
Dancers and pimps?

Too much of a good thing is never enough
Saturday, February 1, 2020 5:01 AM
I have lots of experience in strip clubs but zero experience with escorts and street walkers. Presumably, many escorts work with (or for?) pimps who procure clients, arranges for a meeting location and provides some level of security. I have naively assumed that pimps were non-existent in the strip clubs and that the dancers were "independent contractors" who didn't need the services of a pimp to procure clients or arrange for security. I've also assumed that most dancers were working of their own volition and not being managed (or coerced!) by a pimp. But I've had several recent conversations with dancers who claim that some of the other dancers in their club do indeed have pimps. My discussion question: how common are pimps in strip clubs and what function do they serve for the dancers? And, for those of us how have concerns about trafficking, is there a way to have fun in the clubs but without contributing to the exploitation of a woman by a pimp?


  • boomer79
    4 years ago
    I would be very surprised if any of the girls I know are pimped. There may be a few isolated cases but I doubt it’s very common at all in strip clubs. I would of course be upset if I knew a girl was doing anything against her will. I’d call the police if I strongly believed that to be the case. However I think sex trafficking is exaggerated and is basically being used as a substitute term for prostitution. It has made me skeptical when I hear these kinds of concerns.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    I think pimps are fairly common. A pimp is not necessarily a loudly-dressed and bejeweled hoodlum with a hat and a cane who forces women to prostitute themselves. A pimp is more likely to be the boyfriend or the drug dealer of a stripper who drives her to OTC meet-ups or otherwise helps her to prostitute herself. The stripper is a willing participant and believes she is contributing to supporting herself and her boyfriend.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    I have no idea just how common it is but I’m guessing it’s more common than we know. And I think jacklash likely described the common situation well.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    More common than you know. Never understood why a stripper would be in this kind of relationship. Or anyone, tbh.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Agree that it's not horribly uncommon for strippers to have pimps. Even in the higher end clubs
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I think jackslash is spot on. I can remember seeing a dancer at a South Carolina club come out of the private dance room and hand the money over to a guy sitting at a table. It was well known that the guy was her husband. Funny her name was just mentioned in a review today. I have enough dancer connections at my favorite club that I know which dancers are in relationships. A few have openly told me that there is no way they would ever allow a man to control them like that and I believe them. I did once see a black guy that had pimp written all over him all. I was talking OTC with a very good looking gal that I had never seen before. She was up for anything. Offered to go change into whatever clothes I wanted her to wear, etc but she wanted way to much money. I knew the going price. I did keep an eye on her and she kept going back to converse with her pimp all night. I shudder to think of what I could have been in for.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    Yeah, there are at least five girls that I knew of that had pimps. I'm sure there were more that I never noticed. One of stripper/pimp pairs appeared to be a beneficial partnership. He really *did* provide protection and screening services for her, and wasn't your stereotypical drug dealing whore slaver. Much more like an agent than a pimp. If there were more like that, I wouldn't feel like killing them.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    4 years ago
    Pimps are pretty common in the Detroit area clubs
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    There are people who are incapable of making many decisions for themselves. So for some women, a pimp can motivate them to work and make at least $X00 and then he will take the money and 'help' spend the money better than she would on her own. It's very crazy but this is what I gathered from talking to a dancer that seemed to have a pimp. This was in Dallas, 10+ years ago. It's still just men preying on women, but this is just one explanation.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I'm thinking about going back-to-school and getting an Associates Degree in Pimping Sciences - seems like an interesting line-of-work
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    @Papi - if you think a standard university is expensive....just wait until you see tuition at Pimp U
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    In our underground circuit some girls bring their "own security". Guys can be pretty nice, introduce themselves, explain that they drive her around and hold her money. One broke of a vicious fight between two other girls. Now Pre-Deja VU in San Francisco, Spectator Magazine was reporting on how Market St. Cinema and New Century allowed each girl to have one "manager", to hold her money and provide security. I don't think this goes on any more, but there might be some here with more current experience. SJG
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    Do you really think you are going to get the proper fundamentals and guidance at some community college 'The Game, 101'!? Ridiculous!
