
Comments by Subraman (page 200)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Starting in a regular bar before clubbing
    I don't do it when I'm by myself -- I just like to have all my wits about me when I walk into the club. However, given the fact that my ITC time is often centered around drinking, no surprise that with my CFs and ATFs, we often end up in a pattern where I meet her at a bar a half hour before her shift, and we drink a bit before we head in. This does save a lot on alcohol, but I more do it because I enjoy the outside the club social time, gets me hornier to see her ITC
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ages of OTC girls
    20-28 ... since I only go to clubs that serve alcohol, and don't even bother to talking to any stripper who won't drink with me, this tends to limit me to 20 and up (sometimes 20-year-olds drink, they just make sure the manager and bartender aren't looking -- there's a clear "just don't let me see you do it" agreement going on). The 28-year-old high end isn't something I imposed, just happens to be the oldest stripper I've been OTC with
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    SW and TUSCL: United at last
    -->"Back to my original point. Sometimes the best thing you can do is ride the wave and avail yourself of the new effective market rate that results from less customer competition" Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. If that's good enough for the Marines, by gum, it's good enough for tuscl. I agree that one should always look for advantage in change, even if that change on the surface seems to be negative -- but I'm also saying that 100% of the time, IME raising prices during a downturn reduces quality of the experience. Still, I'm always on the lookout for less customer competition, and even among a less attractive shift, "all it takes is one", as they say in PL-land. I agree ppwh that in theory, a 10% price rise shouldn't get you screaming that the sky is falling, and I don't doubt you might have a different experience than I have; but the clubs here that have done that have not fared well I do think the action more likely to lead to better experiences is, if you're the type of PL who tends to get comfortable with a small number of clubs (guilty as charged), this is the perfect motivator to give some other clubs a chance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Having an ATF is like being married?
    Got it. Sure, I know what you mean.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Having an ATF is like being married?
    People are having trouble because your headline is a comparison to marriage, but you've missed all the major life-impacting aspects of marriage, and latched onto an incredibly minor aspect (because there's a sure-thing at home, there's nothing to lose when he's out, so he's more confident) ... for those of us who have been married, it's like you're looking at the Taj Mahal, and thinking that, "hey, this place is just like my house, because it's in the north of the country, too!". No, your house is nothing like the Taj Mahal, even if you've found some minor similarities... Anyway, if I ignore the distracting and wrong "it's just like marriage" clickbait headline... then I see what you're getting at. It's easier for you to pass up questionable deals, because hey, for this same $200 you can just wait until tomorrow and get a heart-pounding experience with my ATF so why should you put up with anything but a fantastic deal from any other stripper? I would hope that this isn't a confidence thing for you, but more that, when you have an ATF, you have a guaranteed fantastic option and it's easier to walk away from other girls even if you're horny.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Strippers on-line presence
    RTP-->"I actually find Facebook really useful. That is because I am using it as research, not as a way to get hot photos of the girl. Facebook will tell you lots about their lives, drug use, kids, boyfriends, etc. It is amazing how many of those phone numbers that you get are linked to a personal Facebook account. Also, many of the strippers are all linked together on Facebook. So, once you have one address, you have a whole bunch. Strippers seem to think this is stalking or creepy. To me, it is just doing research to keep yourself safe in a very risky hobby." I agree with this 1000%. I was answering this question as "which social media gets you the hottest pics". For backgrounding a stripper, facebook is it. And yes, I don't give a fuck if the strippers (or anyone else) thinks it's creepy -- I do a quick background on strippers I meet OTC. And Facebook is the best tool there for all the reasons mentioned. It's the easiest to find (being on one stripper's FB is often all you need to find nearly everyone in the club), reveals the most info, etc. I spoke in a different thread how I was able to screen my CF when I only knew 3 things about her (stripclub she worked at, who her in-club friends are, and her real name), and as usual, facebook was the weak link. My buddies and I have also had situations where a very sketchy stripper facebook had us re-thinking things. But of course, none of that has anything to do with naked pics! For you guys who do get Snapchat, everyone knows you can take screenshots (in fact Snapchat knows when you take a screenshot, and notifies the other person), but most people don't realize there are screen-scraper programs that will record everything that you see on screen -- so you can use it to record any snapchat video. I use AZ Screen Recorder. It's downstream from Snapchat's I/O path and Snapchat doesn't know when it's being used.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Paying for VIP in advance at stage?
