
Comments by Subraman (page 57)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Stripper hoes love being on a winning team...
    How did sjg become the most reasonable guy? Did I accidentally take acid again?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Sort of OT: Bottle service prices are WAY out of control
    I've never bothered to go with bottle service when SCing alone. In fact, many of the advantages of bottle service are disadvantages to me, when I SC alone -- I want a table in a dark corner rather than one front-and-center, for example; and the 10 minute wait for the waitress to show up to take our order, and 15 minute wait for her to come back with it, is an advantage, not a disadvantage. When I SC with buddies, we do sometimes get bottle service. For example, last few times we went on a Saturday night as a group, bottle service: - Cost us around $120-ish per person, for more alcohol than we could drink, and all the backs we could want. If $120 sounds like a lot, note that on Saturday night, with drinks often costing $15+ each, that's just 3 rounds of drinks plus tips with my stripper. - Gets us the best booth in the house, most visible, past which nearly all strippers have to walk, on a busy Saturday night - Seems to get us a LOT of stripper attention, even more so than usual. Especially useful during the sausagefest hours of Friday-Saturday 11pm-3am No brainer... Last time we did it was at Palomino's in Vegas, easy choice, total win
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Feb 19 Wed Private Lapdance and Fetish Club In Manhattan
    Huh, seems TGTBT, no? Open bar for $60, plus private room fees that are tiny compared to how much they would cost you for similar time at a strip club. Maybe the $30/$40 is just the room fee, and everything else negotiated on top? Stlil hard to see how they're making money
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stealthing FSSW - DON'T
    I see SBs on sugar forums complain about this constantly -- they are much less aware and prepared than a professional sex worker, so they're sitting ducks for this, unfortunately.
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you go to a strip club to make it rain on the bar tenders?
    I didn't read the article, but was pretty sure when I clicked, it would look like this is a product of black strip clubs. I don't think your typical tuscl strip club goer, much less a tuscl PL, resonates with any of this. My impression of black clubs is that it's much much more about conspicuous consumption (making it rain) and the show -- why wouldn't that extend to the bartenders? With us PLs, the whole concept of making it rain stymies us, and we're there to get our hands on hot strippers and possibly get off, who cares about the show? Just a completely different SC culture
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    -->"I’ve been to Wuhan, China, but it was in 2016. You won’t catch the virus from reading my stripper jokes." I'm staying off your threads for the next 3 months, just in case.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Where is the search bar?
    Heh, coincidentally I just had to search for discussion about SCs in another city, but never found the search bar and just gave up. Ran a google search on the site instead.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Rate this stripper hoe....
    SJG taking one for the team!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Strip Club goals 2020!
    I haven't had a bona fide ATF in a couple of years... would like to find one this year. Hell, I'd settle for a CF that lasts more than 6 months...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Dancers and pimps?
    One of the more well-known cases in this area: there was an unspeakably gorgeous stripper (I'll withhold her real stage name and just call her Amber, even though every SF PL knows who I'm talking about) who was the property of a famous pimp. He had his main girl work with Amber, to keep his eye on her. Amber eventually made her way to MBOT, back then home to only the most gorgeous strippers, and "main girl" didn't get hired, so Amber was on her own, working 5-7 days per week (!!!!). Still, even with no watchful eyes, the other strippers said AMber spoke to no one, detached if not mean when anyone did talk; just came in, did her shift, and left. Years later she broke from the pimp, and the girls said she was like a completely different person. Friendly, happy, engaged with the other strippers (and apologized for how she behaved before, "I had to"), worked fewer days per week, etc.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Dancers and pimps?
    Most of the clubs around here don't even allow boyfriends in (if they can figure out a customer is someone's bf), much less pimps. There were pimp-tolerant clubs in the past -- Market Street Cinema was famous for a while for the gaggle of pimps who sat in the back and kept on eye on the girls. These days, if a girl has a pimp, not easy to tell unless you get inside info from someone else, because the girl isn't going to tell you and the pimp isn't going to be in the club. I also think rick's experience is representative - IF she has a pimp, he's not following her around, he's at home. I knew one stripper who admitted she had a pimp, although their dynamics otherwise seemed like deadbeat boyfriend & stripper girlfriend... I would never have known (and no other strippers in the club seemed to know either) that for years, she went home and gave him every dime. But he's the one who ordered her to work at the club, how often, and made sure she made enough money. All of the $ went to him, but he was out of sight from the perspective of the club.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Ya, turns out, tuscl is as good a place to find educated advice on potential epidemics, as it is to get financial advice and find incisive political discussion. Shocker!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fan of big boobs
    Julia Kulchenko's Instagram
    Ha ha... more seriously, at the risk of being this guy https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/291/121/989.jpg While I think her face is beautiful, and she obviously has feminine curves, she's not my type and I actually WOULD pass on her at the club. I find twerking, which she does in a lot of her videos, a turn-of in itself (although nearly every stripper does it at least a little these days, sigh). That and the really big butt and thunder thighs, and I'm gone. That said, if one of my buddies went with her, I would not accuse him of having bad taste; but she's decidedly not my style
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fan of big boobs
    Julia Kulchenko's Instagram
    Elbows too pointy. Would not bang.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dancer's sister joining her at the club
    I think I'd go into this with a "how many times do I get an opportunity like this?" mindset, just go in to have fun, support the CF however she'd like, maybe take some risks. For example, shadow's statement that sisters give terrible 2-on-1 dances is very believable to me... but nevertheless, if CF asked me to do a 2-on-1 dance, I'd take the risk. Maybe it'll be mindblowing and you'll have a story few guys can match; and if it's just okay, at least you've had lapdances with sisters and you're only out $40, life goes on. I would keep a running dialogue with CF to make sure she's happy. This is probably a "buy drinks for both of them, buy dances separately with each of them (more with the CF than the sister, unless CF requests otherwise), buy dances with them both iff CF thinks that's a good idea", and just enjoy the ride
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    What makes a stripper decide to come sit by you?
