Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Are you guys watching/listening to this fool? The President of the United States is a doddering, senile, old idiot on par with the worst toothless, impotent old fools of TUSCL.
This is the most important press conference of his career, and he lurches into it without preamble. Stutters and stumbles through what action the government will take to aid oppressed people and restore international order.
Putin is #winning.
This is the most important press conference of his career, and he lurches into it without preamble. Stutters and stumbles through what action the government will take to aid oppressed people and restore international order.
Putin is #winning.
The most worrisome part is that we do not have our checks and balances. If Congress were more interested in government than scoring partisan points and protecting their own, they could pass bills and packages containing the sanctions that Biden is to weak to impose. If Pelosi were truly serious about bringing Putin to task for bullying the world, Congress could do that and override a presidential veto, if necessary. But Pelosi and Schumer will never admit that Biden has made a huge mistake, and never have the character and principle to whip up their caucuses to do the right thing.
Ukraine is lost, and the democrat party-controlled America has abandoned her allies, AGAIN.
The League of Nations did try to stop the outbreak of WWII, but it was hamstrung because Republicans following Henry Cabot Lodge would never allow the United States to join it.
Trump was a horrifically bad President (and he remains a trash human), but Biden is also a catastrophe. He's just a different flavor of catastrophe.
Mitt Romney conducted himself most honorably in dealing with Trump. So did Jeff Flake of AZ.
And Biden is nothing at all like the radical left. He governs from the center, while letting the progressive wing try to fight for his legilation.
He doesn't govern anything. Doesn't know which way he's going half the time.
@James, do you think Cacaplop is sincere? No, he's a troll.
But all he said during the campaign was,
1. I am not Donald Trump
2. I am not Bernie Sanders
It fails in the bluest states when people are asked to pay for it.
You're a broken record on this who can't talk specifics.
The Democratic Party made a deal with the Devil in 2020 when it promoted COVID hysteria so that Universal Health Care would not be talked about in the election.
I don't see how COVID and UHC were exclusive. If anything, COVID would bring it to the forefront.
Very true!
And A.O.C. said this.
And on Democracy Now Juan Gonzales had his mother in her 90's with COVID in the hospital and he could not get in to see her. So he said on air, "What COVID has done is expose how shitty our health care system is."
But then right after they went back to talking about how many positive test results there were and how many supposed deaths there were.
So rational discussion about COVID would have brought UHC to the forefront. But hysteria stops such discussions, and the Democratic Leadership wanted this because they new that in a nationwide general election, UHC is a losing issue.
And why is is a loosing issue right now?
The legacy of Strom Thurmond's 1948 State's Rights Campaign, bringing White Southerners into the Republican Party on the basis of White Supremacy, and Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy rallying support by promoting coded racism, and Ronald Reagan's 1980 campaigning in the Mississippi back delta, where the voter registration workers were murdered by the KKK, and talking about States Rights.
And then it is the Health Care Industry and the Thelma and Louise adds attacking the 1993 Clinton Plan, and Clinton was elected to do that.
And then it is Fox News beaming fear, racism, and hatred into homes 365 days per year.
Democrats are concerned about making our warfighters trans-friendly climate change warriors.
China and Russia are training to fuck us up.
Ask the residents of California, Vermont, and Colorado who not only rejected it but did so by supermajority margins. Therefore you can't hide behind rAcIsT rEpUbLiCaNs.
I keep saying, show me UHC where the math checks out and I'll support it. Dems can help by being honest about the costs--I've said elsewhere why the Sanders and Warren plans were ass-brained.
AOC is an idiot. Suggest not listening to her on anything more than how to pour Guinness.
But it is a hard thing to do, hard to sell. States cannot close their borders and they have less ability to collect taxes and less ability to control the existing level of taxation and spending.…
We're not doing a bang-up job on the Southern border. You can't have extensive immigration and an expansive welfare state. The math doesn't compute.
By the way, my article comes after yours. It's dead.
The US derived great economic benefit from immigration. They do the jobs that no one else wants, and they are the ones who live 10 to a room and sleep in shifts, to keep the landlords happy.
Money spend on benefits for immigrants recirculates, it does not get pissed away in the securities and real estate ponzi schemes.
