That one time you fell sorry for a stripper (or customer)
Even though your not supposed we may have a moment of weakness from time to time. One I had not too long ago was kind of random. It was at Sahara Theater in Anaheim. One dancer came up to me, not bad looking and start chatting. I told I was waiting on this busty girl. And she lets this really beat down sigh “Awww everyone wants her” It just kind of got to me especially the way she said it, like something my little sister would say when she was a kid. It just took the business feel totally out of it, and I just wanted to cheer her up. And I’m usually pretty good with this stuff but just her showing this moment of defeat had me thinking about not during but after the fact. I did end up taking the busty girl to VIP but if I could go back in time I would love to take this girl for a spin. Any of y’all got the balls to admit something?
One afternoon one of my favorite dancers approached me and was not looking very happy. So I asked why so glum and she told me her story. "I don't feel like being here today but I need the money. 2 days ago 3 guys broke into my apartment, shot my boy friend to death and took all of my money ($1200). The police were still investigating it" Then she asked me if I wanted to do a VIP. I knew her VIPs were great but her story just totally put me out of the mood and I had to turn her down.
I definitely don't think it's weakness, and "not supposed to" has important context to it, IMO. I do think it's important that, when dealing with a stripper you don't know very well, you not be stupid. And believing every sad story or that she's developing a crush on you or whatever, is stupid. For me, that isn't so much about not being empathetic -- it's about not be a sucker who gets manipulated by a 22 year old girl in her underwear.
By contrast, once I know a stripper well, I'll empathize with her for sure, and don't look at that as a weakness at all.
All of that said, you falling for the "aww everyone is waiting for her", was probably you being a sucker, so carry on :)
As far as being a decent human being, that always applies. But I’m skeptical when my human decency is sought by opening up the wallet.