avatar for shailynn
When I got home from work today my better half asked me “is this the start of World War 3?” I was like “damn I don’t know, maybe?”

My thought was if Russia mows down the Ukraine, who’s to say China doesn’t go grab Taiwan next? Some people think war is good for economies, but I think that only has a chance of working if you’re on the winning side.

No matter what your opinion on the matter is, the world is going to look really different within the next 10 years. Makes me think the only thing I noticed different in the past 20 years is I don’t use CDs anymore to listen to my music and kids are so lazy they have Taco Bell delivered to them by guys like Cashman who probably eat some of the tortilla chips out of the bag while on the way.


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
It could be. No one knows where this is going to go.

Appeasement does not work.

President Biden is trying to stop this from developing without any bounds.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Biden (less so) and Putin (more so) need nationalist sentiment to distract from their fuckups. War and actual commitment would make it real though, and require commitment.

That said, Biden's state department is mean-tweeting Putin but talking tough (https://www.realclearpolitics.… ), and about to get rolled.

Send the White House a giant jar of Vaseline. They're going to need it.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

Right. Fact is this is the result of Brandon's weakness! Putin knows it, Xi knows it too.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

Previous comment to the oblivious creep spammer from san jose.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
If the Ukraine thing turned into a major armed conflict, it would not benefit our economy overall. There are particular business sectors that would do well, but it would be broadly damaging. Much more so than WWII, world economies now are too interdependent and intertwined to not damage all of the economies involved.

Ukraine right now is a national security version of "playing chicken". Who flinches and how they flinch will drive whether or not this becomes a massive conflict.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Biden is doing very well with a very serious situation.


Notice he plays lefthanded, but with his guitar strung for a righthander.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Biden hamstrung energy, and gave up our asshole to Russia.

The KGB man in charge is eating him like a pierozhki.
avatar for gobstopper007
3 years ago
Well if your Sec of State is named Blinken …
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Go away, Cacaplop.

Do your math homework.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
If Trump were still President he would be boarding Air Force 1, with his knee pads because he'd being going to Moscow to suck Putin's cock.


OMS Martinism
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The US didn't lead to WW3 with any of its invasions. The only thing that can spark WW3 is wn American invasion of Russia....

All of this is coz Biden wants sanctions against Russia so the EU buys American natural gas instead of Russian
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
And I agree with Trump on Russia
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Trump would be promoting North American energy, providing jobs to American refineries and keeping us a net energy exporter who would supply Europe so they didn't need Nord Stream 2. He wouldn't be placating American greens who want to see American energy bills triple like in Germany, or having to beg Saudi Arabia to increase production.

With a few Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, so this shit wouldn't happen.

To paraphrase Ice Cube, now we're getting fucked out our green by a Russian boy. With no Vaseline.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Putin has to be stopped, and Biden is doing a necessary job very well.


OMS Martinism
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Yeah, mean tweets always stop autocrats intent on restoring an old empire. Lulz.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Economic sanctions and major weapons to those at risk.

And it might end up going further.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Iran has had economic sanctions for decades and their leaders are still fat and happy.

Russia has recognized two separatist regions (that they have stirred dissent in for years) and is massing troops for an invasion. They're developing the pretext right now.

If only we had took away their revenue like Trump did.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
It will depend on whether or not Putin feels that Donetsk and Luhansk are an ample buffer and a "good enough" end result. Those two regions are separatist controlled already. If Putin sticks to just those two areas and de-escalates, then there will be saber rattling and moderate sanctions, but in a couple of years everyone (including Ukraine) will settle into this new map.

If Putin keeps pushing further west, then he will have far greater complications with the international community as well as the Ukrainians themselves. Western Ukraine is far more independent and Europe-leaning. Setting aside the strong possibility of nation-state-level conflict, taking Ukraine in its entirety creates the strong possibility of a long-term insurgency, which has never gone well for the Russians.

But, it comes down to Putin being happy enough with Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk, which is anyone's guess. When Putin took Crimea, it was a relatively popular move with the Russian people and the power structures surrounding Putin (oligarchs, military leadership, etc.). The moves into Donetsk and Luhansk are reported to be far, far less popular with both the Russian people and power structures. So, Putin is out on skinnier branches this time around.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
The Ukraine is an economic basket case, so Putin doesn't have a lot to gain by taking over the whole country. He mainly just wants the parts where a lot of Russian speakers live. We could make a deal where we let him have the Russian parts of the country in exchange for him sending a lot of cute Russian strippers to the U.S. My Indiana Congressional representative is the only Ukrainian American in Congress and is quite hostile to Russia, so I don't think I'll suggest that to her.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@CMI, "But, it comes down to Putin being happy enough with Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk, which is anyone's guess."

Unlikely. Ask the Baltics or Georgia. He has said he regards the fall of the USSR as a tragedy. He also needs nationalist sentiment to distract from his fuckups.

Reagan was right, Russia understands strength and disrespects weakness.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
We'll see. The Russian economy is held together with spit and coat hangers and, though Putin is an authoritarian/dictator, he relies on a complex support structure to retain power. If sabers rattle (or certain phones ring) within Russia, a de-escalation will become far more likely.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
I don’t care what you “think”, I do care about the facts. The facts are that more of the governed land in the world has moved over to democracy over the last 20 years than it has gone over to communist dictators, and that totally favors capitalism going forward.

Yiu can get all hung up on the current political war fare we are experiencing, but another factor is that the economy of Texas is as large as all of Russia, so go ahead and be afraid of WW3 if you want to, but the fact is more people are living under democracy today than they did 20 years ago. I see that inertia/momentum not turning around the other direction over the next 20 years. So go ahead and be afraid, but one thing is for sure, never bet against America because of you do you would have lost that bet every time over the past 259 years!
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
If Russia stops with just taking part, or even all, of Ukraine I doubt Biden will have the guts to send US troops into combat. He will likely just use sanctions and other diplomatic efforts and try to spin those as an effective counter move to Russia's aggression. Where WWIII would come in is if Putin gets so emboldened by his success in Ukraine that he makes a move towards Poland. At that point the US and NATO are bound by treaty to join in the war.

Having former President Trump praising Putin like he did yesterday is going to make Putin feel even better about his chances. “Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. ‘I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. ... We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy.” With the former POTUS praising him and the current POTUS too weak to do anything beyond sanctions why would Putin think the US is going to do anything to stop him.