UHC is alive and well, even if in stages it will happen. In this county we have moved a good deal in that direction. But in the nation wide politics it is still a losing issue.
And lost the overall primary. I'll give him credit, Sanders stays true to his message. But that keeps him out of real power. There is no appetite for wide progressive change.
"The US derived great economic benefit from immigration."
I am the son of a (legal) Latin immigrant. But the calculus changes when we cannot control the inflow, and give them lavish benefits.
"UHC is alive and well, even if in stages it will happen."
You just gave excuses why it couldn't work on a state level.
Same old tired Progressive shit - instead of putting forth any kind of argument all they do is call names - next thing you know they're gonna be saying it's white supremacy against Ukrainians.
It's about how Biden keeps fucking up everything from Afghanistan to approving the Russia pipeline but cancelling ours to not putting severe sanctions on Russia till he invades - he's a complete fuck-up and he still has 3 years to go
I'll bet she can't even pour a decent glass of Guinness.
Why do you think he was so bad?
It's not Russia and hasn't been for 30 years - it's China. I'd bet Romney has made a lot of money in China. China is eating us from the inside out.
These last 30 years have been a foreign policy disaster. After the cold war victory we should have concentrated on securing democracy and financial success in Russia and eastern Europe while isolating China. Instead we've built up our Chinese enemy.
You're just trying to start shit again.
Incidentally, the reason Biden is late for so many events is they are waiting for his meds to kick in and make him ( sort of ) lucid.
In my view, Putin sees him as weak and senile, and predictable. Those qualities make him easy to manipulate.
As far as sanctions - I think Putin will do what he wants - regardless of what the world community wants him to do. He is not an elected leader - but a self appointed tsar.
I don’t think this will end well for the Ukraine.
It’s already showing Biden’s weakness on a world stage, so it’s already damaged the USA.
No American bloodshed. No American soldiers should be put in harms way
After this, why should any country believe a promise from the US.……
Anyone with a double-digit IQ knows Russia is not our friend. And that our Democrat-led state department looks unserious thinking Putin gives two shits about memes.
Go away, Cacaplop.
Is not one of you patriots going to post that maybe it was a bad idea for Trump to undermine NATO when he was in office? Or criticize Trump’s statements yesterday calling Putin a genious (of the non-space kind) for his pretense and invasion of Ukraine? You guys are really ok with Trump’s fascination/adoration of Putin? Hearing you guys calling out Mango Unchained for statements clearly against US interests just to help him regain power would actually be interesting, and potentially forthright.
Trump buttered up Putin (and Kim, and Xi) in words because he knows what strongmen like. They like being flattered. Meanwhile, Trump sent Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. His promotion of American energy kept oil prices low, which hurt Putin. Meanwhile, Biden blessed Nord Stream 2 and killed Keystone XL, limited American energy exploration to the point that we were begging Saudi Arabia to increase production.
Whose actions benefited Putin more?
It’s possible he’s waiting for Putin to strike Hunter’s brothel - to destroy the laptops housing videos of him snorting coke off of Ukrainian whores - before he engages?
With such deep ties to Ukraine - you’d expect Hunter to be a national security advisor in the negotiations…
2. NATO doesn’t mean USA
Do not send our troops to fight in Ukraine. Fucking ridiculous. Any American who thinks that a good idea has their head in their ass.
I feel like many do, that it does not make sense for America and NATO to fight to save a non-NATO member from Russian invasion, even though Russia is NATO's reason for existing. However, I am sure our grandparents and great grandparents felt that the US had no national security interests in stopping Hitler's invasions of Poland, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and France. This may be a real domino theory. Vietnam was a waste of money and lives. Communism stopped at South Vietnam. Laos and Cambodia didn't fall to form a Union of Southeast Asian Socialist Republics. However, Putin has stated that Ukraine is only the beginning. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are more nations that Putin feels should still be Russia. In the short-term, it may not seem sensible for other nations to send troops to aid in Ukraine's defense, but in hindsight we may regret our inaction.
Lastly, yes, you fucking ignorant toe-sucking leftist scum MUST be reminded at EVERY opportunity that YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN. You voted for the lesser man, someone who was so evidently never capable of competent governance, and even more evidently without any mental faculties. And those of you on the least coast of Florida who want to pretend to be patriots and conservatives who support the constitution, and not Biden or Obama, fuck you fucking liar and hypocrit. You are a coward who is afraid of the truth that you are a liberal shitstain, and your votes directly contributed to a world which your children and grandchildren hate you for.
