
Comments by alabegonz (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    So about pursuing a Dancer
    My experience tell me, you will never know if it is real or just hustle. But, then, why does it matter to you if she's true or not true? Just like what I'm doing to my CF2, I learned not to know more about her life, not ask questions that show her true colors. I just learned how to play her game the hard way.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Girlfriend used to work at Sapphire in Vegas. Was she a ho or not a ho that is t
    Now, if you still love her despite all her lying, then you wouldn't worry about her fucking other men. Just measure her on how she lies to everyone.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Girlfriend used to work at Sapphire in Vegas. Was she a ho or not a ho that is t
    If she consistently lied to her loved ones in the past, chances are you have been lied to as well.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I believe there are clean dancers in any given club. It took some time to develop the skill in smelling out these clean dancers. Lemme tell you, they are either so fucking pretty or just have no hustle.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Girlfriend used to work at Sapphire in Vegas. Was she a ho or not a ho that is t
    Even if she's saying the the truth, you wouldn't know if she's telling the truth. How do I know, my CF2 is lying to her boyfriend about seeing me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    So about pursuing a Dancer
    Strippers lie a lot, every time. With that said, you will notice some of things she say often contradict. And the contradiction that you see is the wakeup call for you so that your wallet will not be drained too much.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Eating Pussy Not Prostitution In The Club
    ""Before proceeding, we need to define prostitution. Despite being known as the oldest profession, a workable definition has proven elusive. From a dictionary we learn that prostitution is the 'act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money'. But a prostitute cannot simply be a woman who sells her body, since 'that is done every day by women who become wives in order to gain a home and a livelihood'. Promiscuity has been proposed as another candidate. Medieval canon lawyer Johannes Teutonicus suggested that a woman who had sex with more than 23,000 men should be classified as a prostitute, although 40 to 60 would also do. However, promiscuity itself does not turn a woman into a prostitute. Although a vast majority of prostitutes are promiscuous, most people would agree that sleeping around does not amount to prostitution. Moreover, any threshold number of sexual partners, be it 40 or 23,000, fails to identify high end courtesans or call girls as prostitutes, although a reasonable definition would. Instead, we argue that prostitution is the act of rendering, from the client’s point of view, non-reproductive sex against payment."" Well, it might turn out selling lapdances can also mean prostitution.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    She Won't Say Goodbye
    She sent a message a while ago, saying she was doing this and that. I can sense the hustle has disappeared from her and now I am having this curious feeling if she is still the same person I met inside the club. One explanation to the personality change is the fact she has not been dancing for several months now. Maybe she is giving me a chance to know her, the better version of her and that the bad version of her is now totally behind her now.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Clean-Living Dancers
    I know several who are clean, but they are so hard to get.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Long term relationships
    Yeah, I know what you're saying here. In fact, I know one or two or even four dancers.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    She Won't Say Goodbye
    I'm gonna write more stuff about this girl, bros. She is one good material for me to write about.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Haha, cool bro. I will check the place out. I'm cool with any clubs in PDX.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's your ideal number of lovers?
    When I was building up and getting on with my professional life. I was also banging girls left and right, but those were just one offs. I did not entertain any serious girl in my life.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's your ideal number of lovers?
    High school, I was seeing two, no sex during that time. College days, I was seeing at most 5 girls, dating them and spending time . After college, working at different companies. Dating dropped to zero. Career came first. Noeadays, after five years of strip clubbing. The bitches I see are like maybe around two or three.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    This is so funny. If you don't mind, what's the name of the club, I might check it out, man. Haha, too funny. Tell her you don't have money to buy dances, you're broke. She might give money instead.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What's your most valuable possession that you can hold in your hand...besides yo
    Pussy, boobies, booties.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Having "feelings" or "attachments" to strippers.
    Guys, these are the kinds of conversations I have with my buddy who is 10X a strip club goer than me. He's been a goer for more than 15 years and he is proud of that number. We talk a lot about feelings and emotions about girls we get, but one thing I noticed when I started hanging out with him inside the club was he spends more than me, talks more than I talk, tips more than I tip, more vibrant than I could possibly be. The thing that I think I'm better at is I get the hottest girls without doing much anything on my end. I get more girls by doing less, that's why this dude hangs out with me. Take note of this well, since girls do all the talking and I am just there listening, I am more vulnerable to falling to the hustle. My feelings are definitely more exposed because I am the one getting worked on by these awesome girls. I can't help but engage this girl who I call CF2, she's the best girl I've ever got to bed with. With that, all of my feelings are now just one of the game pieces that are now in play. And I do believe getting this girl is worth the pain that will ever come out of my stupidity.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Having "feelings" or "attachments" to strippers.
    Feelings, if you haven't figured it out, can be both awesome and a bitch. It's tough not getting burned when I choose to play with fire.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Should I call her back?
    And if you do not return the call with no voice message, you will be seen as a doosh and a perv and also a creep. Make that call happen but it should not go over 60 seconds.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Should I call her back?
    Hey bro, there is no win in your situation. Your goal is to make her bomb your inbox, because if she bombs your inbox with messages like I want to see you, licking her pussy is not gonna happen.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Should I call her back?
    Hey vro, if you can say you're just calling her and you are not the creepy guy in less than a minute, then say goodbye at the 61th second, you re good, man. You gotta say, hey I'm just returning you call, and I'm just wondering about the situation, I know it's kinda awkward but ... blah blah blah . Talk for a minute and break the rapport. Make sure the conversation is not finished. Then forget about her, bro. She's going to wonder about you acting like that it's going to get buzzing you later.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Should I call her back?
    But man, this play is going to be long drawn out battle. If I were in your shoes I would play it cool and act like you're there to have fun. You want to send the message that you're a chill guy and just want to be a good bro.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Should I call her back?
    Hey man, I guess you can that situation "creep zone" you are creeping her out, bro. The next thing you can do if you're going to go fer pussy is to take it to the "friend zone".
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Feeling Confused Don't Know What To Do
    Hey guys, I read the comments, I like them but I will itemize my reply later, because you know, I'm with my CF1 right now. We're going to go and have fun in the next few hours. My mind will not be filled with thoughts of the CF2. Sorry, man. I told you it's all fucked up. I deal with several awesome looking women and it feels good. But my mind is just thinking of the CF2 when I'm doing nothing. It sucks to be in this situation. I think I should spend more time with the CF1. Ok bros, I gotta go. Need to give some loving right now. The CF1 is going to be back in a minute.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Feeling Confused Don't Know What To Do
    Yes, I pay her every time we go. No, I don't want to end this p4p thing. She likes it and we are on the same page with this one. Everything we do is done under discretion. It is secret between us. The big problem is my feelings for her. I think my feelings are going to get some assistance whooping. I hate it but what can I do. I tried buying dances from dancers at other clubs. It gets me high but she comes back to my mind when my high is over. This is stupid, I k ow. I just need to know how do get my feelings in check with this girl because I am falling.