If China feels that the US isn't going to get in the way of Russia over the Ukraine they will probably believe it would be the same if they move to retake Taiwan completely as a part of China. Not sure how the US would handle that since we aren't strictly obligated to come to Taiwan's defense but we have a long standing history of supporting Taiwan's independence. I know that any strong economic/trade sanctions against China would likely have very severe consequences to the US economy due to our level of trade with China and would make the recent rise in prices seem mild in comparison.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The US wants Europe to not be dependent on Russian natural gas so Biden thinks sanctions will force Europe to buy it from yhe US instead. That's why the US is so invested in this.

It's beyond comical watching an American president lecture anyone about not invading a country. Biden should stop bombing starving kids in Yemen and use that war chest to feed American kids.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
The fact that Putin officially launched a full scale military in the past hour shows that Biden's and the EU's sanctions are going to do a damned think to stop Putin. However from how I interpret Biden's statement about it he seems to just be planning more statements instead of using the US military to stop it.
"The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces," President Biden said.

Biden contnued:

"President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.

"I will be monitoring the situation from the White House this evening and will continue to get regular updates from my national security team. Tomorrow, I will meet with my G7 counterparts in the morning and then speak to the American people to announce the further consequences the United States and our Allies and partners will impose on Russia for this needless act of aggression against Ukraine and global peace and security. We will also coordinate with our NATO Allies to ensure a strong, united response that deters any aggression against the Alliance. Tonight, Jill and I are praying for the brave and proud people of Ukraine."

The only mention of using military force mentioned in that statement is to prevent aggression against the NATO Alliance. In other words, Ukraine is on their own to fight Russia with the US just selling them some weapons and cutting off some of Russia's income.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
So what about sanctions and un peace keepers to keep the US from waging wars?
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Let's all hope Germany and Europe have the balls to stand with Big Dick Biden. This may be the end of Putin's reign, but it will take unified sanctions.

Liberate Russia! Down with Putin! USA! USA! USA!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You realize the biggest opposition to Putin are yhe communists. Then you'll hate them too lmao

avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
Biden and the US ain't gonna do shit. Talk tough and do nothing. That's because Putin has the goods on Hunter and all his corrupt deals funneling money to old Joe. A sovereign nation will be overrun. Thousands will die. Every person in the entire world will pay more for energy. And America suffers more humiliation on the world stage. All so that one old scumbag, Joe Biden, is not held accountable for his corruptuon and stealing. Bernie Madoff was a saint compared to this fuckin prick.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
I hope we stay the fuck out of it. I also hope Ukraine just waives the white flag, who wants to see a bunch of unnecessary bloodshed.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
^^ Muddy, true. Militarily we have to stay out of it. Obviously. But Ukraine lay down their arms and surrender? I doubt it. I heard they passed a special resolution to arm civilians.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
desertscrub and cacaplop going after each other is the "Alien vs. Predator" remake that TUSCL deserves.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
JamesSD is as delusional AF. Wasn't it the democrats and leftists who were attacking Trump for an isolationist leaning?

Biden has come straight out and told Putin to do whatever he likes, America will not resist.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I'm watching Gen. Jack Keane suggest what tactic he would propose. He said the conventional Ukraine Army should fight back conventionally. They are outnumbered 3:1 in personal and up to 10:1 in aircraft and tanks, to go down swinging. Whatever tactics they use, Ukraine has to resist conventionally, and then resist with an insurgency. As futile as it may be, Ukrainians have to fight back if they want to show the world they desire to live free.

Regardless of how this ends or what happens next, every western country and the UN need to completely quarantine Russia. China, Venezuela, Cuba and others will still trade with Russia, of course. However, every other country needs to deny Russia every dime, every drop of oil, every ounce of steel, every
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I'm watching Gen. Jack Keane suggest what tactic he would propose. He said the conventional Ukraine Army should fight back conventionally. They are outnumbered 3:1 in personal and up to 10:1 in aircraft and tanks, to go down swinging. Whatever tactics they use, Ukraine has to resist conventionally, and then resist with an insurgency. As futile as it may be, Ukrainians have to fight back if they want to show the world they desire to live free.

Regardless of how this ends or what happens next, every western country and the UN need to completely quarantine Russia. China, Venezuela, Cuba and others will still trade with Russia, of course. However, every other country needs to deny Russia every dime, every drop of oil, every ounce of steel, every
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
..every mL of medicine until such time that Putin and his cronies are gone and Russia is ready for true reform, peaceful relations, and representative government. They don't even need an freely elected government, but the first three items (Putin & Co., peace, reform) are non-negotiable, and Russia should be starved and squeezed until then.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
All I know is that everything is going from bad to worse with this fucking tool in the oval office impersonating a president - and a "vice president" whose only credentials is having a vagina and being black - God help us with all these power-thirsty incompetent leftists.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
IDK anything about military tactics but I can't see the Ukrainians being very effective taking the Russians head-on - they may be able to inflict more damage with guerilla-style tactics
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
As of 6:45 am Eastern oil futures are up almost 8% and gold up almost 4%
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Biden/left side of Democratic party’s terrible anti-American energy policy in the name of “Climate Change” has weakened us and strengthen and given leverage to Putin/Russia.

There will be more war over energy. US needs to correct. This is just the beginning.

Good read - “American War” by El Akkad
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Germany and Europe pay a fortune to Russia for their oil and gas because they hate climate change and love windmills so much. Meanwhile Biden gets energy policy from Greta Thornburg.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Germany's woke energy policy led it to get in bed with Putin - the fruits of wokeness are starting to bare in our country and around the world
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Fucking FALSE FLAG. CIA stagging events to justify war with Russia. What motive dies Russia has to "attack" Ukraine?

Remember the Maine. Remember WMDs? This is always the US government's MO when it wants to start a war.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
The leftie/woke morons currently leading the US make decisions based entirely on ideology, without any regard for the practicality or unintended consequences of their actions. (Killing the Keystone pipeline, for example.)

But Putin is no dummy. You can be sure that whatever "sanctions" may be slapped on him, they're already baked into his decision to invade. His ever-increasing cozy relationship with China is most likely a big part of it.

Plus as an iron-hand dictator, he's got the advantage of being able to inflict a degree of economic suffering on his own people with relatively mild political consequences.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ But the real threat yo his regime is a thriving democracy on his border, where free people can live their lives and speak their mind without fear, that threatens him because his citizens will demand the same .
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Soft power means nothing without hard power
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
The Russian people have always preferred despots to democracy. They tried democracy and it failed there.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Go away, Cacaplop
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
20 fag supports neonazis and the far right in Ukraine calling it a thriving democracy 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ You should seek help boy, you're incredibly ignorant. The state you describe as Neo-Nazis, has a Jewish president.
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
"^ Trump would be promoting North American energy, providing jobs to American refineries and keeping us a net energy exporter who would supply Europe so they didn't need Nord Stream 2. He wouldn't be placating American greens who want to see American energy bills triple like in Germany, or having to beg Saudi Arabia to increase production.