Just watch what happens
The Dems softness on Iran can likely lead to them getting a nuclear weapon, and those fuckers are crazy - there's now talk of letting Iran sell its oil to ease the oil-shortages which will only enrich Iran and their ability to cause more havoc just like Europe has enriched Russia and its ability to make war by buying its energy.
Brandon prefers for Iran to produce oil over the U.S. – as well as Russia – but hey at least Brandon is all over that white-supremacy stuff.
But the only reason anyone doesn't see Putin as the scumbag he is due to Trump taking it from him without even asking for a reaching around and being happy about it for the last 4 years.
Reagan's rolling over in his grave.
shit's off the wall.
Guy's thinking they are all for law and order, but it's OK to go ahead and invade another country cause they got a larger army. We should support them for it?
OF course he didn't do it when donny was in office, not because he was scared of what he would do, but expected donny to destroy NATO for him becuase Merkel wouldn't peg him...
And, yes, Biden stutters. It's a speech impediment. Being stupid and not knowing when to shut up isn't, it's just being a stupid person, which donny is.
BTW. why aren't you guys over on the "truth" network discussing this??? (or did it fail already, like every other Trump business?)
Trump was unpredictable and that is why Putin and others of his ilk didn't do shit when he was president.
Bidens stutter is the least of his problems his denentia and rapidly failing mental faculties are a problem and even the mainstream media can barely cover for him it's so bad. He has to call upon specific reporters in specific orders with specific questions and still spouts nonsense and answers that make no sense 3/4 of the time. But if he gets a real question they yank him off the stage like the puppet he is or he shuffles off if not just turning and running away. He is a weak thouroughly corrupt and compromised piece of shit. His weaknesses benefit everyone but Americans.
Russia and China can just see how let the cartels take control of our border and rake in cash so he can traffic illegals all over our country on our tax payer dime, and know he wont do shit to stop them in other parts of the world.
No preamble. Stumbling bumbling. Juicy old man cough. Stuttering. More bumbling. Oops, somebody must have screwed up the punctuation in the teleprompter. Vague, ambiguous promises of weak, timid action.
Why didn't we do all of these sanctions yesterday, and why are we holding back on a complete embargo?
Why didn't NATO meet and prepare this sooner?
Why does he keep promising Putin he won't have to fight American forces? Biden really hates Ukraine, I wonder what Putin has on him and Hunter.…
Panic, Fear, Disbelief: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Prompt Humanitarian, Refugee Crisis…
Yanis Varoufakis: Europe Must Stand with Ukraine, Condemn Putin & Roll Back NATO to Restore Peace…
Nuclear War Risk Rises as Tension Mounts Between Nuclear Superpowers over Ukraine…
LIVE: Boris Johnson delivers statement on Ukraine…
LIVE: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivers statement on Ukraine in HoC…
WATCH LIVE | Biden delivers remarks on Russian assault on Ukraine (WP)…
Biden speaks about Russia's war in Ukraine (euro news)…
Ukraine President Warns Russian Forces Attempting To Seize Chernobyl Nuclear Facility (MSNBC)…
Russia Attacks Ukraine: Pres. Biden delivers remarks on invasion ordered by Putin | ABC News…
Bidenflation has affected more the fuel prices, you twit.
Cyberdefenses? Did you give Putin another list of what not to go after?
More stuttering and bumbling.
You can literally see his energy and attention waning.
Is he going to say anything substantive?
You see him check his list before calling on people?…
Putin is quaking in his boots at potentially facing the most trans-inclusive military in history!
Oh, and now Russia got ahold of Chernobyl Power Plant.
bUt tRuMp!!!
I’m in a club and I’ve been drinking a bit wait til later when I start drunk posting lol
Kind of like how you're focusing on Biden.
You are saying stuff which is neither constructive or responsible.
JUST MASONS - Episode 15 - Bro. Paul Rana…
Go away, Cacaplop.
Go away, Cacaplop
Go away, Cacaplop…
His snide press secretary is leveling the ultimate Dem insult, "on the wrong side of history." Which I'm sure devastates him.…
He is proving himself unequal to the moment.