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I'm so naive - I need to work on my bad-boy game
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    was considering going to gigolo school but I got convinced that there are just too many guys giving it away.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    You want to learn to be a pimp, watch: [view link] [view link] SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    Here is a semi-recent news article about a Wisconsin club that closed down. Some of the dancers working there were being forced to do so by a pimp named Christopher Childs. [view link]
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    Wild Zebra's troubles started because a pimp slapped a dancer (who was one of his hoes) inside the club and the proceeded to drag and beat the shit out her in the club's parking lot.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    In his defence was already selling garden hoes. It's just a slippery slope from there.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    ^^^ Sinclair's link 🤪
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Whatever it is If I found out instant turn off
  • FishHawk
    4 years ago
    The night I went to Babes to meet Waffle. I got there just a little before the night shift started so Waffle was not out on the floor yet. There were two girls dancing. One on a smaller round stage with no pole. She was dancing by herself with no one sitting at the stage. There was on guy sitting off to the side a bit watching her. I went up to tip her some ones. She was working hard without getting any reward. She was a pretty girl, slender without much on top. She smiled at me and seemed happy I was paying attention to her. I saw her look at the other man who motioned her to approach me again. She did and as I tipped her she asked about a private dance. I told her I was waiting for someone and she took it well. I have wondered what the role of the guy was. Was he a manager at the club checking out a new girl or was he her pimp. I guess I will never know.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    It seems to be part of the strip-club/sex-work fabric, but seems something that is more of the exception-than-the-norm - unlike a street-walker or escort back-in-the-day that may have needed protection, not really the same deal at a strip-club - I'd assume the dancers that have pimps have fucked-up lives where they are either much more vulnerable to a pimp, or as some have posted, they are unable to keep-it-together and may depend on a pimp to be able to get most things done. At the end-of-the-day I feel it's beyond the scope of the avg custy to deal with unless he knows a dancer intimately and know her situation-well in order to worry-about-it or make a call on it.
  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    clubs should ban all pimps, boyfriend, and drug dealer from coming inside the clubs, nothing good comes from them, their are a threat to the club and customers
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    In my area some clubs appear to accept this situation, others have tried to ban pimp-bfs, though inconsistently.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    I used to have a pimp. I helped my pimp sell drugs and I’d make $11.75/hr
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    ^ Indeed. The industry is brutal 😅
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    ^^^^ You had a pimp? What does that mean? What did he do? Personal security? Hold your money? Did he actually try to line up PL's for the back room for you? SJG
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    4 years ago
    ^^it was while she was at one of those places where you can only see the girl through a window Her pimp had customers lined up for a peep of miss nice though WCG
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    ^^^^^ There's a girl out there waiting for WCG. She will be there, sitting at the bar, under the light, reading Bloomberg's or Ray Kurzweil. With most guys she just sells dances. But with WCG it will be FRMOS, Back Room FS, then waking up in the mornings with him regularly. She's out there! SJG
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    The drug dealer at Follies is very popular with a certain group of girls. If you did not know he was dealing to them, you might assume he was their pimp because they are passing him money. Those girls can go through some weed and the occasional white powdery substance.
  • boomer79
    4 years ago
    Yeah the drug dealer is certainly popular some places. I can see how that mistake could be made. I will say that I’ve never felt like a third party was trying to get me to go to a girl other than a referral from another girl or a friendly waitress.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    I do remember a girl pitching some stripper BS that might have been true. It was late in the day shift and a girl told me she wanted to go home, but her baby daddy would not drive her home until she made another $100. Could I help her out? In a dark corner I got a few dances with an "I hope we don't get caught" level of 2-way contact. She thanked me big time. She ran off to talk to a guy at the bar and came right back and asked if she could do two more. This was at a club with $20 dances. I bought 2 more for $100 total. Sure enough she ran to the dressing room, came out a few minutes later in civvies and left with that guy.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Just chit chatted with a manager. He told me that a couple of times he has seen a female walk in with a guy. She stands back and has her head down and not saying a thing and the male is the one doing all the talking and asking about being a dancer. He said he reacts by replying that they don’t accept male entertainers. And the female won’t be accepted either at this time. Must have been Icey with his main bitch 😂😂
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    ^^^I might be in ❤
  • PaulDrake
    4 years ago
    So a while back I had a CF who was being pimped. I met her on her first day and was blown away at how open she was as far as mileage for a day 1 newbie. I went to see her at a different club (baby dolls dallas) and she was pointing out all of the pimps. She even had a comment about how not all pimps are bad if they "invest" the girls money in the drug business so they can make even more. Fast forward and a few months into her stripping career we talked and it turned out she had been working for another girl who was herself working for a pimp. The higher ranked girl had been taking all of her money and supposedly saving and investing it. Then when my CF asked for a large amount of her cash for a down payment on something found out it was all gone. Over 3-4 months she had made pretty much nothing...
  • PaulDrake
    4 years ago
    @heaving - I think part of it is that there are a group of low IQ people out there who like the idea of being taken care of. To that kind of person it is really appealing when a pimp offers them a place to stay, a car to drive, food, and money for clothes. It is even more appealing if the person is down on their luck, maybe they are homeless, and their friends and family have stopped being willing to help. Some in that position feels really helpless and deserted. Pimps know how to find someone at that low point in their life and offer an "easy button". The girl that I know her mom and dad both died when she was a teen. Her life had been really fucked up after that so the "easy button" seemed like a good deal. And yes she did have a romantic attachment to the girl who was pimping her. This last part is just my theory - I think some of us might not notice it at first that someone is really low IQ if they happen to also be a really pretty girl with good social skills.