With a few Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, so this shit wouldn't happen.

To paraphrase Ice Cube, now we're getting fucked out our green by a Russian boy. With no Vaseline."

Um, no. Trump would not only be riding the horse with Putin, but shoveling more manure.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ You logged in under the wrong account.

Go away, Cacaplop.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Thanks for admitting you're here under that "Candyman" screenname too.

Go away, Cacaplop.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ You and Icee both spouting silly Russian propaganda.

Go away, Cacaplop.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@Scrub, Cacaplop _is_ an uneducated cunt.

He prefers to shitpost here at night rather than do his pre-algebra homework.

It will assure that he stays uneducated.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Didn't know so many republikkkans support biden
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ You won't get further than Fall River, MA until you finish your pre-algebra homework.

Go away, Cacaplop.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@scrub, please refer to him as "Cacaplop." He has several feces-obsessed aliases here.

Probably can't control his sphincter after his father and uncles ran a train on his ass.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
How about being 9utraged by the US bombing Yemen?
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Whataboutism. You lose.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
“Truly Appalling”: Russia Attacks Ukraine as Putin Ignores Diplomatic Pleas and Launches Invasion

Panic, Fear, Disbelief: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Prompt Humanitarian, Refugee Crisis

Yanis Varoufakis: Europe Must Stand with Ukraine, Condemn Putin & Roll Back NATO to Restore Peace

Nuclear War Risk Rises as Tension Mounts Between Nuclear Superpowers over Ukraine

“Pick Up the Pen, Joe”: Biden Faces Pressure to Cancel Student Debt to Fulfill Campaign Promise

LIVE: Boris Johnson delivers statement on Ukraine

LIVE: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivers statement on Ukraine in HoC

WATCH LIVE | Biden delivers remarks on Russian assault on Ukraine (WP)

Biden speaks about Russia's war in Ukraine (euro news)

Ukraine President Warns Russian Forces Attempting To Seize Chernobyl Nuclear Facility (MSNBC)

Russia Attacks Ukraine: Pres. Biden delivers remarks on invasion ordered by Putin | ABC News

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I agree here with what desertscrub is saying. We need to stand together, as both Republicans and Democrats are doing, and support our President in doing what needs to be done to stop Putin.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
And I'd like to welcome everyone to the point at which this becomes another linkfarm / hijacked thread where SJG spends years talking to himself.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"I agree here with what desertscrub is saying. We need to stand together, as both Republicans and Democrats are doing, and support our President in doing what needs to be done to stop Putin."

Biden's energy policies reduced us from net energy exporter to begging Saudi Arabia to export more, and putting Russia and Iran in the catbird seat.

Our president needs to become a fucking leader if he wants us to follow.

Hey, weren't you saying how well he was handling this?

You have no cred either. Go back behind your privacy wall, maybe it'll keep out Russian tanks.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Tetradon, President Biden was trying to establish environmental sanity, not unbridled expansionist Capitalism to enrich the 1%.

But this was during time of peace.

Boris Johnson in House of Commons, and with strong support from the leaders of each of the other parties, including former PM Theresa May.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Word salad.

Biden put us into this position. He deserves scorn.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Tetradon, is this more clear, YOU ARE A RIGHT WING AND RACIST ASSHOLE!

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Racist? Where have I made a single statement implying that non-whites were inferior?

You are an untreated paranoid schizophrenic living in a homeless shelter and posting out of a public library.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russian Paratroops Seizing Airport, Ukrainian Artillery Firing On Them.

Russian forces seize airport near Ukraine's capital Kyiv: Report (Al Jezeera)

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (DW Australian News)

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
All Ukraine had to do was honor the Minsk Agreement
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Al Jazeera LIVE on the ground in Ukraine

avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
The Wall was torn down in 1989. People came out and destroyed it with hammers and spoons. In days. And there's just nothing left of it, I've heard of one part about 30 feet long kept as a monument... But the rest is just gone, destroyed by people sick of it.

30 years later, we may have all forgotten... They sure as fuck didn't.

I've met a few Ukrainian people over the years. They are proud of that. Ukrainian. After 30 years, I don't think they are giving that up. They might not have the firepower of the Russian army, but neither did Afganistan.

Russians, on the other hand, have now had 30 years of BMWs and holidays on the beaches of Thailand. Iphones. If sections are enforced, not more of that until Putin's gone.

Let see who looses what over this, and how much they are willing to fight for it?

How popular do you think Putin will be this summer if sanctions have barred any import / export from Russia and blocked any beach vacations, while conscripts are still getting sent home from Ukraine in body bags?
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ No one here pays any attention to that other board. You're on borrowed time here.

Go away, Cacaplop.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Thanks bkkruined, all good points.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russia invades Ukraine: What is Putin's plan? | DW News ( Australian, 35 min ago)

Al Jazeera seems to be giving the best continuous coverage

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Hasn't stopped you from coming back under a new username, has it?

Cacaplop + Icee + SJG = 3 reviews (and they're all Icee)
Tetradon = 35 reviews

You are nothing here.

Go away, Cacaplop.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Your little troll ass won't be allowed into a strip club without a fake ID for nearly a decade.

Go do your pre-algebra homework.

Go away, Cacaplop.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Thanks for ruining another thread with your trolling tetraplop

You're almost as whiny a bitch as 25fagaplop
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russia: The Empire Strikes Back full BBC documentary ( 2 years ago )

Al Jazeera LIVE, seems to be the best continuing coverage:

Biden must quarantine the Black Sea.

Kennedy made the Russians back down by quarantining Cuba. This was of course a blockage, but Kennedy did not call it that.

One would not normally bring large military ships into the Black Sea. Going through that Bosporus is dicey. Even the submarine would be highly vulnerable to air attack.

Make Greece and Turkey host land planes to enforce this quarantine.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@IQ75cee, all you've made on this thread are baseless accusations and name calling.

Don't you have your sister's herpes-ridden cooch to pimp out?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
So are all n of you joining the national guard and ready for deployment?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I am no longer of military age. But I am involved in things highly relevant to our war effort, and I hope to become more so.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago

Ukraine's uphill battle ahead - former PM Helen Clark | AM

PBS NewsHour live episode, Feb. 24, 2022 (3pm PT)

Al Jazeera continuing coverage

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The weakness started when Trump pulled troops off that Kurdish spot on the Turkish - Syrian border to let Putin get in and get within reach of a warm water port.

