
Comments by alabegonz (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How to identify a ROB
    You guys, do you even know that talking about this shit tells more about the type of dudes you are? Come on, man. You are looking for Hos in stripper costumes.
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    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Can ITC GFE lead to OTC or just getting PLS'd
    If GFEs work you, then you deserve it. Really, I would not say ITC GFEs are bad. Actually, I'm for ITC GFEs too, big huge fan of it. If that is how you see it, then by all means go for it, man. You are definitely going to get it and she will gladly work with you getting that ITC GFE to your satisfaction. But, here's the but, bro. In my head, I believe you are going to be her ATM machine. Nothing wrong with that. It's just basic math/economics/rocket science, matching the person who needs money to the one who is providing the money. Just like me, I'm an ATM machine too. For these girls that I fuck, they don't fuck for free. Some of these girls will do it for money, there's no doubt about that. To reiterate my argument and I argue after the fact, as in "ipso facto" my ITC two-ways did not translate to an OTC. Nada. Zero. Nothing. Kaput.
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    9 years ago
    How Deep The Hole You Just Dug For Yourself
    Can't wait for someone who is "truly" from Detroit write about stuff happening in Detroit. Man, I can't wait for that dude to write some of his night outs with strippers.
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    9 years ago
    How Deep The Hole You Just Dug For Yourself
    'Whereas this hanging, unstructured fraternizing where you are not in control of the boundaries, leads nowhere." You sound like a mom. Are you my mommy?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How Deep The Hole You Just Dug For Yourself
    "To much drama for me. I would have to pass. Especially if I'm paying her for the pussy. But I hope it works out for you." Don't date a stripper, man. Simple as that.
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    9 years ago
    How Deep The Hole You Just Dug For Yourself
    @ranukam, hey man, you know how it is here, you just don't write about it. I understand.
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    9 years ago
    How Deep The Hole You Just Dug For Yourself
    "Alabegonz needs to stop letting girls set up social situations for him." Haha, that sounded too funny. I've been through many times.
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    9 years ago
    How Deep The Hole You Just Dug For Yourself
    " I see red flags all over the place. You may be lucky the guy in the back seat didn't slit your throat." Man, you don't know how it's like to hang with these kinds of people. Most of them already went to jail, including her. And no, dude. If you have no experience dealing with these kinds of strippers you will be played like Banjo when you get the club of your liking. You'll get GFEs for sure, amigo. Congratulations to that.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Holy Shit: Experiencing Withdrawals.
    Dude, if you're not done with the process you will repeat the process from the beginning.
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    9 years ago
    How Deep The Hole You Just Dug For Yourself
    Yeah, I know. I'm going to. Her loser boyfriend knows because of her filthy mouth.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OTC Adventure
    "I marvel all the time at what gorgeous young women will do with me for money. They were not nearly this slutty when I was a young man." JS69, my bad for not replying, it has been a wild ride for me lately. Too many things going for me, especially these kinds of women I'm seeing. Anyway, I totally believe what you are saying. Though I have never gone that far enough to be called experienced or savvy. I still fall to the hustle every fucking time. "Is your girl a DS?" I dunno about this girl, maybe just a hot girl that I really enjoy spending time with. The girl I would really like to be the DS is dancing only once or twice in two months. I got the digits, but her ex who cheated on her is crawling back asking for pardon. She is confused right now. I would marry this girl if she decides to walk with me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Can ITC GFE lead to OTC or just getting PLS'd
    Smells like I'm being baited here. Anyway, dude that's how you dig yourself into ten dollars short of being broke. For me, all of my pulls did not have GFE in the lapfance. I was just like this dude who is not into the party, just watching the show from a distance. It starts from there.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    An indecent proposal
    2000 is a lot of money. I'd think this over like what else can do besides fucking the girl. If I can't think of anything worth doing, then she can have my money.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OTC Adventure
    She looks like this girl, dude. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK_0jXPuIr0 I know man, just playin ya.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Question for dancers regarding boundaries
    "I have a hunch that the guys, that get away with more from strippers, are simply more witty and charismatic. Money, being a regular or being nice are not factors. Especially nice, lol. The stripper will just run over you!" Haha, dude, practice the art of the pull without two-ways and DATYs. It's an awesome skill. 9s and 10s will be easy, man.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Clubs with your kind of dancers
    Spearmint Rhino, Vegas NV and Treasures, Vegas NV. Shit, girls there are wild, man. I'm cool with Oregon strip clubs too.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Question for dancers regarding boundaries
    It's for me to get into two-ways and DATYs. My experience with girls who are OK with them are they don't end up for OTC. It's not an indicator of an OTC for me, though. Maybe some girls are cool with that, that's how they roll.