  • Electronman
    4 years ago
    Some of the above stories perplex me and further peak my curiosity. Why would a girl working in a relatively safe strip club (at least relative to working the escort scene or the streets) rely on a pimp who provides so little obvious benefit to the dancer. I'm sure the reasons are complex and vary from dancer to dancer. I suspect that the "drug connection pimp." the "business manager pimp" and the "deadbeat boyfriend pimp" are the major pimp roles. Like others, I would prefer that clubs ban pimps and boyfriends.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Good comments Paul. Some of it may be an intelligence issue. Others may just simply fall in a certain way because they are the type of person scared of their own shadow. They want the comfort of being cared for. Which realistically, doesn’t really happen. So the next best bet is the sweet talker promising the world, and hope that individual is the exception.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    There was a thing kind of like Viet Coffee, "Sugars". Guy walked in with a Filipino Bombshell, trying to get her hired on. He seemed like her pimp. Had photo books of "us". Was using the name of a popular Pink Poodle dancer, now gone. Seemed like he was saying her was her pimp. Real creepy to me. Hope that girl was smart enough not to let him into her affairs. Filipino girl did not get hired. I believe that is she came in without him, no problem getting hired. I feel that if a girl goes to apply and audition at a strip club, bringing a guy would work against her. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    No, don't want to go into that kind of exploitation of women. The guys who do that are creeps. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    :) :) :) actually a lot of guys will go thru a divorce and end up getting involved in some real negative stuff. SJG
  • s88
    4 years ago
    Ive OTCed enough strippers that I've been recruited to go on "work" with them or pick them up and take them home (she drunk, and has alot of cash on her and I wont rob her cuz no more below retail pussy for me and free coffee dates daytime before work). I even hired a few at the dirtiest club near me from cleaner clubs, since they wont come to my place or goto a hotel with me, but if they do extras with me at another club where they wont be fired for it it is morally okay for them, go figure. Also there are some $10K/hr escort agency casting scams around me, I went with a fav stripper of mine on one, he never got free pussy but another stripper my girl knew got scammed 2 months earlier. I'd pay $1000 for a 6 hour video how to be a fake agent uncompensated testing girls for $10K/hr clients.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Dancers who have pimps are basically hookers who use strip clubs to procure clients. Pimps know which clubs allow prostitution and which managers are in on it and arrange a cut for them. They set quotas for the girls and use connections to get more girls into the club. Other pimps just use strip clubs to find potential hoes. The frequency varies by region. Its very common in Las Vegas and Reno and northern California for example. In Vegas girls who don't meet their quota will work the strip after their shift or on a slow night. The reason for these girls having pimps varies. But remember they're hookers working strip clubs. Not just dancers.
  • BigDickSammy_
    4 years ago
    I dont need no pimp. I Get plenty of business on my own
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    You don't know what pimping is
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Some in our underground circuit have a guy who drives them around, holds their money, and provides personal security. In that circuit they probably are smart not to depend upon the talent agents or the bar operators. When this was talked about at SF Market St. Cinema (pre-Deja Vu) I think it was the same. I don't think this "manager" would interact with club customers. SJG
  • davejones1978
    4 years ago
    I have been going to strip clubs for 24 years and this is the first time I have ever heard of a stripper having a pimp. The protection of the strippers is the security guard that the club hires. Strippers who don’t do OTC have no need for a pimp
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    ^^^^ In some venues there is an issue of holding the money, they don't really trust the club owners, and the money can be large. We have an underground circuit where talent agents put on a show in bars. I for one would not depend on these talent agents or the bar owners. For OTC they don't need security. SJG
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Management and security are there for the club not the girls. Hookers working strip clubs are no different from any other type of hooker. Too many of you use dancer as a synonym for hookers. Theyre not tge same thing
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    ^^^^ I agree basically. But we have some more wild and woolly places where everyone is independent and the talent agent basically works for the dancer, and she will often want her own security and transportation. This places have run from San Jose to Gilroy to Salinas. SJG
  • boomer79
    4 years ago
