
Gentleman’s treatment or Leave you alone

Sunday, January 30, 2022 5:40 PM
I was recently at a Rick’s and as I walk in a guy in the suit introduces himself, gives me a rundown of everything, instroduces me to the bartender, asks me what I’m into, even starts playing matchmaker, breaking down where this girl is from or that girls ethnicity. I tell him I like to settle in a little first it’s all good aka damn dude I just sat down. While the guy was friendly and professional I just thought he was doing a little too much.

My question do you like this kind of stuff? Getting treated like a big shot. I can’t say a lot of strip clubs even do that kind of stuff to begin with but these kind of places are out there.


  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    That's part of the set-up, best way to handle that is smile, be pleasant and say I like to check out the buffet, I'll help myself to a few samples before I make up my mind.
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    Don’t see it that often, but yeah, some of the upscale places are like that. I generally just want the floor guys to leave me the fuck alone. I’m perfectly capable of finding a seat at the bar and checking out the talent by myself.
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    But yeah, what 25 said. I just smile and say no thanks to the offers of help.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Well that’s one way to figure out which dancers are more favored in the club by staff members, whether that information is useful or not I guess is up to you.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    The only people I want to interact with in a SC are the dancers and sexy waitresses. I prefer the rest give me space.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    And maybe this example is overkill. But even when it’s a little less. Introduce themselves, help you find a seat.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Where you with Rick the turtle, Rick the vulture or Rick the barnacle?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    It's not for me. I'm fine with asking a bartender or dancer about the lay of the land.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Omg is shailynn’s avatar BBBC and Ricky together?
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    That’s BBBC pushing Icey in a wheelchair out of the hospital.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    I like to keep a low profile. That kind of kiss-ass shit would cause me to leave before even sitting down. Introduce yourself and your role in under 10 seconds then say, "I'll be right over there if you need anything." That's more than enough.

    Come to think of it, I can't stand those kind of sales tactics anywhere else either, like at a car dealership or department store. When I want help I'll ask for it.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I favor the upscale places, one thing I find, is once they know your preference, they won't bother you, even on subsequent visits if the floor manager you interacted with is there they'll just greet you which is a positive, it establishes that you are a regular, and if you spend a few bucks on the regular, any disagreements that come up will be resolved in your favor, and the girls will notice that as well and it will work in your favor.
    In a dive bar it doesn't matter, there it's best to have a favorite bartender, and sit in that serving section, that will get you favorable interaction by the girls.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    If I'm in a club I have never been in and I have not done my TUSCL research, I can see a benefit. How much are lap dances, how much is VIP, and do the girls get a cut of the VIP payment. Every club is different on how they do these things. That would be useful information. I usually ask the first girl that sits down with me all these questions but sometimes they don't know all the answers. As for which girls ? I"m not asking an employee of the club to find me a girl. I'm gonna do that.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I get treatment like that at spearmint rhino coz the owner likes me.

    I like being more low key though. At some clubs management won't let you be there if they link you to the girls. Like if they know you date or they spend too much time with you instead of working.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    20fag basically said it's a good thing to be treated like a mark and spending money to act like one 🤡
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Iceefag, is basically a shit stirrer that doesn't have a clue of how to behave in a toilet, tell us son how many clubs have you been 86ed from.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Best thing at a club is to be liked by the girls and be on good terms with the bouncers. Knowing the dj helps...he'll play stuff you like.

    Bartenders size customers up and tell girls who has what by how they paid. Sets girls up for tips. They're bottom feeders.

    Managers view being friendly with regulars as a way to hustle easy marks. If they know you go with hookers they get a cut.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    To make me happy, clubs need to:
    1. Hire good security.
    2. Hire good cleaning staff.
    3. Not get greedy.
    Otherwise, just back off and let me enjoy the company of the dancers. Anything else smells pimpy.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    @shailynn It was me and all the Ricks at the annual council meeting
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    , on paper it sounds nice. But part of the experience is talking with girls without an immediate third-party interaction. I rather it be like a box of chocolates.
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    Sometimes. Just to clarify strictly sometimes
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I know there are upscale gentlemans clubs with that type of treatment, but I’m ok finding a free barstool, and ordering myself a beer. I prefer to chat with dancers and find one who is open to my preferences.

    Telling another dude that I’m looking for a grumpy munchkin from a sweet Asian dancer, isn’t my thing.
  • captainfun
    3 years ago
    I am not interested in any of that treatment. I can find out for myself how many girls are on shift or how things work with dances. I figure he was either 1) told by mgmt to offer customers all that info since some like it, makes them feel welcome or 2) he's looking for a tip for info sharing. Neither is wrong or bad, I just don't have any interest in talking with some bouncer/manager/meathead when I first walk into a club.
  • Mark974
    3 years ago
    I agree with twentyfive on his assessment of some of the high end clubs. When I am traveling and go to a high end place it is great to have the info up front for a couple of reasons.
    What I have done in the past is see if the place I have not visited before has some kind of a VIP card of some sort. Email the web site contact and explain that I will be in the area and could I get a temporary one.
    Several times they said sure and to pick it up at the front desk or see a manager. (Some times they want you to pay a full VIP membership at which I say I'll go to another club). Usually the manager or his assistant is the person actually gives you the card and they already know that you are from out of town and are willing to give you some perks or keep and eye on your drink level, maybe even a free drink, to make sure you write a favorable review and spend some cash on your visit.
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    "That’s BBBC pushing Icey in a wheelchair out of the hospital."

