
Comments by Subraman (page 58)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Phoenix/Tempe Visit
    Okay, since I haven't been to Hiliter personally, it's probably a must-see for me. Sugar44 and Candy store on the list
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    5 years ago
    Phoenix/Tempe Visit
    Yeah spring training was a huge mistake. None of us are baseball fans so we're pretty clueless. I figured out we'd be there first week of cactus league, after the trip was all set and booked
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Those dancers that just sit with regulars "not making any money"
    george, you must be ignoring sjg lol...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Phoenix/Tempe Visit
    Okay, so, useless. Thanks for the g-2! Is there a "drink with the girls at your table" SC in Phoenix? My other buddies checked out HL the day before I got there, but nixed it because we had a mixed group (girls and guys) and they found it too downscale for the girls... but I don't think there's alcohol there anyway?
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    5 years ago
    Phoenix/Tempe Visit
    Bourbon St is the one place I've been to out there, definitely pretty girls. I was a bit miserable about the fact that none of the girls sat around and drank with us at the table. At the time I had attributed that to it being so busy (it was afternoon, but packed due to cactus league fans), but I think I've since heard that it's policy the girls can't drink with you? Can someone confirm? If there's no option for "drink with the girls for a few hours" (with dances mixed in, of course), I will be trying to cross that place off my list.
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    5 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Dancers and pimps?
    Agree that it's not horribly uncommon for strippers to have pimps. Even in the higher end clubs
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Those dancers that just sit with regulars "not making any money"
    I agree Pyroxl. Don't get me wrong, I think sometimes it's just lazy unmotivated strippers. But again, interacting with customers and asking for dances does take some emotional capital, especially for shyer girls, and it may make perfect sense for her to just be her 100% best for her big payoff. I once had a really shy CF, and one day my buddy gets to the club before me and says "You know what your girl Courtney does waiting for you to get here? She sits around talking with the other girls, or goes and hides in the back, she hasn't tried to get a single dance with anyone." I'm not exactly a whale but enough of a payoff that, at least that day, she apparently didn't want to deal with randos
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Recently moved to Trenton, NJ
    Bringing your own Condom for FS?
    This is exactly why the TUSCL-brand extra small condoms (but marked "magnum" on the box ... y'know, to throw them off) were invented. "too small and short" -- I'm picking up what you're laying down, bro! It's like "magnum" on the box
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where the hell is the money ?
    "If this advice helps you make money, send me a message offering a free dance next time I'm in your town." Also, send this message to 20 friends by Friday, or your entire family will turn vegan
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    5 years ago
    Verified Member Status
    special edition = extra small
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Those dancers that just sit with regulars "not making any money"
    """This is an example of how simply telling me that she would be locked up with him for the rest of the night could have saved me some time.""" ldk, is it possible that his usual M.O is just to sit with her for 20 minutes, so she really thought she'd get to you, but he just stayed longer? Answer to that question, BTW, is DEFINITELY "yes". It's also possibly she wasn't thinking and wanted you locked up just in case, which is stupid. But her priority should be her regular, if he's a regular, rather than a drive-by LDKer; faced with him changing his usual behavior, she definitely did the smart thing by sticking with him. I've sometimes been in that situation where I hadn't made an appointment because she wasn't on my list yet, but usually she'll at least come by my table or text me "I don't think he's leaving, sorry!". For me, that's a huge thumbs-up for her -- thumbs up for sticking with her regular (I want to earn the same treatment), thumbs up for letting me know
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Floriduh man throws shit at 750 pedestrians.
    I knew a tuscl'er who had "short tesla" level financial advice! Anyone know if dougster lived in Florida?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Me practicing my anti-zombie skills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQCp2nykCSw
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    5 years ago
    No ninja sword? Poser!
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    5 years ago
    We should be more CONSIDERATE of a stripper's feelings
    Not every troll post can be a grand slam. Sometimes you just try to bunt, and the pitcher hits you in the balls. Live and learn.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Those dancers that just sit with regulars "not making any money"
    Exactly. That's what so many guys don't understand. Not all strippers are completely mechanical lap dancing machines. Dealing with the consensus rudest customers in the sex industry (not you guys, you guys are awesome. Those other guys.) takes a toll, especially on younger and newer girls. So "if she'd just left her regular and come to me, she could have had an extra Andrew Jackson in her pocket" is often just not worth it. Nor is burning herself out or getting a negative attitude for that Jackson, when her best strategy is to be at her 100% best her whale shows up in a couple of hours -- so totally rational to make a little less with guys who are guaranteed to not irritate her.