    -->"@Subraman did she explain why the race was relevant enough to mention? Why the racial bias if ANYBODY in a strip club spends at minimum the expected amount or better per common culture of the current strip club location?" Estaf... No, no explanation. But to put it in a bit more context, you're a stripper in a high end Vegas club, tons of girls, night is just heating up but it's still two hours until it gets packed, I imagine huge percentage of transients-to-regulars since it's all Vegas visitors (that is, no known customers). My assumption is, the girls are walking in with very little knowledge of customers. I imagine spending a lot would catch the girls' attention faster than anyone else, but I'm not sure anyone was spending a lot yet.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Why is cam so big
    Count me among not getting it either. I am certain that the interactive nature is why men are seeking when they choose to pay for camming instead of going to pornhub for free. But if they want something interactive, why not go to the strip club or an escort? I dunno... for married guys, camming is certainly less risky. I will note that camming, findomming, and onlyfans seems to be the official side hustles of strippers. With onlyfans seeming to quickly be overtaking the other two
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Even been called gay at the club?
    About 6 or so years ago? At a local club, there was a girl well-known to everyone (Cream at CH, for those who are local), who was at this point definitely phoning it in. She supposedly used to be really really hot, and in fact her body still was, but she was aging a bit, and I'd describe her attitude as "sluggish". Anyway, I'm there with my buddy: Cream: do you want a dance? Me: No thanks Cream: do you want a dance My buddy: No thanks Cream: .... are you guys gay? My buddy and I look at each other and start busting up -- literally laughing out loud. An annoyed look comes over her face, she definitely did not anticipate this reaction, and she storms off.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Is there anything about the strip club scene that frightens you?
    Salty: you bring up an excellent point I hadn't thought of. Back when I was married, I always had a fear in the back of my mind that one of her friends or coworkers who knew me, would see me there. Or maybe walking on the street into the club, or with a CF OTC (since I did my OTCs during the day)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Is there anything about the strip club scene that frightens you?
    Never been in a strip club that concerned me. Some of the clubs in the area are in somewhat dangerous areas; on the other hand, drunk strippers walk to and from their cars, the local bars, and the strip clubs on their own, so none of the areas are too too bad. Of the three clubs in bad areas, I only ever went to two of them. One of them had garage parking so close that the walk was fine even at night. The other hand a liquor store behind it that was legit dangerous -- there were drivebys and shootings, clear gang presence, etc. At the time the strategy was, we all just avoid that street. Last time I drove by the neighborhood was gentrifying, and the former liquor store was a club filled with happy white people and happy Asians dancing, so I imagine things have changed a bunch
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we be allowed to take back 1 thread a year
    Let that thread be a monument to your shame forever
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    That one time you fell sorry for a stripper (or customer)
    "Even though your not supposed we may have a moment of weakness from time to time. " I definitely don't think it's weakness, and "not supposed to" has important context to it, IMO. I do think it's important that, when dealing with a stripper you don't know very well, you not be stupid. And believing every sad story or that she's developing a crush on you or whatever, is stupid. For me, that isn't so much about not being empathetic -- it's about not be a sucker who gets manipulated by a 22 year old girl in her underwear. By contrast, once I know a stripper well, I'll empathize with her for sure, and don't look at that as a weakness at all. All of that said, you falling for the "aww everyone is waiting for her", was probably you being a sucker, so carry on :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    What makes a stripper decide to come sit by you?
    SJG: Less creepy if I'd excluded all of them? You have a point! I told you I need to work on the not-creepy part
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    What makes a stripper decide to come sit by you?
    A few years ago I was sitting in a high-end club, on a Friday night, with my ATF FBSM girl. We were at the club of her roommate, who was a stripper. Anyway, at one point my ATF/FBSM left and went to talk to her roommate across the room. In the time she was over there I was approached by one stripper after another, though I sent them all away. Well, she must have been watching, because when they came back to the table, she says to her roommate, "I leave and do you see how many girls came by?" And stripper roommate tells her what the rest of us already know, "Of course, he's the #1 guy we're all looking for -- older, white, dressed nice and doesn't look creepy. He's going to have strippers after him all night". Well sha, tell me something I don't know. I am a bona fide expert in being old and white, although I do sometimes have to work on the not-creepy part.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Phoenix/Tempe Visit
    thanks meat and heellover! sugar44 def on the list