    I guess to me a pimp implies coercion. If it’s a voluntary agreement that can be ended by either party I’m actually ok with it and don’t think of it the same way as traditional pimping.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    If there is a strip club pimp, he is really in the strip club called a "manager" or "her own security". He works for the girl. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... I have been going to strip clubs for 24 years and this is the first time I have ever heard of a stripper having a pimp ..." That's usually something that's not talked-about in the clubs, nor is a dancer that has a pimp gonna tell a custy so - and pimps usually work-in-the-shadows vs front-and-center for everyone to see what they do (it is illegal to pimp after-all)
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Some are actually very friendly. Mostly they are just the girl's security. SJG
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    If you’ve been going to strip clubs for 25 years then you have seen pimps and you have probably even interacted with them. They are very often in clubs. You are naive, sorry.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Prevalence does depend on the type of club. South Bay above ground is very regulated. Underground is different. San Francisco different again, but now run by DV, who probably would not go for that. Also, a personal security is not really a "pimp". SJG Awesome Pleaser 10" design, Need More Colors! [view link] Stripper Trainers, 6" [view link] Robin Trower, really good! [view link]
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    I outlined this in a post early in this thread. Let's make it all easier for people to understand for the poorly educated. Pimps in strip clubs prey on the weak, simple minded women who are incapable of thinking for themselves. Of course this happens often. Not because women are stupid or anything but because there are men so ready to exploit women in vulnerable positions.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    ^^^^ Only time I have ever seen anything like a pimp in a strip club, it was just a girl who brought along her own security and driver. She was not someone who would ever be seen as weak or exploitable. SJG
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Dancers tend to be very insecure and have problems that lead them to seeking out that type of work. Its not a first choice for anyone. And girls with pimps are prostitutes not just dancers. The main thing a pimp does is offer them stability and a support system. He becomes whatever the girl lacks in her life. That trust is then manipulated and the girl in turn supports him. Most pimps don't have many girls. A lot only have one to three. Then theres something completely different that ive seen with really young girls. They may not be hookers but will have pimp n ho type relationship with a man they love. They see it as a form of submission. Its fucked up but so are these girls.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    ^ LMFAO and then on the "pimp" side there's these wannabe "pimp" PLs that pay stripper whores money and drugs just so they can pretend they are "dating" and "managing" them. I've seen it with some really delusional TUSCLers. Case in point -> [view link] 😂😂😂
  • Bbybunny
    4 years ago
    Certain areas and clubs have way more pimps. They do nothing but abuse the girls and take their money. They are always referred to as a boyfriend and not the usual broke stripper boyfriend type. In Jersey I was constantly approached by pimps offering to help me make money. One girl I used to dance with, young beautiful white girl. Confided in me she only started dancing because some guy took her to Vegas and made her work. You’d never look at her and think she had a pimp.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    In this day and age, if a girl is being "pimped" she is doing so by choice. It isn't like the old days, where it was easier to isolate a girl from others and nobody in authority wanted to hear it anyway. Almost every girl has cell phone and Internet access or can easily get their hands on them and there are countless help programs in most cities for those who want them.
  • Electronman
    4 years ago
    I wonder how a pimp "makes" a girl work especially if you buy into rickdugan's comment about multiple resources for help out of a coercive relationship. I would prefer to NOT do business with a dancer who was being managed by a pimp. I'd like to think that she was working voluntarily and taking my money and using it for herself, not to support a pimp. Perhaps this is a delusion?
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Nowadays the modern version of "pimp" is more likely to be a boyfriend or fiance who gets into her head and convinces her that she needs to do this for "them."
  • Bbybunny
    4 years ago
    It’s easy to say that but you take a situation with a young naive girl and add in a man and money and things aren’t so black and white. There are tons of support programs yes but I find most wont realize they need help until it’s too late and the “boyfriend” “pimp” whatever has gotten more violent. They brainwash these girls. Make them fall in love or somehow convince them that they owe them because they helped them in time of need. There’s are tons of services for DV survivors but it still happens at a high rate.
