbs.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I support the naked hustle
    Former 'banker of the year' spent $217K at strip clubs on company credit cards
    I dunno who the hell actually puts "strip club" on their expense report. "Mileage it off" is a constant joke where I work for expenses that can't be reported, but that's not gonna cover much at a club without being way sketchy, it usually in reference to loosing a Starbuck's receipt or a taxi for me. If he's claiming this is something else, which is how I assume this usually happens, it's fraud.
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    3 years ago
    Gentleman’s treatment or Leave you alone
    The only reason I'd ever need them to find me a seat is because they blocked off all the fucking seats to be given out for kickbacks.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Super Bowl Predictions
    Well, I guess me earlier prediction of 49er's beating KC was all kinda wrong... Fuck it. I know nothing about the Bengals except, they shouldn't have made it this far, so they'll probably win. And I hate the Rams (and the 49er's, sad to see they didn't both loose yesterday).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Calls to censor Joe Rogan accelerate
    And Neil Young may have done his best work back in the '60's, the only song I can remember is Ohio. He's certainly been voicing his opinion on politics since the start. And if you care to let history judge him, what had he previously been wrong about? https://youtu.be/JCS-g3HwXdc
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    3 years ago
    Calls to censor Joe Rogan accelerate
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGyG0A5m1mo "When we know something with the level of certainty, it's not up for you to take one percent or one and a half percent and make that half of your rebuttal." - Neil deGrasse Tyson in a very general discussion of science in the news and politics.