    Holy fuck. If I were reduced to that to get attention, I'd quit SCing altogether and just spend my time on SA.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Why didn't I try SA sooner
    There are lots and lots of fake profiles and scammers on SA, just like on any other sex-based site. You won't have any idea if your messages are from legit profiles, or scammers, or legit profiles who happen to live 300 miles away, or anything else, until you pay, alas. In my experience, most of the higher quality girls -- with quality either as RM defines it (smart college girls) or as I define it (hot fun stripper-like girls) -- will wait for you to contact them. Girls who contact me first, well, I'm not sure I've EVER had that work out. They tend to be: scammers, girls who want an "I'll send you pics and vids and you send me money" arrangement, less-attractive and older women, and volume-oriented escorts. None of the types of girls I'm targeting initiate the emails. I'm sure it's possible, I just don't see it. Make sure the first thing you do is a google image search on every one of their public pics, and then do it with their private pics as soon as they give you access.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    SA vs Stripper
    My guess is that experiences vary more wildly on SA than they do with strip clubs. With strip clubs, all of us are dealing with strippers, and while each stripper is an individual, there are very common experiences. On SA, that's there's enormous variety of women, with an enormous variety of goals. You get strippers, who basically behave on SA the way they behave anywhere else -- flakey, unreliable, impulsive, etc. You get responsible college girls. You get everything in between. In my personal experience, AS A WHOLE, both the flakiness rate, and the number of "can you front me $400 before we meet" style requests from SA girls, *** exceeds *** that of strippers. In fact, I haven't gotten such a request from a stripper in a couple of years, and have gotten two from SA girls in the past few months (one just last night!). On the flakiness front, I suspect that there's two things going on: 1. Many of the "regular" girls are not totally sure they really want to do this, and get cold feet somewhere along the process 2. Many of the more seasoned girls lose patience for the "back-and-forth emailing, then scheduling to meet a week out, then the guy flakes" type experiences -- they are on a hair trigger to drop you based on any indication you might be a "time waster", where that term means anything from "too many emails" to "taking too long to schedule" to any other number of wacky things that I can't divine
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    SW and TUSCL: United at last
    ppwh: I've never seen that happen in all the years I've been doing this. Instead, the number of customers goes down, and as it does, so does the quality and number of women.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    SW and TUSCL: United at last
    If SW were my cuddlebuddy right now, I'd spoon her and not even press my hardon into her lower back, I love her so much.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Facebook Lie-ves
    BJ99: agree, the pattern I described is universally applicable ... although strippers lead more extraordinary lives than most, so the degree might increase a bit :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    dancers with tattoos
    -->" I don't mind small tattoos in any of the following areas" While I always prefer no tattoos, I, too, find that some types don't bother me at all, and there's a few that just scream "dirty slutty girl" and can get me going when I'm in the right mood (read: drunk). - Tramp stamps - Tattoos on her side, from her lower rib cage to top of her pelvis. For some reason, written verses (don't care what they say) drive me crazy here. - Tattoos on the side of her hip - Tattoos on her hamstrings. This one is risky, they sometimes look HORRIBLE, but sometimes they are insanely sexy to me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Facebook Lie-ves
    Since her family and non-stripper friends are on Facebook, she'll behave with more decorum, and the posts will generally just paint a completely misleading portrait of her life. Her on facebook: "Pic of me and my Chad, soooo in love with him." Her at the club: "Chad's in jail again for beating on me, because I yelled at him for fucking my best friend." The one place you can get some real insight into her: there will be posts from older members of her family, like her mom or aunt, or her friends: "Honey are you ok, haven't heard from you." I would often have a stripper go completely silent on me for days, and wonder if she'd given me the heave-ho, and realized she's just on a several day drug-fueled bender and wasn't replying to anyone, not even her family or friends. Instagram is for her friends only, so she'll be racier there. If she's a bit more sophisticated, she'll have a special stripper instagram to build her "brand", and the raciest pics will be there
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Strippers on-line presence
    -->"I bring up the subject every single time I go out clubbing. I'm guessing that most strippers have tried sugaring at least once. Whether they are on SA, I'm not so sure." My impression is that there's a LOT of strippers on SA, at least in this area, nearly every one I've spoken to has been able to show me her profile. That said, a pretty big percentage of them are on SA, but not ON on SA, if you're picking up what I'm laying down. What I mean is, while there are some strippers who are absolutely out there actively hustling for a SD, many of them just seem to do it by rote. I imagine them sitting around with their other stripper friend, stoned. Stripper #1: "I wish someone would totally just give me money so I didn't have to work." Stripper #2: "Ya, totally. we should get sugar daddies. Let's create profiles." Stripper #1: "Ya totally." Then they create profiles, are active for a few months, realize it's not as effortless as they think it will be, and then basically neglect their profile ... until one day I meet them at the club and tell them that I'm looking for a sugarbaby, and they remember they have a profile and want a sugardaddy...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Strippers on-line presence