And Trump was always looking for a chance to suck Putin's cock.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
7000 more US troops going to NATO countries, from Al Jazeera's Alan Fischer



avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Al Jazeera English | Live, Continuing Coverage

WATCH LIVE: House Intelligence Chair Rep. Adam Schiff holds news briefing on Ukraine and Russia

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^ Adam Schiff speaks to the domestic energy production issue.

He also says that even after Ukraine is overrun, this is likely to go on for years. Ukrainians will fight on and never give up. (so this sounds like the Soviets in Afghanistan)

WATCH LIVE: Ukraine Ambassador Markarova holds news briefing amid Russian attack

avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
He smelled you from a thousand miles away and confused the source?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^ Not sure who you are speaking to, or what you mean.

avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
"I am no longer of military age. But I am involved in things highly relevant to our war effort, and I hope to become more so."

No doubt! Not just our war effort but the whole world, even the universe and beyond can all thank you for your service of spamming TUSCL with drivel and delusional posts such as this over multiple hours 6 days a week.
I'm positive we'll all sleep better once we stop laughing!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Funny watching republikkkans rally around biden
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
Shit! Sorry creep, I posted at 7:59 which means they were shuffling you out the library doors as I posted my/our thanks to you for keeping us safe. Well I'm sure that the cats and possums that sleep feet away from you under the bridge thank you every night for your war efforts.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Those who oppose mother Russia will die. God wills it. I stand 100% with the Russian Federation against globalist aggression.

Can California rejoin Russia?

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
I will admit I was surprised when Russia engaged in its current military operation in Ukraine but the more I thought about it and the more I read both sides the more I realized Russia had no choice. The NWO made it untenable for them not to act. They have two reasonable red lines that they will accept the NWO cross.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
By the way you arrogant folks who rant about how backward Russia is, they have 7,000 functioning nuclear warheads so yeah keep on being arrogant. 😀 When the hell bombs fall on you maybe you won't be so cocky. I live in a military town so I will go immediately but I am cool with that. Tens of millions of the rest of you dipshits will die too. Bwahaha. After the Covid scam I say fuck you all.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Let Mother Rusdia incinerate all of you fuckers. Rot in hell assholes!
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Of course that means that black Africans will emerge as an outright majority of the human population. So they will move into China and east Asia. Probably sparking a race war between blacks and Asians. Lol.Grab the pop corn. Should be fun for those still alive (maybe South Asians).
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ Oddly, this was predictable.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Its in the media coz biden wants the European union to buy American natural gas instead of Russian and thinks enough sanctions against Russia can do it
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Dixie (cacaplop) said "I was reading in my history book about great Roman general Scipio... Then my teacher told me Putin is the..."

Granted, it's always more likely than not that everything you post is some form of lie just to stir shit, but this post and your behavior does comport with a mid-to-early teen boy with OCD among a chef's salad of other social adjustment issues. So, either you're exactly that, or a you're an adult man who acts exactly like that.

Neither is a good look. But, in the first scenario, at least there's a chance that you'll grow out of it.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
I dumpin loadz on ww3
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
^^ the only loads you’re dumping is loads of chips to other players at the poker table!!!! Lol
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russian offensive unexpectedly slowed by fierce Ukrainian resistance
Video of Ukrainian rep before the UN

Ukrainian officials telling people to attack tanks with Molotov Cocktail.

Russian offensive unexpectedly slowed by fierce Ukrainian resistance

Ukrainian Peace Activist: My Country Has Become a Battlefield for Major Powers. End the War Now

Katrina vanden Heuvel on Putin’s “Indefensible” Invasion & Why NATO Is at the Root of Ukraine Crisis

As Russia Seizes Chernobyl Site, Ukraine’s 15 Nuclear Reactors Pose Unprecedented Risk in War Zone

Ukraine ordering all men between 18 and 60 years to stay in the country for possible conscription.

7000 additional US troops deploying to Germany, and troops being ordered to deploy to Poland.

Live from Slovakian border as refugees from Ukraine flee the conflict

LIVE From Kiyv Ukraine under attack from Russia | Russia's military operation in Ukraine

LIVE Russia Attacks Ukraine: Zelensky delivers remarks on invasion ordered by Putin News

Battle for Kyiv Begins! Russian Troops now in Ukraine Capital

Russia has lost 450 personnel, according to UK

See aftermath of battle over key bridge in Ukraine

Russia - Ukraine War Combat Footage - Ukrainian Soldiers Ambush Russian Soldiers in Kyiv

EN IMAGES : les premiers bombardements en Ukraine • FRANCE 24

Helicopter attacks, troop movements: Tracking the war through amateur footage • FRANCE 24 English (always good)

Ukraine reportedly battling Russian troops on the outskirts of Kyiv | DW News (Australian, always good) + German President

As I know it was Robert McNamara who came up with the concept of quarantine. At the Pentagon they had been brain storming situations.

And then they talked with American Leftists and tried to find out what the final trip wire was for the Soviet Union. What line must never be crossed. And it was the boarding and inspection of their ships, especially the submarines.

William Mandel

And then in the 13 Days film, they forced a sub to surface and told the crew to standby for boarding and inspection. But others said that the sub would only be inspected over the crew's dead bodies, and that they would be executed for allowing it as soon as they got back to Russia. So I suppose that if there was no other way, they were expected to scuttle it.

Ukraine has a population of 40 million. So especially if they are totally outside supplied, they could field an army much larger than what Russia now has.

From memory, during the World Wars, and including reservists, Germany fielded 8 million men in uniform, from a population of maybe 33 million.

Ukraine is the "Bread Basket of the World". But if they are offline for some years, the US can supply them. And Poland is just as much of a bread basket. And Germany can produce more food than it needs too.

Shoulder launched missiles and take out Russian tanks, airplanes, and helicopters.

They look to have reactive armor on their tanks, but that just means it will take two Javelin Missiles, or even most anything else fired first.

Putin cannot withstand the financial lockout and body bags coming home.

I learned what a fossil he was when the Pussy Riot girls were protesting and said that they "hope he will become a feminist."

And this is absolutely America's essential business. The exiting world order would be destroyed, and the UN with it, if Putin were to go unchecked.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Congratulations, Shailyn.

You're going to get notifications about this thread for years to come because it's more fun for SJG to hijack threads to post lists of links than start his own.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Ishmael, not everyone on TUSCL is as much of an imbecile as you are.