If you are of Ukrainian descent, I would think you'd have grave concerns about Biden while Ukraine is under attack. Your countrymen are bravely fighting (with volunteer civilians filling in the ranks) planning to use Molotov cocktails against a highly sophisticated and well-equipped fighting force.
We should have been stocking them with lethal weaponry weeks and months ago. Then when the invasion was imminent, we "threatened" financial sanctions. Didn't even use a single one until after the fighting started, and even then we half-assed it. Now four days in, we're finally doing the SWIFT restrictions? Ohhh... I bet Putin is shakin' in his fucking boots.
Weeks ago the Germans sent them 5,000 fucking helmets. HELMETS! That was effectively an insult. Now they're saying they will send Javelins and Stingers? Really? Kiev could fall at any moment, and NOW they're gonna start figuring out the logistics of getting weapons into an active war zone while not participating in the combat?
None of this shit would be happening if we had leadership in Washington DC that actually cared about defense and foreign policy instead of just worrying about bullshit like climate change and restricting Supreme Court nominees to ONLY black females.
Nobody said that.
“ There’s a phenomenal negative psychological impact that COVID has had on the public psyche. And so you have an awful lot of people who are, notwithstanding the fact that things have gotten so better for them economically, uh, that they are thinking, but, how do you get up in the morning feeling happy? Happy that everything’s alright. “
In other words, everything is great and, if you don’t believe that, you suffer from some sort of mental illness.
You, like 25IQ and the rest of the treasonous left, have no facts, logic, or data to back up any of your arguments. All you can do is attack people personally, call people names, and revert back to "but, Trump!". What is most incredible to me, and proves the leftist stupidity beyond any doubt, is you're own inability to recognize that and move past it.
Leftist and woke ideologies have failed. Crime is up, inflation is up, global security has crashed, shortages of wverything from cream cheese to housing, more people dying of weaker COVID strains than in 2020, homelessness surging, hate crimes (mostly AA on AAPI) surging...but you want to have a pussing contest with me because you cannot admit you are another underemployed failed millenial college grad suffocating under a mountain of self-inflicted college debt? Damn, you are dumb!
Don’t think we don’t know where you’re coming from
Speaking of triggered- calm down 25IQ. I can see the spittle flying from your toothless hole while you holler at Siri sitting in uour folding lawn chair. Calm down before you have an aneurysm. Because if you have an aneurysm or stroke out, I'm gonna laugh and laaaaaaaugh.
Losers. LMAO.
UN Amb. Sven Jurgenson: ‘This Is A Defining Moment' For The United Nations…
Lidija Bacic Lille LIVE - Solo ft Luka Basi…
Ginger Baker's Air Force - 12 Gates of the City (1970)…
Putin invades Ukraine. Build windmills.
Record inflation. Build windmills.
Millions of illegals flooding the borders. Windmills.
Violent crimes rising. Windmills.
"All the current problems are bc of Trump and white supremacy - our administration has been the greatest in history and if you don't agree it's bc you're a racist"…
Russian convoy closing in on Kyiv after missile strikes cause devastation in Kharkiv, Ukraine…
There's no way Vladimir Putin wins, even if he defeats Ukrainian military: Sen. Rubio…
Coming Up: United Nations General Assembly emergency meeting on Ukraine - Day 2 | DW News…
Biden has exerted tremendous leadership!
Is Ukraine losing the war? See former CIA director's answer…
Zelensky: ‘We’ve hardly slept for seven nights’ CNN…
Russia changes to more brutal tactics in Ukraine after "poorly planned operation," analyst says…
Furthermore, the Minsk Agreement, which is real and does exist, does not involve the US. It is a purely European protocol.
Always right, all along.…
Russia passes new laws to silence dissent, bans foreign news outlets | Ukraine invasion latest news (German DW 7hrs ago)…
Russia’s Unprecedented Shelling of Ukrainian Nuclear Plant Raises Fears of Another Chernobyl…
Talking about Claus von Stauffenberg
"Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, left, looks on as Adolf Hitler welcomes Gen. Karl Bodenschatz on July 7, 1944. Von Stauffenberg attempted to kill Hitler on July 20 and was executed the next day."