  • Bbybunny
    4 years ago
    You wouldn’t know if a girl had one. You could’ve unknowingly supported already it’s the darker side of dancing no one wants to think about.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "You wouldn’t know if a girl had one. You could’ve unknowingly supported already it’s the darker side of dancing no one wants to think about." I'm sure there's plenty I don't know about these girls' relationship dynamics and backgrounds. What I DO know is that I take a lot of these girls OTC and they always come with me, or arrive, unencumbered. There is nobody else with them, nobody following us (I make quite sure) and they always have their own phones. And when we are done, they also have a good chunk of money in their pockets from their ITC earnings plus whatever I gave them OTC. At that moment, she has the freedom and the cash to go wherever she wants, including get "help" or just relocate to another area. If she chooses to point the car or the uber/taxi towards the place where he is and then hand over her cash, then she is as much to blame, if not more so, than the supposed pimp.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Most of the clubs around here don't even allow boyfriends in (if they can figure out a customer is someone's bf), much less pimps. There were pimp-tolerant clubs in the past -- Market Street Cinema was famous for a while for the gaggle of pimps who sat in the back and kept on eye on the girls. These days, if a girl has a pimp, not easy to tell unless you get inside info from someone else, because the girl isn't going to tell you and the pimp isn't going to be in the club. I also think rick's experience is representative - IF she has a pimp, he's not following her around, he's at home. I knew one stripper who admitted she had a pimp, although their dynamics otherwise seemed like deadbeat boyfriend & stripper girlfriend... I would never have known (and no other strippers in the club seemed to know either) that for years, she went home and gave him every dime. But he's the one who ordered her to work at the club, how often, and made sure she made enough money. All of the $ went to him, but he was out of sight from the perspective of the club.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    One of the more well-known cases in this area: there was an unspeakably gorgeous stripper (I'll withhold her real stage name and just call her Amber, even though every SF PL knows who I'm talking about) who was the property of a famous pimp. He had his main girl work with Amber, to keep his eye on her. Amber eventually made her way to MBOT, back then home to only the most gorgeous strippers, and "main girl" didn't get hired, so Amber was on her own, working 5-7 days per week (!!!!). Still, even with no watchful eyes, the other strippers said AMber spoke to no one, detached if not mean when anyone did talk; just came in, did her shift, and left. Years later she broke from the pimp, and the girls said she was like a completely different person. Friendly, happy, engaged with the other strippers (and apologized for how she behaved before, "I had to"), worked fewer days per week, etc.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    This topic in my mind is in the category of Cap’n Sav A Ho, if you’re coming into contact with gals being pimped you have no way of knowing they most likely won’t tell you and if they do tell you something like this hold onto your wallet tight, she’s probably angling for you money.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    EMan - why are you so interested in pimps? We private messaged about this and now you're posting asking the same questions. Chances are, you have most likely sat next to a pimp and have not known. You most likely have gotten extras from a girl who has a pimp. Like I told you via PM, most of The pimps aren't necessarily forcing the girls to stay with them, it's more that they offer things to these girls that make them stay (housing, industry connections, food, trips). The guys who beat girls are "pimps" you all probably think of. And not all pimps are like that. Not all pimps are bad. I've seen both kinds. I still don't understand your obsession with pimps. 🙄
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    Back when indoor prostitution was legal in RI, I was at the Cadillac Lounge negotiating with a dancer regarding what would happen in VIP and for how much. We reached an agreement and she said, "Hold on. I need to run this by my accountant." Her accountant was a big dude on the other side of the central stage. I thought it was a mildly funny way to refer to a pimp.
  • Electronman
    4 years ago
    Wiffle. I appreciated our discussion of this topic via PM. Thanks! But others do not have access to our PM discussion. Thus I posted this as a Discussion so that 1) others besides you could chime in with wisdom and experience (its called a second opinion in the health care industry) and 2) so that other TUSCL members could contribute, read and benefit from this discussion thread. For the record, I am not obsessed with pimps. Actually, I am more interested in supporting dancers who are NOT being managed (or "exploited") by pimps. I think that a women should be allowed to use her body as she pleases. I'm not on a crusade to save any dancer, but I would prefer strip club transactions with dancers who were consenting participants without being coerced by a pimp. This discussion thread and my private conversation with you has provided some insight into this aspect of the industry. Thanks.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    Just be forewarned, almost no girl is going to tell you she has one. Modern day pimps provide their girls a lot of resources they won't be able to or would have some more difficulty to obtain on their own. Discounted hair and nails. A tax accountant. Day care. Sometimes even discounted tip out. Detroit agents are almost the same things in a way. When I first started out in 2012, I even had a handler. It's delusional to try to only give independent girls your money. We're professional liars. You've probably done extras with more girls who have pimps than those who are independent of one. And don't be deceived by "clean clubs". The two clubs in downtown Detroit, for example, have pimped girls who find PLs for the local hotels there. If we were to ever meet, I could easily point out the pimps in a bar and the girls under them.