Newshour Today, 3pm PT

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Or... you could just start your own thread on this topic and post miles of links rather than hijacking someone else's thread.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Ishamel, should I send you a flesh light? Would that keep you busy so that you keep your mouth shut?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ You make it painfully obvious when you don't have a cogent answer to a question.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
also at 3pm PT
TYT LIVE: Russia STRIKES Ukraine Capital. Tucker BACKPEDALS On Putin. Rick Scott’s TERRIBLE Plan

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Watch our special program live from Kyiv ( Austrailian News, Live from Kiev)


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
WATCH LIVE: United Nations Security Council holds meeting as Russian invasion of Ukraine continues

avatar for crazyjoe
3 years ago
We all just need to suck on some tits and we would not have any urge to go to war. Second base will save us!!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^ The problem is Putin. I loved it some years when the Pussy Riot girls were protesting agaisnt him.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ I've heard Putin described as cold and calculating to the point of "reptilian." We need to make his calculations very, very difficult.

Lock them out of SWIFT. Promote American energy and do anything in our power to lower the near to medium term price of oil. Sanction every oligarch and family member, freeze their bank accounts and their ability to travel anywhere.

Some of this might be painful now, but not nearly as painful as showing Putin we have a glass jaw. Predators are emboldened by weakness.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russia invades Ukraine: Fighting reported in Kyiv | Australian DW News 1hr ago

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Agreed, we need to impose all possible economic lock outs.

avatar for mark94
3 years ago
President Joe Biden has returned to his Delaware home for the weekend because, apparently, there is nothing urgent going on that needs his attention.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The guy has been going non-stop. He must need time to think. There could be some bigger decisions he is contemplating.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
War in Ukraine: What's driving Putin? | DW News Special, expected at 11:30pm PT

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Mark said "President Joe Biden has returned to his Delaware home for the weekend because, apparently, there is nothing urgent going on that needs his attention."

I remember when liberals would hand-wring and protest over President Trump spending so much time at Mar-a-Lago when there were so many important things going on. The response from his supporters was typically "It's the modern age. He can do his job from anywhere!" It's amazing how conservatives forget that it's the modern age when it comes to a President (or any politician) they don't like. But, to be fair, liberals vacillate from defense to condemnation as easily and illogically.

For what it's worth, I agree with the base argument. It is the modern age and a President can fulfill their duties from almost anywhere. Especially from second residences that are usually outfitted with additional required communications and security infrastructure. But all that infrastructure doesn't make that President a better President.

Trump managed to be a shitty President from Mar-a-Lago just as easily as Biden can be a shitty President from Delaware.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Biden is not tuning out or detaching. He needs quite reflection, and maybe some sleep.

Trump was an ass wipe who never even expected to be President and never wanted it. He just campaigned to be able to negotiate a bigger salary for his program, "The Apprentice".

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Live: How will Russia-Ukraine conflict go next? ( In English, but Chinese news)

avatar for mark94
3 years ago
The difference is that Joe goes to Delaware nearly every weekend. And, even when he’s at the Whitehouse, there are days when his calendar is empty or nearly empty. Somehow, I don’t think Sleepy Joe is working non stop for the American people.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Right. And when Trump was President, the protests were "He's at Mar-a-Lago all the time!" And then there were all the complaints about Trump's White House calendar being filled with ambiguous swaths of "Executive Time".

So, there's literally no difference, except the flavor of partisanship.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I listen to the man talk and I think he is working extremely hard. He has weathered a campaign of Republican obstruction in the congress, and at every level. And now he is facing down a situation comparable to the 1962 Cuban Crisis and the 1948 Berlin Airlift.

avatar for mark94
3 years ago
“Trump managed to be a shitty President from Mar-a-Lago just as easily as Biden can be a shitty President from Delaware.“

-Record low unemployment
-Thriving economy with low inflation
-No new wars and no military deaths for 18 months
-Controlled the border
-Deported criminal aliens
-Sent out mean tweets and hurt people’s feelings

-Lost Afghanistan and Ukraine
-Highest inflation in 40 years
-Millions leave the workforce
-Empty shelves
-Porous southern border
-Surging violent crime
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Al Jazeera English

Why has Putin attacked Ukraine? | UpFront

Can Ukraine defend itself? | Inside Story

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
According to Obama's defense secretary Robert Gates, Biden has "been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." Obama himself said to never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.

Yet in his campaign, Biden said he and only he could handle Putin. Lulz.

How about undoing every measure you've taken to hurt American energy production? Open Keystone XL. Permanently revoke Nord Stream 2. Open ANWR and other federal lands to drilling. It's also one of the few things that could save his ass in November.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
You suddenly decided to stop addressing the point I made.

I can build a list of bullet points about how Trump was a shitty President as easily as you can build a list supporting him. And we can go back and forth interpreting, misinterpreting, and reinterpreting all of them for 10 to 40 posts complete with links. We've seen that done here, what?, dozens or perhaps hundreds of times? And yet no one has a partisan epiphany.

What I responded to was an assertion that a President cannot do their job effectively unless they're in the White House, which (for many people) seems to be true or false depending on whether or not they like the person in the White House. My assertion is that it a false assertion regardless of whether or not you like the person in the White House.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Biden does not want unbridled expansionist capitalism. They only continues the planation economy to enrich the 1%. It also is destroying us ecologically.

Biden wants sensible moderation as do most of the people in this country.

Biden is handling a very dangerous situation but he is on track for a spectacular Democratic midterm.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^^ My other assertion is that SJG is creepy as fuck and can go eat a bag of dicks.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@SJG, WTF is "unbridled expansionist capitalism" anyways, other than a bunch of mashed buzzwords?

To Ukraine, thoughts of long-term climate impact are useless if your country might not survive the weekend. It sounds like smiting "capitalism" means more to you than cutting Russia off at the knees. Which do you choose? You can't have both.

This "spectacular Democratic midterm" has seen 30 Dem House members retire, which is what Congresspeople do when they're about to get minoritized.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
“I can build a list of bullet points about how Trump was a shitty President as easily as you can build a list supporting him“

I actually don’t think you can. The last year has been true disaster after disaster. Whatever list you create about Trump will be trivial compared to what Biden has done.

“You suddenly decided to stop addressing the point I made.“

I responded directly. Trump spent some time in Florida and New Jersey and, you are right that he was able to do his job. Biden spends about 30% of his time in Delaware and there is no indication he does any work while there. In fact, nobody seems to have any idea what he does in Delaware.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
They are calling for a "no fly zone over Ukraine". That gets into the same sort of stuff as quarantines and blockades. Not sure who is calling for this and who would enforce it, probably NATO. This is beyond NATO's treaties, but I think it is necessary, as well as locking Russia out of swift.

Can Ukraine defend itself? | Inside Story (Al Jazeera)

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Mark said "I actually don’t think you can."

Of course I can. But you'll absolutely never agree with it. Pretty much every single political thread on here is constructed entirely from rocks and hard places.