Republicans, Democrats slam Lindsey Graham after he calls for Putin's assassination (Russians have brought crematoriums with them)…
This could be another way, besides quarantine on the Black Sea and No Fly Zone, for outside military forces to enter this.
Russian Environmentalist Speaks Out on Putin’s Attack on Antiwar Protesters & Independent Media…
Ukrainian American Journalist: Putin’s Unjust War Is Emboldening Ukraine’s Far-Right Movement…
The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Is Like Something From A Movie: Peter Zalmayev (MSNBC)…
On board a Nato surveillance plane monitoring Russian activity in Ukraine - BBC News (Boeing 707)…
On the Ground in Ukraine: A VICE News Tonight Special Report 4 hours ago…
Lenny Kravitz - Again (his stuff uses interesting chord progressions)…
Lenny Kravitz Full unseen UNEDITED Performance from the Kennedy Honors Tribute to Led Zeppelin…
Lenny Kravitz - american woman - Live At iTunes Festival 2014……
'I know the truth': CNN asks Russians what they think about Putin's war (CNN 9hrs ago)…
Germany SEND ship anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine.…
France sends aircraft carrier to control airspace near Ukraine.…
NATO head gives press conference on Ukraine (euronews 9 hours ago)…
Zelenskyy addresses Europeans: ‘Do not be silent’ | DW News 4hrs ago…
Russian jets began entering Swedish airspace (HOLY SHIT!)…
War will come to the other NATO members!
'Macron Is Playing His Own Game,' British Army Veteran Claims On The Debate | Russia-Ukraine War…
Address expected from Zelenskyy in 15 min. He may now be in Poland
'Ukraine President Zelenskyy Has Fled To Poland Amid War': Russian Media | Russia-Ukraine War News…
‘My future is taken away from me’: Russians flee to escape consequences of Moscow’s war…
Nato opposes pleas for No Fly Zone
Russia passes new laws to silence dissent, bans foreign news outlets | Ukraine invasion latest news (German DW 7hrs ago)…
NATO’s Stoltenberg tells FRANCE 24 Russia's warning to Finland, Sweden 'unacceptable' (France 24 English 7hrs ago)…
Ukrainians strike massive Russian convoy, Pentagon says (CNN 1 hr ago) (Ukrainians blew up a bridge to stop the Russian convoy)…
A Bayraktar TB2 Strikes Again, Hundred Russian Tanks Were Destroyed Near Ukraine Capital Kyiv! (2 hours ago)…
Russia passes new laws to silence dissent, bans foreign news outlets | Ukraine invasion latest news (German DW 7hrs ago)…
Russia’s Unprecedented Shelling of Ukrainian Nuclear Plant Raises Fears of Another Chernobyl…
Talking about Claus von Stauffenberg
"Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, left, looks on as Adolf Hitler welcomes Gen. Karl Bodenschatz on July 7, 1944. Von Stauffenberg attempted to kill Hitler on July 20 and was executed the next day."
Republicans, Democrats slam Lindsey Graham after he calls for Putin's assassination (Russians have brought crematoriums with them)…
This could be another way, besides quarantine on the Black Sea and No Fly Zone, for outside military forces to enter this.
Russian Environmentalist Speaks Out on Putin’s Attack on Antiwar Protesters & Independent Media…
Ukrainian American Journalist: Putin’s Unjust War Is Emboldening Ukraine’s Far-Right Movement…
The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Is Like Something From A Movie: Peter Zalmayev (MSNBC)…
On board a Nato surveillance plane monitoring Russian activity in Ukraine - BBC News (Boeing 707)…
On the Ground in Ukraine: A VICE News Tonight Special Report 4 hours ago…
Question to the Ladies, Surfaces for Walking in Stripper Shoes?…
PSD - Stripper Shoes…
Lenny Kravitz - Again (his stuff uses interesting chord progressions)…
Lenny Kravitz Full unseen UNEDITED Performance from the Kennedy Honors Tribute to Led Zeppelin…
Lenny Kravitz - american woman - Live At iTunes Festival 2014……
Jen Psaki on U.S. banning Russian oil imports, Ukraine aid, and more | full video…
War In Ukraine: West will have to confront Russia 'one way or another' (Skynews Australia)…
10 minutes ago
EXCLUSIVE: Zelenskyy warns 'millions could die' unless West intervenes…