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    Also, my former handler is still around. He didn't care if I left or not. He was like a pimp, but there were no quotas. There was no housing. But he did provide a lot of resources I wouldn't have been able to get on my own. He is tolerated at the club I last saw him at because that club needed girls and they knew he'd bring some in. He got 10% of my earnings and promised he could make me money without extras. And he did. As a baby stripper in 2012/13 and not knowing how to work the floor and not do extras, it was a good thing for me. He taught me a lot. And then I took six months off to settle into a professional tech job in Ann Arbor, MI and he didn't care that I "left". I ran into him randomly in 2017 at Centerfold in Detroit where he had three girls working. It was a formidable interaction. He could tell I didn't need him, but invited me to come back whenever I wanted to. He disguises his "services" as a party services company that provides wait staff, bartenders, go go dancers, clowns, photography, or really anything else you might need for a birthday party. He used to advertise on Craigslist and talk interested girls looking for jobs into dancing to get girls. I met him at BT's Dearborn on my third day and sold me on what he could offer. So that's my former handler in a nutshell. Very similar to a modern day pimp, but with some differences. 🤷‍♀️
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    I just showed EMan one of Detroit's pimps and some of his Flight Club girls. Hint: almost every girl written about in FC reviews has or has had a pimp. Most are open about it on Instagram, too.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I don’t think it’s the same everyplace but I’m sure there are many pimps around, I used to know some slick club operators and very little got past them, if they didn’t want pumps in their club there weren’t any, if they felt it was in their interest they’d have them there, it’s all about making money that’s the only goal.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    "... if they didn’t want pumps in their club there weren’t any,.." Is that like a combination of a 'pimp' and a 'chump'?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    One more thing to add, the only violent pimps I've seen in the past weren't even pimps. They were shitty, loser boyfriends of the girls leeching off of the girls. Modern pimps aren't going to physically damage their merchandise and rather use psychological manipulation instead.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    ^ it's a typo for PLimp. A combination PL and pimp which seems to be descriptive of our TUSCL wannabe pimp types.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @CMI Maybe so or maybe I just got fat fingers 😂
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    PaulDrake said: “I went to see her at a different club (baby dolls dallas) and she was pointing out all of the pimps. She even had a comment about how not all pimps are bad if they "invest" the girls money in the drug business so they can make even more.” Interesting. So these pimps at Baby Dolls, what did they look like? Demographics wise? Were they lone guys sitting at a table having a drink? Or in a group? @Waffle. Illuminating stuff from you. If you’re still doing your YouTube series, it would make for a good video topic. Also wondering, how are dancers “selected?” It is mostly recruitment by other girls? I personally remember working a dayshift at this one club 2.5 years ago, when a girl walked up to me and asked whether or not I was “independent” or whether I did anything else besides dancing . I said I went to school but had no other job. I was really confused at the time, and I asked online what the heck she meant. That’s when I was told she was trying to ask whether or not I had a pimp and possibly recruit me...which I didn’t pick up on right away 😓 But it’s just odd to me cause one of my dancing pet peeves is when men like to tell me how to do my job. (Which they especially like to do if they either have no intent to spend money, or if they do, it would be for cheap extras) I’m a bit too egotistical in that way and probably to a fault. I’m having a hard time visualizing paying a man for the privilege of something a lot of egotistical and occasionally well-meaning guys already do for free.
  • Liwet
    4 years ago
    >"Modern pimps aren't going to physically damage their merchandise and rather use psychological manipulation instead." As Jimmy Carr would say, slapping your hoe is like keying your car.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    @nicespice thank you! I still plan to do the YouTube thing, but I keep getting hung up on editing software. Plus I'm too busy working to survive and can't take the time off to film right now. I'm going to private message you some Instagram profiles that are going to blow your mind. I know way too much about pimps and their girls. also, pimps trying to recruit aren't going to necessarily tell you how to do your job. Instead, they're going to manipulate you into thinking you need their help in doing better at your job.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Yes pimps offer resources and the fear of losing said resources helps keep hoes in check. However the resources come from the hoes money. He manages her money and she lets him coz on her own shed waste it on drugs or atupid shit. Pimps place hoes in clubs because its an easy place to find tricks. Management gets a cut. And sometimes management will 86 a pimp and then extort him in exchange for working the club again. Hoes will be the nicest girls to bew dancers in hopes of recruiting them and then try to talk them into choosing a pimp. Pimps definitely take more than 10% and the girl gets an allowance. They form a codependent relationship with their pimp. As far as reinvesting money in drugs. No one will trust a hoe with much. Especially if she uses. And pimps are violent. Threatening to scar or mutilate the hoe keeps her in line. I think some of you are painting too poaitive a picture of pimps. There are ways to benevolently manage girls. But thats not what most pimps do
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    LOL I think it was Subra who said that whatever opinion is being made, Icey is going to just choose the opposite position just because 🤣🤣
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @nicespice In my observation Icey chooses the "RIL trick bitch in denial" position. Case in point -> [view link] He/she "dates" and "manages" stripper whores by giving them a lot of money and drugs. The same things an RIL trick bitch in denial does! 😂😂😂