    Don't let shailynn fool you boys! He is one of my sugar daddy's! He is still shy about admitting he is on the pink team though... 😉
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    on a first ever visit to a club i don not ever want a manager or some meathead douche to ask how i'm doing. let's be real - they could give two shits how your day has been. just trying to guilt you for a tip of some amount through bullshit kindness. so the answer to the op's choices: FUCK OFF!!!

    i don't want to give anymore money to the club after a cover charge, a mandatory drink, and the cut of the vip / lapper room. after i pay the obligatory fees the girl that i plan to be hanging with is the only one that i want to give my money to.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    This happens to me most nights, at some point in the night, when I go to the Penthouse Club in Tampa. It's never over the top, just an acknowledgement of appreciation for my business. The manager making his rounds more than anything. I don't mind. Happens in a lot of places other than strip clubs.

  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    At a club where I am a long time repeat customer but not a regular by any stretch, I had one experience where a chatty floor-man and I hit it off. He was not giving me the verbal tour and pitch. He was just shooting the shit on a slow day. From that point on he remembered me and would let me sit at a "reserved" table until he might need it, gave me extra time in VIP, tended not to pay attention to my lap dances because I was an OK guy, etc. Also because he remembered me he also remembered that I spent money when I came in. All this for just being friendly with him. Never tipped him a dime. Plus the other guys noticed we were friendly and seemed to hassle me less about touching, etc.

    The odd thing was that the dancers really disliked him because he was overly strict on enforcing rules with them about being late, getting to the stage when called, being on their phones too much, etc.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Sounds like he was an effective manager. All lazy employees hate good managers right?

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Managers get a cut of everything they throw your way. It's all just about money. Most of the time its coz they think you're an East mark.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Sounds like he was an effective manager. All lazy employees hate good managers right?"

    They are not his employees. They pay to be there and can spend their time as they see fit. He certainly has a right to decide which merchants can set up shop in the bazaar and when they my do so, but beyond that micromanaging their behavior opens them up to misclassification lawsuits down the road.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Bringing it back to the original topic, I've had it happen a couple of times and I wasn't fond of it. It feels like an attempt at traffic control. If I ever need anything from a club manager, which will likely be never, I'll call him over. Otherwise he should sit quietly out the way somewhere and let the girls to do the selling.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Managers can tell girls what to do at work and do so. They lump it under enforcing club rules but really they just do as they please. The vast majority never sue coz they need the job and doing so would get them blacklisted at other clubs.

    And if the club allows prostitution its coz the manager gets a cut
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I used to be diehard "if you aren't giving me tits or booze, leave me the fuck alone," but once I got to know some of the doormen at Desire, they gave me the full dancer lineup and even called dancers over for me.

    Not into being "matched" though, sounds like a scam.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’ve made a similar mistake on a few business trips. I would get to my hotel, relax, have a few beverages, and get a cab and ask the driver to take me to the nearest good strip club. I didn’t do my research, and I left it up to the driver.

    This approach leaves it up to the manager, to direct you to dancers. You might think this is to provide a better experience, but remember that nothing in a strip club is free. Maybe the dancers are greasing the manager? Or maybe you are going to get the stripper with the lazy eye at first? You slip the manager a $20, and you get the dancer with a full set of teeth and no flatulence…
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I do just fine on my own but I don't mind special treatment.
  • yankeez4lif
    3 years ago
    Not a bad way to start getting good intel on a potential dancer but I still need to conduct my own inspection.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I don’t see this as a service: I see it more as a way of them making sure my pockets get emptied in the club as much as possible – one thing is for a staff-person to introduce themselves and shake my hand and tell me if I need anything to let them know – another thing is them pushing dancers or services on you that you haven’t asked for – it’s similar to the strip club “tour” which is not mean as a “service for the PL” but meant to put you on the spot to buy a room or at least a dance b/c “they were so nice to show you around”.

  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    The only reason I'd ever need them to find me a seat is because they blocked off all the fucking seats to be given out for kickbacks.
  • alldaylong
    3 years ago
    Naaah man when I'm solo I'm there to perv not to be friendly with some clown. When I go with friends sure I enjoy the extra special gentlemen's treatment.
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    I'm not a fan. I don't mind it, and like others I'll allow him to do some of it but I stop short of letting him bring girls over. Universally, that's been bad for me. Either the girl is busy doing something she perceived as having value and wants no part of being forced to entertain me, or she's the total opposite of what I'm interested in and develop the time waster rep within 10 minutes of arrival, or she's a ROB, something always wrong.

    Like Papi said, I do appreciate a staff member saying hello & checking on things. Similar to what a manager or supervisor might do in a restaurant. Check in, make themselves available, so on. But it's not like I've ever walked out of a club & thought "fuck, if only a manager would come over and make me feel special I'd like this place more" or similarly "hmmm, I like the chicks better at Club A, but the manager was so helpful at Club B I'm gonna go there"
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