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    9 years ago
    OTC Adventure
    I mean she forgot to bring the pipe so I had to get it from the shop. And if don't know the lingo, sorry man.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OTC Adventure
    "Whoa I'm a little messed up on this "pipe" thing." It's alright, man. I just got the five bucks pipe. That's all I can say.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My Stripper Friend
    "that has to be the stupidest thing posted on here since jestrite50 insisted his prostitutes aren’t prostitutes and that he gives them money for them to spend just because but definitely not in exchange for giving him sex and that they fuck him because they want to and not because he gives them money. nope, no way are they prostitutes…uh what was i sayin? oh yeah, your post is fuckin’ retarded. where ever did you get such a stupid idea?" Dude, stop wasting your precious crap and shove it up there. I think I can detox myself without your shit.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My Stripper Friend
    "I am still new at this but even I can tell you this dancer does not see you as a friend or anything else beyond a customer/client if she refuses to get a meal with you just wanting to have sex and get paid. The dancer I have gotten very friendly with will talk to me ITC, and OTC, will go get meals with me, go to different local attractions like the aquarium, see the sights in the city, and most times just hang out before getting a room for sex. I still pay some of the time but your situation is not like that which should clue you in that it is a business relationship you have nothing more." Like I said, I wrote this entry so I can detox my head. Clean up myself after the fact.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My Stripper Friend
    "Honestly, yes. You had animal sex with a super hot chick. That can get me walking on air for DAYS. I might be tempted to write a "check out the awesome time I had" TR (I would definitely share it with my friends). Yes, that's how I think you should be feeling. Having negative emotions about having animal sex with a super hot stripper is a blinking red stopsign that you're doing something damaging and should stop, if you can't change course completely." She just sent me a text a while ago, about something that she would like to do in the near future. Anyway, I'm feeling great right now. It's just that I need to get my head straightened out and not forget where she drew the line. Man, I need to get busy today or I will keep thinking about her stunning looks all day.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New Jersey
    Some observations and random thoughts by an amatuer PL
    I'm going to say this you, man, because I think it should be said here. This one came from my dancer friend who I met two years ago. We still are good friends and we still go out and do it. I asked her this question: "I have a friend who wants to ask a stripper out. What would he do?" I've known this girl for two years and we fuck a lot. But the answer she gave was just too ridiculous. She said: "If he wants the girl to go out with him he should not ask the question." I said: "What the fuck, he is not going to get laid then." She said: "That's not cool, you can't ask a stripper to go out with you." I said "Then how did we get to fuck on that night we first met? Sounds too illogical for me to tell him that?"
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My Stripper Friend
    "Seems every stripper you meet is "beautiful" and you fall in love with them." Dude, have you had sex with a woman who is much more beautiful than the porn video shown below? http://www.porntube.com/videos/stunning-allie-rae-blonde-hair-sexy-blue-eyes_7065231 Lemme tell ya, these kinds are hard to come by. It's so easy falling in love with these girls, just look at them and you will feel this powerful energy surround you. It's more powerful when she chases you like a prey and wants you to rape you like a choir boy. And when she overpowers you by her stunning looks, what do you do?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My Stripper Friend
    "Essentially, you're too emotionally involved and you're hurt that she's not doing little things to show you that she really likes you and is thinking about you?" What do you think should I be feeling? Like a lion roaring like a champ in the jungle? Ok, I may be emotional on this but this journal entry is why I am dumping all that negative emotions out to garbage. Get it? It's so much much much fun I had fucking that girl. It's like a watching a good movie that stays in your for several days.