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    5 years ago
    Deal breakers
    blah: I'm sure there's some people who are just noseblind to their smells. But, here's a conversation I had with my CF from a few years back, a smoking hot Latina. We're in the VIP room by ourselves; she knows I adore her body and she had just finished waving her various charms in my face -- waaay in my face, like I was face deep in her from every angle Me: You smell amazing! Her: Do I? (she's clearly delighted) Me: Yes! Not all the girls smell good down ther-- Her: (ethnic group redacted) girls! Me: What? (I'm now frantically looking around. We're in the VIP alone but I take a quick glance to see if I can spot the video cameras, to see if they have a mic) Her: Yeah, the (ethnic group) girls! They come in in the morning, without having showered, and just babywipe themselves. Me: (nervously) Are a couple of white people allowed to have this conversation? Her: I'm not white
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    You guys are all going to feel stupid when the reports start trickling in that people are turning into zombies.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Those dancers that just sit with regulars "not making any money"
    -->"Probably not as much as they'd make full on hustle mode, but easier, more consistent " There's also intangibles that we as PLs don't always think about. For many less-experienced, non-jaded strippers, dealing with customers is not a zero-emotional-investment effort, the way it would be if you were selling something like candy bars. Picture heaving at the club at 1pm-4pm, and 4pm is when her whale and/or the general rush starts (this is very typical for dayshift). Maybe -- MAYBE -- she could go full-hustle and earn more by 4pm. But if she's irritated, angry, and emotionally exhausted from dealing with rude customers, fighting off fingers groping for her wholes, getting told "no" a *lot* (and not always in the nicest way), "time wasters" who imply they'll tip her but don't, etc... how is it a win to already be irritated and exhausted just as the real money walks in at 4pm? It makes no sense at all. I 100% understand why my CFs highly value their regulars during the slow times, even if they could make more by hustling. That's what many of these guys don't understand -- maybe she'll make an extra $40 with you, but it's not worth sacrificing her weekly comfortable slow-period $200 with her regular. Marginal extra revenue is more important to the more jaded and experienced girls, who are exactly who I'm happy to pass up
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anyway, I remember during the last scare, a buddy and I debated whether we should stop SCing for a couple of months; in the end, we didn't change anything. I thought that might have been SARS but that appears to have been around 2003, and I vaguely remember the last scare being around the early 2010s... anyone remember what that was?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    -->"Prepare to be examined by the TSA." Am I the only one who got a little bit of a boner at this statement? Anyone else? Just me?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rookie here and nicest Ahole you’ll meet.
    Mongers flocks together?
    I SC with my buddies from 30%-80% of time, I'd say, depending on where everyone's lives are at, and whether or not I have an ATF at the club. Right now, it's definitely closer to that 80%. I think the key thing here is, the couple of core guys are PLs, with new guys coming into the group every few years, and we very quickly turn those guys into PLs rather than "strippers! Woooo!" guys (see my article on "advice for guys I take strip clubbing" -- I really do give this speech on the train up to the city!). I think most guys who think they prefer solo'ing, would find there's literally nothing but upside to SCing with other PLs, except that you have to coordinate the trip and you all travel at the same time (which in itself is a huge benefit, so you can swap stories, intel, etc). SCing with non-PLs is a different experience -- it can be fun, but I more consider it "hanging out with my buddies, and there's also naked girls around" than a REAL SC trip
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Those dancers that just sit with regulars "not making any money"
    -->"as the whale holding down some bad bitches having a good time." Just a reminder you don't have to be a whale to lock down some bad bitches. I've never spent whale money -- although occasionally when all my buddies get dances with my ATF it starts to add up to whale money. Just be a regular who spends decently, and make an appointment, and that's all it takes. If she's some stripper who you have to have so badly that your entire trip is ruined if she's not available to you, even non-whales can easily find a way to make it worth a stripper's time to hang out with you.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Those dancers that just sit with regulars "not making any money"
    Yeah, overall, as Papi said, we've had this argument a lot of times, always fun, but not going to change anyone's mind about anything, as far as whether the girls or the lockers or the jealous-ers, or anyone at all, have a right to be irritated. I do think overall that goldmonger's story is representative. Maybe not in the $$$ numbers, which are shockingly high, but in their general spirit -- the girls are not as stupid or lazy as some PLs make them out to be, and if the girls are sitting with some guys and you can't figure out why, chances are you're the idiot, not them. Just because I don't see them exchanging money, doesn't mean they won't be doing so. On the other hand, it's also true that sometimes, the girls just sit with some guys because they guys are fun and buying drinks, and they (the girls) otherwise aren't getting any success. My last time at SR in San Jose, we ordered bottle service and my buddy had locked down a super hot dancer. I pointed another girl out to that dancer and she says, "she's my friend! She's just hanging out with those guys because no one else wanted dances. Let me go get her". You can't tell why a stripper is hanging out with a bunch of guys; probably always worth at least meeting her when she goes to stage, or asking another stripper at the table about her, just to see if she isn't settling in with club furniture because she hasn't had any luck
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    You really rather a HJ over nothing?
    Looooooooooooooove me a HJ. Since I don't do rando uncovered BJs, I'll take a HJ over a CBJ 1000 times out of 1000. And sure, I can jerk myself off, but I can also cut a hole in a cantaloupe and fuck it. Fucking a real girl is better than a cantaloupe. Getting a HJ from a real girl is better than jerking off. When I did ITC, I did FS and HJs only, no interest in CBJs.