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ That was me 😀
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    I do not agree with all of Icey's views, but overall I find him to be one of the more thoughtful and intelligent contributors we have. SJG
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    ^ personally I think one has more credibility by being on san_jose_creep's ignore list rather than have his endorsement. But that's just me. 🤷
  • aleccorbett
    4 years ago
    This is interesting. I recently was in a conversation with someone online who ripped on strip clubs for supporting trafficking. I thought they were just being salty and hated that women made money stripping. I've always seen stripping as this liberating activity for women, and a way for them to earn money in ways that men can't. Kind of disheartened to hear this. so What are the ethical implications of this? Are you supporting trafficking or hurting women by being a customer of SCs? I still don't think so since what would these women do if they couldn't work there. And there are legitimate and independant women in SCs. Ughn so many thoughts and I don't know what to think.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Trafficking exists, but it is rare. Mostly it is just people who have given up campaigning against porn, because it is a lost cause, so now they campaign against trafficking. SJG
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    The geriatric trick clubs ignorant consensus isn't what the reality ia like
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    ^ So says the RIL trick bitch in denial 😂😂😂
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    We have an underground circuit where a girl would do well to bring her own security. Drive her around, hold her money, watch her back. SJG
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Trafficking is rare in strip clubs and among street walker hoes. Its prevalent in fraudulent massage parlors and other illegal brothels.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    The feds have got the law set up so that what they call trafficking does not require force, fraud, coercion, or m*n*rs. Totally consenting adults. They don't stigmatize stock brokers who spend part of the year in one country and part of the year in another. Only sex workers. And they do this now cause they have given up campaigning against porn. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I guess I'd be turned-off if I knew a dancer was being pimped and my reaction may be to not get dances from her - but as been stated, there are probably different levels of pimping beyond just a girl being forced to give all her $$$ to the pimp w/o her having a say in it or a say in what she does or how she does it - if she feels she needs, or is somehow better off, w/ a handler for the time-being, then that's her biz - in the end most custies rarely know how these dancers live their true-lives so giving too-much-thought to this is probably beyond the scope of most SCers - as I would assume dancers being *forcefully* pimped is likely the exception rather than the norm.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Real nice guy, explained that he just holds the girl's money and drives her around. He says he is her friend. But probably I would still cause of that not want to get involved with her. Have to know more first. SJG
  • Ariel713
    4 years ago
    Icey you are also painting a positive picture. These lazy scum of the earth pimps beat threaten starve make them work 20 hrs everyday they get no days off. He uses and abuses them for years until HE is done with her. They don't get two nickels to rub together. . Its modern day slavery. Pimps and now cartels are snatching babies boys and girl as young as 5 to sell to sick child molesters over and over and over. Next time you are in one of these clubs that allows pimps get up and leave and never spend another dollar there. If you do then youre part of the problem think about your daughter sister grandchildren.
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    @Ariel713, if the Icey persona you're responding to is IceyLoco, it's a troll. I have no idea what the troll is saying here because I have the troll on Ignore
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Strippers I have seen with their own security, the security clearly works entirely for the girl. He provides a serve and he gets paid, nothing more. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Be cool here, Ariel173 is a new registration, first post. SJG
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Ariel713. You're right. I'm painting a realistic image though
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    ^^^ The pimps who run street girls may be like that. But not in strip clubs, not at all. SJG
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    ^ LMFAO she called you out for being wrong. And you agreed with her.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    "Icey you are also painting a positive picture." @IceyDodo FYI this means you are NOT painting a realistic image. Work on your reading comprehension. LMFAO 😂😂😂
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    It's usually the same virls on the street and in clubs. If they don't meet their quota in yhe club they do it elsewhere
  • aleccorbett
    4 years ago
    Yeah. I remember arguing with a person on reddit that sounds just like Ariel. And like I dunno. Most girls I meet seem to be smart enough and have enough agency to make their own decisions. so I am not likely to think they are trafficked . But who knows really.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    I don't know what girls Icey is "managing", but what the fuck ever delusional ass drugs is he on? Because I don't want any of that or his stupid lies. Founder, thank you for the ignore option. 😊
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    @Sir 😂😂😂😂 Icey is a dumb fuck 😭
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @Waffle based on his/her own posts, IceyDodo pays stripper whores money and drugs so that he/she can appear as a "manager". It's extreme RIL trick bitch in denial. 😂😂😂
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Wiffle waffle I'm glad you found a pimp who wabts 10% and doesn't make you pay to choose up or leave 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • DrStab
    4 years ago
    Boy, am I naive about this stuff. I assumed that if there was a pimp-like relationship going on with the girls, it would be the club management.