"Trump spent some time in Florida and New Jersey and, you are right that he was able to do his job. Biden spends about 30% of his time in Delaware and there is no indication he does any work while there. In fact, nobody seems to have any idea what he does in Delaware."

To me, this is still a case of agreeing or not agreeing with something based solely on liking or not liking the person in office. Trump spent a lot of time away from the White House, and his work schedule had very little clarity at least in part due to all of the undefined "Executive Time".

So, again, I don't see a big difference in behaviors. But I also don't see either as being good Presidents.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
"Americans presented Chinese officials with intelligence on Russia's troop buildup in hopes that President Xi Jinping would step in, but Chinese officials rebuffed the U.S. and shared the information with Moscow."

No one is afraid of us. That’s not good.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
^ that's how far we've sunken with "everything is white supremacy Brandon" - I fear we will keep sinking lower under this joke of an administration
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
The Brandon administration actually thinks China is our friend and ally - what a bunch of clueless self-importizing twats
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
^^ No Papi, he doesn't think China is "our" ally, he thinks they're "his" ally.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
^ allied with his and Hunter's bank-account
avatar for NinaBambina
3 years ago
Rare photo of a couple of you TUSCLers at the last meetup:

avatar for NinaBambina
3 years ago
Hit a nerve?
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
>The Brandon administration actually thinks China is our friend and ally - what a bunch of clueless ... twats

Unfortunately probably half the country probably thinks this.
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
>Rare photo of a couple of you TUSCLers at the last meetup:

not accurate at all. with the exception of the unusual combo of icee and dixie, i don't see much support for russia here.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Bush The Dad promised Gorby that, except for East Germany, no former Warsaw Pact country would (ever) become part of NATO. But now NATO will only promise that Ukraine won't become a NATO member "for now". After the US invaded Iraq based on bullshit, you can't expect Russia to just trust that the same thing wouldn't happen to them. It's fucked up what Putin is doing to innocent, apolitical Ukrainians. But Ukraine staying out of NATO seems like a reasonable concession. Finland's not in NATO, but it's in the EU, and Russia doesn't seem to panty bunch about that.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
If anyone here want's some facts the real reason that any US president would try to avoid getting us in this war, NATO members as well, and Trump say what you like would be forced to do the same as what Biden is doing.
Google "the Nuclear Paradox" and understand what "MAD" really means, it will explain that Nuclear weapons are not just used for a preemptive strike, but every major nuclear power has what is called retaliatory strike capability, even if the home country is fried.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
@ilbbaicnl "But Ukraine staying out of NATO seems like a reasonable concession."

I think you're missing the big picture here. Putin wants Ukraine and clearly he's willing to do anything to get it. Period.

All that noise about Ukraine not joining NATO is just his way of distracting, or somehow justifying his actions. Like how he "recognized" those two eastern territories and then sent in "peacekeeping" forces. The man is a master of disinformation and deception.

If he says he wants a guarantee Ukraine will never join NATO, it means he doesn't give two shits about it.

He floated that story several days before he began the invasion. While the whole world and every media outlet was wasting their time debating over it, he was amassing more and more troops. He was going in with a full-scale invasion regardless.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ I personally believe that as well, and I believe we could definitely do some more to make this as costly to Putin as possible, we really should give the Ukrainians better anti aircraft systems, if they can prolong this past the tolerance of the Russians, the calculation will shift from Putin taking over the Ukrainian government to Putin losing control over his own government.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Xi gave Putin the go-ahead in their pre-Olympic meeting to gauge western response to such aggression. He used Putin and given our response he will attack Taiwan. China sees Biden as weak and indecisive. All hat, no cattle. Did they like or respect Trump? Hell, no, but they feared him. No, not due to intellect, due to erratic emotional behavior. According to the NY Post on 2/22/2022, Trump told XI that an attack on Taiwan would be met by an attack on Bejing. XI was reportedly stunned and wasn't sure he was joking or serious, but they sure as hell behaved differently than they are now. No one tough fears a progressive.
avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
Ukraine and Russia were both part of the Soviet Union 30 years ago.

In some ways, it's kinda like North and South Dakota going to war.... The People of Ukraine and People in Russia, mostly, aren't that interested in killing each other....

But, Ukraine's free. And determined to stay that way.

Russia's military is listed with 900,000 active personnel. About 50% of those ARE CONSCRIPTS.

Ukraine's military is listed with 200,000 active personnel. While Russia has to protect a border with Georgia, Finland, and Kazakhstan.... Ukraine has that entirety of it's personnel within it's borders fighting Russian army.

Ukraine has advertised handing out 18,000 rifles to civilians in Kiev. The former PM is show on the streets carrying a rifle and body armour.

Russia's military has just become proper fucked. They just don't seem to realize it yet. They aren't going to be able to take Kiev. They can maybe just level it, but I have a hard time believing even the Russian army (50% conscripts) really wants to be involved in that... This is the army called to put down protests in the streets during the coup against Gorbachev, they refuse to fire a shot. 40% of Ukrainians speak Russian...

And the flow of arms to Ukraine is only going to increase. Russians, don't really have much of an economy to start replacing arms any more...

Sooner or later, the number of families who's conscripted kids stop calling home are going to be a problem for Putin, he can only silence the news of casualties so long...

Thinking this is about Trump and Biden is really pretty fucking stupid and ridiculous. I mean, really?

And Xi would be smart to take notice of what Ukrainians are willing to do to be free. I can't imagine Taiwanese would do any less, in fact, they have been preparing for such for decades...
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Bkkruined. Putin isn't doing an American style war.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Peace For Our Time

Vladimir Putin’s battle against the West: Inside Ukraine and Russia | ABC News

LIVE: Protests against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in New York

Invasion of Ukraine: A VICE News Tonight Special Report

Smerconish: Zelensky's 'Spartacus' moment

Russia-Ukraine Conflict: France warns world on war as NATO deploys rapid response force | WION

100,000 Ukrainians flee to Poland amid Russian attacks - Al Jazeera

Gunfire and explosions in Kyiv as Russia attacks Ukrainian capital

Kyiv under attack as Russian missile strikes hit the Ukrainian capital - BBC News

Intense firefight for key bridge near Kherson, Ukraine

Ukraine crisis: Chaos descends on Ukrainian capital, 100 Russian paratroops go down in their transport plane ( Good reports from UK Defense )

Russian war criminals in Ukraine

Ukraine crisis: 'Putin will meet hell' says former president Petro Poroshenko

BREAKING: Germany to help arm Ukraine, 1000 anti-tank missiles and 500 Stinger missiles, UK will help deliver this!

Latvia to close airspace to Russian airliners. France and Netherlands also sending weapons.