    I've been debating with myself whether I tell you guys how well it works to talk to strippers about SA or not. I've mentioned it a few times, but I'm underplaying it. Most strippers are on SA, and they want SDs, and you can see their interest pique the moment you start talking about your SA profile. And, as I said, very often, the power dynamics shift to them asking you OTC. Beyond that, Snapchat is the most desirable social media platform. Because of the incorrect feeling that what gets put there is temporal, and it's so easy to use, she'll very often send you little pics and videos. If I can connect with her Snapchat, I will. Instagram is second best. She'll put lots of hot pics for everyone to see on there. More savvy strippers will even talk about their "brand", and seek to build that on instagram. Facebook is the least useful, if for no other reason than her family and non-stripper friends are on it, so few hot pics, and more conservative behavior. It is interesting to watch the interactions there between her and her family sometimes. I don't ever ask about Facebook since it's more personal, but if she offers, I'll definitely Facebook friend her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for your Buck
    Summer is my #3 slowest period, behind Thanksgiving-to-New-Years and March-to-Tax-Day.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My first Indian stripper
    And there's the unspoken upside: they are often EXPERT packers and movers, too!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are any of you wrapped around your favorite stripper's finger?
    Have been in the past. I find it difficult to believe it will ever happen again, I'm just in a totally different state of mind, but then again, as my hero Justin Bieber said, NEVER SAY NEVER
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Why didn't I try SA sooner
    -->"What is the downside of this service?" For me, the main downsides are: - As with escorts or any other picture-based service, prepare to be disappointed often with her looks vs. how hot her pics are. - Unlike with escorts, expect worse-than-strippers level flakiness on the whole (which doesn't mean there aren't high-quality, reliable girls on SA; just that overall, the flakiness level is worse than strippers) Keeping in mind that I have a chronic and severe case of Rick Dugan syndrome, as defined by RM, I've found that the girls with the highest combination of hot looks + exciting fun personalities are all strippers and ex-strippers. I've met some wonderful sweet college girls, all of whom lacked in looks (vs. a stripper) or that heart-pounding excitement factor (vs. a stripper) or both. On the upside, many current strippers have SA profiles. It's become a conversation point in the club, and once the stripper realizes you're looking for a sugarbaby, it'll be her asking you to go OTC, at least that's been my experience.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for your Buck
    Warrenboy: Yes, no doubt this is a regional, or even city-by-city thing. In my area, you can bank on the slow times I described above.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    dancers with tattoos
    -->" We discuss every topic 17 times" Somehow I have highest hopes for this, our 12th time this year discussing this topic :) - With rare exceptions, tattoos are at best neutral to me, and usually a negative. They just almost always have a negative connotation to me: trashiness, poor judgement, poor taste, immaturity. And yes, I realize the excruciating irony that those are EXACTLY the qualities that a 20-something year old girl needs to have sex with me for money :) - If I only stuck with strippers with no tattoos, I'd have very few options. So tend to be able to ignore them. - Tattoos that are so unattractive that I have trouble ignoring, from least objectionable to most objectionable, include: sleeves, ghetto looking tats, anything on the front or sides of the neck, anything on the face (not counting microblading and shit like that)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for your Buck
    December to New Years, deadest time of the year March leading up to tax day, next deadest
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do so many strippers have broken down cars?
    The problem is, just like their phones are always broken or lost, you never know when it's just a story, versus really having a crappy car. Of course, lots of these girls DO have crappy cars (the result of poor financial decision-making, warped priorities, bad credit, and the fact that some of them make far less money than we all think)... but it's also a pretty convenient excuse to not be where they said they'd be
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    Am I supposed to lick it?
    You ever have a cat? And the cat flops down when she sees you, and rolls onto her back, and stretches, baring her belly? And you think, look at that pussy belly, all warm and furry and inviting! Amma touch it! And then you touch it, and that cat sinks its teeth and all its claws into you, then runs off and looks back at you like you're the biggest trust-betraying asshole that ever lived? Ya? Well, okay ... anyway, I think the stripper wants you to lick it.