  • Dudecreeping
    4 years ago
    I would say 70% of the IG model chicks (hoes) have pimps... all woman need a man .. a pimp is just hoes boyfriend that she’s in love with.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    Meh. IceyLoco remains a troll.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    DrStab some club managers do act that way. Especially if they kniw the girls have no chance of working elsewhere
  • max_starr
    4 years ago
    The club I used to frequent near me, the girls pointed out girls who had pimps. Also, I sell bitcoin to a few escort girl on tnaboard who pimp other girls. And the comment Wiffle Waffle made, about the violent loser boyfriend....I found that to be very true....I wouldn't call a guy like that a pimp at all. he's just a parasite loser.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Does it matter whether or not you label the guy beating her and coercing her to be a hoe a pimp or a loser boyfriend? Same tactics
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    ^ LOL @IceyDodo since you posted this in your earlier thread ([view link]) does it make you a loser BF, a pimp, or just an pathetic "man" in general. 😂😂😂 "Don’t be afraid to discipline her. Eventually you’ll have to. Be manipulative with her feelings. When that works it means you have her mind and her heart. If you beat her she’ll just be afraid of you. That’s a bitch move unless you really have to." ^ IceyDodo post, June 30, 2018
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    The top girl at a club I go to supposedly has a pimp. But that's just what a couple of the haters are saying, so who knows? We text back and forth pretty regularly, and she doesn't talk like she's being pimped. She talks like there's a small army of RILs trying to rescue her.
  • unclewillSea
    4 years ago
    If you have experience in strip clubs, you have experience with escorts and pimps.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    My ATF DS is a stripper and also escorts but does not combine the two activities. Also she does not have a pimp. She has also talked about other stripper escorts and only some of them have pimps. I don't think a pimp is all that necessary.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Wallanon shes selling a fantasy she won't admit she has a pimp to the buyer
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "My ATF DS is a stripper and also escorts but does not combine the two activities." I've never met one who does both and doesn't have customers that cross over.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Icey, yawn.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @wallanon I've seen my ATF DS over three years now. ITC only and no extras. I've never crossed over. I'm pretty sure that I'm an exception to her norm in that regard. And LMFAO Icey thinks she knows better than you. So typical of her.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    "I've never met one who does both and doesn't have customers that cross over." ^ and what I mean by this is that she doesn't escort or do any extras and such ITC.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Absolutely SLD. One must take her OTC to bend her over the side of a bed and treat her like the good little bad girl that she is. 😉
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    LOL @rickdugan trust me in that I've been tempted. If any stripper is going to tempt me to take the OTC plunge, it's her.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    Well shit, Icey has all of the (wrong) answers. Damn. No wonder he has all of the time in the world to sit on here all day responding to shit as it's posted. Is Icey and SJG alias perhaps? Also, I don't and have never had a pimp. I specified the differences between a pimp and a handler. I'm a free agent now, but thanks for showing us all your inability to pay attention and keep on track, you illiterate wannabe hard ass "pimp". 😂😂😂
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Wiffle Waffle. You said choosing up and leaving are free and that pimps offer services like discounted nails for 10% of your income. You really know your stuff 🤣🤣🤣
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @IceyDodo it's funny that you make fun of Waffle when the stuff she knows is from her personal experience. By contrast, all you've done in this thread is regurgitate common knowledge about pimping and describing it from a third person perspective. LOL at your own credibility on this topic. 🤭😂 When I went to see my ATF DS today she was entertaining an AA dude. He bought her a shot and then got five dances from her which is a good run for her. After he left she comes over to me and says, unsolicited, that black dudes are always coming in to try to turn into her manager. She laughed and said they can try and she will gladly take their money trying. I asked her if they were always black and she said yes. I asked her how it works like if he makes her an offer before leaving. She said no. They leave her their number and try to become her boyfriend. If she goes out with them and they hook up, they eventually just start expecting her to give her a cut after she comes back from work. She said they just sort of start assuming the role as such after they've built a BF/GF relationship. We laughed in that at least she got a drink and five dances from him. I don't understand it myself. To me being a pimp is like being the ultimate trick bitch for your whores. You gotta provide for them, you gotta buy them drugs, and even though you take a cut of their money, you still end up spending that same money on them for pussy. It's arguably more work than any RIL puts into being a trick. At least a normal trick can move on after getting the pussy. A trick bitch pimp has to sustain a typically tumultuous relationship. To me this is really pathetic about them. 🤭
  • boomer79
    4 years ago
    I had a dancer who had read this thread casually point out a wanna be pimp last night. She said she had heard the guys pitch but he really didn’t have much to offer.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Generally a girl who works in a strip club does not need a pimp. But of our underground circuit, some girls hire their own security. SJG
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Hookers who work clubs work elsewhere as well. If they can't get tricks in clubs they'll walk the stroll work hotels online etc
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    In our underground circuit they do home sessions. So in the underground clubs they try to line up OTC regulars. Other than as personal security, they have no need for anything like a pimp. In France they say that hookers don't have a pimp ( organized crime thug ). They have a Ponce, often an effeminate man, art student. Bails her out, etc. It all depends on the external circumstances, how things go. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    ^^^^^ !!!!! heaving +10 SJG
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