The Good Fight III of XII - AbrahamLincoln Documentary

avatar for mark94
3 years ago
An interesting, and surprising, Twitter post from a member of the European Parliament. Bottom line, Russia only has the resources for a few more days of fighting. They are low on missiles and money.

THREAD 1/7 Intel from a Ukrainian officer about a meeting in Putin’s lair in Urals. Oligarchs convened there so no one would flee. Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days.

Russians didn’t have a tactical plan. The war costs about $20 bln/day. There are rockets for 3-4 days at most, they use them sparingly. They lack weapons, the Tula and 2 Rotenberg plants can’t physically fulfil the orders for weapons. Rifles and ammo are the most they can do.

The next Russian weapons can be produced in 3-4 months – if even that. They have no raw materials. What was previously supplied mainly from Slovenia, Finland and Germany is now cut off.

If Ukraine manages to hold the Russians off for 10 days, then the Russians will have to enter negotiations. Because they have no money, weapons, or resources. Nevertheless, they are indifferent about the sanctions.

Alpha Spec Ops have been near Kyiv since the 18th February. The goal was to take Kyiv and instal a puppet regime. They are preparing provocations against innocent civilians – women and children – to sow panic. This is their trump card.

Russia’s whole plan relies on panic – that the civilians and armed forces surrender and Zelensky flees. They expect Kharkiv to surrender first so the other cities would follow suit to avoid bloodshed. The Russians are in shock of the fierce resistance they have encountered.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Mark you wearing that tinfoil hat on overtime.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
mark, Of course I am not in the loop on the intelligence, but your information jibes with what I have heard.

The Ukrainian gov't has given arms to everyone who has wanted one. It is always best if you can have no civilians.

With a population of 40 million, Ukraine could field a vastly larger army than what Russia now has.

I don't think Putin can withstand the financial sanctions and the body bags coming home.

Putin is a fucking idiot, and I hope they carry him out feet first.


Basque Country

JUST MASONS - Episode 15 - Bro. Paul Rana
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russian assault on Kyiv intensifies in face of Ukrainian resistance - BBC News 26 min ago

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Ukraine - Security Council, 8980th meeting | United Nations | UNTV Live (27 Feb 2022) - Official coming today?


JUST MASONS - Episode 15 - Bro. Paul Rana
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russia moves in heavy flamethrower weapon, Thermobaric Weapons

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
LIVE: Zelenskyy on Ukraine, Kyiv (Kiev) | Ukraine Invasion Update | Russia Sanctions (SWIFT) | Kyiv

Russia Invades Ukraine: The Latest 1hr ago

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
That's why Donald Trump likes Putin, they are both opposed to democracy.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
BREAKING: EU to cut off some Russian banks from SWIFT

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russia Ukraine Conflict Live Updates: Russia Launches Military Operation in Ukraine Live | WION Live


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^^ LIVE

Ukraine’s Civilians Take Up Arms Against Russia’s Invasion

avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
Germany is rearming.

Putin is FUCKED.

Only hope for the red army now is to turn the fuck around and MARCH ON MOSCOW!!!!

(level Minsk on the way.)
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Use logic, what Scrubby is saying makes sense
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
"Germany is rearming.

Putin is FUCKED."

Putin is poopin'.
avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
Putin's only great success to far is capturing CHERNOBYL!!!!
avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
And let's not forget...

The supposed best cyber attack force in the world is thought to be at the Kremlin.

Yet we see so many live feeds of Kyiv with the lights on and water running.

Not to mention Zelenskyy's broadcasts...

Putin's shown the world how worthless his armed forces really are.... And some people claim that's "smart"?
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Since this is a strip club forum, I suggest sacrificing one of the following to a good cause:

$5 - the price of a good stage tip
$25 - the price of a lap dance
$250 - the price of some good FS in the VIP

Donate to the Kyiv Independent or another outlet speaking truth on the board.
Donate to a reputable relief effort for women and children displaced by the fighting.


Donating will earn the favors of the god of hot Slavic strippers!

Слава Україні
Glory to Ukraine!
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
кака бульк
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
20fag why wait for biden to send troops? Get your ass to Ukraine and volunteer to fight
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I can't think many in Russia think invading Ukraine is a good idea especially with the international backlash which wasn't present when they took Crimea back in 2014.

I would not be shocked if Putin is somehow eliminated by the Russians themselves although that would be a tall-order since this is something Putin would be more than aware of and has likely taken extreme measures to avoid this.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
People in Russia are being fed nonsense from their state media.

Jen Psaki, today, 52 min

PBS Newshour Today

Russian attack on Ukraine: Latest update as U.S. shuts down embassy in Belarus (also non-emergency US embassy staff in Moscow authorized to leave)

I think there is going to be a military revolt against Putin

Texas Gov Greg Abbott asking stores to pull Russian goods from shelves.

In California, do not buy signs placed on Russian liquor.

Ukraine comes under heavy attack from Russia (shows making Molotov Cocktails)

Putin's threat: Is Russia ready to use the nuclear option? | To the point (26 min long, DW Australian news)

LIVE: PUTIN THREATENS NUKES AS RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE (everyone is talking about assassination of Putin)

Ukraine invasion: ‘difficult’ peace talks with Russia end



Lidija Bacic Lille LIVE - Solo ft Luka Basi

Ginger Baker's Air Force - 12 Gates of the City (1970)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russia invades Ukraine LIVE | DW News livestream | Headline news from around the world LIVE NOW!

avatar for SanchoRG
3 years ago
You know how a complete idiot can come across as smart if they just keep their mouth shut and keep people guessing? Putin should have stuck with the mythos of Russian might, cause reality is a whole other thing. Putin's yes men have been feeding him lies while they embezzle funds. The officers that report to the yes men are selling weapons. The grunts that report to them are selling diesel fuel for alcohol. All of them telling their superiors everything is A-ok all the way up the chain. None of their shit works. Their "badass" top of the line tanks re being abandoned en masse. Their god damn combat helicopters have civilian-grade Garmin GPS units cause the stuff built in is obsolete. Putin expected the war to be over in 15 days...tick tock motherfucker.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
All very good points SanchoRG

VOX Putin's war on Ukraine, explained

Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer

avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
The rank and file Russian soldier was not ready for this war. For God sake many of the families have relatives in Ukraine. An army with low morale presents a terrible liability no matter what quality equipment they possess. From reports the common soldier in the Russian ranks is either extremely distressed or at the most very unmotivated. The elite units are the only ones that are worth anything in this conflict and they have been beaten in several key engagements.

The Ukrainians are fired up and unified. They deserve everything we can give them.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Just read an article about how the Russian military maintains its trucks, especially the tires. Short answer is they don’t. Tires are crumbling in trucks and they don’t have replacement tires available. Their supply lines are failing as a result. Food and fuel isn’t making its way to the troops.
avatar for NinaBambina
3 years ago
Lol South Park.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
Props to Nina and her heritage. Slava Ukraini!
avatar for EastCoaster
3 years ago
^ Ever notice how Arizona Turd Blossom always brings the conversation -- any conversation -- around to homosexual acts? Interesting obsession for someone on a website devoted to strip clubs.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
Scrub your Seroquil is wearing off. Perhaps its time to up the dosage
avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
Russia and Ukraine are hosting negotiations in a place called "Hunter's House". Russian sense of humor and poking fun or coincidence?

Got me thinking if the Ukrainians brought some strippers with them this conflict might be over post haste.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Sick fucks cheering know bidens war
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
"cause she throws on her profile URANIUN"

it was a typo but for URANIUM pride. as in the density and volatility of my poop is like uranium.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Ukraine Invasion: Spokesperson clashes with Sky correspondent...again

Watch live: A special programme on the Ukraine invasion, 1hr ago, 1hr long

VOX Putin's war on Ukraine, explained


avatar for NinaBambina
3 years ago
Anyone see what's going on with the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant?

Ww3 may actually start.
avatar for NinaBambina
3 years ago
Lindsey Graham appears to be calling for Putin's assassination on twitter...
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Nothing but fake news on all fronts
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
There is no such thing as the Minke Accords. But the demented old fogey, 25IQ, has been running around for a week telling everything "what about the Minke Accords? The US has to defend Ukraine by the Minke Accords." There is no such thing. By his idiocy and senility, he made it up. He is so deeply lost in dementia, he never even thought to check himself.

Furthermore, the Minsk Agreement, which is real and does exist, does not involve the US. It is a purely European protocol.

Always right, all along.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Ukrainians strike massive Russian convoy, Pentagon says (CNN 1 hr ago) (Ukrainians blew up a bridge to stop the Russian convoy)

A Bayraktar TB2 Strikes Again, Hundred Russian Tanks Were Destroyed Near Ukraine Capital Kyiv! (2 hours ago)

Russia passes new laws to silence dissent, bans foreign news outlets | Ukraine invasion latest news (German DW 7hrs ago)

Russia’s Unprecedented Shelling of Ukrainian Nuclear Plant Raises Fears of Another Chernobyl

Talking about Claus von Stauffenberg
"Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, left, looks on as Adolf Hitler welcomes Gen. Karl Bodenschatz on July 7, 1944. Von Stauffenberg attempted to kill Hitler on July 20 and was executed the next day."

Republicans, Democrats slam Lindsey Graham after he calls for Putin's assassination (Russians have brought crematoriums with them)

This could be another way, besides quarantine on the Black Sea and No Fly Zone, for outside military forces to enter this.

Russian Environmentalist Speaks Out on Putin’s Attack on Antiwar Protesters & Independent Media

Ukrainian American Journalist: Putin’s Unjust War Is Emboldening Ukraine’s Far-Right Movement

The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Is Like Something From A Movie: Peter Zalmayev (MSNBC)

On board a Nato surveillance plane monitoring Russian activity in Ukraine - BBC News (Boeing 707)

On the Ground in Ukraine: A VICE News Tonight Special Report 4 hours ago


Lenny Kravitz - Again (his stuff uses interesting chord progressions)

Lenny Kravitz Full unseen UNEDITED Performance from the Kennedy Honors Tribute to Led Zeppelin

Lenny Kravitz - american woman - Live At iTunes Festival 2014
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
PBS NewsHour live episode, March 4, 2022

Retired General John Kelly on whether Russia has enough resources to take Kyiv (CBS news yesterday)

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Breaking News: US President Joe Biden bans Russian oil imports | Russia-Ukraine Conflict | WION News

Russia using 'sledgehammer' tactics against Ukraine, expert says

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
LIVE: Secretary of State Blinken, UK's Truss hold a briefing on Ukraine, Russia

WATCH LIVE: White House press secretary Jen Psaki holds news briefing

WATCH LIVE: CIA, NSA directors testify in House Intelligence hearing amid Russian attack on Ukraine (yesterday)

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
U.S. Makes Contingency Plans in Case Russia Uses Its Most Powerful Weapons


WATCH LIVE | Biden meets with European leaders in Brussels (streamed 93 min ago, and now has Boris Johnson speaking with NATO)


X Burning House of Love
avatar for bang69
3 years ago
WW3 is in its beginning stages.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ very true. Not this bad since the Cuban Crisis 1962 and the Berlin Airlift 1948. But it might not go much further. President Biden is doing a very good job.

Billionaire Abramovich, Ukrainian peace negotiators hit by suspected poisoning -reports


“Reckless & Damaging”: Could Biden’s Suggestion of Regime Change in Moscow Endanger Peace Talks?

FWIW I don't think President Biden went too far. He's just telling it like it is, and I don't think he was calling for Regime Change, just the retirement of one fossil.




Live - All Over You - 7/23/1999 - Woodstock 99 East Stage


Live Freaks

Daughtry Greatest Hits Full Album - Best Songs of Daughtry 2020 playlist

Beyoncé - Sweet Dreams


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Maybe Russia is starting to lighten up in some places. But this is only because of how hard the Ukrainians have fought, and because of Biden's intense sanctions and leadership.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Pbs news weekend, 30 min

avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
...and now is exactly the time to punch Putin square in his tiny nutsack
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Newshour Today


Dr. Wouter J. Hanegraaff on The Real Hermetic Tradition
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Biden is a steady hand on the helm:

Authorized $800 million in aide.

Armored Personnel Carriers, Drone Boats, and Howitzer Artillery with 40,000 shells!

John Kirby

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
John Kirby Pentagon, 1 hour ago

Newshour Today

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Russia demands Ukraine surrender l ABCNL

Russia Test World Most Powerful Nuclear Capable Missile | Sarmat Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
This new missile is serious shit!

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
There is going to be a huge defense spending increase in America and Europe. And there is going to be a huge arms build up.

Putin is not rational, he is suicidal. Trump was suicidal. Despots always are.

This is going to go on until the next Claus von Stauffenberg arrises.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago

Putin tells forces to seal off last Mariupol fighters - BBC News

Ukraine: Putin cancels plans to storm Mariupol steel plant | DW News  (this steel plant has taken on the status of the legendary Staligrad Tractor Factory)https://www.youtube.com/watch?…

The battle of Donbas: What's Putin's plan for Ukraine now? • FRANCE 24 English

What does the 'Battle for Donbas' mean for the Ukraine war? | Inside Story

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